#i tougth he was better than the rest
starmakerphantom · 2 years
"remember what you learned in knigths!"
*kidnaps someone*
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calowlmitygoddess · 1 year
POV Characters
where i ever to write down the story of Tanza, while the story is about the demigods and their godly parents, it would all be told trought the pov of their 'sideckicks' for a lack of better word.
Strychnine: Imay assistant/caretaker/servant/emotional support undead, all rolled into one. He's a human revived trought an artifical demonic core, granting him things such as higher endurance than regular undead, dark vision and resistance to magic. Strych doenst remember anything about his previous identity and has only retained technical knowledge about Neautra, the Natural world, History and the Demon Hunters. He knows he was killed for the specific reason of serving Imay and because of his knowledge, this doesnt distress him as much as it should. Thought he doesnt feel much, its as if his emotions werent brought back to life with him. Hes magically bound to Imay as her servant, and her toughts, feelings and wants often bleed into his to the point he struggles to distinguish what are her tougths and what are his, this however is very much one sided.
Garlasia: a hot shot rising star Huntress along with her squad, Garlasia is a drakin wielder of fire, with her quick witted fiery personality she conquers the people around her. Garly often butts heads with authority, she does her own thing and so far it has worked for her, probably helps she's the niece of the current Royal Huntress. Garly and her squad have been put as 'handlers' of Hiraki after a major blunder on his part. Garly sees right past Hiraki fake persona and often calls him out, as well not respecting his perceived authority, they often clash. He doesnt get along any better with the rest of the team. Garly is impulsively brave, agressive in her fights, loud and cheerful,friendly by nature and all around Good Girl. Not the smartest cookie when it comes to technical knowledge or planning, she prefers to improvise on the fly, being able to read situations and react to it quickly.
Cory: A half demon, Cory was created by a dark mage along with dozens of other half demons as servants and essentially guard dogs. They lived their early years in this state of servitute, semi feral living off scraps their masters dropped for them and their siblings. Until they all were freed by the Crimal group Dressia was a part of, while many of the surviving half-demons scaped never to be seen again, Cory was one of the few that were taken in by the group, and due to their closeness in age to Dressia, Hera allowed the half demon to stay with the girl. Dressia helped Cory to speak, read and write and the two became extremely close friends. Once free, Cory personality was able to blossom, and they are sly, sarcastic and have a short temper, Cory has the habit of hoarding things, and they love the finer things in life.Fiercely loyal and protective of Dressia, they often try to push her away from overextending herself, despite enjoying their current very adventurous lifestyle, secretly Cory really wants to just...run away from it all, and experience a peace for the first time in their life.
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gold3nberry · 7 years
Ace Of Clubs
For the dear and super patient @kawereen, who not only graced me with my some amazing comics and pictures about my Demetra, but also makes this fandom a funnier, brighter place thanks to her art! I strongly suggest you to check her work, because it’s seriously amazing!
Cullen Rutherford X Artemis Trevelyan
Artemis shook her head, exasperated. Sera showed her thousands of times how to do that damned thing. The young elf repeated the instructions day after day, while they were travelling through the Emerald Graves, mercifully sparing her jokes – at least, the lewdest ones. Artemis had thought it would be easy and funny making a flower crown for Cullen, once back in Skyhold, and she tried to learn standing around the fire even when the others were soundly sleeping in their tents. When they had seen Skyhold fortress at the horizon at the end of their journey, Artemis was sure she had mastered the art of making flower crowns. Yes, maybe her first tries hadn't been a complete success, she grimaced remembering Cole's worried voice about her work - Too forceful, she grabs and pulls, but her fingers don't listen and the flowers are in the wrong place. They are not happy to be wasted - but surely all her training had improved her abilities. She had giggled, imagining her Commander with that particular crown on that beautiful head of his. A true prince from the fairytales, she had smiled playing with the coin she always wore under her shirt, the thought keeping her company during the return travel. But now, with blossomed embrium and crumpled crystal grace on her lap, sitting alone under the gazebo in Skyhold's garden, she wasn't sure she had had a great idea. 
“Ok, just one more.” she sighed to herself, sticking her tongue out in the effort to do all the passages in the right way. Sera's voice was clear in her mind, repeating all the steps together: pick a flower, turn it making a circle, tie it, now pick another, pass it through... “Oh, Maker have mercy!” she roared, when her work started to untie once again. Ignoring the two or three guests who were shooting her perplexed glares, Artemis stared at the petals and broken leaves spread on the ground around her feet. The Inquisitor let herself fall on the grass, trying to save at least some of them. It wasn't going to work, she groaned, pressing her back against the wall of the gazebo, realizing it wasn't very much she could save. She rubbed her eyes, furious. It wasn't just the fact that she wasn't abale to do such a simple thing as a crown flower. No, what truly bothered her was that she wasn't going to give one to Cullen. Artemis bit her lip. She had already painted the entire scene in her mind. He'd surely protested it was a silly thing, but he'd let put the crown on his head and they'd have a laughter together. She sniffed. She wanted to see him laugh. It was all about make him smile. She knew he wasn't sleeping properly, especially not after what they had witnessed at Adamant. She had had nightmares for weeks, about the Archdemon following her, slauthering her companions as the Breach was open again in the skies. Usually, she woke up screaming and sweating, wildly kicking the sheets away. Cullen was always there for her. He had brought her cups of fresh water, and passed tenderly a damp cloth on her cold skin, pushing back her sweaty locks. He had hold her against his chest, murmuring reassuring sweet words, letting his heartbeat to lull her in the sleep again. A true knight, doing his best to make her feel better. She had to leave Skyhold for the Emerald Graves shortly after Adamant, and she knew he was going to face the nights alone. Seeing him again after the mission had just confirmed her suspects. Luckily, Artemis sighed, sniffing quietly, she had left Cassandra at Skyhold, so at least Cullen had been forced to eat. But he still couldn't sleep, not as much as he needed. Artemis passed an hand through her hair. She couldn't fight his nightmares, but she could at least make his days happier. Easier, maybe. She wanted to try, but it seemed that her plan wasn't working. “Arry?” Cullen's voice was just a bit louder than the wind between the leaves, and when she moved her head from her knees, he kneeled beside her “Love, what's wrong?” His eyes probably noted the mess of half - destroyed flowers around her – he always noted much more than people realized – but he was also wise enough to let her explain. Artemis blushed. He was always so calm and... appropriate, contrary to her. Even if the age gap between them wasn't huge, she felt like a child, sometimes. Instead, she wanted to be his equal, someone he could rely on. Someone who could help him as much as he helped her. She blinked and he frowned slightly, kissing her forehead “It's okay, if you don't want to talk. Would you like to get some rest or something? Or if you prefer,” he continued, tenderly brushing away a leaf from her shoulder “I bet we can sneak in the kitchens and grab some of those chocolate pastries you like so much.” She was hugging him before she could restrain herself. Despite his armor, he welcomed her in his arms, solid and warm. Her safe place in that mess that was their world in those days, she realized once again. “I wanted to do a flower crown for you, but I couldn't.” she sighed, pressing her face on his neck, sensing her ears burning for the embarassement. She was the one who was supposed to console him. Artemis appreciated, however, that his gentle grip around her didn't falter, even if his voice sounded puzzled “A flower crown for me?” “I know it's not my brightest idea.” she muttered, forcing herself to be brave and look straight at him “But... I wanted to help you. Oh, Maker, I sound like Cole.” Being the clever man that he was and knowing she needed time when it came of feelings, Cullen waited patiently for her to put in words the twirling mass of thoughts in her brain. “Adamant has been tougth for all of us.” She could see him stiffened and she knew his mind was showing him again her fallen in the Fade, the flash of green light, the shrieks of the Archdemon. She put a hand on his cheek, pressing her fingers gently “Hey, look at me. I'm okay. But you... I know you're having trouble to sleep.” “Are you worried... for me?” he sounded incredulous “You're the one who fell into the Fade and fought the Nightmare and...” And she had been forced to leave Stroud behind. Artemis kissed his lips “It's not a race, love. I think we both had our problems there. My silly plan was to give you a flower crown so you'd smile... hopefully. Luckily for you,” she frowned, gesturing at the crumpled flowers around them “it seems I'm unable to do it.” For a moment he just darted his gaze between her and her work, clearly debating something in his mind. He spoke a moment before she was going to beg him to do it. “I'd be glad to help you.” “Sorry, what?” she gasped, big turquoise eyes wide open. The Commander scoffed a little laughter, rubbing his neck “I... ah, my younger sister, Rosalie, had a thing for flower crowns, and Mia taught me how to do them, so I could make one if she was helping our mother and Rosie would ask for it.” She almost squeaked thinking about a child Cullen, all golden curls and scratched knees, busy to entertain his little sister. Cullen wasn't very generous of details about his past, and she respected this, but she couldn't deny she treasured every splinter he gave her. Names, a random memory, a song: she felt honored to hear all of it, knowing it was a good sign he was starting to allow himself to think about his family again. Right now, however, she was surprised he didn't find her idea ridiculous and she was stunned he was able to do a frilly thing like a flower crown. It turned out he was really good at it. Sat near her in the garden, aloof or simply unaware of the prying eyes around them, Cullen chose new flowers, showed her how to make little rings with the steams. He had taken off his gloves, and his fingers moved sure and quick. Artemis was leaning against him, her chin on his shoulder, completely enchanted, listening to him talking about his first tries. “Rosalie was totally upset seeing my first supposed to be crown.” he chuckled, shaking his head “So I did another one. And another. At the end, she found the tenth crown acceptable enough to  put it on her head... for three minutes.” “I bet you couldn't feel your fingers after all that work!” she joked, rubbing his back. He winked at her “They were sore, but nothing compared that time I picked some wrong flowers that made my hands red and covered in bubbles.” Flower after flower, word after word, a crown emerged from what before was just a random assortment of petals. He grinned at her “Well, what do you think?” She beamed “I think you're an amazing man, Cullen Rutherford.” He chuckled, rubbing his neck with his free hand. When he put the crown on her head - “Beautiful! So, so lovely.” - and maybe a couple of kisses on her rosy lips, she protested slightly “That was meant to be for you!” “Oh, don't worry, now it's your turn to show me if I have been a good teacher!” Making a flower crown with him, Artemis realized, was funnier than struggling alone with her task. First of all, she enjoyed the touch of his fingers correcting her hands. Second, he was spending time with her. Just the two of them, a bunch of flowers, and soft smiles. How could she not feel blessed? Her voice broke the quiet in the garden, when the sun was starting to settle down. “I did it!” The Inquisitor couldn't hide her pride. Truth to be told, it was a poor flower crown, with holes and half broken petals, not close at all to the one he had done. But it was a flower crown and Cullen was smiling, so she lifted her work “May I?” Cullen bent down slightly – giant of a man, even sitting he was a good foot taller than her! - and Artemis carefully put the crown on his head. “Well, what do you think?” he asked, a big smile on his face and a soft light in his golden eyes. She put her arms around his neck “The crown is awful, but you look perfect.” “As you do.” it was his tender reply, before stealing another kiss “And the crown is perfect. Thank you, love.” Cuddling against his chest, Artemis thought she was the one who should have thanked him. But he gently lifted her chin, kissing her deeply and for a good time. When the kiss was over, she couldn't do anything more than smile. And he smiled back.
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