#i think that shmilk hangs out with pv in my au
voiceless-people · 5 months
Enjoy some self indulgent cookie oc & canon because I can
(NOT shipping, just shenanigans)
Wedding planning was difficult, and while Pecan hadn't really envisioned all that much in his wedding aside from a vauge "antique" theme, Peacock was head over heels planning their special day.
It was nothing she couldn't handle, the great Fourme d'Ambert found working with her soon-to-be brother in-law rather enjoyable. But planning is very different from acting upon. Ambert wasn't one for physical labor, and had told her brother Pecan to finally help his fiance set up some things.
They had the wedding set in the Vanilla kingdom. Peacocks close ties with Golden Cheese had come in handy- dispite Pecans sheepishness to throw an extravagant event. It's not like either of them had many family nor friends to invite.
She's thinking too much. Ambert sighs and puts her clipboard down. Pecan takes it and pats her shoulder.
"I'll take it from here, yeh? Why don't ya explore." He smiles softly. Ambert hates having to look up at cookies- that's why she climbs on their shoulders. "This place is old, and large. I'm sure theres a hidden passage or two for you to uncover."
"Uh-huh." She rolls her eyes and claps her hands to focus. "Have fun with birdie!" She gives her brother a thumbs up, and a wave to Peacock who looks up at her from a distance.
There wasn't really much to explore here in the Vanilla courtyards. Ambert had been to the Golden gardens, with considerably less permission, and with much more to enjoy. It's not that the palace wasn't pretty, she just found tropical plants more interesting.
Ambert had also stumbled upon Pure Vanilla and Golden Cheese talking about something too tedious for her to even consider eavesdropping on. And perhaps spying on ancient soul-jam wielding cookies wasn't the best idea.
So, that meant finding an open window to hop into the castle. She was allowed to go inside- but this was just plain fun. Ambert skips through the hallways with mild amusement, making funny faces at portraits and tapping on metal accents with her fingertips.
At some point she's slowed down to a walk and is mumbling mindlessly to herself, something between two characters she'd read of. She stops to look at some swords mounted on the wall- when theres a little tap tap of footsteps behind her.
She whips her head around to see whose there. Pecan was still outside- so he couldn't be teasing her. Ambert thumps her foot on the ground at the empty hall behind her.
She keeps walking, and after a left turn she sticks her tongue out at a painting of a rather bored looking man. He winks at her. Ambert stops again.
"Okay, lovely." Definitely not her brother then. She hears the soft jingle of bells behind her. Ambert grabs the hilt of her sword, but all that unsheathed was a blast of confetti. Her hair stands on end, there's a quiet chuckle reverberating down the hall.
"Hellllooo! I've seen you around the gardens, but I'm not allowed out there." Ambert can practically hear the cookie frown, their eccentric manner of speech stretching and emphasizing their words. "Are you afraaid?"
"..." She looks around again, and sees a section of the tile that melts into a dark marble, stretching off for far longer than possible. She's dealt with the impossible before, what's a black hole compared to a time rift? Good lord she's so dead.
Ambert looks over at the swords she previously gazed at, only to see that the wall there had become a vast expanse as well. Atop the mantle that was seemingly hovering in thin air was a jester like figure.
"You know, I quite enjoy the colour blue myself." It grins. She blanks, almost forgetting about the blue mold baked into her dough, ribboning through her hair and skin. They are coated in blue as well, but a striking bright shade.
"Um.." Ambert can't tell where the cookie starts and ends, it's clothing bleeds into the void behind it, and there's so many eyes. A frilled sleeve sticks out, and a hand follows. It points to a set of mismatched eyes. Now that she sees its face, its form becomes much more clear.
"You sure have wandered far, haven't you? I was just going to stick you here for a moment, see if you even noticed my recreation of little Vanilla's halls, but this seemed like soooo much more fun!" Its grin grows wider. "Would you like to go back?"
"... Yes?"
"Well! How unfortunate! I don't get many people who stray so far into the castle, and while toying with my dear friend 'Nilly is quite fun, I get so bored." It stretches over the mantle dramatically as if on a fainting couch. It sighs and pauses for a moment.
It flicks its other hand around, and a staff warps into place. It whisks the staff and the blank space to Amberts left turns back into a regular hallway. She's still a bit too stunned to speak. Say something, fool!
"You are free to go little one, unless you would rather stay here, unless you would like to stay.." it slides off its perch and walks over to her, that same jingling step follows.
For looking so lean and spindly, this cookie was tall. Not as tall as Caffine, but still intimidating dispite the lanky stature.
"I'm.. Ambert?" Why did she say it like a question? She turns to walk down the normal enough hall.
"Shadow Milk." It clicks on the K. They fold their arms behind their back, still smiling. She walks further away, it waves eerily, laughing to itself. "See you sooonn!"
Ambert makes it further and further away until she sees kingdom citizens in the foyer, who look at her ruffled appearance oddly. She's shaking a bit.
Ambert finds that her sword is still in its sheath, untouched. Theres a little smiley face drawn in chalk on the leather handle.
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