#i think. if i can manage a haircut i can commit to a tattoo
wall-e-gorl · 6 months
General goals for this year:
floss more
get a professional haircut
get a tattoo (?)
try at least 2 ttrpgs that aren't dnd
try my hand at dming at least once
keep playing games with my friends
Personal art goals:
draw just as much or more as I did in 2023 (measured in vibes alone)
draw dragons again
figure out how to color with depth
use my dots brush more
learn more anatomy (maybe attempt a figure study session?)
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Sanctuary - Chapter 21
Warnings: profanity but that’s about it
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @alievans007, @innerpaperexpertcloud, @valkyrie-of-the-light
They meet in a coffee house two clocks from their hotel; arriving separately, hoping not to draw attention to themselves. There was no way of telling of how far word had spread. If the news that a solider for hire had travelled out into the general community or if the people responsible very keeping it on the downlow in fear of escalating tension. There was already longstanding angst between the IRA and everyday folk; their acts of brutality and domestic terrorism were decades old and while silent, still had the propensity to flair up at a moments notice.
 Tyler is already on his second extra large black coffee when Yaz arrives; the younger man casually slipping into the bench across from him, iPad in one hand, his own SAT in the other.
“That shit will kill you,” Yaz remarks, wrinkling his nose at how incredibly strong the brew smells; the colour as dark as fresh black ink.
“Too late. I’m already dead inside.” Tyler retorts, and removes his sunglasses and places them on the tabletop, followed by his personal cellphone.
Esme had sent him videos that the kids had made for him: Tanner bragging about how many popsicles he ate in one sitting, TJ showing off his black eye and swollen nose, and Mille proud as shit that she’d been the one who had inflicted the damage. She had no shame; she wasn’t sorry and refused to apologize and declared she would do it again in a heartbeat if he so as much breathed on her the wrong way. And then the baby; with his very first haircut, freshly erupted teeth, and a handful of words that seemingly cropped up over night.
The loneliness is intense. Those beautiful little faces and those cute, soft voices telling him how much they missed him. How much they loved him and couldn’t wait for him to come home.
He rubs his hands over his face.  He’d managed to trim the beard. Had taken the clippers to his hair. Followed by a long, cold shower that did little to calm his nerves and worry but had successfully managed to aggravate every bit of arthritis that existed in his body.
“You look like shit,” Yaz comments, and then peers into his mug. “Black, huh?”
“Yeah. Like my soul.”
Yaz smirks, then orders a caramel latte from the waitress that drops two menus onto the tabletop. His eyes following her as she walks away; eyebrows arched as he admires the way her hips sway from side to side and the way her skirt just seems to hug each and every curve.  “You look like shit,” he says, as he turns back to Tyler. “Get any sleep?”
“Not really. You?”
He shakes his head, and pushes one of the vinyl bound menus across the table. “Eat something for fuck sakes, can’t have you wasting away on and perishing from starvation in the middle of a job. Nik would beat my ass. And your wife would kill me.”
“You realize I could break you in half with my bare hands, yeah?” Tyler smirks, as he flips open his menu.
“I do. And do you realize I’ve actually had nightmares where that’s happened? Where I’ve pissed you off and you’ve just gone medieval on my ass? I’m not ashamed to admit that you scare the ever loving shit out of me. I’m glad we’re friends, man. I’m just saying. Because I really do not want you to kill me with a  garden rake.”
“That’s played out. I’d use something more creative. Like a tire iron. Or a pitchfork.”
“Nothing surprises me about you anymore.  So after we talked, I couldn’t turn my brain off. It was like it was in overdrive. Firing on all cylinders. I can’t wrap my head around this. I can’t figure out how they made us that quick. We didn’t go through any airports, we didn’t have to check through customs, there was no flight manifesto. At least not one with our real names. How?”
“They had us made before we even got off the plane. Probably before we even left Colorado. There’s someone inside. A mole. There has to be. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
“Maybe McCann? Maybe he is in on this. Maybe this is some big game.”
“I think it’s someone on the team.  He even told me when we first met that he’d paid to get my information from someone and that’s how he tracked me down all the way in Guatemala.”
“How fucked up is that? That he actually showed up there and followed you? Like a goddamn stalker.”
“How fucked up is it that that’s not even the most messed up thing in all of this?” Tyler counters, and casts a glance towards his cell phone as it vibrates against the table. Taking the opportunity to check on the notification as the waitress returns with Yaz’ drink, and her phone number. The latter she boldly tucks into the breast pocket of his shirt before flashing a dazzling smile before taking their orders as if nothing even happened.
“Well shit…” Yaz’s eyes once more follow her backside as she heads to the kitchen with their requests. “…and she’s’ cute too!”
“And legal,” Tyler smirks, as he types out a quick reply to his wife’s text message.
“Fuck you,” Yaz mutters. “That was a complete mistake. I didn’t realize she was that young. You could have been my wingman. Had you not gone into the bathroom to get laid. And thanks for that, by the way. I had to piss in an alley out behind that bar.”
“Take it as a badge of honour to know your godson was conceived while you were taking a leak outside and taking one for the team.”
“You two conceive your kids in the most fucked up places, I swear. Is anything normal with you guys? Or did you just figure, ‘hey, we started this shit out during some craziness, let’s keep the trend going’?”
“Excuse me for not being vanilla like you. Which is why I have a very satisfied wife at home and why you have callouses on your palms and carpal tunnel.”
“Sometimes I really hate you, you know that? Think I should call her?”
“Why wouldn’t you? She’s cute. She’s obviously into you. She was brave enough to give you her number. Maybe she’s brave at other things.”
Yaz smirks. “I like the way you think. Maybe I don’t hate you after all. This never happens, you know. When we go somewhere together. You’re the one that is usually getting all the phone numbers. Which you don’t even use, by the way.”
��Why would I? I’m married. Happily.”
“At least pass them on to your boy. What is wrong with me? How long have I had to struggle as your sidekick? How long have I had to witness women tripping over themselves to get your attention? You and the blue eyes and all the muscles.”
Tyler grins. “I’m flattered, Yaz. I never knew you had a crush on me. If I swung that way, I’d probably give you a chance. I’d probably split you in half though. I don’t think you could handle all this.”
“You’re a very disturbed individual, did you know that? There’s something seriously wrong with you. You’re not my type anyway You’re too...pretty.”
Tyler snorts. “I’m pretty? You have some pretty messed up definition of pretty, then. The tattoos, the scars. How’s that pretty?”
“The eyes. The hair. The smile. The big arms.”
“Alright, alright. I’m getting a complex here. Quit flirting with me and let’s get down to business. What did you find out?”
“Quite a bit actually,” he powers up the iPad and leans it against the napkin holder and condiment dispenser at the edge of the table, so they can both see it. “It wasn’t that hard to find. And I’m honestly surprised none of us thought of doing it before. Looking into the wife. There’s some good stuff. First…” he taps on the screen and brings up a side by side picture of Heather McCann; one from her earlier years (either high school or college, Tyler can’t say for sure) and a current photo, before she’d been taken.
“She’s from New Zealand. Which we already knew. Born in Christchurch. May 29th, 1979. Her mother was heavy into the activism scene; protesting shit like pollution in the oceans, nuclear arms, animal cruelty, women’s rights. So on and so forth. A couple arrests under her belt. Nothing serious. Creating a public nuisance, assault on a police officer, vandalism. Nothing too scandalous.  The father however, had quite the extensive criminal record.”
“He’s dead?”
“Killed. Ten years ago. While on vacation on the Bahamas. It was a hit. No doubt about. One to the back of his head.”
Tyler sips his coffee. “Execution style.”
“Exactly. Now, I couldn’t figure out what the hell he could have been involved in that led to that. So I did some more digging. His name was Alphonse Buckman, and this criminal record of his, there is some pretty serious shit. Racketeering,  four counts of assault with a deadly weapon, money laundry, trafficking…”
“Another Amir Asif.”
“New Zealand’s own. And there’s more. Much more.  We’re talking uttering death threats, threatening a public official, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder. It just goes on and fucking on.”
“How was he even out on the street? With a list like that? He should have been doing at least fifty years if you add all of that up.”
“Money, Tyler. Money. This isn’t just some normal guy. He was the head of very prominent crime family in New Zealand.”
He frowns. “Didn’t McCann say that he met his wife while trying to extract someone from a crime family down there?”
“He wasn’t just extracting someone from any crime family. He was extracting them from this crime family.”
“Jesus fuck,” Tyler runs his hands over his face, rakes a hand through his hair, holding it away from his forehead.
“It gets better. So much better. Or worse. I’m not sure which. Remember what McCann told you? About his wife being a shop keeper?”
Tyler nods.
“That’s bullshit. Her grandmother was the shop keeper. Grandmother on the mother’s side. Remember that part, okay? Heather wasn’t just some innocent caught up in all of this. Just some random off the street. She’s the daughter of an international criminal mastermind. We’re talking a guy that was even wanted by Interpol and still managed to get off. Heather was the extract.”
“Wait…wait…you lost me. What?”
“Heather was who McCann was hired to extract. He was hired by the father. Because the mother had taken off with Heather to get her away from him. He wasn’t there to get someone away from a bad guy. He was working for the bad guy. A bad guy with extensive ties, to, you guessed it, the IRA.”
“This is fucked,” Tyler concludes. “This is quite possibly the most fucked up thing I’ve heard in a long time. That I’ve been mixed up in.”
“It was his very first job. As a mercenary. He left the IRA to become a soldier of fortune. And they took that as a huge slight. Because of all that he knows about them. And because he’s no doubt had to go after some of their members. He’s a traitor to them. But…”
‘Nothing good every comes after ‘but’, Yaz. Nothing.”
“He hasn’t just pissed off the IRA. He’s pissed off everyone associated with the ex father in law. Because he took money from them to do jobs that he never followed through with. We’re talking big money, Tyler. Like millions of dollars. Huge cash. So he’s got the IRA after him and everyone that still has ties and loyalty to his father in law. They both want him.”
“So there’s a huge pissing content going on between the IRA and these other guys.”
“Exactly. This is messed up. And I have seen some messed up shit. One word. Dhaka.”
“Still doesn’t explain the weird feeling I get from the wife,” he gives the waitress a polite smile as she returns with their food and cutlery.
“This is where it gets really interesting,” Yaz says, as he digs into his food, then shoots the waitress a thumbs up from across the coffee house.  He swipes left on the tablet, bringing up school pictures of the McMann children. “This is Emma and Nicholas McMann. Michael and Heather McMann’s two children. Born here in Belfast. Not that that means anything, really, but just bare with me here.  So McMann came home on the twelveth and found his place tossed. Completely trashed. And his wife and the kids missing and a letter, claiming to be from the IRA, saying they were responsible and that they’d be in touch. But he never called the police. He never once reported that his kids or his wife, had been taken.”
“Because he knew that the cops would find out about his own illegal shit.”
“Precisely. He spends a few days trying to take them down. Stirring up some real shit here in Belfast with the IRA, who in turn, turns around and says they have no idea what he’s even talking about. They say it wasn’t them. That they had nothing to do with it and if they wanted him  dead that badly, they would just do it. They wouldn’t do that to kids.”
“So they say. We’ve seen a lot of screwed up shit involving kids, Yaz.”
“I agree. Or normally I would. But I’m starting to think it isn’t the IRA. They’re a proud bunch. When they’re involved in something, they admit it. They adamantly refuse to take any responsibility for this. Which leads us back…”
“To the father in law,” Tyler concludes.
“Which in turn, leads us back to her,” he brings another picture of Heather McCann on the screen. “Guess who runs the books for dear old dead daddy’s people back home. Guess who is the only child of said dead mobster and the executor of his estate and his power of attorney.”
Tyler sighs. “I need something stronger than coffee for this.”
“She’s the ring leader. Supposedly. I can’t really prove that. Not yet. You know,  some of this shit would be a lot easier to dig up it we had an actual experienced intel person. Someone with real hands on experience. That has done all of this before. And really awesomely, I might add.”
“Forget it, Yaz. Don’t even say it. There’s no way I’m agreeing to that and you know it.”
“Esme has tons of contacts,” he reasons. “All over the world. She’s dealt with this kind of thing. Organized crime. In New York City and Philadelphia. I’ve seen her file, Tyler. From the people in North America.”
“You ran a background check on my wife? Just now or…”
“Back when Nik was going to hire her. We had to check things out. Check references. Things like that. You haven’t seen her file but I have. And it’s not just impressive. It is super fucking impressive. The circles that she’s infiltrated, the people she’s got to trust her, the mercenaries that she’s helped get people out of some horrible shit. She doesn’t just know things that regular people know. She knows things that could get a lot of people killed. And if we had her here…”
“Yaz, I said forget it. I am not getting her involved. We have four kids at home. That need their mother.”
“They need their father too. But here you are.”
“I’m not taking their mother away from them. I’m not doing it. So drop it.”
“Tyler, both the IRA and this family know we’re here. They know our names. Our faces. They know we came here and they are pissed. I am not going to be able to get all the information out of them that we need. Esme could come in here and get everything we need and then leave just as fast as she  got here. Look what she was able to do in Dhaka. How successful that part of it was. Now tell me why this is a bad idea.”
“Because she isn’t just some random intel person, Yaz. She’s my wife. The mother of my kids. That’s why. This is insane. Even thinking about dragging her into this. Wasn’t Dhaka enough? Wasn’t that enough bullshit for her to go through? You want me to just bring her into this?”
“It would work. You know it would. You’re just too scared to admit it. Bringing Esme in would save us a whole lot of time.”
“And possibly get her killed.”
“She could have been killed in Dhaka. But she wasn’t. Because you were there to protect her. Just like you would be here.”
“Jesus…” Tyler drags his hand down his face. “…I can’t believe I am listening to this.”
“But you’re considering it. Aren’t you.”
He reluctantly nods.
“It’s the best idea I have. And it’s the only one that will work. And you know that. That’s why you don’t want to admit it. Look, I know it probably scares the shit out of you. Her getting back into this, but we need her Tyler. I know it. You know it.”
“This is insane,” he drops his fork on his now empty plate with a clatter and leans back in booth, hands clasped behind his head.
“What’s the worst she can say? No?”
“How about ‘you’re fucking insane and I want a divorce’.”
“That won’t happen and you know it. Give it some thought. We don’t have a lot of time to play with here. McCann is going to start to wonder why we’re stalling, He’s already getting impatient. Give it a couple hours. Think it over.”
Tyler nods in agreement. “Back to the wife. Explain to me how she’s involved.”
“Like I said, I think she’s the one running the show for dear old dead dad. All signs point to her. I can’t prove it. At least not yet. I think she’s exacting revenge on her husband.”
“For what?”
“Apparently he’s got quite the wandering eye. And a wandering dick.”
“So set all this up…use her children as bait…because her husband can’t keep it in his pants? Seems a little extreme, don’t you think?”
“I don’t think it’s just that. I think she knows he had something to do with her father’s death. And she’s pissed because he’s screwed over all kinds of other people by not doing the jobs he was hired to do. Just pocketing the money. Which in turn, puts targets on her and her kids’ back.”
“So she stages all of this to make it look like she’s not involved but uses her kids for leverage?”
“Like you said, we’ve seen screwed up things involving kids. And this wouldn’t be the worst. Unfortunately.”
“This changes everything. You know that, yeah?”
“You need to be the one to get the kids out, Tyler.  They have to be your priority. You’re responsibility. They’re the only innocent ones in all of this. It has to be you.”
“And if I can only get one?”
“One is better than none.”
He gives a derisive snort, then waves the waitress over and orders another coffee.
“Let McCann go for the wife. Let them kill each other. Who gives a shit at this point. The bad wiping out the bad. But you have to get those kids. They have to be your extracts.”
He sighs heavily, then nods.
“Now call your wife,” Yaz slides Tyler’s cell phone towards him. “Tell her we need her help. Tell her what’s going on. Let her be the one to decide if she wants to get involved or not.”
“If she asks me for a divorce and I get kicked out of my house, I’m coming to sleep on your couch, mate,” he’s only half joking, then palms his cell phone and slips out of the booth.
“Good luck,” Yaz calls after him as he heads for the exit.
She answers on the third ring; sounding exhausted, yet still excited to hear from him.
“I thought you wouldn’t call until much later your time,” she says.  “It’s only eight am there. It thought for sure you’d be busy. Tracking people down, kicking some ass. All that kind of stuff.”
“We’ve hit a bit of a roadblock,” Tyler admits, as he slips his sunglasses on and leans against the red brick of the coffee house.  Seeking peace and quiet from the hustle and bustle of the main street by tucking into the neighbouring alley.  From here he can keep an eye on the road; observe those coming down the sidewalk from each direction, leaving different store fronts. The alley leads to a dead end, nothing but dumpsters and back exits. “And maybe I just wanted to call because I wanted to hear your voice. Maybe I miss you.”
“Maybe?” she challenges, and he grins.
“I miss you,” he admits. “A lot. A hell of a lot.”
“I miss you too. Are you okay?”
“Fine,” he assures her. “Did I wake you up? What is it? Like eleven there?”
“I’m sitting outside. On the swing. It rained for the better part of the afternoon and it so beautiful out now. There’s a really nice breeze coming in off the mountains. I wish you were here. I miss this part of our night. Sitting out here together. How many times have we actually fallen asleep on this swing?”
“Too many to count,” he says, a smile of reminiscence curving his lips. “The kids were good?”
“Mille finally chilled out. She was much better after I told her to record that video for you. It calmed her right down. She cried a little. At bedtime. Because you weren’t there to tuck her in and read her stories. Maybe you can record yourself reading her one and send it to her. She’d love that. If you find time.”
“I’ll find all the time in the world for her, you know that. How’s the boys?”
“Hanging in there. TJ has his ups and down. Tanner is still being the calm and consoling one. And Declan is Declan. He’s such a little ham. He’s so funny. He’s quite the character already. But what a temper! I’ve never seen anyone pitch a fit like he can! And so strong! I wonder where he gets that from.”
“The being strong or the having a bad temper?”
“Both,” she laughs. “I’m glad you liked the videos. We had so much fun making them. And can you believe the baby has four words now? He’s so smart Tyler. Crazy smart.”
“Like his mom.”
“And he is so close to walking already. You said he would be the one that would walk the earliest. Because of his insanely strong legs. I hope you don’t miss it. I’d really want you to be here when it happens. You missed it with both Millie and the twins. I’d like you to get the chance to see it this time.”
He swallows down the lump of emotion that’s wedged in his throat. “I’d like to see it too. I hope I’m back in time.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asks.  “You don’t sound like yourself. There’s something in your voice. I don’t know what it is. But it’s something.”
“I need your help,” he just spits it out. No chill whatsoever. Just straight to the point. “Actually, we need your help. Yaz and I.”
“Okay…” he can hear the squeak of the swing as she stands up. “…with?”
“We’ve been made. Both of us. We were made before we even got off the plane.”
“Shit,” she mutters. “Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent. I got a visitor in the middle of the night. From whoever is behind all of this. Telling me that I stuck my nose in business I don’t belong in and that I needed to watch my back. They know my name. Where I live. They have pictures. Of all of us.”
“Which is why Nik decided out of nowhere to stay here along with two of her guys. Tyler…”
“I asked her not to tell you. I didn’t want to get you all worked up if it just turned out to be idle threats. They’re just trying to scare me. So I’ll abandon things here.”
“But you’re not. Abandoning things.”
“I’ve got a job to do.”
“The job is obviously fucked. Tyler, you need to come home. Right now. Get on the next plane and get home. Please.”
“I can’t. I need to get those kids. I don’t give a shit about the wife. But I can’t leave those kids. And I know you understand that. Would you want someone leaving our kids?”
“Of course not.. But…”
“Esme, we need your help. I need your help. I can’t get them without you.”
“Tyler, I’m not a mercenary. I wouldn’t know the first thing about extracting someone. And that’s not something I can just learn on the fly.”
“I don’t need help with that. I can do all that stuff. I need your help with intel.”
“You have Yaz there,” she points out.
“Yaz doesn’t know the things you do. He hasn’t done the things you have. I know you’ve been in this before. I know about New York. And Philly.”
She sighs. “How?”
“Yaz told me. He saw it in your file. When Nik did background on you before she gave you the job. I don’t care that you kept that from me. There’s things I’ve done on the job that you don’t know about either. This isn’t about keeping secrets or protecting each other and keeping info away from one another. This is about me needing your help to rescue those kids.”
“I have to admit, there is a perverse satisfaction in hearing you admit you actually need my help something,” she chides, and he can’t help but grin.
“Babe, I wouldn’t call you about this if I had anyone else,” he continues. “You’re the best at this. I know it. You know it. You’ve helped bring down better and bigger. I won’t go too much into it right now. It’s better if I tell you everything in person.”
“Whoa…whoa…in person? Tyler, I have four kids here. They’re already without their father. Now you want me to leave them without their mother too?”
“Look, it’s not what I want. I know it’s not what you want. And the thought of taking you away from them kills me as much as it kills you. But I need you. McCann’s kids need you.”
“Tyler…” another heavy sigh.
“Esme…please…I really need you to do this.”
“Who do I get to watch the kids? I can’t just pull a babysitter out of my ass.”
“Ask Ovi if Chloe would do it.”
“She works.”
“She owns her own business and has her own employees. I’m sure she can trust them to run shit while she takes time off.  Or call your mom.”
“Oh right,” she laughs. “That will go over well.”
“I’ll call her then.”
“That would just be even worse! What would you say? ‘I need you to watch your grandkids so your daughter can come to Ireland and help me kick some ass’?”
“Something like that. Babe, this is serious. These people know who we are. We aren’t going to get anything out of them.”
“And you think I’ll be able to?” she inquires.
“I know you’ll be able to,” Tyler confidently replies.
“You are something else,” she mumbles, and then falls into a long, almost painful silence.
“I’m here. I’m cursing you out, but I’m here. Are your ears ringing? Because they should be. Jesus, Tyler. You honestly can not be serious about this.”
“I am. Dead serious. You’re the best at this type of thing. And we need the best. Especially with the kind of people we’re going against.”
“Which you’ll tell me all about when I get there,” she concludes.  “I need a few hours. At least. I would need to call my mom and have Ovi get a hold of Chloe. This isn’t going to be an instant thing. I have to book a flight and…”
“Ask Nik. She’ll arrange one for you. She’s got great connections.”
“Fine,” she huffs. “I’ve got to and get shit together. I’ll call you. As soon as everything is ironed out and I know when I’ll be there. This is insane, Tyler. You’re insane.”
“Maybe. But you love me.”
“Only one days that end in Y. I’ll call you. Soon.”
“I love you,” he tells her. “And thank you.”
“You’re welcome. And I love you too. I’ll see you in a little while.”
“I’ll see you when I see you,” he says.
“Yes,” he can hear the smile in her voice. “You will.”
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redneckvampirequeen · 6 years
Today at visit there was a guy we have seen before getting a visit from his mom. This is a woman with the penultimate “can I speak to the manager” haircut and a “live, love, laugh” sweater on. Like, you KNOW that there is a ceramic rooster and one of those cheesy Italian chef statues with a chalkboard in her kitchen. Her son has a fire emoji tattooed on his face. 🔥 He’s probably 25. Last week, after playing cards for a while, she launched into him about “making positive choices” and “building a real future” while also repeatedly calling him a dipshit. I know this because she was talking loud enough for the entire room to hear her. Today, she started listing off all the rules she was going to impose once he got out. “NO SMOKING. Lights out at 10pm. If you have a girl over, keep your door open. I’m doing this to help you do better, dipshit.” The whole time, he’s just sitting there and smirking. And I’m thinking like, this woman is essentially carving into stone that her kid is going to IMMEDIATELY steal her TV and pawn it for meth and come flying back to prison. Holy fucking shit, lady. I’d commit a felony myself to get away from you.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 40+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/lucy-hales-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, with credit to Ess for the updated view. Hale himself has a sense of humour about his hair. he shared a photo of the new chops attached to Instagram story Daria with her best friend Jane Lane. The comparison is true, as Hale said. The star's luscious brown locks were chopped off in her sleep when. Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, aka Aria Montgomery refused to dye her hair pink during a recent flashback to pretty Little Liars. While this should have been one of a's elaborate punishments, the results were a spectacular jaw-length bob that we've seriously considered copying ever since. Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Though in real life Hale is happily changing his appearance by gradually cutting his hair shorter and shorter since the end of last year. If you're nervous about trying a shorter style, it's hairstylist. Lucy Hale's Short Haircuts Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Kristin Ess, who is also responsible for Lauren Conrad's stylish product, who says this can help prepare you mentally. She tells InStyle it's good to feel shorter lengths before going for a full jaw length chop. Lucy Hale's Hairstyles He said. 'it's a serious commitment. There's a strange scene when you grow up a bob and if you master that first, I think you might have a Bob. Pretty Little Liars actress Lucy Hale is one of our ultimate hair heroes over the years the American actress has experimented with things like long medium and short hair as well as hair studs hair tattoos and fringes. Lucy Hale's Haircuts Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Most recently Lucy sported shoulder length hair but yesterday took to instagram to debut her new super short hair cut. See his large Mane exposed below. Lucy Hale's Short Hair Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, The jump from lob to bob with her final haircut. The 29-year-old actress recently shared a photo of her new short style from celebrity hairdresser Kristin Ess on instagram. Short hair has been seen for some time but this cut is a bit more dramatic than her usual. Lucy Hale's Hair Shoulder length style. While he is no stranger to super short bob, he wore a similar length last year, a minute has passed since we saw this style. Her hair now hits towards her chin with a blunt length all around her. From Tousled braids to romantic updos. Best Lucy Hale Haircut images Anything is possible when you have length on your side. Lucy's long bob is characterized by blunt ends. If you're considering wearing the look this season, we strongly recommend watching it for a guaranteed fashion-forward finish. Lucy Hale's Hair Just Keeps Getting Shorter Shorter length helps create more volume and movement, and the star's locks look healthier and brighter than ever. Lucy may spend far less time than she did before wondering if she was a major factor in her decision-making. Lucy Hale Truly Doesn't Care That You Don't Like Her Short Hair We think beautiful Lucy's locks look gorgeous no matter the length, but we're absolutely obsessed with her new cut, which is a clear winner for us. I agree with you. Let us know by voting for your favorite view above. It's Lucy Hale's birthday. Lucy Hale Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors The Pretty Little Liars star turns 28 today and the star gives us serious off-screen inspiration in her ever-changing but always effortless lob form as she lives for OMG moments on the hit TV show. She's headed from blonde to brunette red. Lucy Hale natural hair color And again the actress likes to change her. Playing Aria Montgomery on Freeform's hit show, the actress is supposed to keep her locks dark, but she likes to experiment with different cuts colors textures and styles when she's off. Pretty little liars aria haircut From Mini buns to wavy hair to braided updos to straight locks, we always crush the latest style. Sometimes I miss my long hair, she says. When I cut my hair I definitely feel like I'm on my own but I miss knitting and putting it in a full ponytail because now. Lucy Hale hair products I can't fit all my hair into a ponytail. He said he hasn't grown up yet. Rather he finds it incredibly empowering. It can motivate a lot of people to cut their hair. Just get ready for a new month a breakup or a change that changes your style. Lucy Hale medium length hair Is an easy and common way to start fresh. And Lucy Hale is the best example. The actress has kept her hair safe collarbone length for some time so far although Pretty Little Liars has turned her colour on many occasions since wrapping up hale. She just revealed her latest chops in a post on Instagram and it's shorter than we've ever seen. Lucy Hale Short Hair 2020 - 2021 But now Hale is returning to his roots thanks to a new role he landed, still a mystery, so he hasn't been able to say what it is yet . Kristin ESS Hale's longtime stylist and colorist said her new look for an upcoming episode called the role basically her old hair color. Best Lucy Hale Bob images Lucy has cool and dazzling green Yesil eyes, which look good in spring and autumn colours. The reddish brown hue of her hair flattens her skin tone and intensifies her eye colour while revealing the natural rosiness on her cheeks. Best Lucy Hale Hairstyles One of all Lucy Hale's enviable features is her ability to be a total beauty chameleon, the actress and singer we admire most, who looks almost as good in black lipstick as poppy red lip and bronze eyeshadow. and an eyeliner. But one thing we'll never get over the obsession is his dark wavy new bob. Lucy Hale hair 2020 - 2021 So we just asked her to share all her short hair secrets for this month's column. Keep swiping to read Lucy Hale's lob secrets, from her favourite products to style tips. Editor's note. this column was first published in 2020 - 2021, and many of the products. Lucy Hale with short hair Referenced are a testament to both their brilliance and that Lucy is in better taste at a different point in her career and life than what is now being discussed here. The article has been edited for clarity. Hello, byrdie readers. I'm excited to talk about everything. Lucy Hale haircut short In lob's corner this month. Lucy Hale cut her hair into a beautiful lob in 2020, and since then it's been shorter and shorter until it settles perfectly over the shoulder style, no wonder her pictures have splashed across so many hairstyles. Lucy Hale rose gold hair On Inspo Pinterest boards. When Lauren Conrad first chopped her long hair this fall she didn't go straight up to chin length. women feel more like women who will have shorter hair. women don't understand. Lucy Hale has now been rocking a shoulder length. Lucy Hale short hairstyle Bob for several seasons and the style has become one of the most popular haircuts for the summer. The only downside is that it makes simple styles like a ponytail almost impossible. But Hale and professional hairdresser Kristin Ess are proving that even the shortest bobs can be pulled back into a fancy fluff. women say you cut your hair. Lucy Hale short haircut And you're like No I've never cut my hair in my life it's a big deal.’ I feel like women understand and know that the star of new CW show Katy Keene's Lucy Hale has a talent list, she is an actress and singer and known for her excellent fashion choices. Lucy Hale hair color However, despite all her abilities, there is something constantly spoken about by her short hair. The marsupial, about eight inches from its brown locks, has been years in the making, Hale said. Since then the Pretty Little Liars alum has just gone shorter and darker with her hair. The haircut inspired fans and other celebrities to cut their hair in a similar way. Lucy Hale straight hair But despite all the praise the actress has received, there are people who prefer her hair longer and often tell Hale that preference. It was the most liberating thing I've ever done, Hale said about his original snap decision to cut his hair too long. Lucy Hale medium hair And while the actress has no plans to grow her hair again she is still constantly told by women that she prefers her long locks to the longer of her short hair. I can't tell you how much time women spend.you have to take your hair off again. Lucy Hale curly hair As I Hale long hair revealed in a recent interview with Cosmopolitan. Thankfully the Katy Keene star gives the perfect response to the women who dared comment on her trademark short hair. I'm not cutting my hair for you. I cut my hair for myself and I feel great in. Lucy Hale new hair This way the 30-year-old shared. Switching your hair color as Lucy Hale has been none lately and for good reason. actress told Cosmopolitan.com taking a role with or out of color during a Facebook Live Pretty Little Liars Aria haircut in the past she couldn't really play. Lucy Hale's hair Half the pin up flat make it sweet and beautiful. And it's nice to know that you're not the only one addicted to your straightener in. The early 2020. the ends of these brown locks are jagged cut to sit on. The jawline, giving a fine movement up to the mid-length ends. Lucy Hale curls This casual hairstyle is perfect for those who want to manage a low-fuss look with regular trimmings every 4 to 6 weeks. Only a small amount of product is required for brightness and texture. Lucy Hale went for a short and sweet hairstyle here. Lucy Hale long hair The jaw-length bob has a closed center piece and thin kinky waves along some added tissue. Hair is what connects a woman's entire appearance and emphasizes the beauty of her face. Taking this into account it is vital that you style your hair in a. Lucy Hale blonde Sophisticated way that makes your overall effect eye appealing. Lucy Hale includes styles designed for short hair. Lucy has a square heart-shaped face, so short blunt. Styles are not usually recommended as they can create a box appearance. Lucy Hale hair short This helps to create a more balanced look for fighting Lucyâ waves and angled cuts. The side part is also a good choice for him, as squares and heart shapes should avoid the center parts in most cases. The mastermind behind every look is celebrity hairdresser Kristin Ess, who is also the lady behind Jenna Jewan Tatum's gorgeous waves. There are people who are happy with scissors, and then there are celebrities. Lucy Hale ombre hair To prove my point, Lucy Hale's new haircut is even shorter than the old one but the fellow actress seems to have zero regrets about her recent chops, and possibly even shorter. Saturday July 21 Instagram the 29-year-old happily shared a recent jaw photo of her 'do grazing' on Instagram created by none other than hairdresser Kristin Ess who has worked with other stars such as Lauren Conrad.looks similar. Lucy Hale pink hair This week Lucy Hale is making a triumphant return to TV screens as Katy Keene's titular character in the forthcoming Riverdale spinoff. And while she is fully prepared to embrace Katy's dress-heavy wardrobe on display she is also opening up about her own personal style. In a new cover interview with. Lucy Hale red hair Cosmopolitan Lucy got more specific about how her style and her persona have changed since her Pretty Little Liars days and how much the fact that cutting her hair has changed her life. Lucy has always tried hairstyles; she has been sporting short hair for several years and even went blonde at one point but saying goodbye to her eight inches of hair. Lucy Hale ombre Was a big change for her in the best way possible. It was the most liberating thing I've ever done, mag's now stylish tousled chin-length bob. I can't tell you how much time women spend.you have to take your hair off again. Lucy Hale bob hair Enough to say that the constant chameleon always debuted a brand new chin length bob that gave the actor Pretty Little Liars a lot of new hair to try out hair color down to the follicular Lucy Hale and passing on Instagram this year and surprised fans. Hale is constantly changing things thanks in part to his longtime stylist Kristin Ess.
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thesassybooskter · 6 years
EVERY DEEP DESIRE by Sharon Wray: Spotlight, Excerpt & Giveaway
He’s taking it all back
His honor, his freedom, and the woman he loves
Rafe Montfort was a decorated Green Beret, the best of the best, until a disastrous mission and an unforgivable betrayal destroyed his life. Now, this deadly soldier has returned to the sultry Georgia swamps to reunite with his brothers, and take back all he lost. But Juliet must never know the truth behind what he’s done…or the dangerous secret that threatens to take him from her forever.
It took Juliet Capel eight long years to put her life back together after her husband was taken from her. Now Rafe is back, determined to protect her at any cost, and it’s not just her heart that’s in danger. The swamps hold a secret long buried and far deadlier than either of them could have imagined…
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  Dear Readers,
As an author, I both love and fear release days. I’m thrilled that the book I’ve spent years on is entering the world, ready to find readers. Yet terrified because the fictional world I’ve spent so much time in—dreaming about, thinking of, planning for—is no longer my own.
The story and everything in it, especially the characters, now belong to you. All the feels you experience, whether I intended them or not, will be filtered through your own life’s events. Your memories, your dreams, your joys, and losses will determine what you take away from the story. And that’s the way it should be.
Yet, while reader reactions are completely out of my control, it’s also scary. Especially when one makes changes to the genre. Every Deep Desire, and the other books in the Deadly Force series, are all romantic suspense stories—yet they’re also different. And we all know how the world feels about change.
The Deadly Force series is about a group of ex-Green Berets, under the command of Colonel Kells Torridan, who were charged with a crime they didn’t commit and dishonorably discharged despite their innocence. Some of the men from the unit are in prison, but the men in the series, including Kells, are living in Savannah, GA, managing Iron Rack’s, a run-down, pirate-themed gym in a not-so-nice part of town, and working as bouncers at a goth strip club. They’re hiding in plain sight, teaching Krav Maga classes, tossing drunks, desperate to find any information that can lead them to who destroyed their lives, and why.
But these books aren’t just about the men and their weapons. They are also romances. To be more specific, each love story is a retelling of one of Shakespeare’s greatest love stories. Just add in sexy, down-and-out Green Berets, dangerous arms dealers, and strong heroines who teach these alpha males that Grace always defeats Reckoning. <grin>
Every Deep Desire, a contemporary retelling of Romeo and Juliet and first in the Deadly Force series, is about Rafe Montfort and Juliet Capel. Rafe, a man in Kells’s unit, left his men and his wife to join the Prince and his Fianna army only to end up in prison. Now, eight years later, Rafe finds himself released without explanation. His only clue is a note telling him to return to the remote sea island off the coast of Savannah where he and Juliet grew up. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that his wife Juliet, the woman he’s adored his entire life, is in danger.
Juliet, a landscape architect, has struggled for eight years to recover from Rafe’s abandonment and disappearance. Their early marriage had been a disaster both their families had warned them about, but they’d been too young and too in love to understand. Now she’s determined to live her life on her own terms without help from anyone. And the last thing she needs is her ex-husband returning home with vague warnings of danger.
But when vague warnings become real threats, Rafe and Juliet realize that both of their enemies, the Prince and Remiel Marigny, know a 17th century secret about the Isle where they both grew up, a secret both of their families have kept for hundreds of years. Now, in order to figure out why an army of assassins, a brutal gun runner, and a team of ex-Green Berets are interested in Juliet’s ancestor—a Puritan woman accused of witchcraft—Rafe and Juliet must face their past together.
Now they’re running out of time. And not only is Juliet’s heart and Rafe’s freedom in jeopardy, the secret they uncover is far deadlier than anyone could’ve realized.
I hope you all enjoy this first book in the Deadly Forces series. It’s a world where sexy, smart heroines must teach these ex-Green Berets bent on redemption that physical strength and combat experience isn’t always enough to win. Sometimes a person’s greatest weapon—true courage—comes from seeking forgiveness and accepting love.
Juliet’s house had disappeared.
Rafe Montfort scrubbed a hand over his face. A strangling ache invaded his chest, filling the empty space that once held his heart. He shifted the Army duffel he’d shouldered for the past six miles, moving the burn from one arm to the other. Why had he assumed her father’s trailer would still be standing? That she’d be living there? Waiting for him?
Because he wasn’t only a bastard who made assumptions. He was a fool who once believed the Prince’s brutal goals justified Rafe’s ruthless actions.
Or, as Escalus used to say, “a fool whose violent delights have violent ends.”
Summer cicadas hummed in the Isle of Grace’s surrounding woods, their mournful drone filling Rafe’s head with rhythmic disapproval. Sweat soaked his T-shirt, pooling low in his back above his waistband. Where he used to keep his gun.
He wasn’t just a bastard. He wasn’t just a fool. He just wasn’t the man he’d once hoped to become. With a nod to his broken past, he left the overgrown property and headed home.
Keep it moving, Montfort. That’s right. One boot in front of the other.
He kicked an empty beer bottle into a ditch, shattering the brown glass, and marched toward Pops’s trailer tucked between the towering Georgia pines a half mile down the Isle’s dirt road. He’d given up his honor, his wife, his men. Thank God his mother had died before he betrayed everyone he loved. In the years he’d been away, he hadn’t just cut out his heart; he’d sold his soul.
Despite the breeze, questions about Juliet’s departure burned his blood.
Why had she left? He climbed the pine steps to the deck alongside the double-wide.
Where’d she go? He jumped the last two steps to avoid the missing planks.
Did she ever think of him? The Capels had arrived on the Isle long before the American Revolution. It’d never occurred to him that her family would leave. For eight long years, he’d been counting on that.
His duffel landed with a thud next to an outboard motor and buckets of fishing gear. He rubbed the knotted muscles in his shoulder and faced the broken screen door. His vision faded until all he could see was the blurry mesh.
What the hell was he doing? Why had he even come home? Because he’d had no choice. Everything depended on him remembering that. With renewed determination, he raised his fist and hit the metal door.
No answer. He closed his eyes, took another breath, and knocked again.
Juliet’s family was gone. Had his left as well?
He heard a banging around back, pulled out his leather jacket, and covered the tattoos on his arms. He’d rather die of heat stroke than start an argument. Then he jumped over the deck rail. His combat boots made it easier to walk through the tall weeds to the red barn a hundred yards behind the trailer. Three times larger than the home, the barn and surrounding yard held remnants of every American classic car ever made.
Everything stood as if he’d never left, except for the cell boost antenna on the barn’s roof. From the height and distance, it probably provided a cell signal the width and depth of Pops’s property. Pops had joined the twenty-first century? Maybe miracles were possible.
He drew closer and saw his daddy’s gray head bobbing up and down beneath the hood of a black 1958 Chevy Impala. He stopped on the other side of the car and exhaled until his lungs ached. “Pops?”
His dad raised his head, his eyes squinting. “Who’s there?”
“It’s me. Rafe.”
A man, shorter than he remembered, stood. In a stained red T-shirt and overalls with one strap hanging down, his father waited a few moments before nodding. At least he wasn’t holding a beer. Or his shotgun.
Rafe waved at the car. “She’s a real beauty. She yours?”
“No.” Pops wiped his dirty hands on an oily rag, and Rafe focused on the remaining finger on his father’s right hand. He’d given the other four to the Marines. “She belongs to your brother.”
“Good for him.”
Pops tossed the rag onto the engine and gripped the side of the Chevy’s frame. His hard stare took in Rafe’s leather jacket in what had to be triple-digit heat. “What you doin’ here, boy?”
He held out his hand. A hug would only be an invitation to an ass-kicking. “The Army released me from prison.”
“Released?” His father picked up a dirty wrench, his face brown beneath a haircut the Corps would salute. “What the hell for? Good behavior?”
“No, sir.” He dropped his hand. If disapproval were a color, it would be the dark, muddy brown in his father’s grim gaze. “I don’t know why.”
Since he’d spent two years in a Russian jail and then the last nine months locked in isolation in Leavenworth, he wasn’t sure what to think. “I was told to return to Savannah and wait for a call.”
While it went against every one of his hard-earned instincts urging him to run, he’d come home to find out what the hell was going on. Besides, it wasn’t like he had anyplace else to go.
“You still a sergeant?”
A sharp ache hit Rafe’s back molars, and he eased off the teeth grinding. On his left, he noticed a band of magnolia trees surrounding a white glory cross. He shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and forced himself to meet his father’s reproach. “I don’t know what I am.” Sergeant? Prisoner 061486? The Prince’s warrior? Hell if he knew.
“I know what you are,” Pops said. “Damn traitor. Not to mention adulterer, liar, thief.”
Rafe’s exhale sounded more like a hiss. While he wasn’t all of those things, he’d done other things—worse things. “I was also dishonorably discharged.”
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About Sharon Wray
Sharon Wray is a librarian/archivist who studied dress design in the couture houses of Paris and now writes stories of adventure, suspense, and love. She’s a three-time Daphne du Maurier® winner and an eight-time RWA Golden Heart® Finalist. She lives with her super-hero husband and teenage twins in Northern Virginia.
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  EVERY DEEP DESIRE by Sharon Wray: Spotlight, Excerpt & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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