#i took a selfie with parr’s costume
montygatorguy · 6 months
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also the museum of broadway has an ENTIRE six exhibit i was geeking out so hard.
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dxntloseurhead · 5 years
these won't be completely in order bc ill think of different things as i go
also sorry this is late
- costumes!!! shoes!!! sparkly!!! - THERES A SELFIE WALL OUTSIDE THE THEATRE - oh my god the EYE CONTACT and the INTERACTION i was not prepared for that - that moment when you're in the theatre and you're sitting there and you realize oh my god this isn't a dream im actually right here - the stage was SO CLOSE oh my god the queens were literally right in front of us my gay heart couldn't handle it - i said this already but literally almost the entirety of ex wives (and later in the show but mainly ex wives) there was SO MUCH EYE CONTACT - "remember us from pbs?" - sam did a britney voice on “k-howard is here and the fun’s begun” and i,,,,, - sorry i don’t have much to say about no way other than it Slaps - andrea’s boleyn is the most Babey and i stand by that. - during dluh after "he doesn't wanna bang you, somebody hang you!" aragon stormed off to bessie and started complaining, and bessie just proceeded to shrug - literally in that moment bessie was the real version of the  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji - “wait! what was i meant to do?” ACTUAL CUTIE ANDREA MACASAET EVERYONE - andrea does a voice that sounds like crytyping out loud on “i’m sorry not sorry ‘bout what i said” at the end of the second chorus - also “I’M NOT SORRY!” at the end,,, beautiful - MALLORY'S. PERFORMANCE. AS. SEYMOUR. I. NEARLY. CRIED. SHE'S SO GOOD. - howard looked so genuinely upset during the song like she was super affected by it - haus of holbein is hilarious live oh my god - THE LADIES IN WAITING DIDNT HAVE RUFFS(?) BUT THEY DID HAVE SUNGLASSES I- - sam adjusted her sunglasses downwards and looked over them at some point i don't remember exactly which line (i think it was "at least your complexion will bring all the boys in"?) and oh my GOD i wasn't ready - also sam sang the line “but we cannot guarantee that you’ll still walk at forty” and its like the only line in the song that isnt in a german accent. instead, she sounded like a stereotypical commercial saleswoman and it KILLED ME - oh!!! anna and sam respectively were the other possible matches before anna in the tinder parody portion - get down????????? even more of a bop - the length of the pause after “as he takes my fur”... it literally lasted like half a minute before they resumed the song and the audience kept cheering and laughing while the queens were like “?????????” - WHEN BRITT DID THE OPERA THING I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT I WAS STILL SHOOK - she asked a group of three on the other side of the front row to dance and did they EVER (but then after she was like "this is MY song") - “so that’s one horse out of the race!” “rude.” - MALLORY’S BABY MARY BIT KILLED ME OH MY GOD IT WAS ACTUALLY SO FUNNY - “babes! who’s that again?” “uh, i think she was the least relevant catherine.” “ohhhh, i still don’t care.” - in her speech roasting the other queens before aywd, howard says "hot" instead of "fit" just in case you wanted to know! - speaking of that speech i l o v e d it so much - also “and surviving.” is directed to both cleves and parr - i knew aywd was intense but goddamn i wasn't ready i almost cried for a second time - during about the third chorus or so, howard started to look so tired and was less and less enthusiastic with the choreo - i knew about the pink light after the song but damn that hit hard also it looks cool as fuck - *long pause* “...and then i was beheaded.” - “i’m sorry, were you not listening to my song? there were four choruses. that’s how much sh- i had to deal with!” - the queens all talk over each other making fun of parr after the “i’m catherine parr and i draw the line in arbitrary places” line. - “i know, gold star for cathy parr.” - “yeah, tudor womanhood. would recommend!” - oh my god idnyl was sooooo good i love anna’s voice its so pretty - THE WAY SHE SANG “it’s what i have to do” OH MY G O D - also “darling get a clue!” - the entire “remember that i was a writer” part as well as the way she sings “we all disappear”... yes, just yes - late comment but i love anna’s parr hair, it’s not the usual parr hair and it looks so good on her - “okay, why does anyone know who we are?” “my sixth finger!” “put it away, babe.” - “we don’t know!” “catherine de valois- i mean we don’t know!” - “and get down like it’s 1499.” - “the dissolution of the monasteries, yes!” “no.” - such a long pause before the “fake competition” part just before the idnyl remix... - “awwww, we could’ve done that as a song!” - god their voices all just go together so well,,, - anna’s “WE DON’T NEED YOUR LOVE!” is so great - “edmonton, we have a voice!” *beat* “we said, we have a *riffs incredibly* VOICE!” - “his religious reforms?” “well actually-” “now’s not the time, catherine!” - the slow beginning of six is so pretty...... why didnt they do it like this on the album - “yeah! aragon, you wanna go first?” “well girl, i guess i could for a change” - the queens hyping up cleves before her verse has always been my favourite thing seriously it’s so cute - the way sam sang “and all i do is SIIIIING”,,,,,,,, i love her - the irony of “before we drop the curtain” considering the curtain literally gets pulled down at the beginning of the show - THE CONFETTI POP AT THE END OF SIX SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME BUT IT WAS AMAZING also i collected confetti off the floor after - still in love with how the LIW play the outro to six at the end of megasix - ANDREA!!! HUGGED!!! ME!!! we gave britt an envelope with bracelets for each of the queens and a letter and she took it to andrea after and later i went to get another picture (bc we missed getting a picture with andrea at first) and she was like "were you the one who gave us the envelope?? can i hug you??" I NEARLY CRIED - i got pictures with and signatures from all of the performing queens! my stepdad also got pictures with them as well as autographs on his jersey - god the show was so good and mallory seymour is AMAZING
okay that’s all i really have to say, there’s so much more but its hard to summarize an entire show in one post
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
or Six Chicago, July 9th, 2019
basically this will be an incoherent mess of me yelling about things i saw. so here we go.
for my west end fans: 
adrianna - aragon, andrea - boleyn, abby - seymour, brittney - cleves, courtney - howard, anna - parr.
the show itself:
- the intro to the show being various pop songs played on lute and harpsichord made my life honestly
- watching all the queens come out, backlit and smoke-screened, was amazing
- brittney winked at me during ex-wives. right at me. (more on this later)
- adrianna’s no way was so. good. at the end she paused and then started waving and blowing kisses into the crowd it was adorable.
- andrea taking a selfie was so fucking cute and then she just started jamming
- stacy mcmichael (the bassist) was going so hard the whole show i truly stan her
- when andrea sang “and the little one said...” she pointed at herself 
- andrea asked kimi (maggie) “what was i meant to do?” and she shrugged and then she asked stacy “what was i meant to do?” and stacy was kinda like ‘you’re on your own mate’
- her wearing yellow to a funeral was so on point and she was looking straight at everyone in our area
- if i could describe abby’s seymour, i would say a bumbling mum who doesn’t quite know what she’s doing
- when abby said she loved henry, courtney looked absolutely betrayed, and anna looked so confused.
- abby was definitely crying at the end of heart of stone. tears in her eyes, wiping at her cheeks, everything. 
- haus of holbein in real life is an acid trip and it was awesome
- the opera brittney does? in get down? it was so pure, so perfectly placed. thank you toby and lucy for giving us that.
- the guy she called up to dance was a man in a nice blue suit, and he went OFF. so much so that brittney had to tell him to stop and gave him a “dirty look”
- when courtney was roasting the other queen, she threw an arm around abby and played with the ends of her hair, and abby looked so lost. 
- courtney’s breakdown at the end of all you wanna do broke my damn heart. anna put a hand on her knee and she jumped clear off the stage.
- at the end, after the kiss-gasp, she just turned her head up and there was a single, dark pink spotlight on her. it was a chilling image.
- when everyone started making fun of parr, they formed a little circle in the middle of the stage and spoke in very mocking voices.
- after abby’s “when i wanted to hold my newborn son” tangent, brittney pulled her away, and abby did the mum thing (tm) where she wiped something off britt’s chin with her thumb.
- anna’s riffs should be illegal.
- i thought they broke something during the dialogue between i don’t need your love and the remix. i heard electronic crackling, probably a mic brushing a costume, and then they paused for a full minute before saying “guys, you think they got it?” and moving on to the remix.
- when they did the slow intro into six, anna sang “we’re one of a kind...” and looked right at courtney and offered her her hand, and courtney smiled, sang “no category,” and took her hand (it was hella soft)
- six was very cute and they were all hyping each other up
- i have a megasix and i will maybe upload it
- everyone stagedoored except abby
- i was right on the edge because i got shoved out of the way by some 10 year olds and i didn’t feel like doing anything about it, and i was still in the front
- mallory practically ran me over to get out and i would have been okay if she had
- courtney came out first, we had a short conversation and she started going back down the line
- adrianna! came out next, and made a beeline straight to me and said, i kid you not, “hey beautiful,” before signing my playbill and i nearly melted. she was so sweet.
- anna started making her way down the line, and my mom said really quietly from behind me “i loved her” and i was like “same.” she was very very kind.
- andrea is so short irl but still very fun. my mom and i both told her she was very funny
- then britt came out and basically came right to me. i said “you winked at me in the second row” and she said “i remember you! you were so smiley!” and yeah i almost died again. 
- i bought a shirt, the one with the silhouettes that just has the logo and i love it.
sorry this was so long but i had a lot of thoughts.
go see six!!!
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Thoughts on the Sixcago Megasix: an update
So because i am procrastinating from studying I have a little spare time today, I thought I’d do what I’ve been meaning to do for quite a while now, which is watch the megasixes from Sixcago, along with any more promotional material and continue to slowly form more solid opinions on the production. I never set out to hate this production, and I don’t and never did hate this cast! Please don’t try and comment that I do, because that’s simply not the case. I have so much respect for these queens, just like I have for the West end, did have for the studio queens and will have for the U.K. tour queens! They’re all fabulous and do the show a great justice. Will my feelings of not being blown away by Sixcago at the start change? No because that’s how I felt. And that’s valid. These are all just my opinions, and I still refuse to completely judge the production until there’s a a full album or a bootleg.
(These notes are sort of a ramble because I took them while watching the videos on loop to give everything a fair chance)
Okay let’s get the bad out of the way first. I still don’t like the American accents. Look, you can tell me all you want that it was intentional change (and I can respect that) but all I’m saying is that American productions on the west end are forced to do American accents. I’m not even British and it irks me. Yes, I know that Aragon, Boleyn and Cleves didn’t have English accents in real life, but I just like the original accents.
HOWEVER I am not letting that small nitpick ruin the whole production for me, and if you do that’s sort of a little childish. The actual voices and clear vocal talent of these queens are on full display. And they are all fantastic singers, and are definitely on parr with both the London casts. I cannnot stress this enough. These queens are talented as all hell, and I have nothing but respect for them. Also, the small line changes don’t annoy me that much, since the West End production changed way more lines after December I think? I’m not sure when but there have been line changes before. These ones seem pretty tiny though, just words rather than whole monologues. I just don’t like how they say sorry though. Why is that so annoying to me 😂
Okay from the short trailer on the Six YouTube channel...this version of Haus of Holbein looks INSANE. And I am down for that. In fact, all the dances in that trailer seem very...active. Is that the word? I don’t know, it just looks like there’s a lot going on, which is impressive! My only worry would be would it end up too cluttered on stage? But they do have a bigger stage to work with so maybe that’s what was wanted/needed? I don’t know, it’s one of those things that can’t be judged from the megasixes alone.
Speaking of the bigger stage! I think it is the queens worst enemy in the megasixes because they have to CROSS that stage, but it also probably gives them a bigger presence while performing and drives home the concert vibe.
I might have a crush on this Aragon. That is all.
No but seriously, Aragon and Cleves continue to stand out during the megasixes, but Boleyn is also fun to watch and Parr is definitely more confident in these later megasixes than the first one. Unfortunately, I still think Seymour and Howard look slightly uncomfortable. But I know it’s still early days, and I still think they’re fantastic! I wish them all the best of luck.
Here come a few complaints though.
Okay, this annoys me and apparently only me, but I think the costumes needed to be altered for a few of the queens. Originally I wanted them changed completely but I suppose there should be continuity over all the productions. Aragon, Cleves, Parr and Seymour all suit there just fin, but the odd change would have been cool just so there’s more individualality in the roles, which is what I loved about the original swings having their own outfits. However, poor Boleyn is DROWNING in that skirt, and I think she maybe would have benefited from a slight alteration to the outfit. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still working it! Also her space buns are just as cute as Millie’s.
That last visual with the queens standing in order of height is still amazing and I die for it every time. That’s one thing I prefer over the original cast. I don’t know, it’s just really cool. Also, the selfie with the phone is cute as hell.
They still feel like they’re dancing by themselves though, rather than working off one another, and it does look a little rehearsed because they seem to do the same dances in each megasix rather than whatever comes to mind. Maybe it’s supposed to be like that, but look me in the eye and tell me that Millie’s insane dancing in the megasixes aren’t highlights of the show.
The ladies in waiting are still fab. Enough said.
So yeah, that’s what I think now there’s more material to judge. Disagree with me if you like, but please don’t insinuate that I vehemently hate this cast and I want this production to be bad because that’s not the case.
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