#i think if we can find empathy for ragh and aelwyn we can find sympathy for the kid indebted to a rage god
definitelysapphic · 5 months
In wbn Brennan makes a point of smart people not being immune to manipulation, they just rationalize it instead of not thinking about it too hard, and it’s got me thinking about the devil’s honey and kipperlily’s anger. I think her anger came long before the rationalization. Of course a mastermind is convinced there’s a logical reason to everything, so her level of anger must be logically justified, right? How could she accept that sometimes kids just have anger issues through no fault of their own? Where’s the storyline in that? So she made a storyline using info that seems logical to her out of context. Scapegoating the bad kids was easy. Half of them never go to class, like she said. From an outsider pov, Kristen is very much giving lol xd so random, and yet she succeeds. And should she ever have the horrifying realization that there’s holes in her logic, well she’s in too deep now and has devils honey on hand.
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