#i tihnk i got your point while trying to answer this
beybuniki · 6 months
ik this isn’t the topic at hand but. just wanted to say… i always felt the division of your art blog from your personal blog was so original content was easier to look through instead of wading through other misc posts (like the fashion and aesthetic posts you like to rb every now and then). not to, like, divide the art from the artist… i think you being silly and answering occasional random asks adds to your art. like knowing you see clothes as a love language??? now i understand your labelling deku’s shirt as ‘hamster’
i don't really get your point (my fault) but
yeah that's why i made this side blog kjdfnf, a bit ironic that I've been clogging it with asks sorryyyy
thank you for seeing it that way! <3 that's why i didn't want to separate my fan art from my main at first, i always felt like my sketches were just another part of my animanga blogging, like it's just another medium to communicate my thoughts and interpretations :D
the hamster label was added with loveeee
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splattershotsundae · 6 years
Ink is Thicker Than Water --- Chapter 5: I give it a 10
Toda spent most of his afternoon wishing he felt well enough to pace. Finding out that Orvokki was still alive was no small news. She was a cruel woman, and visions of what she was like, and what she thought like still stuck with him and plagued his sleep. Another thing to worry about was Simon… They’d logged off in a huff, and he was genuinely worried, both about how they were and about… how they really thought about him.
A motion from his skope caught his attention and he took a sharp breath. Simon was back online.
T: hey
S: Hey.
T: I'm sorry about earlier. i was freaking out bout Orvokki, and I forgot and gt a little carried away. T: we decided we still arent going to do anyhting right now.
S: ... Ok.
T: ... u doing ok...?
Toda sighed a little after he sent it. He should just ask them... He was probably freaking out over nothing. Simon had told Jill that she was strong, in and out of battle, hadn't they? And hadn't they told him that they thought Rank was just a letter and a number, before they played Rainmaker? ... But when they lost at Blackbelly, they took that pretty hard... He'd thought it had something to do with what Yuri had said to them, especially with the conversation the two of them had had afterwards... but was that the case?
S:... Not really. S: But there's not much we can do.
T: Yeah...
T: can i ask u something?
S: Yeah, sure.
T: when did u know that u liked me? How long had we knon each ohter? T: Im not trying 2 b gushy, just curious.
S:... S: Call me shallow, but I'm pretty sure I was going to yell at you for bumping into me until I saw your face. S: when I said I'd always found you cute... I... Wasn't kidding. S: I kind of thought it would just be a fling...but here we are.
His breath caught in his throat, and it felt like his stomach had dropped a few inches. Oh no. Any other time he would've been a little flattered, but... no no no...
S: what really got me was... Getting to know you though... You've been a good influence on me. S: I wouldn't trade meeting you, or how I feel, for anything in the entire world.
T: Ive been a good influence on u?
S: Yeah.
He paused, looking at the message. What had he done that they'd think was a good influence? He typed a response, trying to make it sound lighthearted.
T: how so? hvae I... inspired u to make more puns or smoething? :P
S: Ha, maybe that in addition. S: ... I was starting to forget what trust felt like. S: well, except with Jill. But the point is, I needed some mutual trust... You and Bato sort of reminded me. You guys got me to open up. S: I'm sure there are other things here and there but... That's what comes to mind first.
T: ah...
S: Are you ok?
T: yea mi fnie
Toda winced; he'd sent that way too quickly... Quit stalling and just ask already, for crying out loud.
S: .... Toda...
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, his face flushing, then took a deep breath. Here goes nothing…
T: We told Jill about the conversation we had the other day; we were trying to explain why w weren't going to tlak to 3, and we sort of back ourselves nto a corner. T: wen we told her you had sort of said not to mention it to hr, she said it was because u thoght she was weak T: Because she lkies to batle for fun, and u battle to win T: she thinks taht u think that makes hr weak
S: ... She... Still thinks that?
T: Thats what she said... T: ... So ou don't think that?
S: Did you think I do?
T: I didn't at first, cause I told u right when we met that B nd I play for fun T: btu seh said if u hd liked m from the start tehn u would have askd us anyway T: I still didn't wnat 2 tihnk that u thought liek taht T: btu i wsa...
S: i domt anytmore Damn it.
[SloshMasterV3 is offline]
T: wiat no! His fingers trembled. He didn’t mean to make them upset again, he just… He took another deep breath and wiped his eyes. At least he had an answer… Sort of...
He read their last message again; they didn't anymore... So had they used to?
A chime pulled him from his thoughts.
[4PawzAndMeow is online.]
J: re u the reason theres a new barrge of sobs comin form S's room?
Toda's heart sank. Oh no…
T: ... Probbly...
J: O J: I... wasn't bein serioos.
T: u soundd pretty serious
J: i ment th@ i didnt think u were Y... sry
T: oh
J:... U dint brak up wih thm did U?
T: no no T: no I didn't
J: @ lest theres th@
T: yah...
He glanced at Simon's tab. He needed to apologize again... But… it could be hours before they came back online…
T: hy Jill T: can I cme ovr? T: I want to say sory to thm. T: or hve a chance to
J: say sorry 4 wh@?
T: how abot if thy dn’t wnat to hear it I go to yuor room an we cn talk
There was a long pause.
J: yeah K. J: th@ works.
T: k T: be theer soon
J: k
He took a deep breath, then got his shoes on, slipped on his Splattershot Jr’s holster, and went on his way, taking his time so he didn’t wear himself out. He thought all the way over, running through his head his apology over and over again. How much should he say? Probably everything. As he drew near to the Grace house, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Madeline opened the door, blinking in surprise. "Toda?" She asked. "Simon and Jill didn't say you were coming over."
"Afternoon, Mrs. Grace." Toda said, probably more formally than he needed to. "Jill invited me over about an hour ago?”
She paused, glancing over her shoulder for a second, then stepped aside to let him in. “Alright, just don’t bug Simon right now, they’re… not feeling so good today.”
He felt a twinge of guilt; That was the exact reason why he was here. "Thank you.” He said, peering around as he entered.
It was still quite a mess, the floor was scuffed and stained in a multitude of places, the stairs had no railing, bullet holes in the walls, the drywall on the ceiling was cracked, and Madeline’s prized roller was resting beside the stairs instead of hanging on the wall, at least for the moment. It looked like a warzone, and to be fair it sort of was. He gave a nod toward Madeline, then carefully made his way upstairs, managing to avoid grabbing for the railing that was no longer there.
He carefully stepped up to Simon’s door, a lump in his throat. He could hear faint sobbing on the other side, and he briefly considered skipping and just talking to Jill… when he saw her staring at him from down the hall. Her gaze flitted from him to the door and back again expectantly.
He took what felt like the millionth deep breath that day and knocked softly on the door.
“Go AWAY!” They shouted immediately.
He flinched, glancing for the stairs and praying Madeline hadn’t heard that. "Simon?" When there was no reply he steeled himself and continued. "Simon, I.. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I would have sent a message on Skope, but you were offline and… " He looked down at the floor. “The question was personal, it… I hope it didn’t feel like… an attack. When Jill.. When she told me about your past, it... Kind of struck a nerve with me. There was this kid I was sort of friends with for a while, named Benny; I think I referred to him once as a 'Luna-wielding ass'... It's a long story, but I should have known better than to think that you would think like that. I know you're not like that, I know that isn't you. I'm really sorry."
There was a long pause before the door opened a crack, and Simon stuck out their hand. Gingerly he took it, grip loose, just in case they wanted to pull away. However, their grip tightened, and they flung open the door, pulling him into an embrace.
He squeaked and stumbled as he almost lost his balance, but then squeezed them tight, resting his chin on their shoulder. "I-I'm really sorry." He repeated.
"... Nothing’s getting easier..." Simon whispered.
"No, it it isn’t..." He agreed. "... You'd think we would've earned a break at this point, huh?"
"You would think..." They agreed with a sigh. "... Well, while things are this difficult, if this 'Benny' shows his face you let me know so I can punch it."
He smiled just a little bit. "I will... Thanks."
"No problem... You don't even have to tell me why." They said quietly.
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "... Is there someone I should keep my eyes out for?" He asked. "So I can return the favor?"
Their grip tightened around him. "Roderick. You see that bastard you can punch him as hard as you like."
"Gladly." He muttered with a small nod.
"It's a deal then." They said.
"A deal.” He agreed. “… Can we sit down? I had to do a lot of walking and I’m kind of worn out...”
“I’m not surprised, it’s awfully late.” They said, edging over to sit on the foot of their bed.
“… Wait, it is?” He asked, pulling away.
“… Yeah, Toda, it’s like, 10. Dude, it’s dark out and it’s summer, what time did you think it was?”
“I dunno, 6? 6:30?” He said, feeling his cheeks flush.
Simon slowly put one palm on their face. “Did you even set up a ride home? The trains are going to close soon.”
“… I forgot to tell my mom I was leaving.” He admitted.
Their other hand joined the first. "… Okay, I can ask my Mom if she'll drive you home-" They broke off for a long moment. "... You're probably not going to be comfortable with that."
"... Not really." He said, breaking off eye contact, sure his ears were flushed by now.
“How about I ask mom and dad if you can sleep over, and then we play some video games downstairs?
He smiled at that, nodding “Yeah… I need to call my parents too.”
They smiled. “Okay, meet me downstairs soon.” They said,
He nodded, absently adjusting his cap as he watched them go… They were still so cute…
After a moment he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “… Hey dad, it’s Toda. Can I stay the night at Simon’s house?”
Toda sat up with a snort, rubbing one of his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on.
"Of course it's still a problem!" Jill was shouting.
"Shhh! Keep it down! He's still sleeping!" Simon replied.
"And already it's all about him!" She snapped.
Oh no. He remembered now. He’d spent the night at Simon’s house, after coming over to apologize… apparently there was still friction between the twins however… He grabbed his squidvader cap and started to put it on.
"It's not all about him! What's this 'it' you keep talking about anyway!?" Simon snapped, he could hear them pacing outside.
"I... I don't know, but.. This isn't working!" Jill replied.
"No SHIT. But I'm not just going to sit here while you yell at me for every mistake I've ever made." They said angrily.
"Maybe you should apologize for once!" She huffed.
His hearts sank a little. “Oh no...” He abandoned tucking all his tentacles into his hat and stood, quickly making his way to the door.
"I thought this might be the one time you'd be ok with it!" They exclaimed.
"You broke your promise!" She said.
"Ok, First off, We shouldn't be having this argument right now, and second of all, I thought you /liked/ Toda!"
"I do!! I do! He's the nicest kid you've ever dated. But I'm tired of you being so selfish and hypocritical!"
"Hypocritical? How am I-"
"You talk about how you want to be just like mom, just as good as mom. But when it comes down to it, you /have/ to have me with you, and you only use our squad as a dating device!" Jill shouted. “None of us deserve that!”
Toda flung open the door and peeked out, having to use one hand to hold his hat on. Both Jill and Simon turned to look at him, looking rather embarrassed.
“… Hey Toda~” Jill said, tone cheerful, but posture anything but.
“… Sorry.” Simon said, looking away.
"... It's okay." He mumbled, still a little bit groggy. He looked between the two of them… they were both obviously upset… He was never good at helping during something like this, that was what Bato was good at… Right, be like Bato. He squared his shoulders, then stepped up and put a hand on Jill’s shoulder. “It’s… okay to be upset.”
“Upset? I’m more than upset!” She said, pulling away from him. “I’m furious!”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Simon huffed. “We should just leave it.”
“Leave what, the squad!?” She snapped. "You'd probably LIKE that! You can just as easily find a cute and/or muscular and dumb boy to replace me by tomorrow!"
Toda flinched a little bit at her tone, pressing himself up against the wall. "Jill… Can you maybe take a deep--”
"ADMIT IT! YOU DON'T WANT ME!!!" She interrupted.
"YES! I! DO!!!" Simon snapped back.
“Jill I--” Toda tried to cut in.
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" They screamed back.
“Simon---” He tried again.
"I-I DIDN'T LIE, I JUST DIDN'T TELL YOU!!!" Simon hollered, slightly wavering.
“ENOUGH!” Toda snapped, flushing with embarrassment. “… Sorry, I… You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep screaming at each other! Jill, what’s really wrong?”
Jill was silent a long moment. “… I… I’m lonely, and I’m worried I’m going to lose Simon to you…”
Toda’s ears drooped. “I’m not trying to take them away… I’m sorry you felt that way...” He slowly looked at Simon. “… Simon, what about you? What’s wrong?”
They looked at him a long moment, then sighed. “… I… I’m scared I’m going to lose you too Jill, but… I’m scared that if we get involved, we’ll.. die. It’s dangerous out there, and I don’t want you to be left without me, or to be without you, or both of us to be gone, and our parents are left in a ruined house all by themselves...”
Jill was quiet for a long moment. “… So you aren’t… just scared of me being hurt?”
They shook their head. “No, of course not. I’ve been hurt out there just as easily…” They sighed. “I’m sorry, for… saying that you were weak once… I didn’t know it had stuck with you and I didn’t know just how much I’d hurt you. You’re not weak, and trust me, I’ll never say you are again. You’re stronger than me in a lot of ways.”
She paused, then huffed. “No I’m not...”
“Yes you are.” Simon pressed. “You’re stronger in will and in joy, and… maybe physically, I’m not sure.”
She started laughing, then wiped at her eye before holding out her hand, palm down. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
They smirked, and put their hand on top of hers. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
“To Splattershot Sundae.” Toda agreed, putting his hand on top of theirs.
There was a long pause, then Jill put her other hand on top and spoke in a deep voice. “I’m Bato and I’m totally here.”
Toda laughed. “Dear Judd, that’s spot on.”
"... We good Jill?" Simon asked.
"We're much better. I'll... Try to talk with you if something comes up, rather than just blow up." She said awkwardly.
“I would appreciate that.” They huffed. “… Hey, where’s mom and dad, they hate it when we fight.”
Jill got a gleam in her eye. “Mom got… /the call/”
Simon’s eyes went wide. “Really?”
"... The call?" Toda asked, glancing between the two of them with a confused look.
"The call's just what we call it when Mom suddenly gets dragged in to more work, but she can't legally tell us what it is." Simon explained. "But in this case that's good news… perhaps a battle’s around the corner."
He smiled. “Oooo, that is good news!”
"And then Dad's off to regular work." Jill asked.
"Seems we've got the house entirely to ourselves." Simon shrugged. "As well as the burden to make breakfast, I think."
Toda's stomach growled a little bit at the mention of breakfast and he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jill giggled. "It seems like a cereal morning to me!” She said, then sprinted down the hall. “Better come after me quick or I’ll put ice cream on it!”
“Jill, no!” Simon yelped, running after her.
Toda laughed and ran after them, letting himself smile.
Toda is Knitter’s character.
Simon and Jill are Shuckle’s characters.
Splatoon belongs to Nintendo.
Please consider liking or reblogging if you enjoyed, it’s nice to know we’re doing things right.
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ikkleosu · 7 years
Why I still think it’s happening and the other thing isn’t
DISCLAIMER: This post is in NO WAY telling people, or even asking people to have hope for Caryl. Absolutely not. Frankly, right now I’d stop people on the street and tell them NOT to ship Caryl if they can possibly help it. This post is ONLY telling those who are interested why I still think Caryl might happen, and largely why I don’t think CQzekiel is happening. I am writing it only because every time something new happens (or doesn’t) I get anons and msgs asking me my thoughts, and why I still hang on.
Truthfully, a lot of why I still hang on is simply just the way my brain works. It’s an eternal Pollyanna, just think of my brain like Bob’s game with Sasha. Whenever something potentially negative happens, I get irritated, despondent and then about 20 mins I’m going “yeah but what if?.... maybe this is setting up...” I CAN’T HELP IT. As long is there is a chink of light (in this case Carol and Daryl both alive) then I will find a way to shape things to fit what I want to happen.
Anyway, what I’m saying is don’t be hopeful, I don’t know if I’m right. I don’t know if I’m deluded. I’m just saying THIS is what I am tihnking.
So, here is the break-down of the whys:
1) The Caryl promo stuff - I know a lot of people think it's just trolling to get Carylers watching, with no plans to actually carry it out. I personally don't buy that, simply because there's stupid and then there is career suicide. I firmly don't believe that AMC is so idiotic as to repeatedly hype and promote a relationship (Even tweeting about it 2 days ago) with full knowledge that the show will do the exact opposite, in terms of giving those fans what they want. When you are desperate to get fans back on board - and believe me AMC are - you don't  deliberately do the one thing guaranteed to send all those fans packing, fans that you just spent money bringing on board. You just don't. Anyone with a brain knows it won't just put them off, it will guarantee they will never watch again. AMC wants Carylers to watch, yes  so they dangle the carrot - but they also want them to keep watching. And they know that won't happen if the other ship happens at the same time they are teasing Caryl.
2) Melissa. While we are all justified in not trusting AMC at all, and in believing Norman;s words are as sound as a chocolate teapot, the one thing I think we can rely on is Melissa. Melissa doesn't troll or tease. And Melissa has been consistent. She has never said anything to indicate Carol is set for romance with Zeke. Also, at the premiere she said - off her own back - that Carol is closest to Daryl. It seems unlikely she’d be saying that, reinforcing the idea of Daryl as the man dearest to Carol’s heart, if she was currently filming Carol undertaking a romantic relationship with someone else.
Melissa also gave us an abundance of Caryl titbits on Twitter last week. Now maybe she was told to do I by AMC marketing- in which case, see reason 1. Or maybe she did it herself, which again shows she a) knows what the majority of fans want and b) is reinforcing and reminding people of the Caryl bond and relationship - which i just cant see her doing if the show is about to be all about Carol and another man romantically.  To me, its just not Melissa’s way.
3) Khary. Three times now Khary has been asked about the chance of a Carol an Ezekiel romantic relationship, and three times he’s said “I don’t think it’s going to happen”
“I hope to see the relationship between Carol and Ezekiel flourish,” Khary told us on the red carpet, adding, “I am not sure that we will see it.” Well, that got upsetting pretty quickly, huh?
“She obviously has an affinity for him, but I don’t know how far that goes romantically. And I don’t know if we’ll ever see it. I hope we find out, one way or the other, what their relationship is, but there’s also a beauty in that ambiguity. But obviously, this show is known for stringing the audience along when it comes to relationships, so your guess is as good as mine at this point.”
“Oh! You know what, I think that they are going to be great friends, is what I think. Because that’s what they do on this show. They just pull you along thinking that something’s going to happen. You know, because there are so many people that want Carol to find, you know, love and a relationship somewhere. And I, yeah, yeah, I just don’t think they are going to give it to us.” 
He is very clear, he doesn’t think it’s going to happen. Also, in the summer he repeatedly gave the answer that he honestly didn’t know. Now he’s saying exclusively that he doesn’t think we’ll see it. His answers are very different to Norman’s (usually dreadful) answers about Caryl, which always say he’s not ruled it out. Khary, on the other hand, has.
3) The telling of the comic story. It is very clear that they ARE giving Carol much of Michonne’s comic story with Ezekiel. But much like the Morgan and Tyreese stories, they are tweaking them and changing the dynamic.
It’s key to note that in the scene of Ezekiel revealling his true self to Carol, back in The Well, they didn’t include the overtly romantic parts of the scene from the comics (where Ezekiel says Michonne is exceedingly cute). And more significantly, in season 8, they have skipped over the window where Ezekiel and Michonne get together.
In the comics, Ezekiel and Michonne begin their relationship the night of the fight at ASZ that sends Negan packing to declare war. The next time we see them interact is after Shiva dies, when Ezekiel is despondent and Michonne punches him and calls him a pussy.
As we have seen, TPTB skipped over that relationship beginning with Carol and Ezekiel, and spoilers show that it is likely we’re about to get the Shiva death despondency. So we’re going straight from the beginning friendship to the antagonistic part of the relationship - and yes, I think that’s how the relationship is going to play out in the near future.
I don’t think we’re going to see Carol punch Ezekiel and call him a pussy… BUT the scenes of Carol being irritated by Ezekiel’s confidence and the specific dialogue from Ezekiel of “fake it till you make it, baby”, is a very direct set up for the dialogue in the punch scene. Michonne says to Ezekiel “If you’re really this much of a pussy, do what you do best… act like you aren’t.”
The fake it dialogue shows that Carol is going to bring back Ezekiel’s own words to him when he’s feeling lost and useless after everyone’s deaths. This is also reinforced by all Gimple has said about Carol and Ezekiel’s relationship - saying he looks foolish to Carol; his words about their relationship at the start of the season: “There are some intense times ahead for Ezekiel,” Gimple said. “Carol is not going to be surprised about the difficulty and brutality that they’re facing. Ezekiel is a little more new to this. The contrast [between the two] will be pretty stark.” showing how different their view points are going to be. And even Melissa’s words today, “She understands that, so if she has any reservations, I don't think she's putting it all out on the table. As long as they're heading forward and going to the battle to try to win this war, he can have his optimism.” Shows that conflict is headed their way - Carol is happy to let Ezekiel have his act and what not as long as they are moving forwards with the plan, but he’s about to go to pieces and stall, which means Carol isn’t going to be happy and will “put it all out on the table”.
Gimple and co have made clear Carol and Ezekiel are in VERY different places emotionally when it comes to battle, and while I suspect Carol will be far more understanding than comic Michonne, the above quotes show she’s not going to mollycoddle Ezekiel as a leader, suggesting she is going to be telling him he needs to “king up” and fake it for the good of his people.
Ezekiel is playing emotional catch up, Carol being aggravated by his failing as a leader, and Ezekiel’s feelings of impotence and depression are not conducive to the beginning of a romantic relationship. Kirkman knew that, which is why he had Michonne and Ezekiel get together at a happy positive point in the story BEFORE this would test their connection. Gimple and co have chosen NOT to give Carol and Ezekiel that bond before the conflict comes into play.
And also interestingly, notice that at THAT point in the story when they could have had Ezekiel and Carol get together, in 8x01, what did they give us? A Caryl hug and focus on their relationship that they promo-ed the life out of.
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Does anyone out there have any experience with finding coverage for high risk auto insurance in Florida? I don't have any DUI's or DWI'S ON MY record, 4 speeding tickets leading to point suspension and 3 accidents. At this point it looks like I may have to go without driving for the next 4 years.""
Which type of ticket goes on your insurance?
I know a speeding ticket will show up on your insurance and cause it to be quite a bit more than it was, but do any other less than obvious types affect your insurance? For example, my town has a completely pointless ordinance in which their residents are not allowed to park their cars in the street between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, unless you call the police that night and let them know that your car will be in the street, and then they'll just ignore your car if they see it. Well, I decided to rebel and not call last night, so, I wake up this morning to find a nice (still cheap, luckily) ticket on my window. I didn't call because I have gotten away with it each time before, so I figured maybe they don't check my neighborhood. Go figure. But I just don't want my insurance going up because of this and I'm not sure if all tickets are sent to the insurance company. Thanks in advance!""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?
I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22? Any help would be great. Thanks.
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Can I get auto insurance?
I am able to use several different cars of extended family and friends. I want to be covered if anything happens to any of them. Is there a way for me to be covered without being on multiple policies. Is that even legal?
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI charge?
If one is a partner in a small aircraft, what effect does a potential DUI/DWI have on aircraft insurance rates?""
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What's the best and cheap health insurance for self employed in US?
What's the best and cheap health insurance for self employed in US?
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim??""
Dental Insurance?
Does anybody know an inexpensive yet good dental insurance in Northern CA? I am on a tight budget. The cheapest one I saw is Deltacare for $97/year but I don't know if it's any good. Help please. Thanks!
Backdated car insurance?
A while back, my husband drove my moms car and totaled it. At the time, we had no car, so we werent carrying insurance. A telephone pole had to be replaced. ANYWAYS, my parents insurance said they are going to cover it. Since then, my husband and I bought our own car and our own insruance. NOW my parents insurance company keeps calling and they want our insurance info so they can bill OUR insurance. When he had the accident, we explained we had no car insurance. Then they called, and my husband had said we have insurance now, but i tihnk she thinks we had it then too (even though we've told them we didnt, which we didnt at the time). They keep wanting the information so they can backdate our insurance and have them pay for the accident. From everything ive read, this is fraud and is illegal. Is this true? They called again today wanting the information and we werent home, and my parents keep saying we never had insurance at the time, so tech. our insurance NOW has nothing to do with it, and it cant be covered by our insurance since we didnt have it at the time... im confused. can someone explain this to me please?""
Can i buy contacts online using my insurance only?
What is a reasonable price for a teen's first car?
I'm hoping to get my license soon, but figure, there isn't a whole lot I can do with it without a car of my own. I'm really not sure how low the prices of cars get without being a piece of junk. Are there decent cars that start in the thousands, or is everything pretty much over ten thousand? What difference does it make if it's used? I'm not looking for a dream vehicle, just something for the next few years to get myself from a to b. The only knowledge I have so far is that my mom's toyota was around $30,000 brand new (and I'm definitely not looking to spend that much), so that's basically what I'm comparing everything else to. Any advice on the basics is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance with tickets?
I am 20, and have 4 tickets on my record...3 disobey traffic devices and 1 seat belt ticket. They were from 2 years ago..I am a new rider and I took the MSF course. I just bought a 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. Progressive gave me $231 a year with no collision or comprehensive(I am ok without having either)...Can I do better than this? Where should I try?""
Will my car insurance go up?
I pulled out in front of someone and they rear ended me and im at fault..and iam 17 years old so will my insurance go up, and if so how much? i have state farm""
New Driver on Parent's Car Insurance?
I'm looking at getting my driver's license, as a 17-year-old male about to turn 18. If I hop on to my parent's car insurance, how much would the policy raise? Do I need insurance to drive or only to own a car? I'm kinda new to this insurance thing.""
Anyone know any cheap car insurance?
Im just trying to save a little money.
16 and my parents don't have car insurance!?
hi there! I need some help! :( I am sixteen, g1 and next year i am planning on getting my own car.. thing is, i am under 18 so i cannot get my own car insurance. So to get my own car before i am 18.. how can i get insurance if my parents do not have any insurance policies to put on me. They do not drive, or even have their licence, and all of my family live in different cities hours away, and my sister does not drive. So i have no one to put my insurance under. Any options or advice, how do i go about getting my car insured by next year! :) Thank you!""
What is the average cost difference between full coverage insurance and liability insurance?
approx how much difference that is, like are we talking about couple hundreds 300-600 or alot more than that? thank you""
Student auto insurance?
I'm currently a college student and would like to purchase my own auto insurance in Ohio (and no longer be included on my parents insurance). Does anyone have any tips on how/where to get good, affordable auto insurance? Are there any companies that you would recommend? Or ones that offer student/good student discounts? Thanks!""
Is it true that I am paying taxes to directly to Allstate Insurance now?
Sure sounds like the Chief Justice said so.
Sports car insurance... Wil it be cheaper if...?
Well im 18 years old and still live with my rentz. I have a job and i make 1400-1600$ a month. I have only a few minor bills. Here in about 3 weeks im buying a 1996 pontiac firebird v6 coupe from a dealership. Before i buy the car i need some insurance info. Iv been to over 10 of the leading insurance companies and gotten rate quotes and there all 400$+ a month.. This is suprising because i only payed 120$ a month for my old car ( f150). So im wondering if my insurance will go down if my parents add me and my car to there insurance? If so how would i go about this? And how much of a price difference would it be? All answers are appriciated.. **No Spam Please**
Classic vw beetle 1303 insurance fo 17 year old?
How much do you think insurance would cost me? Item specifics Condition: Used: An item that has been previously used. See the sellers listing for full details and description of ... Read moreabout the condition Year: 1975 Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen Fuel: Petrol Doors: 2 Seats: 4 Colour: Blue Drive Side: Right-hand drive Metallic Paint: Yes Safety Features: Chrome Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: Alloy Wheels Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car Audio: CD Player MOT Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, Historic Vehicle Road Tax: 10/2014""
Car Insurance For 17 Year Old?!?
So im doing my driving lessons but am so worried about insurance. I want to go on my dads insurance who has maximum no claims bonus. The car I will be driving is a 1.2L Vauxhall Corsa SXI (52 Plate). The cheapest quote I have had is 4000. I was just wondering if any of you guys know the cheapest insurance provider or can help me in anyway at all or tell me the best thing to do? Im willing to do a Pass Plus if that helps? Thanks.
What does auto liability insurance cover?
I'm confused. I have a cheap car (read: old, not worth $1,000, beat up) that I need insurance on. I'm not worried about paying for my car to get fixed if damaged. However, I have a problem with scraping people's car. For example, I drove my car out of a parking lot and nearly bumped into another one, leaving maybe a scratch or dent. Would liability insurance cover that? Does it help pay for the OTHER car? 'Cause truth be told, my car's not worth paying insurance for ha ha. VA's minimum is the 25/50/25, so that's my insurance policy.""
Someone hit my car parked at work and i do not have insurance. whats the next step?
i was at work and when i came out, someone had hit my car while i was working. they left all their insurance information and a note apologizing, however, i do not have insurance. whats the next step for me?""
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Cheap insurance for young proffessonal driver?
i am 23 work for a car and van rental company so drive a average of 15 cars or vans a day from small hatchbacks to 90k range rovers sports BMW's mercs etc but yet i still cant get insurance for under 1200 for a old 1997 1.0 l fiat punto is there any Specialist insurance company's for people that drive professionally for a living?
Adding body kit or alloy wheels increase insurance on 17 year old?
I will be 17 in January and was wondering whether adding a body kit or alloy wheels to something like a fiat seicento would increase the insurance... because it may be more desirable to steal? Please give me legit answers...
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?
I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22? Any help would be great. Thanks.
Can I own a car without insurance in NY?
I recently moved to New York from Illinois due to family issue. I am overwhelmed by the heavy traffic and how difficult it is to drive in NY. Fortunately the public transportation is convenient enough so I don't bother driving my car at all and about to sell it. However, my insurance is about to expire in days and I won't be driving this car until someone buys it. The car is registered in Illinois. Can I still keep my car in NY without insurance? What do I have to do with my license plate? What procedures do I have to follow if I sells my car in NY? I've been working very hard try to earn enough money to put my family together, any pennies less to spend is very helpful to my current situtation. Please if anyone can answer it! Much appreciated.""
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
Can you have Oklahoma auto insurance in Texas?
A friend of mine lives in Texas. Her dad just bought her an SUV and is going to pay the insurance. He lives in Oklahoma. Can her car have his insurance or does it have to be from Texas?
What is the cheapest car insurance for teens to buy themselves?
I'm 19 years old and shortly will buy my own car. I'm trying to be independent and need to buy my own affordable car insurance for my car. The quotes from name brand insurance co. like geico and progressive are between $800-$1300/mo. That is so crazy and obviously cannot afford that. Does anybody know where I can find reasonable priced insurance (non name brands) that just covers the minimum? My budget is $100 and less. BTW, I live in SouthFlorida.""
How much would you think a 2009 mustang gt insurance would cost monthly?
For an 22 year old male??
How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?
I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?
Where to find affordable health insurance?
I need blood presser pills but cant afford lab work or doctor fees
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
How much would insurance cost for me if I have a Classic Camaro and I am a 16 year old male with State Farm?
I am thinking about getting a classic car. Probably a Camaro (year 1990 and lower). I have State Farm, and I am a 16 year old male. Anyone have a clue about how much insurance would cost? Thank you.""
Why is my car insurance quote so high?
I have been to CompareTheMarket for a quote on car insurance, and the cheapest quote was around 5,000 for a car that costs 250. Why is my quote so high? I'm a first time driver living in an area with a fairly high crime rate. After changing the address to my girlfriends the quote came down to 2,000. This is still way too much considering the cost of the car! Is there any way to bring the insurance cost down? I wont be able to afford to drive at this rate.""
Cheapest car and car insurance for an adult first time driver?
hi i just passed my driving tests and looking for a cheap, small and reliable car. i am 27 and a full time student. i live in small UK city. would like to how much to expect to pay for car and road tax. what other things to expect to sort out. god bless you""
How can I get a car insurance quote if I'm under 18?
I don't have my license yet but a large part of what decides what car I can get depends on what the car insurance would cost. Since I am under 18 not of the car insurance websites will give me a quote and if i lie about my age it will change the cost. Any ideas?
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
17 year old male car insurance?
I am due to take my practical driving test in the near future and have been doing some research, hopefully (fingers crossed) i pass my test and all goes well there and i obtain my full uk license, but on websites like gocompare etc i pretended i had passed my test already to see what the quotes would be like, so i used a 1995 clapped out renault clio (1.2) and used my dads details as the proposer including his maximum amount of No Claims Bonuses with me as the 1 extra named driver, and it came up as 3500+!!!!!! so i took me out and it would only cost my dad 200 a year, and plenty of my friends drive around in flashy cars on their parents policies so they say, i mean how the f*** does anybody afford to insure anything?! Im just wandering if there is any point now because it seems a waste of money if i wont have a car. Many thanks for your answers :)""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Im planning on moving out soon and want to get started, the kind of car im going to get is either a ford mustang or a dodge charger 05' and i was wonderin if anyone knew the cheapest insurance there is. Thanks much!""
Car Insurance?
I am planning to buy a used 1992 Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. How does the insurance work? Does the price of the car that I paid or the retail price, plays as a factor of how much I would have to pay monthly for insurance. What insurance company would be the best for a new driver with her G2 only? Does anybody have an idea of how much it will cost me (approximately monthly) for the insurance? What other fees or cost will I have to pay for?""
Motorcycle insurance?
Can anyone let me know where can I find good deals on motorcycle insurance in or around minneapolis. Its my first bike.
Car insurance?
My husband and I are planning on getting a new car and we're looking through auto-trader.com and finding a lot of good cars but is there a website you can go to to calculate how much the insurance of each car to help us narrow our decision down?
""Compare Car Insurance for mazda 3, Where?
how much would car insurance be for a 2009 mazda 3.
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
What is the best dental insurance I can buy?
What is the best dental insurance I can buy?
Insurance billing question?
If I were to get birth control and use my insurance card, will it show up on the bill? This includes if insurance does or does not cover the entire cost.""
How much should a insurance company pay for a car accident that left me disabled for the rest of my life?
I have had 1 surgery and may need another on my back. I can no longer do the things i use to enjoy. I have a 7 year old that I can't do the things i use to do and should be able to. I'm now on pain management. The pain and suffering goes beyond just the usual. I just want to know what i should expect from the insurance company beyond my doctor bills?
""Pregnant with no health insurance, Texas?""
Is anyone familiar with Texas Department of Health and Human Services. I just found out I am pregnant yesterday, two days ago my husband was laid off work. His old company added an HSA for us in December and we were under the impression everything was fine with employment if they added this for our family. I finally had a family HSA as of 1/1/12 and then on 1/3/12 it was taken away. He worked 90 hours on his last paycheck almost the most of the year, and was told work is slow so he was being laid off. They also added back matching 401k this year too, yep! We have been trying for years and had no idea this would happen this way. It is just crazy! So I found out on the website for HHS of Texas the income level for benefits. I am right there underneath the level for 2 people. Do they include the unborn child as a 3rd family member yet? Also I saw that you have to list assest out like vehicles. We have two cars and that is it. We make payments on both of them, so is it possible they will deny us since we have these assets. Other than those we have no other assets. But I remember my mom being denied for SSI on my brother due to assets so I am worried. Please can anyone help ease my mind?""
How can I get a license if I don't have a car to insure with SR 22 insurance?
I am not capable of driving. My husbands license was revoked between 2005 and 2006 in Illinois.To have it reinstated, he says he was told he had to have SR 22 insurance in that state. We now live in Reno, Nevada. Does that demand still apply, or is it even true? I certainly hope not because that leaves us in a very sticky situations, as we do not -own- a car to insure. As I understand it, he would need a license, so he could buy a car, so he could insure it. Essentially if he were to need SR 22 insurance to get a driverse license, he would need to follow quite a circular demand, being that to get a car, he needs a lisense, but to get a license, he needs SS 22 insurance, but to get insurance, he needs a car. So you see his predicament if that is what we need to do. If this is the case, it's impossible for him to get either a license or a car. Is there non-owner insurance? We are rather young and do not have any relatives in this state to help answer these tough questions or help us out financially.""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
What is the most economical route to buy affordable yet adequate health insurance?
I am not working and have limited income. I have no known health problems. I am 60 years old and I do not smoke or drink and I exercise regularly. Does anyone know the best way for me to find out who to contact? I live in KY...one of the worst states for insurance. We do have Blue Cross and Humana that I know of... I would like to have no more than a $2500 deductible. Thank you so much for your answers. God bless!
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
19yrs old car insurance?
Im 19yrs old and I got into a bad car accident when I was 15/16 yrs old. It was my fault so I went to court and they told me if I do community service and take a drivers ed class it will be cleared. As if the accident never happened. So now I want to get my own car insurance since I don't have anyone to get it for me. Will it so show that I got into a car accident ? Do I answer yes I've been in a car accident in the last 5 years? This has been the only car accident I've had so far.
Do I need Insurance on a financed motorcycle in Florida?
I have a motorcycle that is financed and I live in Florida. I am financed through HSBC. Is it mandatory that I have to have insurance on the motorcycle?
Visa debit card for rental car insurance?
I read that Visa covers the damage/loss insurance of rental car. Is that just for credit card? How about debit card? Thanks!
Car insurance on a third gen camaro?
No idea who im going to for insurance but im19 and have 1speeding ticket on record ive never had insurance and my licensce was suspended for that ticket im trying to get my 1985 camaro on the road but testing the waters first and is there any way to reduce the cost of car insurance
Can you get your drivers license without any insurance?
I live in West Virginia 17 and I have had my learners for almost a year and have got all my hours so would it be OK if i got my license w/o insurance
Cheep car insurance companies in London?
I am a new driver, Can someone advice me how can I get cheep car insurance and with who? Thanks.""
How can i get cheap insurance on my moms car because I'm only 17 and she has a 2l?
well I've just past my test and I had a look on gocompair just lookin how much it would be for me on my oun 1l and it comes up as like 3500 and thats silly money because i would have to buy a car then that will be like a grand :/ so i had a look on for me to go on my moms car and that comes out as 4000 and she has a 2l is there any way i can get t cheaper? thanks
When buying a phone online can you get phone insurance?
so i have insurance on my phone now through sprint and if i buy a phone online like ebay or something and switch it can i keep the insurance of the new phone?
""My buddy is suing my insurance company, what could happen?""
Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..""
I currently do not have any insurance but i do know that i do not meet the requirements for medicade. Will this mean less care for me and my baby durrning my preg? I can make payments but i can not afford to make the whole payment at the time of the visits it will have to be shedualed. any suggestions? I have explored options of medicade, In Nebraska where im at you can only have 3,000 worth of assets and i have a few savings bonds and more than one car, (all older nothing new) but they will still count for assets. I do know that one car and your house is exempt but i still wont qualify. Hmm what to do. Nothing I can do i guess.... But will this mean less visits to the dr? I want the best for my baby. thanks to any and all who answer.""
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
""What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?""
If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?""
Insurance stats?
hello where can i find insurance data of the United states, on the historically and socially aggregated cash flow and balance sheet of the insurance company
When can I expect my Insurance premiums to go down?
They have gone up $200 a month since the health care bill passed. Voting for you didn't help my situation last time why should I bother this time?
""Forgot to renew my car insurance, is my no claims bonus affected?
My insurance was due on 15th October but because km away at uni and the car is at home I completely forgot to renew it until today. If I decide to renew it now are there any consequences for paying it late? I would declare sorn but I don't know how it works and When I go home for christmas I do want to be able to drive. I've got 3 years no claims and my insurance has gone down a lot since I started to drive so will I lose it?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for a young driver?
I am 16 yr old and passed my test 1 month ago! I have done my pass plus too! The best quote i have found is $1200 and that is without telling them i have done my pass plus! It was also for third party fire and theft! Can someone recommend a cheap insurance company. Thanks!
Enquiry about car insurance and how it works?
Okay, the question is worded wierdly, but you'll get it :P. Anyway, I have my driving test coming up in April, so I have to be thinking about a car, insurance etc. I was wondering if there was an average of how much car insurance is for the first month after you pass, and how long it stays like this till it starts too go down. Also, is there anyway I can reduce it? I plan on making parents named drivers etc, will this help reduce?""
Does full coverage car insurance cover a car that just dies?
I have full coverage car insurance on my car (for legal/employment reasons), comprehensive, collision, PPI, theft, vandalism, rental, etc. Yeah, its an 99 Accord. What I never asked, and now want to know, is if it just dies (cus its about that time that if it did I wouldnt be surprised) will I get the value of the car? I know I do get its value if it is stolen or totaled or vandalized, but does that apply to car death? Pretty sure if it stopped working the cost to fix it would be more than the car is valued at, does that count as totaling? I am getting to that point where the car may be worth more to me stolen or wrecked. I hate dealerships otherwise I might consider a trade-in, but I don't know why anyone would buy it??? I would feel dishonest selling to anyone else, poor saps. I do better off finding someone who is selling a fixer upper. (I got this car for 500 bucks and I put 70,000 miles on it, not too shabby.) I know a guy who can fix up cars real cheap, but when its time, sometimes there is nothing you can do. The car is Kelly Blue Booked between 2900-4500, so would I get a decent price from insurance if I let it die under full coverage?""
Total loss and State farm auto insurance?
I had a collision a few weeks before and it is classified as collision damage. I received an estimate at a body shop who initially provided an estimate of $xxxxx/- and said that the insurance company has agreed to pay them and a delivery date was given. Now, things have changed in the middle and the body shop manager tells me a new stories of additional things that went wrong due to collision (all of a sudden) and that the insurance agent after inspection wants to call it a total loss based on this new estimate. My insurance company- State farm wants it to call a total loss which I doubt given the extent of repair it might take for the minor damage in the front fender alone. Now, here are my questions. I now have suspicion on the integrity of the body shop as well the trick palyed in declaring total loss. 1. Can I have a second opinion at a different body shop? Does State farm allow that? 2. If the repair cost is more than the ACV, and if I still wish to keep the car, can I negotiate for the max amount less deductible that State farm is willing to pay the body shop (xx% of the max amount that state farm is willing to pay before declaring total loss) and I take care of the remaining cost? Your input is appreciated. Thanks, NS""
Is it worth it buying a salvage motorcycle from insurance auction?
Is it worth it buying a salvage motorcycle from insurance auction?
Can I Get Temporary Car Insurance If I Dont Own The Car?
I have just got a new job, however, I need temporary car insurance for 1 month. My stepdad's friend is allowing me to use his car he has up for sale for this period. Can I get insurance if the car owners name is not on the policy? Any help would be apprechiated. Thanks.""
Affordable car insurance for poor driving record?
About a year ago when I was in college I got cited for driving without insurance twice. Two years ago I have had my license suspended for minor traffic offenses. Recently, I decided to take a safe driver's course because when I originally started driving nobody ever taught me how. I am not required to have sr-22 insurance but I am wondering if that would be better than paying $450 which I am paying for Gieco. I am looking for someone in a SIMILAR situation or has USEFUL answers. If your answer is move to different state , you just have to deal with it , or shop around that doesn't help me.""
Do I need insurance if I have a drivers license but no car?
Im Juss Got My License and i dont have insurance And Wondering If I Can Drive My Parents Car They Have Insurance And Gives Me Permission To Drive It, so if anyone knows the correct answer please let me know and by the way i live in tx.""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 17yr old in London?
I'm not 17 yet, but I am next year. I was wondering, what are the best sites or companies for cheap insurance for cars?""
Recommendations of car insurance for someone who is an experienced driver but it is their first cover?
My husband has held a driving licence for 10 years. We don't own a car and never have done as we couldn't afford it but fortunately we lived in London so we had good use of public transport. Over this time we have rented a car numerous times and have driven all over England up and down motorways and country roads plus on all our annual holidays abroad. In addition, we have loan of a car for 7 months every year of a family member who goes abroad for the winter (and are on their insurance). We've just moved out of London and have now bought a car but when we've got quotes for insurance (looking at direct quotes as well as websites as via GoCompare) they are expensive ranging from 715 - 1695! When we called up a few insurers to find out why it is this high, they say it's because it's the first insurance he has had and it looks like he's an inexperienced driver. They say that they need proof of his experience to be able to bring the premiums down however when we say we have proof of him being on the family member's insurance as well as being able to show previous car hire rentals they won't accept this. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or know of any insurance companies they'd recommend for situations like this. Many thanks.""
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
Daytona Beach Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32116
0 notes
How much is car insurance??
"How much is car insurance??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance?
How much is insurance going to go up if you had 2 accidents under the time of 3 months. First accident wasn't our fault but second was.
Would a 1.4 honda civic be an ideal car for a new driver?
17 year old. Male. Would it be wise getting a 1.4 civic say 1999 plate for a first car?
Will my car insurance rates go up if i crashed a car as a valet?
backed into another car as a valet. My company has insurance. The insurance exchanged was my bosses, and the other 2 parties involved (car I was in and the car that was hit). My license number was taken down and I received a traffic ticket. Oh well. My real concern is does MY insurance ever find out about this? Or is it all on the company's insurance?""
Where can I get cheap car Insurance ?
Hello, I am 18, and I am interested in a 92 Camaro. Two negatives with trying to get insured for a cheap price, I am 18 and I am wanting a sports car, I got a quote through gieco , and theyre wanting to get 700$ a month. NO WAY am I going to pay 700 a month, thats just beyond ridiculous ! Can someone lead me to a right answer""
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
Best Insurance company?
What is the best insurrance company for both auto and home please let me know as soon as possible - I live in WV
Car insurance car placement?
i'm moving into the city alone, and car insurance is probably going to go up for me. I'm turning 20 this summer. can i do the following: 1. still have insurance under parents so i can pay cheaper while living alone. 2. put my name under an older car with my parents to be at that place, but drive my real car there.""
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
Rental car insurance?
Say someone is coming to US from India and wants to rent a vehicle for first two weeks. Obviously he doesn't have any auto insurance ( he doesn't have an auto at all). If he wants to decline the costly insurance coverage provided by the rental companies, what are the other options for him to get liability and collision coverage for the rental vehicle for first two weeks ? If he would have already had an auto and auto insurance it would have covered his rental car too with the same coverage for around 2 dollar a day. Where as without this the cost is around 20-30 dollar a day. Just having an auto(even if it's a 500 dollar junk one) and insurance for that makes such a difference. Is it possible to get similar coverage in such low prices ?""
How much will my insurance rate go down if i take driving school?
...I just turned 18 and im wondering if i should go through the schooling..
Will a medical suspension raise car insurance rates?
My wife has a medical suspension and is trying to get her license back. She has 0 points on her record. I know if you are suspended for stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, ect) then your car insurance rates go up, but do they go up for a medical suspension??""
Car insurance cheaper with 2 drivers?
Ok guys, learning to drive hopefully pass my test within a couple of months, what I'm wondering is, I'll go onto my fathers insurance for a couple of years as 2nd driver, no I will not be the main driver before any of you come on to say that's illegal it's called fronting I know I know. He uses it 5 days a week for work anyway ill probably only be using it during the weekends, I'm only really going on his so I can get a couple of years on my license and when it comes to it my insurance won't be a fortune, I'm 25 just now, worked out if I want to have my own insurance it with a small 1L engine it would cost me 1547 a year, not gonna happen, so I'm going to go onto my fathers insurance as 2nd driver to his car. A 1.8L vauxhall vectra. Ok now to the question lol, my fathers insurance just now is 26 a month, with me going on to his insurance it will work out at 18 each a month, is this normal? Insurance to go down when you add a 2nd named driver who would only have passed his test?? This is fully comprehensive cover. But if I wanted to driver my own car a small 1L engine it would be roughly 129 a month. Seems like it doesn't add up. Go figure lol Got the quotes from go compare and confused.com. Just seems like it doesn't add up, have insurance for 26 a month with 1 driver or have it for 18 each with 2 drivers, one who has little experience and has only just passed his test driving a 1.8L engine""
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
Please could someone tell me what is the absolute cheapest auto insurance around?
No solicitation please.... Just the real facts. For get Geico, State Farm, All State and Travelers ins, progressive and all the TOP COMPANIES""
What are other sources of towing insurance?
Besides AAA and getting towing insurance from your insurance company, are there any other good sources? thanks""
Whatt is the mileage and insurance on a ferrari 348 spider?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the car, i want to know how much it would cost for gas if im using it as daily driver(is it possible to use one of these as daily driver?). how much would the insurance be monthly? i live in bergen nj and im 17.""
Do insurance rates diffeer between a new and used car?
i am looking at a 2001 corvette selling by owner for 18,000, and i was wondering if the rates would be higher or lower if I was to buy a new vette from the dealer. i am 15, ill be 16 in a month, fyi.""
How much would my car insurance go down average?
hi everyone, i am 18 and still on my 1st year car insurance paying 177 a month/2200 a year. 1 litre vauxhall corsa. just wanted an estimate on how much it would go down after the 1st year with no claims from expierienced drivers. thanks :).""
I am trying to get a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. I am worried that insurance will be to high?
I am worried that insurance will be too high. I am 16 years old and my Dad is paying for it. What is the average insurance that someone pays. Do you tihnk insurance on this charger will be a lot?
Classic car insurance for 18 year olds?
I was wondering whether it is possible to be put on a classic car insurance policy at 18. I've looked around and nearly all say you have to be over 25. I would like to somehow be insured on an Escort XR3i or RS turbo. I understand that because of may age this isn't going to be very easy. would it be cheaper to be a named driver if my dad owned the car ?
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
I got a car insurance quote from State Farm that?
is double that of the quotes I got online (from brokers). Is it better to go with State Farm or one of the cut rate insurance companies? I mean in the event of an accident and getting paid. I also rent a lot of cars and will be using the insurance I buy for those. And, not get the insurance that the rental companies over charge for.""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old who has just passed test?
I'm from the UK and I have just passed my driving test and am now looking to find the best insurance that isn't priced at an astronomical rate. I have my own car and am ideally looking for comprehensive cover, the best price I've found so far has ben around 1500. I've tried comparison websites like GoCompare. Any other suggestions? Thanks""
Can you transfer car insurance to someone else?
My mom bought me a car. She lives in Pennsylvania, I live in Michigan. She's going to buy insurance for the car in PA, in her name, so she can drive it here. Can I use her insurance or can it be transfered? I would rather it not be transfered just use her insurance.""
My car under my parents insurance?
Ok i have a hypothetical question...Say if my car is in my name, and i am under my parents insurance...And i get in a major accident are they liable? Are they at more risk if i am in their name but i own the car?""
How much is car insurance??
Driving from california to texas?do i really need insurance and a license?
im moving from california to rowlette,texas in two weeks but the problem is im going to drive out there its going to be me and my bf the thing is the car is under my name & i have the tags & papers but i don't have insurance & my license.Is this a big deal can i still drive out there as long as i drive carefully well im not driving its my bf his better at driving & he has his permit but im 18 & they say he can drive with a person 18 and older.what can i do i already called the insurance company & the lady said its not worth getting insurance if its only for a few weeks cuz when i get to texas i have to get new insurance.What can i do what do you guys recommened i do...i think that i can get out there without the legal stuff like insurance & a license..my sister drove all the way to arizona with no license & she didnt get caught cuz she drove carefully...""
How much will insurance costs?
I am under 25 years old, live in CA, and first time car owner and getting insurance on a car older that 15 years... which company do you recommend and why? Thanks!""
Do car insurance companies know how long I have been a licensed driver for?
When I was younger I remember a distant family member telling me to get my CA state ID as soon as I can because when I get a driver's license and a car the insurance companies won't be able to tell which I got first. All they see is when my ID# was assigned to me, and that it will look like I have been a driver longer and get a better rate. I don' know if this is true. I am getting my first car in about a month and I want to get a good price on insurance. Need more info? I got my California state ID when I was 20 and my CA drivers license when I was 25 and I am 26 now. So there is a big difference of time. I know it sounds kinda dishonest but I have been driving since I was 17, so I do have good driving experience but it might not look that way since I've only had my license for a year and a half, when it could look like I have been a good driver for 6 years. If any one can help me out that would be awesome, please link your info or proof if you can. Thank You!""
Why Do I Pay More For Health Insurance Now?
I'm a recent graduate, female, non-smoker with a healthy weight and eating/fitness habits. I'm not rich by any means, but my health insurance rates have gone up a lot since ...show more""
Can I get car insurance for 1.6L at 17?
I'm a 17 year old girl, looking to buy a Mini Cooper hatchback! And a friend said her brother couldn't get insurance for a 1.6L! So I was just seeing if that would be possible for me to insure before I purchase one!""
Any car insurance which insurances foreign cars?
Hi! I live in Italy and I am italian. I heard that there are some english insurance which insurance cars and people in foreign country. Is it real? do you know anything about that? Could you give me some advice about that? I am waiting your answers! Bye!
Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk?
Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk?
Car Insurance?
How does the car insurance work here in NYC, I don't fully understand, if you have AIG how much does insurance go up for your parents if you are 17. I've heard 1500-2000, (Is this true?)""
Cancelling car insurance for 5 months?
HI: I just moved to San Antonio for a 6 month project and the company decided to pay for my car rental. I'm thinking about cancelling my own car insurance for the time so I can save some $. Any thoughts on what the cons can be? I don't want to cancel it for months and then have to pay extra to get back in. my car registration is in Dec and I'm from California and I have Geico. Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks! Mike
Question about Car insurance?
Ok, My husband has a 2000 Ford Ranger and the back drivers side rear window got busted out by a baseball(it was an accident) and he has insurance through Geico, well it says on his comprehension coverage that he has a $500 deductable, so what does that mean? Will we have to pay $500 to get it fixed?""
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Do you need boating insurance in California?
Do you need boating insurance in California?
What is the Performance break down for State Farm Insurance?
For example: The statements for Sun Lifes performance is broken down into both geographic and market segments. These segments are: Sun Life Canada, Sun Life US, MFS Investment Management, Sun Life Asia and Corporate insurance. I am unable to find this information about State farm online, any help would be much appreciated! thanks a lot.""
""Why is insurance important, 20 pts for the best answer?
Your best friend says they dont think insurance is important. Explain to them why it is important to have insurance. How is having insurance important for successful financial management?
Trying to figure out how much Car insurance to buy?
i want to get 15/30/5.for bodily and injury and property. is this good? or should i get more?
How can you find out how much your car was when it was new?
My insurance company needs to know how much my car cost when it was brand new so they can give me coverage quotes. I did not buy it new, and it is a 1999. Anyone know the best way to find this out? It is a Chevy Silverado 4500 extended cab. Thanks!""
Sporty cars with low insurance group?
Hi, ive just turned 15 and im planning on getting a job if i can in January, my aim is to save up to buy a car, my dream car is a subaru impreza wrx sti, but although the used cars are resonably cheap and after a while i can afford it, the insurance is incredibly high!, so im looking for a good looking, resonably fast good looking car that can hold 4 people or 5, this is obviously a tricky task but if you could help id appriciate it!, I was also looking at the 350z but althogh insurance is cheaper its only 2 seats, and as i turn 17 at the start of sixth form, i will be 1 of the first to hopefully get a car, meaning, transporting friends to town at lunch is a key thing :D, Thanks alot Mike PS:, please let it be sporty, i dont want to moddify anything, maybe a nice spoiler and scurts, thank you!!!! :)""
""What is a good, affordable auto insurance?""
I currently have Famers and have been a loyal customer to them for several years. I have no priors, no tickets and I'm a great driver. They have just increased my rates and I don't agree with that. Could there be a reason . In the mean time, I think I would like to shop around for different insurance. Thanks for any ideas.""
Cheapest 600cc sportbike to maintain?
Which of these bikes of the 600cc class is the cheapest to maintain in terms of insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so which is the cheapest combining all of these aspect) the bikes = kawasaki zx6r, honda cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki gsxr 600""
What happens when a car insurance company commits fraud? Please help!!?
I was told by my car insurance that my car was totaled, and would only be good for parts. It was in a MINOR flood, and I called to have it evaluated. They said water was in the motor, fuse boxes, everything was ruined supposedly. I knew they were lying, because I had my fiance check it all out, and there wasn't a drop in it except for the carpeting. I told them so, and said I wanted the car back to fix it myself, but the adjustor said they already paid my bank for the damage (not even the full amount, they came up with about 45% of the payoff amount, but it was worth what I owed on it). They said if I wanted it back, I would have to give them $2,700 for the car. I said to hell with it, and had to come up with 2,600 to pay off the remaining part of the loan, and then go buy another car. Last year, I seen my car in the next town over. Same vin number, same paint chipped bumper, same fist mark behind the passenger door. I was mad, but blew it off. Then, I seen it on a buy sell trade site and decided to inquire about the details. The guy bought it for $800 and didn't have to fix anything on it except for what I needed to fix before the flood (window regulator, wheel baring, and new tires). He told me he thought I had committed insurance fraud to get a pay out from them. So, I called my old insurance company, and the lady took all my information down and gave me the adjustor's number, the adjustor's supervisor's number, and the fraud department's number. I called the adjustor, left a message, and then filed a claim with the fraud department. They said to expect a call from them next week. What exactly happens in a case like this?? I don't expect a hefty payout or anything, but still, I've never known anyone who had this happen to them, but I do know people who committed insurance fraud. They get into huge trouble and pay out fines, but what if its the INSURANCE that commits fraud? Thanks!!""
""How much would it cost to add me as another driver to my mom's insurance policy (for the same car, not my own)?""
She has Liberty Mutual in Massachusetts and her premium is around 500. I just got my license two weeks ago and don't have a car, but want to be added to the policy so if I want to borrow it I'm insured. So around how much would it be just to add my name as another driver do you think? And if I were to get my own car, around how much extra would it cost to be added to the same policy?""
How can i get cheap insurance on my moms car because I'm only 17 and she has a 2l?
well I've just past my test and I had a look on gocompair just lookin how much it would be for me on my oun 1l and it comes up as like 3500 and thats silly money because i would have to buy a car then that will be like a grand :/ so i had a look on for me to go on my moms car and that comes out as 4000 and she has a 2l is there any way i can get t cheaper? thanks
What auto insurance company or small company is cheap for drivers under 25 in arizona?
I am going to get a car soon and i want to look for an insurance company that is cheap and won't really burn a hole in my wallet. Maybe someone cheaper than 120-150 per month? Please give me name and estimate price for which car.
If I upgrade to full coverage insurance can I get previous car accident damages fix?
I have liability and I was in a minor car accident two months ago. I need to upgrade my insurance because the bank than loaned me money for the car requires me to have comprehensive and collision coverage. If I upgrade could I fix the damages to my car?
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
How much is car insurance??
Help!!!! changing car insurance?
I called another company and had a quote with them and they offering me a way better price than my current insurance company... I wanna make a change.. what do I do? Do I have to call up the current insurance company and cancel the policy?
Insurance for International Student in US?
I am an international student and right now i'm looking for an affordable health insurance for interntaional students, since the insurance they offer at my school is too ...show more""
Looks Like my Insurance wont want to pay out for my damaged car?
I got hit by a car recently and my car was taken away for repairs. I have just been told by my insurance that my car should not have been on the road reason being that its half and half . I did my due diligence before buying this car in 2011, HPI checks and all and it came out clean. The insurance company also confirmed this as well to me. Now it looks like my insurance company does not want to pay out for my car and they want to cancel my insurance and leave me without a car. WHAT DO I DO. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME. I AM A SINGLE MUM WITH 3 KIDS.""
Does anybody know where i can get cheap car insurance?
Hi, I'm 20 and i am looking to buy a small car so i can commute to work. However, the insurance on it is sky high. I have tried all sorts of different makes of cars to see if the insurance is cheaper but it doesn't really make much difference, i am looking at Puntos, Yaris's (small cars like that). I have had my licence for 3 months so obviously it is going to be slightly expensive. I have been on all of the price comparison websites and the cheapest i have got it so far is 308 A MONTH! Apparently my postcode is notorious for sky high insurance but that's just ridiculous. Does anybody know of any insurers i can try which could be cheaper? Thanks""
Can I still be on my parents car insurance if I live in another state?
I'm currently living in New York and planning to get a condo in Georgia for college. Once I move and have MY OWN address (the condo would be permanent) and a resident of Georgia, am I still able to be on my parents insurance if my parents own the car. I believe that if you live in the dorms you can still be on their insurance but we need to purchase a property because in-state tuition is far cheaper than out of state tuition.""
""Car insurance question. Help desperately needed, please!?""
Here's the situation. Before I start here, I will say I have never sold a car/transferred insurance in my life until now (I'm 37) and I'm panicking. (Please don't laugh; I am somewhat mentally disabled and have a hard time understanding business side of things). Please bear with me: I have a 2000 Chevrolet Malibu with 178,000 miles on it. Last Friday, my husband's brother decided to give his 2005 Hyundai Elantra (53,000 miles) to us as a free gift. We decided to sell the Malibu to some friends of ours (with whom we have been friends for quite a few years). My friends have already paid us and they have a Bill of Sale and next week we are getting a duplicate of the Chevy title in the mail (because we lost ours), at which time we will transfer. Here is where the confusion begins: My mother-in-law (who is a retired State Farm insurance agent) drew up a Bill of Sale that indicated as its last sentence at the end, Buyer will show proof of liability insurance at the time the car is received (or something like that; I don't have the Bill of Sale in front of me). We saw our friends today to get the Bill of Sale notarized (they already paid for the car; we're just waiting for the title for the Malibu to arrive via mail, as mentioned above). Their insurance agent is about 90 miles away, I find out, and will need pictures of the car. Our friends insist that my mother-in-law is just being a mom since we're new at such a transaction (our friends have owned and sold boats, cars, etc., so they are experienced at this, too), meaning that she's being overcautious by saying they need to present proof of liability insurance at the exact time I give them the keys to the car. So, once I give them the title and the keys, are they responsible for when they get the car insurance? My Hyundai is covered through my insurance agent (my mother-in-law called them and got coverage on it already), but she insists that I am not to get insurance verification on the Hyundai until the friends show proof of their insurance on the Malibu after they get possession of it. Is that correct, or is my mother-in-law just being overcautious? (I would think that once I switch the Malibu title to my friends' name and give them the keys, that would relieve me of any responsibility any longer to the Malibu). Help me, please. I am so confused; I have my mother-in-law telling me one thing, and my friends telling me another. Both sound correct. So would I be right if I did these (in this exact order): 1) switch the title over to their name & give them the keys to the Malibu. 2) call my insurance agent and report that I sold my Malibu, and ask them to type insurance vertification for the Hyundai. (would I have to be present in person for them to type the verification for the Hyundai? Also, would my report of me selling the Malibu mean that they would cancel the insurance on it immediately?) I am sorry this is so lengthy; I tried to explain this the best as I could. I just want to do what is correct in the eyes of the law.""
Car insurance for young drivers? uk?
how can i ( a 17 year old) get car insurance before im 25 without the stupid prices and without getting a car that says it has the cheapest insurance when its 4 grand. i bought a 106 but the insurance is 6 grand. please help. best answer gets 5 points. please list where i can get cheap insurance, what car is the best and cheapest for insurance, how i can cut the cost. in total i will pay up to 1900 in insurance and about 800 on a car.""
When is the best time to cancel car insurance?
Car insurance is coming up to renewal. Found a cheaper company to go with for the next year. When is the best time to cancel, before the renewal date or just after? I want to keep my NCB I have built up with them and move it over to new company for the next year, also if I cancel before the renewal date would this affect my NCB that I have built up with them?""
How Much Liability Insurance Should a Typical Middle Class Family Have on Their Car?
What are good amounts of coverage to have? How about bodily injury coverage, etc?""
And why does an auto insurance co. want to know this??
Why when I am getting quotes online for auto insurance do they ask for my marital status and even have a spot for single parent. Would I get a better quote if I said just single? Am I penalized for being single. I'm no kid; I'm over 40.
Can anyone tell me where to find affordable health insurance in Missouri?
I'm a rural carrier for the postal service. I'm not offered benefits for a year. But I need to be seen by a doctor soon! (Woman issues)
High risk health insurance for cancer patients?
I know someone without health insurance who just received word of a lung cancer diagnosis. I know most insurance companies won't take him but does anyone know of one that will, or a website that can point me in the right direction?""
Why are drivers often required to carry car insurance even if their cars aren't worth much?
I want to know why a driver has to have car insurance if the car isn't worth much. You know like a old car from way back in the day?
Do I have to list all additional drivers for auto insurance in Ontario?
I am shopping for auto insurance and noticed that if I include my wife and son in the quote, the insurance jumps from $1600 a year to $3100. That's almost double and none of them have any accidents or anything. If I don't include them as secondary drivers, can they still drive the vehicle and be insured? And if not, does that mean that every family in Ontario must list all family members that MIGHT drive the vehicle? Answers are MUCH appreciated.""
What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store?
& on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)""
Is a Scion tc considered a sports car by insurance companies?
I'm getting a new car. I have a Land Rover Discovery and its a piece of crap and drinks a lot of gas. I was going to get a Mazda RX8, I love them. My family has 3 of them, but my dad said no because the insurance would be high because its a sports car. Is a 2008 Scion tc considered a sports car by insurance companies? I am a 19 year old female by the way, if that matters. Thanks for any answers!""
""How much woud monthly car insurance cost for a 19 year old, and a 1963 Dodge Dart?""
I saw I nice 1963 Dodge Dart for sale, and Id like to get it but Im not entirely sure how much insurance would cost, if I can get some sort of ballpark range so I know whether or not to buy it""
""I bought my first car and need to get insurance on it, do I have to put my parents on my policy?""
I've talked to a few different insurance companies and half of them insist I need to put my parents on my policy since they're family and I live with them. The other half of the companies don't even ask. If I add my parents to my policy it makes the price per month go up a ton, and know one that I've asked has been able to tell me if I should have to add them or not, I'd rather not add them, since they don't drive my car anyways, we all have our own cars to drive.""
Ow much does it cost to deliver a baby without health insurance in washington hospital california ??
Ow much does it cost to deliver a baby without health insurance in washington hospital california ??
Can I change car insurance in the middle of a claim?
I bought a different car and want to change insurance companies but was iin an accident and they are currently paying my hospital bills. It wasn't my fault, as I was rear ended. Can I still find a cheaper insurance for the new car?""
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
How much can auto insurance rates go up for a first time accident?
If youre at fault, theres no injuries. Approximatley $1500 damage done to the other car and minor scratches done to your own. Also, would it be better not to make a claim to your own vehicle if the damage is so minor? Or would it even have an impact on future rates?""
Can I transfer car title into my name without having insurance if car will not be driven immediately?
I recently bought a used car from a private seller that was in running & driving condition, but just short of getting it home, I hit a pretty big pothole and the catalytic converter broke where it connects to the exhaust header due to age & lots of rust from 15 yrs of Michigan winters. Since I am short of funds to get that fixed (not sure how much it will cost), I am faced with a dilemma. I bought the car with the intention of using it as my daily driver over winter. I have not gotten plates or insurance on the car, and I have not transferred the title into my name yet. My question is, since the car will be sitting in my garage for a couple months (at the most), can I just pay to transfer the title into my name without having to pay to get insurance on it or a license plate for it? I'm not sure when I'll be able to fix it since they are expensive to replace. So the car will be sitting, and I may even part it out or sell it as is to make my money back, I'm not quite sure yet. It would be a waste of money to get insurance and a plate for it if it's just going to be sitting unseen in my garage. Can I just transfer the title so that it will be mine legally without the insurance / plate if the car will not be driven immediately? This is in Michigan. ** Please no sarcastic replies, I would like an answer from someone who knows for sure. I don't need replies from people who are just talking out of their *** lol !! Thanks!! **""
3rd party/ business car insurance?
Because im a young driver my insurance will be really expensive so i am getting 3rd cover insurance however this job i found requires me to have b1 insurance my question is do i have a have a comprehensive insurance to also have a b1 insurance? and how much more would business insurance cost me?
How much would insurance cost me?
Hi im 16 and an about a week im going to get my car the honda s2000. my parents wanted me to look around for insurance under there name? you guys know any cheap insurance companys? and how much do u think it would cost me a month?
How much is car insurance??
Cheapest car insurance in san antonio?
Cheapest car insurance in san antonio?
Why bother with insurance?
it seems like a big waste to me. The whole point of it is to save money. But it does the exact opposite. the insurance people always screw you over and find some way to get out of paying for whatever it is!
How Much is a Tuberculosis Test without insurance?
I live in Sacramento California and need to get a tb test but i dont have insurance, so i was wondering how much this is going to cost. Any help would be appreciated""
Insurance to expensive.?
I live in Miami and i just got my license. I was excited to finally drive. But i found out that monthly the insurance would be 330 extra added to my parents policy. I rather not drive! What are my options?
What should I get first insurance or car register?
So here is what happen. I went to pay for my sticker at dmv the insurance was done. They void my car sticker and gave a orange one that says void. Couple months I started working now I save up to get insurance to get my car sticker. But they when I went to get insurance they all asking for registration paper. So I lost those paper I looked everywhere. What should I do first get registration paper at dmv then go to insurance because then go back to dmv to get the sticker? Or get insurance first then go to the dmv??
Is there a good/cheap motorcycle insurance where you can pay like $100 for a whole year?
I'm a college student...don't have loads of cash to pay insurance every single month. Anyone have motorcycle insurance like that or know anything about it. Or something similar like pay $50-100 every 5 months or so....something like that NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE As always thanks in advance
Insurance for less than 3 months?
Is it possible to get car insurance for just a few months, before i dissapear off 2 uni? Which Insurers do this?""
Can you give me any tips for finding cheap medical insurance in California?
Can you give me any tips for finding cheap medical insurance in California?
Can i be on my grandma's car insurance even if we don't live together?
Im a 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just too much! i want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there!!
About how much per year would motorcycle insurance cost per year for a new 19 year old rider with a ninja 250?
i tried the geico online quote but it keeps experiences technical difficulties
Im 18 Years old with a 1998 corsa (5door) and im getting insurance quotes at 2500 - 3k+? is this right?
A few of my mates are getting quotes at just under 2k, but i dont get anywer near that. i dont have pass plus but surely a car this old doesnt have high insurance?""
What is the cheapest yet best car insurance co?
What is the cheapest yet best car insurance co?
What are the risks of getting cheaper auto insurance using friends/work address?
Getting a car insured in Hoboken is very expensive ($750 for 6 months). Some of my friends use their friends address (Say Edison address) and get much cheaper quotes. What are the risks in doing this? My friend also had a claim with no problems (but it was a minor claim). Please advise?
Me and my dad are arguing about the cost of car insurance? Please have look?
On the final quote page it said that my full annual quote would be 611.49. I just paid a 101.49 deposit via my debit card. It says that my direct debits will be taken each month, next month 54 and then 8 months of 57. My deposit and the direct debits add up to 611.49, exactly as the quote stated. So what is that box (with the red arrow pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can they take more money without saying? Can someone please explain what that means?""
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
Teen drivers??? what is the average cost of insurance for a teenage girl?
its my first time buying insurance and im trying to average the cost and calculate some things...what do you pay?
Can your health insurance company raise your rates after you get sick?
I've heard about pre-existing conditions and all, but what about getting seriously ill AFTER you have insurance? Let's say you're generally healthy, and already have heath insurance which you pay for yourself, at a reasonable rate. Then you get a long term illness, or get into a terrible accident, and need years of expensive care. Of course you keep your policy up to date... Can the company raise your rates by triple (or worse) if you get sick this way?""
Can you get insurance in IL if the car is registered in NJ?
I have a car that is registered to my father in NJ but I'll be moving to IL. I'm the primary driver. It's a newer car so if I tried to just buy it off of him the interest rate would *skyrocket*. So, being the primary driver, and living in IL, would I be able to keep the car registered in NJ but get IL insurance? If not, any other options?""
Question about pitbull insurance in VA?
How much is insurance for a pitbull in Virginia?
Cheap motocycle insurance?
Ive got 1 claim and 1 conviction so finding insurance is hard enough does any one where i can find the cheapest cover for my bike its a 125cc bike and im 18 please help
How to Quickly Find the Best Term Life Insurance Quote?
How to Quickly Find the Best Term Life Insurance Quote?
""Liability insurance,does it cover damages to to break-in?
does liability insurance cover the cost of replacing key-switch and ignition turner when vehicle was broken into by vandals.I have full coverage on one vehicle and just liability on other.does it include cost of parts and labor for mechanic to replace?
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
What do you do if you get in a car accident and the person who hits you doesn't have car insurance?
I was in a car accident a week ago, it was a 4 car pile-up the driver behind me did not pay attention to the red light and slammed into the back of me pushing me into another driver and then pushing him into someone else. The car that hit me did not have car insurance so I am going to have to pay my deductible of $500 also I had to pay for a rental car which cost me $100 (so far) I do have full coverage so I wont have to pay anything towards my car but I was wondering is it worth it to sure for the $600? What do most people do in this case?""
How much more do men pay for car insurance than women?
If a man and a woman are the ame age, same car, clean driving record, both live in the same city, and every other variable is the same. The only difference is their gender how much more would a man pay?""
How much is car insurance??
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