#i think i still did a lot of experiementation and next year i want to work more and more on my lineweight like i did with that last drawing
limielle · 9 months
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technically there is still art that is going to come out soon from me probably but i wanted to post this bc i am busy making end of year presents for my family and playing mass effect so i am not sure if i will be on time actually
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tielacine · 7 years
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Wowee, it's been one hell of a year! Lots of gaps in my art game, but even in the slow months I think I improved a lot through sketching and art classes. 2017 was the year I found and solidified my style and found the graphic/comic-y style that I want to continue on with, as well as worked on creating more intricate pieces that weren't just experiemental. This year I started taking online classes through Schoolism (Drawing Fundamentals with Thomas Fluharty, Fundamentals of Char Design with Stephen Silver, Storyboarding with Kris Pearn), worked on a lot of projects for school, tried my hand at making a pmv, learned to storyboard, continued with my graphic design job, and did some freelancing for music album art. Still drew lots of cats though.... lol it's my go-to and there seems to be no escape in sight. In 2018 I'm gonna work on improving my color theory and environments, as well as working on diversifying my subject matter.... I hope to have a graphic novel of sorts in the work by the end of the year. Just gotta get around to writing it first! I'm also excited to be graduating college in the summer, and until then I have a really cool opportunity to be a part of a project course at uni involving visual/graphic design for AR/VR Theater productions. Really excited for what's coming next! I hope 2017 treated you all well and that 2018 has the best things in store for us all!
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