#i took over a year off to cut you bitches (manorian shippers) some slack
lucien-calore · 4 months
Dorian: How is he?
Healer: I've done what I can but if the fever doesn't break by tonight...
Dorian: ...He could die?
Chaol: *Opening his eyes* You're scaring the poor thing. Where's your empathy? Where's your tact? Where are your manners?
Dorian: Oh, Chaol. How are you feeling?
Chaol, as he tries to get up from the bed: Close to death, apparently.
Dorian, gently but firmly pushing him back down: You need to rest.
Chaol: What I need is some water and perhaps a little bit more of that lovely worried frown.
Dorian: I think I can manage that.
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