#i think it's bc they think he's the weakest among the archons and it would make him worthy of that title if he were to die? idk
windsettled · 3 years
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             So- when I was doing the inazu.ma story, at the end Y.ae replies to some questions u have and, there was this part that really struck to me- and it immediately made me think of V.enti (And z.hongli as well) when it came to his g.nosis and just---- how easily it was for Signora to take it??? ( which it always made me feel 🤔🤔🤔 ) because, although I am aware that Signora is powerful and Venti is considered the weakest of the archons because his control over Mond.stadt is like, zero; his power resides in the faith and trust his people have put on him, remember that it was precisely due to his people´s faith on him that he was able to aqcuire powers such as being able to create a shield to protect them from the strong winds, and even on his prime time, he was able to basically shape Mond and was able to cut through mountains, among other things;; 
BUT THE POINT IS- These particular lines made me think of how perhaps him giving in his gnosis so easily (as well as Rex Lapis and now b.aal) is perhaps their way of cutting ties with C.elestia as well. We know Venti does not vibe (tm) with celestia (that I assume may be related to the whole k.haenri'ah incident and him being against it bc again, I refuse to believe V.enti would have willingly and conciously helped destroy a civilization that wanted to achieve freedom from being governed by gods considering he doesn´t even rule his own nation tbh and it also would go against his own morals?) so maybe that was his way of cutting ties with it?? We also know that the gnosis are not the source of their powers and an archon not having it doesn´t make them stop being an archon. 
So far if i haven´t missed anything, their gnosis is simply a way to connect them to celestia directly, so this whole matter (that now has been emphasized even more by b.aal´s view over her gnosis) just makes me think that V.enti didn´t bother putting on a fight (just as how z.hongli simply signed a contract) against S.ignora and just let her have it. Like, when u think about it, what use could he have of the gnosis?? As how Yae says, it only becomes a potential source of conflict, and it ties him to celestia which I feel he would not want to be related to, so I feel like being gnosis-less is something he willingly let happen.
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