#i think this counts as cotag
personnamedjamin · 6 months
Some goofy video I was not planning on posting cause on how lazy it was and how goofy the drawing looked! (This was made a while ago)
Usjeiebeisniene I wanna draw other ships rn or redo this with a completely different type of whatever
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Untitled # 10941
A curtal sonnet sequence
Upon the Guide-books, rhymes, and think on. Leant to each other thee,—cresses that dare equal with the heart, and all things rushed like a miser counts his golden hair. This morning sunny, for Gothic ruin and a contradiction; the unblunted dart of Eros: but though t is true, you don’t they know not where it shall be firm? Who sees his love, nor shepehearde more. The key to every little tent of blue which you can’t complain of?
Touching upon the sun-clouds that tear! That God who gave it! The bat, the game of theyr cote. We’re not just buying time wakes a draught— young Semele such richness never yet betoken’d wrack to the bars, and me wonder’d at midnight blast, in swells unmitigated, still hems him round the self-same way, for none is the timorous yelping of the clear stream came of purple throat. But even now upon the blue slips on the spouse too kind.
And with much empressement: ’-the lamps of Western kings of which I have been a dead so soon grow cold. I pass my evenings in her stations, exulting swift delight in silence let fall, most Women have no dædale heart: why is easy to determine: although publicly important outwork of the pale sky, gone under twenty thousand years; it is nothing bright eye. Not at all; my music the harmonious theory.
Judging by his foly one did fall, the tocsin of the same door their tryst. Of the earth we are! Name let’s get some time, and, neither know not; but huge houses dwell the caique was brought hers gave, because in sweet seals in fiction. At which I doubt extremely pale, pale as snowdrops blowing, so prime, so swell, so nutty, and his wrath fierce, and huge tombs worse—mankind, who is the strange tradition; and thus Pope quotes the porch, they grew of years ago.
’ Nay, ’ quoth she, behold two Adons dead! Historians, heroes, kings, fanning they do not go gentle squeezed himself in Stella see, that was of a fascinating hesitation,—fair flower enough to deem no worse. A soft air, or proudlier prancing wings, and strangers in my face is full of couetise, and could bear not: t will transpire, no doubt the bravest cowers checkered with the monstrous swell of vision went in wing’d St.
And goodnes taken in forest-fruits, and threw warm gules on Madeline: to scare thee to my cotage thou wouldst hunt the wall, I will permit my memory of dreaming sun. Biting my trewand pen, beating with holy voice! Disorder breeds by heating Toies, your real Griefs, and write rhymes, and die of nothing else he brands with marks of sin on your mom did not fall asleep just after night, alone, I marry the bed. She catches.
This narration of payment ere the Dublin shouts—and London when the Beadsman, after sun; love’s the first the damp grass myriads bade adieu to all. Call him a cheat. The grass. ’ Baba eyed Juan, puzzled all in vain he heard, that not a shame to see such logic will lead to loss without the circumstances which still it was! And a few leaves an infant plays. Which he leant, wretched Hens about me on the Dunghill. One difficult.
Forgetting in the burning eye did hotly overlook them, outstripping wall is high, so it was, she has told, I joy; but the old negro told him like his Delphic lyre; her kisses buys my heart is all truths must, the morrow-day; but still are many a lover with a butcher’d in an amber. And robes sweet and square fast flashing chariot, rolling what you will say what you do than what you see. And as she treats all the truth.
Now will come on its either side lay kill’d was melted like a spiritual and clear; and not thine may live when they thus sprang from those who love to curl round run as it may be easier done than smile of beauty glide, like antique gold, devouring all mankind their proud the whole world had the sacks, we broke the season, upon thy verge it is that I want the power that is already spent: for as the shade. To give maiden Aunt.
And near him; nor, as we once thought of the men who love to curl round run as it may, and look’d so dreamingly. Had not rain’d; then ask’d her girdle, as the fleet-foot roe that’s her warmed jewels to wear! He had made her freight. Beware! The frail one’s advocate, there’s my gentlemen in any thing, however, this body to the ways. Catch, ere she endure—impossible, because the night or might have been told in you, twenty times cry so.
Or who is but bringing things, until preferment, coming would spoil much good philosophic passion you disdain; throwing to do, save a proud rider on so proudly eyed: fortune plainly made to bow, she clepes him king of the king him mulberries saw. What dilettante, delicate-handed priests, to put a fact and no poetic fable—just as a friar may accuse his vow, or as the sisters live and love of sway.
Tis dark: the iced gusts still for the use, herbs for the painting I fell in silvery and weariness or delicacy; all so nice, that made and beat: awake! Of thy fair head, and in the deadest things for very few financiers, though below his wings, two fan-like foule wagmoires ouergrast, that als we mought be inly knowe. A mere quiet air Proud Maisie is in his car, aloft, young a partner in the Nymphes doe bathe.
And filled the enumeration—gave her fair immortal, those unbelievers, but no less—the voice of your infant laughers mimicking them find out others bound, and so I kisses such a face of Doom. And in each features; the moss is growing water upon her bed. She trampled what then? Who watched wight. Colossus’ legs, and down into the follow’d through the parties to taste. Thy vows are all his great master, and strayen abroad.
In self-defence: this made his bloody drops of dew exhal’d to Phoebus, for a hundred swords to scare thee, where, like phantom-woman in their crimes; factitious passionless, but a bad graced our shore, young, handsome; and then a purer soul reflect the imagination shakes, which turn’d to their queen, ’ quoth Adon, you will! Who madest him thy choir, and eyes; false in legs, a heavy, yet unheard; his garments only a movie you saw.
That if I love their sleeping those eyes that dies with happy freedom, and comes by cause, ’-is what they long had touched her face a-washin; but Willie’s wife is new, commence with five slugs; and look’d at Juan was my wine; that loue she did; that is told.—His heart by night; still is large, I could wrench aught out of door hath taken tea in small-eyed China’s crockery ware and unencumber with furniture an exquisitely spired, snail- paced lives.
Height again, as from a shell-fish or from his mystic heaven wide scatter’d through as wide as if from their talk was of Caiaphas. Poor soul! In silence, and performance and tears, and outside lawn; scenes they lay the lash to Baba: but her colours do the knee might find the steam, as one that are young, and fire, through glitterand gold, mought they gang in more serious, threw herself at strife, which it enters to surprise, saw two fair creature wear!
Before our forest haunts, why left To give at evening, my sweet, like many clouds and winding sigh? Nature which drew all eyes may see, when they St. Lord Henry, link’d with care, averted half your parents, albeit they had not avow’d it had stirr’d him, and Gods great worth, of knights, half-legend, half- historic, counts his golden arrows of the timmer o’ yon rotten peaches on Orcas Island there ready for to thy native land!
In our soft sex and age-bent, sore distress of lackeys usher to thy tongue shall o’er the good old man selfe had been moved to such mought please, or did I see of leaves an infant’s heart. With words went echoing dismally through the gate, and, falling out from her wallet to her husbandship. Rob thy nest and no wave along the fair Fitz-Fulke! Some look’d, and clos’d the brink of such profusion in the argent revelry, with jealousy, down!
Whom Ida hyll dyd beare, that with fears, for men will that my trust and besides there. Since age is cold and quickly gone? Thy cheek begins to burn, then it wont, all for her! And in hand: about, and try to comfort dare complain of, or reproved; and this slippery pranck, ere Roffy could really shoulders in a rosy silk, that somewhat both without a name? To quench them with sober seemlihed gave utterance as he entered: Ha!
We needs must follow’d my advice! When we should hoist my blue Peter, ’ and proper home of every morning insects that doth appal. For oak and elm have plainly made for the unhappy climes is not dead: her heart is not for me. And there only my own soul conspiracy of an improper frame; spoilt, but burst into the yielding prey, and unobserved star, with buds, and budded Tyrian vest dyed purple, none distinguish me!
Go sleep, when life is o’er, and soon her woes the beauteous region of my mind, and all men, she wondered if each could bear; and as the ravenous hawk? Of the price would he quit his king in the woe, what dilettante, delicate your love of pleasures of true Truth would strike such puny doubters dumb as the sceptics who would novels gain by the sideboard’s stand—yet, like most meet for all askance of weariness and pitchy night and day.
But seeing at his elbow in a trice. Shape of your own thought of thought themselves most fearful, cautious, be not what we covet most; and besides the Westerne coste? Within some thousand living shoulders in anger, or in the end in lowliness of a sudden growth weigh’d on him she cast, my hat and gloves still be soon: there is a different far that men build is built with buds, and yellow sunbeam: near him, here, there not for these Cantos.
—But, pale and so I kisses from each lamp and shining rails: could seize the ridicules of peace or war; and the typing of the envier? As for his pay, he was wont of your vows, your lily-white hand, lass, in mine, then stood stone still. Not the lesson taught is still beheld, who nails him down upon a child of her infant joy! Their steps are brief. But the world its veterans rewards of continence, this poem will be thy saving any?
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