#i think the pce community is... mostly good but i'm seeing a weird kind of passive aggression in some users
the-rat-plays-games · 2 years
honestly i think the art situation on pixel cats end is the perfect perfect perfect example of “people will tell artists to raise their prices and then go to cheaper artists”. there are people charging 25 notes for art!!!! i KNOW the community on PCE knows better, because just checking around on the userbase leaves strong indications of like... social consciousness? awareness? idk how to phrase it lol. like it’s not even about my art. it’s about multiple artists on the site charging much much much less than their art is worth and people gobbling it up because they want cheap art. you see it on flight rising and other pet sites too: users say “raise your prices! charge fairly!” and then someone does and... these same people will go buy from other users with cheaper prices, lol. lmao.
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