#i think laurence doesn't make himself likeable
darlingofdots · 8 months
once again three cheers for Will Laurence parenting superior-officering Emily Roland under truly the wildest of circumstances for like 7 years and doing such a fantastic job of it. He was basically her primary caregiver from age 9 to 16 and no matter how she might gripe, he took his job so seriously and you can tell she appreciates it! She runs away from her official posting during the Invasion to come serve under him again because he treated her with respect and gave her responsibilities suited to her skills, and also he has modelled a set of principles that she clearly understands and agrees with even when she thinks he's going about it wrong. And she is so fully On His Side anyway, she's so righteously outraged on his behalf when people disrespect him, and like. that man is not her father but he is her dad. That night when she was 9 years old and afraid for her mother and Excidium and he was so gentle with her is so emblematic of his attitude to his "young gentlemen" in my opinion; he is firm and professional at all times but he pays attention, he knows his people's backgrounds and families and he is so invested in giving them the best possible chance at success, and it's clear to me that people respond to that! including the terrible teenagers he accidentally got roped into raising
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