#i think i have Stockholm syndrome from clipping this. because instead of terror upon hearing this section. it is now very funny
enby-ralsei · 10 months
Reactions to the Notable Event of episode 113. Mostly Bizly.
transcript under cut
[Grizzly wheeze laughing]
Bizly: Grizzly, holy shit.
Bizly: What the fuck!
[Grizzly and Condi laughing]
Bizly: I'm not supposed to hear this! I'm not supposed to hear this! I'm not supposed to hear this!
Bizly: Dude, this is not the first time you have written stuff like this.
Grizzly: It absolutely is.
Condi: Five years ago, when I was just a wee lad and we were starting Just Roll With It, I don't think my mind really explored the possibilities of potentially getting to the point where we'd be reading... gay smut together.
Charlie: In character. For a mechanical boost.
Condi: For a mechanical boost.
Bizly: There has been a shift in our friendship, I think, guys.
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