oddhappenstance · 4 years
I thought the whole Jon being asexual thing was just fan speculation but he actually is!!! He’s canonically asexual! This makes me so happy, I barely ever see ace representation let alone as the main protagonist :)
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
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Michael is one of my favorite. I must draw him again. And think better about his appearance.
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
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pls dark gods let me hear gerard keays voice once more
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
In the wake of Mag171 I’ve seen a few posts asking things along the line of “Does Jon even want to stop the apocalypse at this point?” It’s kind of caught me off guard, because I haven’t been reading Jon’s behavior that way at all. Like if Jon and Martin came upon a cosmic Ctrl-Z option at any point on their trek through the apocalyptic nightmare wasteland, there is no doubt in my mind that Jon would slam that button with every available extremity.
The problem is that there isn’t one. The problem is that there isn’t anything.
Given my own emotional reaction to the current global situation, with all the new disasters and crimes against human rights that come to light every day, I can’t read Jon’s behavior as anything but compassion fatigue. He cares and he feels helpless! He’s burned out! And he doesn’t have any of the options or resources available to alleviate that burnout. At least we in the real world can join movements and circulate donation links and participate in fundraisers and otherwise take actions that feel like positive contributions. At least, failing everything else, we can unplug and distract ourselves just to keep from running ourselves into the ground.
There’s no equivalent option available for Jon. He can’t stop the Fears from taking what they want. He can’t lessen their victims’ suffering. Hell, he can’t even do the equivalent of unplugging, because the Eye feeds him a constant stream of horrible knowledge that he can’t turn off. So he’s being forcefed all this pain and terror, and he has no way to stop it, and no way to make it better for anyone except himself and Martin, and even that’s dubious.
Add to that the fact that he helped cause it and is benefiting from it without his consent, and you have a recipe for despair. But losing hope of one’s ability to fix things isn’t the same as not wanting to fix them at all, and I feel like people forget that sometimes.
Jon still cares. He wouldn’t be reacting this way if he didn’t still care. He wouldn’t be Jon if he didn’t still care. But the options currently available to him don’t give him anything but the shallow short-term relief of ending people who have hurt him in the past, and sometimes tricking yourself into feeling like you’re accomplishing something is the only way to stave off despair. (Of course, Jon knows he’s not actually accomplishing anything, so he probably doesn’t even have that.)
I have no doubt that later episodes and revelations will give him something. Something he can do that has a more concrete chance of changing things. What that something is, the nature of the change, and how Jon and Martin will react to the new choices before them are entirely different questions. Personally, I find them far more interesting than the question of whether Jon killing the Avatar of the Week means he’s falling to the dark side.
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
All y’all out here in the TMA fandom talkin about icons like the guy who froze the key to the buried and that plumber who somehow managed to miss a wholeass murder-clown barn. Talkin about how you’d all like to see just once what would have happened if someone had straight up punched an avatar in the face.
How is no one talkin about my man Alexander Scaplehorn, the absolute legend who went to investigate the Trophy Room for money laundering in ep 54 and escaped by fuckin bodyslamming an avatar of the Stranger straight to the floor and then just fuckin hightailin it outta there. This man is a true badass and it’s a crime he doesn’t get mentioned in this fandom more.
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
lofi beats to chill\feed the eye to 🎧👁️
(slight flash warning)
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
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The Magnus Archives Fears
This took far longer than it should have honestly I think I spent all together about 10 hours? On this? Reblogs would be appreciated, please!
Commissions are open!
@therubyjailcell​ @youareyoubutwhoareyou​
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
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A little pre-launch giveaway! We’ll be picking winners at launch week so everyone has until then to enter! ♥
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oddhappenstance · 4 years
Also I gotta say, hearing Gerry's voice without the ghostly effect really had me feeling some kind of way huh
yeah… yeah… hearing him alive and the fact that he’s always been quick to shield his true thoughts with sarcasm and grim humor. knowing that he was always seen in statements as this determined man on a mission but in private was understandably kind of… scared about his fate, along with everyone else’s…. HURTS A LITTLE BIT. I’VE LISTENED BACK TO THAT PART 5 TIMES JUST TO HERE HIM GOOF AROUND THO.
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
Yo, I never talk about myself here but the U.S.A is going a little off the deep end so, here I am shooting words into the void.
I work in a fast food restaurant. Part of a larger chain. Even though things haven't closed down, hours have been cut drastically. I'm doing just fine myself. I lucked into a position where there's only one other in my store whose trained for that shift, training takes 5 weeks, and they decided before everything went down, to take a vacation. My hours are set and rent is all safe.
Others are not so lucky. We went from having 20 people for 4-8 hour shifts, to 6. There has also been talk of a few of my districts sibling stores going under if this lasts too long. Between my store, and the other top dog in the district, we lost 5k in one day.
Again, this is a larger nationwide franchise, we're alright. I can't imagine how tight the budget is for smaller family restaurants.
If you're considering ordering out, please think of the smaller stores first. I've also seen the act of buying gift cards floating about. Your local KFC is probably going to float past these troubles. Your local sandwich shop might not.
Especially consider local Asian restaurants. They've been hit by the social/economic mindset of this virus well before the limits on restaurants were put into effect.
Be cautious, stay safe, stay sane.
Lots of love from your friendly night shift baker,
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
Idk just reminds me of The Magnus Archives
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
oh shit youre doing podcast recs again? hell yeah, youre tastes are exquisite. podcasts that feature a wlw lead? everything else doesnt matter much
the recs MUST flow
Mabel (poetic, dark fairytale/horror romance)
The 12:37 (time travel scifi train crime)
The Last Show (post-apocalyptic scifi college radio show feat. very good host banter)
The Pilgrimage Saga (spaceship scifi with ragtag crew trying to find Earth despite interpersonal tensions and sabotage)
Inkwyrm (scifi workplace comedy feat. will-they-won’t-they enemies-to-lovers at intergalactic fashion magazine office)
Unwell (creepy midwestern gothic mystery about homecomings and hometown secrets)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (found family does crime and rebellion IN SPACE)
Palimpsest (season 2, early 1900s young woman escapes her criminal mother’s house and is hired as the servant to a fae girl imprisoned by a showman)
Greater Boston (genre-bending comedy-drama and also my favorite podcast, ensemble cast where two of the main leads are wives who get embroiled in a bizarre political battle over the future of Boston’s subway system)
Within the Wires (experimental alt-history found footage scifi, seasons 1 and 2 have wlw leads)
Superstition (supernatural mystery about a bi, Jewish, purported detective investigating a small Arizona town with a strangely high number of missing persons cases)
Station to Station (scifi mystery, scientists and spies on a research ship discover dangerous secrets surrounding a time-bending anomaly)
Solutions to Problems (scifi comedy interstellar relationship advice show)
Kalila Stormfire’s Economical Magick Services (urban fantasy about a witch trying to run a small business)
Gal Pals Present: Overkill (psychic girl scout accidentally summons sarcastic mid-2000s teenager ghost who’d like answers about her murder)
Dark Ages (fantasy workplace comedy about dysfunctional employees of a failing natural history museum in a high fantasy world)
The Bridge (atmospheric & spooky, employees of a watchtower along a disused bridge spanning the Atlantic Ocean tell stories of its heyday and collapse, & deal with local monsters, monster hunters, and rival secret societies)
Arden (comedic “true crime” podcast, except the crime is Romeo and Juliet, and the hosts are wlw Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing)
Alice Isn’t Dead (lesbian weird horror Americana road trip)
Wooden Overcoats (sitcom about rival funeral homes on a tiny British island, one of the main characters is a bi woman)
The Far Meridian (dreamy, bittersweet magical realism about a woman who goes searching for her missing brother when the lighthouse she lives in starts magically appearing in new places every day)
Archive 81 (phenomenal found-footage-ish horror with a lesbian deuteragonist in the first season)
Tides (meditative science-heavy scifi about a biologist shipwrecked on an alien world)
The Blood Crow Stories (very queer, very anyone-can-die horror anthology)
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
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Yesterday I got drunk and infodumped about fiction podcasts (powerpoint parties are the best everyone should try them) and for it I made this podcast recommendation flowchart. I put enough work into this that I now want to share it with everyone I can find, so feel free to use it yourself or send it to friends to rope them into listening to podcasts
A few notes: I haven’t actually finished/caught up with all of these yet, so my categorizations and thought process may not be 100% accurate to the shows as a whole
Also please search tw for at least the entire horror section if that’s a thing you need, and heads up that Caravan is horny af and has some sexual content
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
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battle against a weird opponent 2
(pls click for tha gif)
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
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Daisy & Basira are everything!
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
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some playlist covers i made! if you want to listen to them you can find them here:
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oddhappenstance · 5 years
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battle against a weird opponent
(pls click for tha gif)
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