#i think he'd be a knight enchanter or a battlemage
persephoneggsy · 1 year
... has anyone considered a Mage!Sebastian AU
instead of being exiled from Starkhaven for drunken shenanigans and sleeping around, Sebastian gets sent away much earlier because he unexpectedly manifests magic (maybe he sets one of his brothers on fire a little).
i think he resents his magic for a long time, maybe even thinking his parents were relieved he turned out to be a mage so they could wash their hands of an inconvenient third son early. of course, his parents also hate the fact that he’s a mage, if only because it brings shame to their family and makes arranging marriages with their other two sons much harder, since everyone now fears that magic will pop up in their heirs, too.
as a noble, he’d probably get sent to one of the “nicer” circles, list Ostwick or Montsimmard (i personally like Montsimmard so Vivienne can be his mentor uwu). so he grows up kind of sheltered, not experiencing the worst the circle has to offer, though he’s aware that abuses happen. i can almost see him being like a pre-grey warden anders, sneaking out for his own amusement until the templars drag him back, with the added bonus that because he’s got royal blood they’re not gonna risk executing him or making him tranquil.
maybe the thrill of his repeated escape attempts wears off, or he gets properly chastised by his mentor, and he realizes he has an opportunity to be an example: a “good” mage, someone to prove to the common people of Thedas that they don’t all fall to demons and blood magic.
then for whatever reason he gets transferred to Kirkwall’s Gallows. maybe to help mentor the mages there, i don’t know. there, he finds his status means much less to Meredith and her templars, and he sees the horrors his fellow mages face much more openly. 
my trail of thought is drifting off, but i imagine he still meets (mage) Hawke & Co. (though i’m not sure how he’d be allowed to travel with them). Hawke is the first apostate he’s had extended contact with, and he’s fascinated by her; she’s definitely dangerous, but he can’t bring himself to be afraid of her. he’s also curious about Merrill, having never met a Dalish mage; he probably asks her all sorts of questions about magic in their culture. and I think with Anders he’s definitely friendlier, but the relationship fractures as time goes on because he finds Anders’ methods to be too extreme, whereas Anders thinks he’s too complacent.
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goodboyaudios · 6 months
I'm back >:) with a fun question this time.
If BW were to take place in the planet of Manas(where MotH takes place), what class of magic would each of the main cast get? Like necromancer, wizard, etc.
And what about if MotH were to take in New Tenesse? Which class would each one get?
Hmm...this is quite difficult to do without breaking too much canon, but I'll try my best.
Albus wouldn't have been ousted as someone to be hated or despised. That being said, he'd definitely become some sort of soldier. Maybe a warrior of Fusfeimyol, most likely specializing in offensive boosting enchantments and other battle spells. Fighting, not to survive, but for the thrill solely. He'd be a Battlemage.
Devlin wouldn't be designing weapons. I actually think he'd let his creativity shine in the way it wants and become a toy maker. Technically, still an artificer, just in a more fantastical and in a profession he enjoys much more.
Faith would become a school teacher in the impoverished nations like Fusfeimyol. She'd probably run into Albus at some point. Actually that's pretty cute now that I think about it lol! The Gladiator and the School Teacher. Adorable.
Now, let's move to the MotH cast! This was a bit trickier so I wrote out their stories in this world.
Zed would be considered weak by most standards for Paladins. However, his heritage would anoint him a great deal of prestige. In this AU where the MotH characters are swapped with BW characters, I would say that Zed would be a son of the Paladin King. But not just any Paladin King, a king who would be assassinated, most likely by the Triad, and force Zed to escape into hiding. If the Triad were to ever catch him, he'd be killed, or worse...this makes Zed a nomadic warrior with no clan or family to call his own. Constantly running, or else he'll suffer the same fate as the rest of his family.
Raze would probably have completely different powers. She might not even be a star captain considering the relationship between New Tennessee and the Landstar. Raze would most likely be one of the founding Paladins, or at least one of their children. She could be a Sister Paladin, or a Knight Sargent, until meeting Magreos. Together they'd most likely try to start a clan and succeed actually. Magreos would be able to vent his violent tendencies in combat as a sort of sharp relief, however that could spell bad news for their relationship moving forward...
Makkaro would be a Knight for sure. While he is smart, he's not technically minded. No, instead he is on the side of justice and fighting for honor and truth. Makkaro, being as smart as he is however, would make him a target for the Triad to be watchful. They like keeping their fighters dumb. They don't think, they kill. Makkaro doing both is a dangerous combination. Even more so when Makkaro inevitably picks up reading when he falls in love with the Paladin King's daughter (Gienne), resulting in him getting captured by the Triad who scramble his mind and make him black out all of it, before sending him back to his family under the guise that he suffered some form of demonic attack and physical trauma which developed in the form of Amnesia. From that point on, Makkaro would be afraid to do any more fighting, in fear of what might happen.
Gienne, as I said would be the Paladin Kings daughter. She might actually be inducted into the Triad, given her position and intelligence, but I think Makkaro would make her see passed that. This of course would lead to Triad interference again, where they would make her hate Makkaro and want nothing to do with such a sniveling coward who can't pick up a sword and doesn't even remember her. After that, she'd be sent back to her blissfully happy life as a princess.
Sorry for how long this all was! You may have noticed how depressing the lives of the MotH characters are on New Tennessee. Surprise surprise, it's not a happy world lol While a lot of clans do enjoy the thrill of hunting monsters and being blissfully ignorant of those in power behind the scenes manipulating everyone, characters with as much importance and personality as these would typically get screwed over. And fast too.
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