#i think some people want to 'punish' houseguests for their bad behavior and since they can't do it themselves
pinkhysteria · 11 months
hiii! i read your tags and you said something id been thinking about but replying to tags is weird so i’m sending a message haha. so matt said something last week about how people being on the block really makes you think you hate them and you forget you actually like them or whatever and i think that’s why sometimes we’re so sure people are gonna be enemies but they’re fine. cause like they all have this unique experience where they know how high emotions run and how weird it is so they take it less personally than us watching. (plus they have a like 100 day real life bond it’s easier to forgive when you know the person) like it doesn’t excuse the nasty stuff and clearly some handle it better than others but ya i agree i don’t think as many people are gonna hate each other as we keep saying
yeah! it won't impact me either way obvs, i just really don't see it - personal comments and all. i definitely think this has been a very emotional cast, but they're not like. evil (mostly.)
cause like they all have this unique experience where they know how high emotions run and how weird it is so they take it less personally than us watching. (plus they have a like 100 day real life bond it’s easier to forgive when you know the person)
and that's exactly what i think! regardless of what goes down in it, it's probably comforting to have at least a couple people who "get" a very unique and psychologically intense experience. i mean, taylor still spoke to and hung out with some of the people that spoke crazy about her last season, lol. and i'd imagine that desire might be doubled with this season being as long and draining as it has been.
the fandom itself switches from intense hate to extreme support of houseguests on a whim, i think it's silly to 100% expect people who actually know each other to just throw each other in the trash over some hoarded clips from stans after the fact. which isn't to say i don't expect any hurt feelings or for everybody to be #besties4lyf, but i definitely just don't see the extreme resentment and zero contact other people seem to be hoping for. (i don't see anybody randomly wanting to chill with cameron more than necessary though. 🙈)
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maneaterwithtail · 5 years
Together forever and growing pains thoughts THE SEQUEL
[QUOTE="Massgamer, post: 65619044, member: 310364"]
I do hope next few episodes has at least whole family come together and kinda pressure Steven into talking to them in general since I can't imagine Gems not being worried once told what happened.
 I don't see why if there's one thing this entire family is good at its at glad-handing something in the moving on to the next thing that makes them feel better
 to be fair this is because likely Rose play therapist and they have the coping mechanisms and life experience in order to at least process things over time when their private Steven does not and unfortunately they kind of used him as a replacement Rose. Everyone did
 well obviously Greg didn't treat him as a romantic partner he did try to recreate that sort of playful Dynamic and trying to impress Steven. When things got too difficult ski not maliciously but did ultimately Pawn him off to the Jim's because he figured that he couldn't do something and well that would be the responsible thing right? 
Again shortly after the beginning of the series and especially after maximum capacity he very deliberately starts parenting better whether that's being more candid about what happened with him and Rose or trying to more fully mental Steven instead of just being his goodtimes playmate
 he was in a hole similar to the rest of the gems it's just that he started his recovery a little faster and while it was prompted by Steven most of his character development actually happened offscreen and only incidentally involved him. in fact most of the time it seems his lesson is he needs to be a better role model for Stephen and handle stuff on his own. The big significant sign that he's started to adult better is not necessarily when he becomes a manager. it's when he's shown having adult friends and more regularly being around the house and trying to keep involved in his son's activities.
 pearls is a bit more different she has to put her grief to rest and start to become her own person and part of that is recognizing the influence and power she does have rather than kind of staying in baby mode
 Garnet needs to learn how to communicate better outside of the one relationship that she absolutely is crazy about. But also learn how to healthcare for Steven and trust him when he adults better. This is especially bad for her because she's used to using Future Vision to guarantee the outcome but especially with Stephen it's hard to predict especially as he's a life-form That's Unique even on Earth and Steven is apparently that random though to be fair it may be a matter of personal issues. She's too emotionally involved but she's often the one that gives him enough power to fail and then is there to help him succeed
Amethyst really had to adjust to actually be an adult and not being the baby of the family anymore
 as well as get over her self-worth issues and making them everyone else's problem. She can still enjoy life but she shouldn't have made acting out the number one way she interacted with everyone
 as for Rose we've pretty much seen what she did with regards to Steven she practically destroyed her own self to the point where she tried to figure what was best for her and eventually she figured the best thing for her was to die and then create a perfect being in order to well I don't think she actually wanted Steven to live her life so much as fulfill her functions. So I'm sure part of it was she really wanted to die cuz white diamond did a number on her
 however even in this she was kind of inconsiderate focusing so much on her helping others she gave necessarily realize how her help could be a hindrance or she did and didn't know how to stop
 she has many reasons not to do a permanent fusion into a rainbow quartz because one of the number one thing she feared was having her individuality erase because she saw it happened to her first Pearl and white diamond likely dead or threaten to do that to anyone or anything that step too far out of line
 Greg's just too obvious basically he was a giant man child ended up a father and instead of knuckling down he had an escape hatch over and over again to keep dreaming of being a rockstar. But he didn't necessarily work towards it. He wasn't as bad as some people could be obviously he became a business owner
Maintained a reasonable contact with his son but he was also rather ignorant of what was going on in his life including ongoing punishments as well as the specifics of what Steven was facing
 I said before while he may not be a junkie he does have a weakness for its addictive behavior such as with the warp whistle or little Butler
Greg starts to realize there are things he can contribute and he tenths to Glad hand things also on the basis of media something he shares with Steven. But he also starts to be a little more serious and try to give him some genuine grounding. But for the most part he is the parent that Steven was Raising if you exclude Pearl
 that doesn't mean it's not a good thing that he improved and he made sure to share those improvements with his son every step of the way whether that was the money or the increased sense of purpose or aspects of his family. He has a small cracked Bowl but he always shares what's in it
 also because he wasn't literally putting Stevens life in danger his damage wasn't as pronounced. Which still leaves to my yes still frustration that apparently he had the most immediate emotional damage to Steven with his Antics and houseguest as opposed to Pearl threatening his life
 you can't even say that the response of physical danger different than emotional or social confusion. Pearl practically changed personalities when she woke Steven up in the middle of the night and took him on a rickety spaceship.
So on one level I want to take things in character.  on another this is stuff I've had with series presentation not that it happened but how it was built on and what they signal at the conclusion of an episode.
 this is why whenever the series starts leading somewhere I start to become a little cold.  that's why I find these latest episodes so in vigor rating.  it's not promising to lead somewhere. we're actually going there. we are there and we are discussing stuff. stuff's actually happening not just being set up or implied or promise to happen and then be concluded the moment it comes to the Forefront. 
 and of course the fact that we're getting a more human cast the last 4 episodes. Show have made sure that it's not about us discovering new gym stuff we are discovering how humans are and how they respondn to Steven and gem stuff. It was something's I was really looking forward to at the beginning of the series that I felt kind of got dropped. especially regarding the character of Reynaldo fryman and now we're getting it and it is so good
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