#i think what made him sour on jared specifically & warm up to cory was that comment.
thewingedwolf · 9 months
i think part of why matt is underestimated in the house is ableism straight up. he was clearly overwhelmed the first two to three weeks and trying to adjust to being around so many people, to get comfortable asking people to repeat things and get used to people’s quirks when they speak, and over the weeks people have been taking him into account more (purposefully sitting where he can see their face, asking him if he understands, getting his attention when a group chat is happening & he looks spaced out, etc) so game talk has gotten easier, but at the same time, the image of him being like, overwhelmed and helpless, has stayed in a lot of people’s minds.
and tbh he’s clearly played that up which is smart! he definitely plays into his silly side & he says stupid shit like “a fun fact about me is i’m deaf” lol, and meanwhile people spill game info to him all the time bc he’s just silly matt, never mind he’s the best rat in the house! it’s interesting to watch him take his disability and the unfair way it’s been handled by production and even house guests and then use it to his advantage in the game.
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