#i took the time to clip my favourite audio bits please listen and then go listen to the whole podcast
rcarx · 2 years
In the not-so-distant future, mind readers are outlawed in Los Angeles. Sid (Dianna Agron) and her family have spent years fighting to protect her true identity as a reader, but her life quickly starts to unravel when a string of gruesome murders are suspected to have been committed by a mind reader. Sid’s true identity risks exposure when she becomes entangled in a romantic affair with a mysterious woman named Andie (Maria Sten), who seems to be involved in a sinister underworld. But after spending her whole life living in the shadows to protect her true identity, Sid is willing to do everything in her power to love and be loved.
tl;dr narcissa podcast aka wlw pining mind reader dianna agron speaks to you for 3 hours ( spotify | apple )
useless gay dianna agron
"i've never wanted inside someone more" wanky
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itsadrizzit · 6 years
2, 5 and 8, please!
THANKS! Answers are under the cut because, as usual, I get LONG WINDED! I just love talking about my work, okay?
Fanfic Day Meme
2. What is your favourite snippet of dialogue?
Can I be EXTRA and give you some from all my fics (the recent ones anyway?) I feel like they all have this one moment that’s like…ah ha that dialogue bit was PERFECTION
Maybe It Will All Come Back to Me
‘You’re not half as charming as you think you are. Now stop arsing about, I want coffee.’
‘Fine,’ Vincent said, turning back to the stove. ‘I know how dangerous it is to get between you and your coffee. I’d hate to put my life at risk.’
‘Smart. I knew there was a reason I liked you.’
‘Not my devastating good looks and captivating personality?’
‘Just make coffee.’
‘Hmm okay. But only because I fear for my safety if I don’t.’
Merry Christmas, Here’s to Many More
“What are you watching?”
“Great British Bake Off.” Vincent said, nonchalant, as though this were a thing he did every day at eight thirty in the morning.
“Great…what? Have you been watching a baking show for three hours?”
“There’s nothing else on. I’ve seen all these already, but when I tuned in they were making stroopwafels and it made me think of home so I left it.”
“Hmm.” Chris could understand that. Honestly, he could go for a stroopwafel and coffee himself right now, but he had a match tomorrow and needed to be careful what he ate—even on Christmas.
Then his brain caught up with Vincent’s words and he lifted his head from Vincent’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, did you say you’ve seen all these already? Since when do you watch Great British Bake Off?”
Vincent shrugged and pursed his lips, eyes turned to the floor, his cheeks tinged with the barest hint of pink. “I…well I started watching it when I moved here, honestly, but I’ve been watching back seasons while I’ve been away and I watched the latest season online. I confess I’m a bit hooked.”
“But…” Chris started and then stopped because Vincent could watch whatever he wanted but why hadn’t he heard about this baking show obsession before now? “You don’t bake, do you? Unless you were holding out on me for all those months.”
“No. I just…It all looks so good and I can’t actually eat cake because of training, which I know is sort of like torturing yourself, but the whole idea of it is just…” a pause and then he set himself, jaw strong and his voice firm as he lifted his eyes from their fixed stare at the floor. “I really like cake, Christian, leave me alone.”
We’re Less Than Half As Close As I Want to Be
Vincent looked down at the bag in his hands, then squinted at the screen, “You got me a Denmark shirt?”
“Open it all the way up,” Christian said. “I promise it will make sense eventually.”
Vincent lifted the adhesive flap and slipped the shirt out onto his lap. Fabric cool and smooth against his hands, although the underside had ridges in it  where the designers had ruined an otherwise sharp and sleek kit by carving an outline of a viking into it.
He hoped his uncontrolled eye roll had been obscured from Christian’s view when he held up the shirt to examine it.
“This shirt is terrible,” Vincent said.
Christian let out a snort of protest, which Vincent ignored, then said, “Turn it around. The front is just regular.”
Vincent did as he’d been instructed, flipping the shirt over at his hands and staring at the back. It wasn’t much better than the front, really—bizarre font that made most of the players’ names nearly unreadable. This one no different. White lettering stark against the bright red background.
He blinked at the shirt for a few seconds. Staring. Processing. Taking it all in. Trying to understand what this was supposed to mean.
“Christian what the hell?”
“I got you a shirt.”
Vincent lowered the shirt to his lap so he could stare down at the screen. “I see that, but…I’m not Danish.”
“No. You’re not. But I am.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Vincent said. “None of this makes any sense. It’s a Denmark shirt, but it’s not your shirt. It’s…mine? Or, well, it has my name on it. But your number? Or mine? Although not your number, really, or my number but…”
Stay in My Eyeline
Hard to choose for this one because everything Daley says is great, but I love Chris and the Belgians, so…
“Why would any of us make it easier for you to continue making these abysmally bad life choices, Chris?” Toby asked.
“Please don’t make me call him.” Chris was ordinarily above begging, especially when he knew his friends would hold it over him for as long as they could, but these were extenuating circumstances.
“Christiaan ,” Toby said in the disapproving tone of a Dutch opa he reserved for whenever Chris was being particularly stupid about something involving Vincent. “If you want to do something this monumentally idiotic, then you’re going to have to work for it. I’m certainly not going to enable you.”
“Nor I,” Jan said.
“Well I’m not doing it,” Mousa said with a shrug. “But don’t think I don’t want to find out what happens when you do. I sort of wish we could watch it over a group chat.”
Chris threw a hand in the air. “I thought friends were supposed to help and support one another in their time of need.”
“How badly do you want to do this, Chris?” Jan asked. “Bad enough that you’re willing to go through all of this? Think on it.”
His friends were being insufferable, but Chris couldn’t blame them for it. The whole thing was probably hilarious, really, if you weren’t the one who had to call your ex and ask him to get you tickets to watch your current boyfriend, who was on the same team as your ex, play a match. With the added complication that as far as Chris was aware neither of them knew about his involvement with the other.
When had Chris’s life gotten this complicated? All he’d ever wanted to do was put his head down and play football, not end up in a string of problematic relationships with members of the Dutch National Team.
“And what am I supposed to say to him when I call? ‘Hi, sorry I’ve been going out of my way to ignore you for five years. Can you get me a ticket to your match today? Thanks, that’s so great of you. Just so you know, this doesn’t make us friends or anything, I just really need a ticket and you’re the only one I can call. Okay?”
“Overdramatic much?” Mousa asked, raising one eyebrow.
This May Be My Last Song
I cut this one for length because I needed to get the whole thing in but it was LONG, so I took out some of the narrative.
“We’re sort of a mess, aren’t we?”
“Hmmm,” Christian said. “A beautiful mess, yes. After all, here’s me all businesslike and telling you to leave me behind and go to Brighton and then the next second getting all sentimental because you’re laying in bed making that face.”
“What face?”
“Your ‘I really want to fuck you right now’ face.”
He scowled down at the phone where Christian’s face was quirked into a wide grin, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as he laughed at Vincent.
“I don’t have a face for that.”
“Mmmm.” Christian’s voice shaking, with laughter this time, and none of this was funny thank you very much. “Not true. You have a face for everything. Lucky for you, that one is particularly hard to resist.”
“Stop laughing! I do not have an I want to fuck you face.” His voice a bit louder than he’d intended. Echoing off the walls and through the sparse, open space.
The click of a door handle a second later and Tonny’s voice around the corner. “Do I want to know?”
“It’s…uhhh…” Vincent said, flashing a warning look down at Christian as he scrambled for the button to mute the audio.
“None of my goddamn business,” Tonny said, lifting his headphones from the bedside table and sliding them around his neck. “I’ll just…be over here. You…keep on doing whatever it is you’re doing. Don’t worry about me.”
Heat rising in Vincent’s cheeks. “I…ummm.”
Tonny held up a hand and shoved his headphones over his ears. On screen, Vincent found himself staring at the ceiling of Christian’s hotel room, phone abandoned on the bed as Christian continued his fits of laughter.
Vincent had just straightened up, earphones in hand, when Tonny slipped his headphones off the ear closest to Vincent.
“To be fair to whoever that is, you do though,” he said, his voice matter-of-fact.
Vincent’s face burning hot now, and how did Tonny know anything about his sex face?
“I…oh my God, what?” Vincent’s head in his hands because this was not happening to him.
“You have a face. For everything. Definitely for that.” Tonny shoved his headphones back on his ears and flashed Vincent a thumbs up.
Vincent flopped onto the bed, shoved the headphones into their port, and tapped at his screen, still showing the dull white of the hotel ceiling tiles. “Are you done?”
Darkness as Christian’s hand closed around his phone, then a finger jabbed at the screen before Christian’s gasps of laughter burst into his ears.
“Oh. My. God.” Christian gasped out in English before switching back to breathless Dutch. “Your entire face right now. Who was that? He’s fantastic. We should be friends.”
Vincent glared down at Christian. “Tonny. Who apparently has seen my non-existent sex face. Godverdomme, Chris stop laughing.”
I refuse to select one from Five Times Christian Eriksen because there are MANY of them and my co-author wrote most of the funny bits anyway,
From the Loose Ends podfic, I will just go with a line that made me laugh out loud at the way I delivered it EVERY SINGLE TIME. It is in Chapter 9 when Eric and Dele are drunk and in Portugal and Eric misspeaks and then Dele makes fun of him for it and the way I read that line was honestly just MINT. You can listen to just that clip here (right click it to open in a new tab).
5. What’s your favorite headcanon you use in fics?
Ummm…I think my favourite is that Vincent used to watch Christian when he played at Ajax. Even though Vincent was at Feyenoord and he was supposed to blindly HATE all Ajax players he’d saw Christian playing in a match vs the Feyenoord first team when Vincent was still on the Feyenoord youth team and he basically became fully infatuated with him in that borderline obsessive first crush way. He’d record the Ajax matches and watch them late at night in his room and he’d watch all the interviews and videos of Christian and the Denmark matches when he could get them. It’s one of the main reasons he went to Spurs because he knew Christian was there and he wanted a chance to play with him. So when they first meet Vincent already knows a ton about Christian and he has to act like he isn’t the biggest fankid in the world and try to just be cool like…he is your teammate and your peer now, you can’t just stare at him and gush over him. Meanwhile Christian is his usual oblivious self who has no idea that Vincent has had a crush on him since he was a teenager.
8. How often do people catch onto your little details?
Honestly…I have no idea. I don’t even know if *I* catch on to my little details. If any of my readers out there want to weigh in on this I’m happy to know. Same with podfic…how often do people catch the little effects I put in. Sometimes they are in your face, but sometimes they’re pretty subtle so I wonder if anyone notices them or not.
This is an interesting question. No one has ever really mentioned them to me, but I am always interested at the things people do pick up in my writing because I’m like oh, you’re right, but…I never meant that to be a thing, but there it is! So it’s always a fun surprise, even for me.
Thanks! Fun as always. Sorry I got a bit out of control with the dialogue. Dialogue is one of my favourite things to do.
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