#i think the alex rider books were p popular but i never met anyone else who was into the garth nix books :(
bunnywand · 1 year
lots of polls abt ppl's fav books as children going around, but i never got into a bunch of the popular ones i keep seeing, like a series of unfortunate events or percy jackson or w/e 😳 so here's the ones i was into..!! 😈
animorphs (k.a. applegate)
alex rider (anthony horowitz)
the diamond brothers (anthony horowitz)
the keys to the kingdom (garth nix)
the old kingdom / abhorsen (garth nix)
skulduggery pleasant (derek landy)
my books are all under my bed atm so i might have missed some.. but i think this covers the very Main series i was into at least 😌💕
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