#i told my partner that i thought my friend was being undialectical but i refrained from telling her that and they were like thank god
radioprune · 2 years
feel like i’m drifting apart from a close friend of mine... :( we had a fight and she was mad because i don’t open up to her which is true but also she’s a bit dramatic and self-centered so even if we’re having a conversation that’s ostensibly about me and my problems we mostly just end up talking about hers anyway... like yes i have a problem opening up to people but she makes it so easy not to. like we just talked on the phone for 25 minutes but she talked for 20 and i talked for 5. and yes since she got mad at me i’ve been even MORE closed off but don’t people know that’s how that works? it’s like how telling someone to calm down makes them more agitated. you dig?
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