#i think this is because we get to know gregson throughout 2 games
ryutarotakedown · 1 year
(major dgs 2 spoilers) might be because i'm not that immersed in the fandom but the disparity in how people treat gregson versus jigoku is so funny. one of them killed 1 person under duress and then planned to assassinate another person though not by their own hand. one of them was the successful tactician behind assassinating 16 people though not by their own hand. you'll never guess who people dislike more
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naevery · 4 years
Downton Abbey Oppositions Tag Game
Thank you very much for tagging me @music-on-canvas.
1. Favourite plotline from your least favourite season?
My least favourite season is s4 and tbh I haven’t rewatched it in quite a long time, so I might be forgetting something, but one plotline I remember liking was Mary becoming more involved with the running of the estate throughout the season, both as a character development for her and also as a way to carry on Matthew’s legacy. I theoretically also liked the development of Edith’s and Gregson’s relationship, but knowing how it ends and particularly because I really disliked the entire Marigold plot, I find it harder to enjoy. In regards to shorter things I liked the birthday party with the jazz band and Thomas (albeit somewhat unknowingly) helping to expose and get rid of Nanny West.
2.   Least favourite plotline from your favourite season?
My favourite season is probably season 3 (hard to choose). My least favourite plotlines are the deaths of Sybil and Matthew, if one can consider them plotlines. I also really disliked Edna and her schemes in the Christmas special.
3. What’s a quality that you actually like about (one of) your least favourite main/regular character(s)?
My least favourite regular (thankfully not main) characters are probably Denker and Spratt. I find it hard to find something likable about them and I fear this sounds kind of mean but (because I don’t care for them) I kind of like how good they both are at annoying one another.
4. What’s your least favourite quality of your favourite character?
My favourite character is Thomas and my least favourite thing about him is when he is cruel to and schemes against kind characters, like Anna or Miss Baxter.
5. What’s your favourite thing that your least favourite main/regular character has done?
So if I’m going to stick with Denker and Spratt, then I actually liked that instance where Denker manipulated Andy and took him to that dive bar, though mostly because it provided an interesting story arc for Thomas. In regards to Spratt... he... collects stamps? About which I can’t say anything negative I guess, it’s almost a little endearing.
6.   What’s your least favourite thing that your favourite character has done?
Thomas persistent bullying of Miss Baxter in season 4 was hard to watch. I also used to feel that it was kind of a regression of his character development, though I’m not so sure anymore. I’m starting to wonder if maybe it demonstrated how paranoid and concerned he’d become after the only ally he ever had had betrayed him, and how he was now desperate to makes sure he was in a position of power/no longer vulnerable to a lady’s maid (because their position is comparably about as powerful as his). But it still makes me sad, especially because Miss Baxter was so kind and could have been such a great friend from much earlier on.
7. What’s a positive aspect about (one of) your least favourite ship(s)?
One of my least favourite ships is probably Mary x Henry Talbot. I do like that Henry seems to be a good and caring father figure for George, and that he helps Mary overcome her focus on status.
8. What’s an aspect about your favourite ship that you don’t like?
My favourite ship is Thomas x Richard, and I think like most others who like them together, what bothered me most was that we didn’t get to see more of them and also the worry that they might not get to see each other as often as they’d like.
9. What’s your favourite and least favourite styling/outfit of your favourite and/or least favourite character? (feel free to add pics if you want!)
I think I like most of Thomas’ outfits, the suits all look great and I always find it interesting to see the Downstairs characters in their private clothes as well. I think one of my favourite outfits of his might be the suit he wore at Brancaster Castle. I also enjoy seeing him a bit more casual, with his hair undone or when he’s in shirtsleeves. I think my least favourite styling is probably his hair in (most of) season 4, because the wig tends to look a bit off. I also didn’t really love his haircut in the movie tbh, and I thought the suit looked also a little less fancy/well cut than it had in the series.
(one of my) favourite outfits:
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probably my favourite hair (both pics taken from here):
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I’m tagging @sillyboithomas​, @singingman55​, @jolie-goes-downton​ and @downtoncat​. I’m afraid I don’t know who has already done the tag, so please forgive me if you’ve already done it/been tagged by someone else (or don’t want to do it). And of course I’m tagging everyone else who would like to do this, feel free to say I tagged you!
And thank you so much to everyone who’s already done the tag!
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