#i think i'll write bert's parts since it'll be with roy and him
colonelmustbang · 6 years
When I Was Younger
    When Roy Mustang was younger, he wanted to be great. He thought by joining the army as a state alchemist, that he would be able to manage that. He recalled his earlier conversations with a distinguished officer of the army by the name of Grumman and how he spoke of his many thrilling accounts, often hanging on his every word and growing all the more in conviction that, yes, this was the path he was meant to be on. His ambition needed more. And he wasn’t going to let anything take away his main objective. To join the army and become a State Alchemist. This was his destiny.  
   But in order to do that, he had to learn alchemy and to do that, he had to convince a certain man who was renowned and brilliant in a particular kind and had  the difficult task of having to convince this man to allow him tutelage under his great esteem. 
    Nervously, gripping the reference letter Grumman had written him and stood before the door of Master Berthold Hawkeye. Independent alchemists were often difficult folk who loathed the army and wanted nothing to do with its state alchemist. Roy knew this and that had been his reason for being nervous, aside for it also being his first encounter with the man. He had been warned not to reveal his true intentions just yet. To learn from him first since he was one of the best to learn from at the time. He had to do this. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and stilled himself then exhaled a loud breath and knocked. Hopefully, someone else would open the door. If he was lucky, it might just be a lady. That brought a sense of calm immediately to the young teenager. For after all, he was quite good with ladies. 
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