#i think i chose elementary because it was what this cool ass solarpunk couple called hundred rabbits were into
sab-vs-self · 8 months
Quietly envious of Firefox modders like I was of UnixPorn rices when I was a lowly Rainmeter user.
I think I started out as an ElementaryOS user (it was sleek and pretty.) It was frustrating to use, something was always broken and someone related to the project was always in drama so I moved back to Windows. The funniest thing about my first installation of Elementary was that the install was broken and you had to rename a folder and add a file for it to work.
Came in-and-out of Linux with some Debian flavours. Settled with Ubuntu because I wanted something with a large enough community that I could have someone else give me fast solutions to problems that come up.
Changed my window manager from Budgie to i3 and ended up with my first rice that was super helpful when I didn't have a mouse for my half-dead laptop. Now I dual boot Linux + Windows and also switch between budgie, i3, and gnome depending on the aesthetics I want that day. I will also say that I wish I never upgraded to Windows 11 because WSL is broken for me. (If I'm doing something wrong let me know pls). If you're considering Linux then this can help you choose a distro that will suit you.
For spicing up Windows:
Wallpaper Engine
More things at Deviantart like pretty cursor sets
It is amazing how my software life always evolves because I'm chasing the next pretty customisable thing (and I did NOT have enough RAM for Windows + programs).
At my last job I ended up buying an extra 32gb because just running to preview my PRs would routinely crash my laptop. We weren't even sure it was the space issue at first because everyone else had Macs so no one could reproduce my problem 🥹
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