#i think i’ve walked around bournville once
zaddyazula · 6 months
funniest fact i live in the city (and sort of local area) where cadbury’s is from so my year 2 school trip was going to cadbury world 😋😋😋 7 year old me was so lucky
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socialattractionuk · 4 years
My Quarantine Routine: Kirsty, whose drummer boyfriend has moved in for lockdown
Kirsty and Jamie are in lockdown together (Picture: Kirsty Paterson)
Many couples who weren’t previously living together decided to take the plunge during lockdown.
If they didn’t isolate together, it would mean they wouldn’t be able to see each other at all as we all need to socially distance from those outside out households.
Today for My Quarantine Routine, we’re talking to writer Kirsty Paterson, 28, and her drummer boyfriend Jamie Boyce, 34, from Peacehaven near Brighton.
They have been together for around two years and but had never lived together until lockdown started and Jamie moved into Kirsty’s flat.
Kirsty works from home and usually lives alone, while Jamie usually plays gigs and evening events up and down the country.
They’re trying to adapt to each other’s daily routines (and portion sizes!).
This is how they spent Wednesday 29 April.
10 am
We wake up to the second rainy day in weeks, I find it hard to be productive when it’s sunny so the grey clouds are welcome.
Jamie showers while I decide which tracksuit bottoms to pair with which charity shop jumper (I pick a bobbly blue men’s jumper – I’ve given up on fashion by this point).
I reply to messages that I received overnight from a couple of friends living in the U.S. then I head downstairs to feed Lola and The Batmonkey (my cats).
10:30 am
Jamie heads out to buy milk. We live near a few small shops and a 24-hour petrol station which has worked really hard to stay stocked up with snacks and essentials.
I move Jamie’s wet towel from the bannister into the bathroom and make a mental note to remind him about this.
11 am
I grab some tangerines and fruit tea as breakfast – we had a pizza last night which is unusual for me and I still feel quite full.
Kirsty at work (Picture: Kirsty Paterson)
Most of my writing projects are on hold at the moment, but I have a couple of tasks to complete today. I start work on an article about gifts for bridesmaids to be published by an online publication. It makes me wonder who’s thinking about their wedding at the moment.
Jamie gets back and would usually exercise on his BMX in the morning but as it’s raining he calls his mum and sister who live a few hours away for a long chat.
12 pm
I send a few messages to my friend Diana while I’m working. She lives in a flat on the other side of town and we send texts and voice messages to each other most days.
I haven’t heard from my sister in Australia for a few days so I message her to make sure she’s OK. She’s in lockdown too so I ask what could possibly be more pressing than replying to her dear sister!
Jamie starts the day with a banana for breakfast. I’ve spent years working from home alone so it’s nice to hear him talking and laughing on the phone while I work in the office upstairs.
1 pm
Kirsty and Jamie (Picture: Kirsty Paterson)
Like many people living with a partner for the first time, I’m still trying to pretend I don’t have any bodily functions, so I take the time while he’s distracted to cover my tracks.
I finish work earlier than expected so I have a quick look for local jobs to help tide me over during the crisis, but everything requires a car or experience. I check my daily and weekly to-do lists which help me to use my time wisely.
I go downstairs and Jamie is already doing the washing up, the first item on my list. I re-arrange the dishwasher while he’s in another room.
2 pm
Jamie eats two slices of toast and jam while I put three fish fingers in the oven to have with salad for lunch. I complete a few things on my to-do list – replying to emails, taking electricity and gas meter readings, and paying a bill.
Jamie is a session drummer and usually plays events across the country with his band too. But he’s currently making use of the abundance of time to learn guitar, so he starts his practise for the day while I spend some time on my hobby of painting and upcycling furniture.
4 pm
Jamie practising on a pad (Picture: Kirsty Paterson)
Jamie stops playing guitar and starts practising drum rudiments on a pad, which he does daily – his full kit is in his studio and, although he’s an awesome drummer, I’m glad he hasn’t suggested moving it here.
I get frustrated with painting as The Batmonkey keeps jogging my paintbrush so I eat a kiwi for a snack and discuss the best colour of bananas with Jamie (he likes black spots, I say they absolutely must be green). 
5 pm
Our food shopping delivery arrives early. It’s the first delivery slot we’ve managed to get during lockdown and I’m always excited about food deliveries but I’m extra excited today!
Our local supermarket is understocked at the best of times and for a while we struggled to get basics like rice and bananas.
Jamie is 6’4” and I’ve been underestimating how much food it takes just to keep him alive so I’m thrilled that the fridge is full.
6 pm
Out for a walk (Picture: Kirsty Paterson)
I go for a walk even though it’s a bit damp out. I’ve found walking really helpful when I get worried about work and money or stressed about not being able to see friends.
I walk about five miles to Piddinghoe using a route that I know will be quite empty as I’ve had experiences with people who aren’t trying very hard to social distance.
I stop to watch pheasants strut, lambs leap and rabbits hop which makes me feel more relaxed – spring is here and the natural world is carrying on as normal!
Jamie cooking dinner (Picture: Kirsty Paterson)
7 pm
Jamie cooks pasta sauce and a curry while I’m out walking. He also completes post-production on some session work he finished for an advert yesterday.
8 pm
I get home and do some quick copywriting for a successful beauty clinic which is offering video skincare consultations during lockdown.
Then I have a shower and put on some make-up to make me feel like I’ve made some sort of effort with my appearance today.
9 pm
Jamie isn’t as impressed as I’d hoped when I tell him that a walking injury has made half of my toenail come off. In fact, the tone of his voice makes makes me wonder whether he’s considering moving back home.
We’ve started eating our dinners at around 9pm as I’ve been influenced by Jamie’s routine but this is much later than I’d like. I’ve also started struggling to control portion sizes now – when you live alone you don’t get jealous of how much someone else is eating!
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10 pm
We settle down to eat Bournville chocolate and watch a bit of TV to chill out before bed. Tonight it’s the latest series of Killing Eve. 
12 pm
We get into bed. I make sure to only look at the news once a day so I check the Coronavirus headlines and discuss the latest developments with Jamie.
We eat more Bournville in bed before quickly cleaning our teeth – I’m almost certain that lockdown calories don’t count!
If you want to get involved with My Quarantine Routine, email [email protected].
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