#i thought egghead was gonna be a cool little fun arc
a-musing-mixologist · 6 months
Some disjointed thoughts *warning for Egghead Arc spoilers*
I just saw this post which *really* got me thinking. I knew about the 07 on Damned Punk for a bit now, and I've always assumed that Kid had some kind of connection to Vegapunk, but the thing with the sea monsters really drives it home. We know Kid has a backstory, however small the crumbs we've been given, so I don't think he's a VP clone exactly. BUT.
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This seems to be proof that there are in fact seven Satellites. What I find really noteable is the fact that this is the only one of the seven that doesn't have the same eyes as the other. It also seems to be two monsters, there's dog on its left. Which *does* have the eyes. Interesting how it corresponds to Kid's left arm. So this means that the seventh is different from the other six in some way.
We know Kid grew up on an island unaffiliated with the World Government, and that he had a penchant for fixing up garbage. And that he had a little model robot. And VP is the guy associated with robots. I have to wonder if that island wasn't some kind of dumping ground for him. I don't think Kid's a clone, but I do think there's a chance he's related by blood, whether he knows it or not.
Punk refers to his aesthetic, but I have to wonder if it's more than that. If his island was a dumping ground, I bet a lot of the scrap probably had Punk inscribed on it somewhere too, maybe that gave him the inspiration. Either way, it's gotta be more than a coincidence that we have two mechanical geniuses associates with the word, and the fact that Kid is also associated with the number seven.
*continues squishing all these crumbs into a loaf*
As for Killer, I wonder if he's related to Burgess. Same hair, beard, a weird laugh, super strong. But he probably hates the guy cause Burgess is an asshole.
Also, random fun thought that probably is just me wishing - what if Kid's devil fruit is also a legendary zoan. I saw a post that unfortunately I don't have a link to with the thought that he could be the earth god. Which would make sense, though since he's Awakened his power and doesn't have a transformation I feel like it's not gonna be a thing but also WHY THE HELL DOES THE JIKI JIKI NO MI LOOK LIKE THAT? It's so completely different from every other DF design. You can't tell me it's normal.
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Look at this thing of course that's what Kid's looks like, he has to have the most extra DF of all time.
Anyway I think he'd look pretty cool as a bull god, so a flatbread can dream can't they?
Interesting how the Grand Line runs on magnetism, that's why they use the log poses. Could it have something to do with the fruit's original owner? I need to find the link to this other post that pointed out something like that but made a point that the three Captains have connections to the past. There was a previous Nika, of course. But also the idea that Imu might have had immortality granted to them by the Ope Ope's previous owner. Which is a historical connection for those two, but it would be interesting if the log pose thing was due to the Jiki Jiki.
WHY DOES PUNK ROTTEN HAVE NIKA'S SYMBOL? That can't be coincidence. Also where tf is my link to that post why isn't my blog showing it *cries* Also both Punk Rotten and Corna Dio have tilted halos.
Anyway yeah, thoughts. Don't know what's gonna happen but I love my idiot boys.
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