#i think i got more sensitive to decaf after covid actually!! sucks!
clorofolle · 1 year
you mentioned getting headaches a while ago? I don’t know if you ever found a way to manage them but I get migraines pretty frequently & am currently unmediated; caffeine always seems to help! it’s inconvenient but i can have a monster ultra and be fine hah
Ahhh thank you so much for thinking of me! :D
Sadly, caffeine and I don't mix well. A single espresso with give me palpitations and brainfog for hours, and even frequent decafs give me the same reaction. I tried taking decaf espressos every morning bc they're yummy and I had to stop bc I would still get palpitations all day! No idea what's up with my body and caffeine fr :')
Thankfully, mine was like... a weird event that lasted a month or so. And then got better. I sometimes get them for like a day or two but they're always connected to me having worked for hours and hours in front of screens, so there's that. Placebo or not, they did get much much less frequent once I got yellow-tinted glasses that act as a light blue light filter. I feel like my eyes are a bit less stressed even in normal day-to-day activities, I think maybe I'm just a bit sensitive to light in general.
You know - a person I know who gets migraines often treats it with a med that has caffeine in it along two other chemicals! And even just googling now, there's a lot of anedoctal evidence of people self-medicating with caffeine. Might ingest an espresso for research purposes next time I get a migraine, see if I trascend to new levels of pain, or if the two bad reactions nullify! >:)
Oh and literally thank you so much. I'm touched you reached out with helpful intent!! <3<3 sending you a virtual hug!
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