colonelmustbang · 6 years
Roy muse just seems to have fizzled out taken a very long and extended nap unfortunately. Suggestions for a new muse maybe?
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
Fullmetal Alchemist asks!
1. Original or Brotherhood? Why?
2. All time favorite character? Why?
3. Least favorite character? Why?
4. Edward or Alphonse? Why?
5. Chose one OTP and explain why you ship it.
6. Favorite homunculus? Why?
7. Favorite location in their universe? Why?
8. Favorite all time villain? Why?
9. Favorite battle? Why?
10. Favorite opening?
11. Favorite member of Team Mustang?
12. Explain how you felt/your reaction at the end of Brotherhood.
13. Explain how you felt/your reaction at the end of the original.
14. Which character death affected you the most and why?
15. What’s one thing you would change about the series and why?
16. What’s your favorite episode and why?
17. What’s your favorite quote and why?
18. What was the biggest thing you took from the series (most important moral)?
19. You wake up in their universe somewhere in Central. What’s the first thing you do?
20. How long have you been in the fandom?
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
Roy: You’re pretty cute when you’re nice.
Riza: What am I when I’m not nice?
Roy: Hot as fuck.
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
“I can’t do this without you.”
     Relief gives way in swift succession to a persistent and wicked shadow of dread. Even upon their reunification outside of Central Command, Hawkeye knew their world was crumbling as fate loomed from above. Making any attempt to stop it now would result in death. Quick. Merciless. They both knew they were more valuable to their allies alive, but the fear and reluctant acceptance permeates their remaining days as commander and subordinate.
     It wouldn’t help the future they wanted to build if they no longer lived.
     Days pass. They creep along, doing nothing to rouse suspicion. Like his days studying formulas and tomes, she knows the look of desperate calculation, hypothetical trial and error to create a positive outcome. Riza mulls over her own options, the ways she could take the Fuhrer down herself…if possible. Chances slim down with every passing second. He was renowned on the battlefield in his own right, and if her experience in shooting Lust and Gluttony proved to be fruitless, she doubts her capabilities alone would be enough to truly oust him.
     She maintains watch over the Colonel, remaining vigilant for any signs of slippage, any indications that he may stray and do something truly dangerous. If he died, what would she do? They can’t let emotion cloud their judgement and jeopardize their goals.
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     Her hands still, hovering over the half-filled box of her belongings. There will probably be another to gather all of her things, but the thought of the absence of her objects, let alone her, causes him to finally speak after hours of tense silence. She surveys the office, finding it vacant save for the two of them.
     Eyes flicker over to him, watching his posture for fear he might collapse into grief again. Nothing has happened, but the fear of losing the last, truly close person to himself, one with roots that dig deep into his being more than anyone else, rattles him to the core.
     “I won’t be gone for long, Colonel. I promise.”
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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you gave me an arm and a leg, so that i could stand up and walk again. it’s your hands. they weren’t meant to kill. they were meant to give life.
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
automaiiiled replied to your post: apologies for the absence, i’ve been really busy...
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omg thank you <33
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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apologies for the absence, i’ve been really busy adulting with a job application the past couple of days and my muse for Roy dwindled accordingly. but i just got the call a while ago and was congratulated for getting the position!!! dean of a faculty. wow. i’m going to to be so academic now, still cannot believe.
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is the kind of person who says  “hi”  to dogs
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
‘ Sound like Armstrong? Do you mean the major? ‘ of course she did, there’s no way she meant his witch of a sister. he waved his hand dismissively at her, then caught his chin between his thumb and forefinger in the most dignified of manners. he really just wasn’t listening to her now, was he?
 ‘ i’m don’t. since i’m not saying that catch phrase of his down generations of whatnot. and it’s really fine, Ross. Really, no need to be shy. i’m not the most eligible bachelor around for no reason. ‘ turning her with a sparkle in his eye, he nods some more. ‘ there’s just too much charisma oozing from me it’s understandable you got caught up in your need to express your fondness of me. I won’t fault you for it. ‘
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“That’s not…Ah?” She really should just let him believe whatever, it’s easier that way but she has a habit of ignoring the easy way. She also has a habit of taking him down a peg when it’s needed.
“Trust me, I could.” She’s been resisting for years. “That’s not it at all and you sound like Armstrong.”
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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ah yes. i’m so perfectly handsome you see
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
Envy: One might say you have outlived your ... Hughesfulness.
Maes: You know what, please just shoot me.
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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I love drawing poofy military pants!
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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is it really this time?
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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Team Mustang sketches from the manga
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
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colonelmustbang · 6 years
Before she loses the courage, she's just going to press the tiniest, quickest kiss to his lips and then run right the hell away.
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… ???
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