#i think in pokemon journeys mewtwo was traveling with a skitty
gemsbian · 11 months
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just some comfy cat pokemon
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askingexorcists · 7 years
Yo......love your blog, also love pokemon, so may I request some pokemon head cannons for all the aoex characters (or at least all the main ones), head cannons for them as a trainer, they're favourite pokemon, other pokemon related head cannons you can think of!
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As a trainer:
He wants to become the worlds greatest Pokemon trainer
He loves his Pokemon more then anything
Put’s them first no matter what
He’s the sort of trainer that talks big but can’t win battles for shit
He gets advice from his companions and rethinks his battle approach for his Pokemon
He starts winning
He’s actually an amazing trainer
He’s getting better every day
He found a Wingull with a broken wing when he was a child, and took it to the Pokemon centre
Once it was healed, he tried to release it
But it refused to leave his side 
Wingull was his first Pokemon and they’re still the best of friends
Rin was overjoyed when it evolved into Pelipper
He received Chespin from Professor Sycamore 
He found Litten abandoned and hungry under a bridge in Alola
Befriended it and took it in
The rest he caught
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As a trainer:
He’s the Gym leader in Exorcist city
He requires 2 gym badges before your allowed to battle him
He likes to guide his opponents and help them in their journey to becoming a good Pokemon trainer
He also does Pokemon breeding on the side
He also researches Pokemon as well
He likes to analyse his Pokemon’s strengths and weaknesses and utilise them during battle
He wants to know everything about them
Because he dreams of becoming a Pokemon professor 
He’s currently studying under a Professor as his assistant to learn all he can about Pokemon
When his twin brother started his Pokemon journey he challenged Yukio to a gym battle
He made Yukio forget the 2 badge rule just for him
They argued about it a lot but Yukio got sick of Rin’s whining so gave in and accepted the battle
It didn’t matter anyway 
Because Rin lost miserably 
He swears he’ll come back stronger and win a rematch
Yukio can’t wait for that day
When he was a child, he was bullied a lot at school
When Rin wasn’t there to protect him he’d run of and hide
He was crying in the woods and an Eevee found him
It followed him around after that and protected him
It later evolved into Umbreon
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As a trainer:
She’s a gym leader in Meadowlark city
She specialises in grass type Pokemon
She took over the gym from her grandmother when she died
She isn’t the best gym leader because she’s really shy
She also doesn’t like seeing Pokemon get hurt
She often neglects her responsibility as a gym leader so she can spend time in her garden with her Pokemon
She treats her Pokemon kindly and enjoys looking after them
She feeds them Pokebeans and berries that she grows in her garden
Rin came to battle her and she was nowhere to be found 
So he looked for her and discovered a beautiful blonde girl in a breathtaking garden 
He was shocked when he found out she was the gym leader
Shiemi apologised for making him come all this way for nothing 
Rin yells at her and tells her to take her post seriously
She’s not only neglecting the trainers who want a Leaf badge but also her Pokemon who would love to battle alongside her
So he vows to help her
Rin helps Shiemi with her shyness
Shiemi asks if she can travel along with Rin whilst she’s learning how to be a real person
Her mom looks after her gym for her whilst she’s away
Once she’s experienced the world a bit she can’t wait to continue her grandmothers legacy and be the best gym leader she can be
Her Pokemon were all her grandmothers, apart from Cherrim who she caught herself
She grew up with her grandmothers Pokemon so they all knew her and loved her
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As a trainer:
He’s a very serious trainer
He trains his Pokemon every day
He monitors what they eat and feeds them special brews he creates with their health in mind
He gets very serious in battle
His father is the Island Kahuna on MeleTemple island
He will one day inherit his fathers place and intends to be ready
His favourite type of Pokemon is electric 
Because it matches(/matched) his hair
He meets Rin and Shiemi when they come to the Alolan region 
He shows them around since they’re new
He instantly takes a dislike to Rin because he thinks he isn’t serious about being a trainer
Takes it back when he sees how much courage and love he has for Pokemon and battling
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As a trainer:
He’s a new trainer in the Alolan region
He loves all of his Pokemon 
He just wants them to try their best in battle
He doesn’t like seeing Pokemon get hurt
So he carries a shit ton of revives and potions
He loves seeing the different Pokemon moves though and levelling up his Pokemon so thats why he became a trainer
And it makes his Pokemon happy as well
He has a love for cat type Pokemon
When he went to Professor Kukui for his starter Pokemon, he originally wanted Litten but they were all gone
So he chose Popplio and now he wouldn’t trade it for anything
He loves petting his Pokemon and playing with them
And feeding them Pokebeans
He is fascinated by Alolan forms
He is to scared to ride Pokemon and is really sad about it, because he would love to ride a Mudsdale or a Lapras
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Lycanroc (midday form)
As a trainer:
He has three elder brothers who are all gym leaders
He doesn’t want to follow in their footsteps
Too much pressure
He just thinks Pokemon and adventures are cool so he’s on a Pokemon journey to have fun
He’s laid back and enjoys battle
Doesn’t care all too much if he looses 
Only cares if theres a hot girl about to see his defeat
In general:
He caught his little sister a Pichu for her birthday
He low-key things Lycanroc’s midnight form is cooler
Out of all his Pokemon he is closest with Froakie
Despite how he acts, he is close with all his Pokemon
He loves them a lot 
He’s forgetful sometimes and messes up a lot 
He’s terrified of bug type Pokemon and if anyone draws one out in battle he’ll either faint or yell out random moves in fear, this confuses his Pokemon and they end up hurting themselves in the confusion, so they loose the battle
He met and befriended Rin and Shiemi and the three of them are travelling together on a Pokemon adventure
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Furfrou (heart trim)
As a trainer:
She comes from a longline of Pokemon gym leaders in the Kalos region but wants to explore the world
She will become a gym leader when her mother passes the gym onto her one day
She wants to become the best Pokemon trainer in her region and bring greatness to her family name
She takes battles seriously and hates loosing
When she looses she’ll train her Pokemon even harder
She has a soft spot for her cute Pokemon and loves them a lot 
In general:
She really wants a Sylveon
But can never catch an Eevee to evolve it
Her little sister loves looking after her Pokemon with her
She has given all of her Pokemon nicknames
She was kind of sad when her Fennekin evolved to Braixen
She loves to pamper her Pokemon and brush their fur
When Shiemi decided to go back to her gym she decided to travel with Rin and Shima
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Tapu Lele
As a trainer:
He’s known as the Legendary trainer
He’s never lost a battles
Loves showing off his Pokemon
His Pokemon are very high level as well
He’s the current Pokemon champion
He has a lot of Pokemon, probably more then anyone else ever
He didn’t catch them all, he bought some from dodgey people online
He wants to collect at least one of each Pokemon
In general:
He has so many Pokemon that he bought a whole chunk of his city just for them all to fit together
His Pokemon have the best everything 
They are always groomed and presented well
He is often featured in Pokemon magazines around the world and therefor is quite wealthy
He has one of each style of variety Pokemon
Such as all Furfrou styles and all Oricorio styles
I picked Hoopa because it looks like Sami in the newest manga chapter, uno arabian Mepphy…
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As a trainer:
He is a popular professor who is respected for his knowledge and skill on Pokemon and battling 
He’s got many Pokemon, although not as many as mephisto
He’s won multiple awards for his discoveries
He has one of the largest Pokemon labs in the world
Although he caught the majority of his Pokemon, Trubbish (now Garbodor) and Grimer (now Muk) found him and followed him around
It’s likely they were confused because they thought he was one of them
He smells so bad they still aren’t sure if he is or isn’t a Pokemon
He has a wide collection of legendary and mythical Pokemon 
Despite being highly respected person in the Poke-world, he is still extremely lazy and doesn’t seem to care about his appearance 
Some of his Pokemon like to try clean him by licking his face
This was a lot of fun for me to do! So thank you for the request! I only did some of the aoex characters but if anyone would like to request more like Shura, shiro, Nemu, Amaimon, Lucifer, Illuminati members etc…. just send the request and I’d be happy to do it!
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