#i think the worst are like copen and scissors and rubber band
llepto · 7 months
who wants to be my beta reader for my legion backstory /hj
on a more serious note, find more infos under the 'read more'.
I'm genuinely hesitating about which one of my Legion version I should post/choose. There's no really physical changes, just either it's
Close to canon : bringed to life by Olly
Backstory version : all coming from different place
long txt.com [i'm sobbing the whole text make it sound like i did something bad such as smashed three bats to death with a baseball bat and making apologies]
Tumblr media
If i choose the second version it'll take me time because i still have a lot of researches to do about some part. Like trauma responses or gender/sexuality or chill stuff like ASL or flower language. Moreover, the second version is the main one I have in my mind whenever I talk abt them to my irl friend. So idk.
I'm asking because idk if you remember but i planned to do more detailed infos posts on my legion. However i'd rather have another pov on the backstory than my irl bro pov [who said it's fine [fine in a way: "you do researches and don't fall into clichés so… that's fine" - @bbg-com 2023]. If I post the detailed refs and people are uncomfortable/uneasy/triggered, it is abolutely not my goal so that's why i'd like a feedback on this from pmtok ppl following me [if you'e not following and I follow u, that's fine too].
i'm pretty afraid some ppl will think it's too much problematic. and i don't want to it to happen so that's why i'm asking. if i have to change everything, i need to find other backstory/way for Olly to have an impact on the young adult. [kemm's droping info woo] like if i remember correctly, only my Copen and Rubber Bands' backstories were created half to be linked with Olly and half linked with headcannon I have for these two. Also if you want a number I'd say 3/6 [/7 if you count handaconda] have very rough backstory.
All the backstroy were made to answer to this: How the hell Young Adults between 21 and 25 would obey to a 12-14/15 y.o ?
idk if i'm clear or not afnje genuinely sometimes i explain stuff badly :,)
also if i decide to stick to the second version, i'll will do a lot of prevention like the backstory part will be warned with all the potential trigger warning, and also all the infos would be written under an eyestrain drawing so double prevention. i don't want to make ppl uncomfortable so i still don't know what to do aafnej
Genuinely, if you want to know, i have all their backstory written in a doc so if you want me to send it to you, feel free to ask. If you think it's way too harsh, tell me [maybe with what I said you'll think it's not that harsh but idk]
I have a summarised version of their backstory but if you want the very detailed one, tell me.
BTW please note that I probably won't go in a lot of details like trauma answer/other because I just want to mainly post dubasses stuff but if I decided to do animation/comic linked to their backstory, maybe I'll need to go into more details.
SO yeah. Also idk if someone will be reading this and propose to be a 'beta' reader but just in case knows i'm really open to any type of commentary/return on this. And also will be available if you have question.
thank you a lot if you decided to read this, even if you doesn't interract/answer.
also by saying a beta reader, if more than one ppl want to read it, it's really good. [but like if you have any tw, pls warn me because my goal is not to trigger warning you]
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year2000electronics · 3 years
headcanons about the legion and any toads they interact with a lot/the most
colored pencils & overlook tower staff:
- it’s mostly the same w all of them since copen sees them pretty much the same. annoying little beasties biting killing violence.
- most of the toads fear him tremendously as he personally rampaged through the entire tower (and i mean RAMPAGED. the holes in overlook tower are literally notorious for being ridiculously huge) but a lot of them are intrigued by his art and amazed by it, despite their best interests
- i imagine the overlook chef would hire him in the postgame au though, as the art brings in GREAT business
- the one toad they stuck to a drawing of a toad has a bone to pick with them. copen is taken aback by this and although at first he brushes it off as just another hater that toad actually has always dreamed of learning to draw. he finds it endearing but he’ll never tell
rubber band & shogun studios staff:
- rubber band treats the toads like theyre his best friends and adoring fans until theres even one notion that rb ISNT the big star. that’s when she goes all bridezilla
- again mostly fear here but it’s a lot less than copen bc those toads legit think he’s some kind of monster. the fear here is more the fear if you were kidnapped by a batman villain
- the mc toad is the one who had to come to all of rb’s rehearsals, and evidently became rb’s ‘shoulder to cry on’- he only chose to work at the theatre bc it’s air conditioned and most other jobs are either outside or require a lot more running, so he’s honestly not that passionate about acting. at first he thought rb was scary to be near esp since he was the one who had lines to flub, but along the way he’s actually found that acting with actual passionate people is... fun? rb and him definitely have a kinship and he’s like her fucked up little apprentice. tbh when the toad asks mario to get back on stage bc his parts not done yet it’s half bc he’s scared of what rb might do and half bc HE SPENT WEEKS PREPARING MARIO. DONT RUIN IT
hole punch & shroom city residents:
- hp is maybe the second worst one here with toads. little fucker
- the toads don’t really remember much about the crazy disco evening just how a silhouette faster than light cornered them and then some really good music came on. most of them are relatively unphased by hp because of this
- dj toad is hole punchs personal stress ball. honestly i think the only way hole punch really likes the dj is that he likes making the dj squirm bc the face stealing bit ALWAYS gets him el oh el. much like dj is frustrated by hp’s outdated banter, hp is frustrated by dj’s refusal to play Good Music. dj would much rather hang with prof and ode bc at least then he can make fun of them for being old
- hp doesn’t see much of professor toad but he does know he’s angry bc he missed a toad! dammit! he thought he got em all.
tape & the sea toads
- every toad stuck to the sea tower doesn’t even know it was tape. that’s how good he is at ‘cleaning up’
- ode mostly sees tape as another obstacle just bc well. Tape. but if he got to know him he’d probably be like ahh i was reckless once too. and tape would be like now what does that mean
- tape begged olly to let him free the craftsman so he could intimidate him but olly said no. he then proceeded to freeze the mushroom house for good measure
scissors & the shangri spa toads:
- they mind their own business... she minds hers.
- most of the toads are unaware of what scissors is doing in bowsers castle
- they complain about minions disappearing every now and then... that’s bc scissors got bored
- sometimes she books appointments at the spa though to polish her blades!
- shed still cut any of em in an instant though. just for fun.
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