#i think it was mainly a mutually beneficial cynical ploy to get people voting blue for the midterms + give the demoralized republicans a win
orossii · 2 years
when the supreme court decision re: abortion happened i was still kind of in the ‘this is to drive up the population and make more low wage workers!’ mindset but i’m starting to better understand how the US economy actually works. because of imperialism and US dollar hegemony it became much cheaper for the country to de-industrialize by outsourcing labor to the oppressed former colonies overseas. this meant that the masses of people in the US became essentially redundant to the ruling class-- basically, an expensive drain on their wealth that necessitate infrastructural funding that they see as money coming out of their pockets. the ultimate goal of the ruling class is to de-populate the country to alleviate that expense, which is why we have a massive prison population laboring in deplorable conditions, skyrocketing unemployment and suicide rates, overcrowding and chronic disease in reservations, ghettos, and trailer parks, poor sewage infrastructure and access to healthy food in the rural and urban united states, rampant drug and alcohol addiction that the state pretends to have no real power over (because they’re funding it lol), complete corporate capture of regulatory bodies meant to protect us from unsafe prescription drugs and food products, and a healthcare system that’s inaccessible to the majority of americans and atrociously understaffed. it’s why so many of us that are employed work unfulfilling bullshit jobs whose purpose is completely divorced from the day to day maintenance of our society, something to basically keep a select group of americans content enough to not rebel but neurotic enough to continue consuming the overproduced luxury goods made by people paid pennies an hour for their work on the other side of the world. everybody else is excess humanity. our sharply declining standard of living and life expectancy reflects that these policies are working quite well at culling this excess humanity
i think the left makes the mistake of not being adequately vigilant about the historical trajectory of eugenics into the modern day, or how it’s being marketed to them. nihilism, individualism, partisanship, and misanthropy are intentionally cultivated by the ruling class to keep us apathetic, or to re-direct our dissent in ways that suit them. malthusianism is popular amongst environmentalists in particular, which you saw a lot of with the ‘we are the disease’ rhetoric in the early stages of the pandemic. the anti-natalist movement also seems suspicious as fuck to me too. i understand the feminist arguments cautioning against partnering with males (even if i think that’s ultimately an individual-based bandaid solution to a societal problem) given their current stage of violent misogynist brainwashing, but on the environmental side of things distilling human beings down to their impact on consumption and emissions is the most fucked up sociopathic shit i see coming out of certain sectors of the so-called “left”. i would spit on these “stop having kids” and human extinction movement motherfuckers if i saw them in public
a lot of marxists even have trouble grappling with the idea that the great reset, globalization (aka neoliberal imperialism), and de-population are issues they need to analyze because those ideas are considered the exclusive ideological domain of the right, which is such a shame because the global south and nationally oppressed peoples of the US are the primary targets of these policies. they’re also like, the stated policies of the billionaire class expressed openly at conferences like the world economic forum. this is why i’m so against the over-identification with new leftism amongst marxists. it causes you to view yourself as a further extension of the liberal left when your job is to be authentic dialectical materialists-- there are no shortcuts to study, and sometimes study will put you very much at odds with the fully co-opted liberal left you’ve recruited much of your base from while never putting you at odds with the interests of the working class. your job is to analyze reality and bring your findings to the masses, not to tail and absorb the ideology of movements co-opted by the ruling class
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