#i think my main prob w dig is that bc its usually colored i feel obligsted to do bgs
matamisin · 5 years
I'm trying to put together something with my art pieces I've posted and choosing the good ones, and it's been long enough that little of the ones I chose were digital akabsnx
#like i have a decent amt of digital pieces but like#i dont like them anymore soqbwbfjwoxb#j chose out like one digital piece while the rest are traditional#i feel like the philippines tricycle pic really took a lot on me#cause seeing it just not reach my standards after i think 12+ hours of work rlly took a lot out of my motivation to do big pieces again akd#it flopped bc i rushed the end and set my standards too high and after that i havent rlly done a full colored piece#bc i rlly didnt like that feeling#huffhaksjfjdj#ah well i got a lot of years to fix and adapt and find what i like! heres to more pieces hopefully haha!#i think my main prob w dig is that bc its usually colored i feel obligsted to do bgs#and the square gradient bgs are startin to make me go nnno how bout we actually do work aownnsks#but i dont know how to bg yet so im like??? what do??#lmao but ah yeah sorry for the lil rant just thinkin out loud again aksnsncj#its not negative tho! more like. reflecting on how i let one flop get the best of me#thework doesnt always create a reaction that felt like it was worth it to many artists. thats why reblogging is more important than likestb#not tryna judge those who only like but i rlly mean it now after what i feel a lot and what some of my friends feel#likes are alright! they let us know you at least saw it#but rebloggin? comments? thats what gets artist exposure and motivation and joy w their work!#i know ppl are like oh no dont worry about how many notes you get#thats true too but! all that hard work for like notes that dont feel *good enough* to the artist hits hard bc where did all those hours go?#anyways reblog/retweet/comments > likes for many#alsjxnsk sorry i didnt mean to turn this into a reblog>like post i got too into it#goodnight bebs ily#also ofc this isnt about anyone specific just a lot of thinking from my exp and other artist's exp that i see along the way#also a lot of thinking out loud aowne fks but i promise its not about anyone dont worry!
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