#i tried a thing with the vertical panels and i don't like it but whatever i guess
yubriamakesart · 2 years
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Turns out it's really fun to do combat at night if your whole party has darkvision but your opponents don't.
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bnhaobservation · 1 year
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: Todoroki Mansion (Part 6: TV room)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 39 “Todoroki Shōto: Origin” (轟焦凍:オリジン Todoroki Shōto: Origin) Chap. 206 “Match 3 Conclusion” (第 (だい) 3セット決 (けっ) 着 (ちゃく) Daisan Set Ketchaku) Chap. 301 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1” (火の不始末 後編 Hi no Fushimatsu Zenpen) Chap. 302 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2” (火の不始末 後編 Hi no Fushimatsu Kōhen)
Ep. 23 “Todoroki Shōto: Origin” (轟 焦凍:オリジン Todoroki Shōto: Origin) Ep. 130 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire” (火の不始末 Hi no Fushimatsu)
The Tv room in the Todoroki mansion is a peculiar one as it has come characteristics of a washitsu (和室), which means "harmony room" but which is the name used to mean "Japanese-style room", namely the tatami flooring (Tatami (畳) is a type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional Japanese-style rooms)...
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...and the Fusuma door (Fusuma (襖) are vertical rectangular panels often painted)...
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...but the window is a western one with curtains instead than a Shōji window without curtains.
We don't know where in the house is located, if in the first floor or in the ground floor or how to reach it.
Whatever, let's just observe it.
For start let's establish when the TV room is shown.
The manga helps us with this as it keeps the same furniture each time it shows it, while the anime... messes up things. But let's go with order.
I'll put the scenes in the order in which they're shown.
The first time it's when Shouto watches All Might on TV with his mother.
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The second time it's when Touya and Fuyumi are watching tv (notice the TV screen is the same and so are the clock on the wall and the furniture below the TV plus in both scenes we've a couch in front of the TV).
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The third is when Enji is watching TV (even though it's hard to see it clearly there's the two-door wardrobe with 3 drawers next to the Fusuma door and the TV, plus Enji is likely seated on the couch).
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The anime tried to suggest Natsuo being shown to his siblings also take place in the TV room, but the manga doesn't give us any visual element to confirm it. It can be, it can be not.
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The last time is when Enji beats Rei (we can see the two-door wardrobe with 3 drawers next to the Fusuma door and Rei is between the shadow of the small table and the couch... also it's possible that the library near which Fuyumi and Natsuo are is the one below the TV... though I'm not 100% sure about this as Shouto was meant to be kept away from his siblings and he normally was kept away from them... so it feels weird they were in the same room).
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Actually there could be another scene that shows that room... but the window is a Shōji one with no curtains and small Shōji windows above it... while the furniture below the tv is slightly different.
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In theory it's possible that there are 2 TV rooms, one for the family and one for Shouto. That or Horikoshi forgot about that small panel and decided to change the room structure.
We'll never know.
Now the room doesn't even present traditional Japanese furniture, even the two-door wardrobe with 3 drawers seems a western one as well as the couch.
The three best visuals of the room which better show it's structure and the furniture in it are the following.
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In the following image we can catch a glimpse of an extra furniture on the wall opposite to the TV but it's hard to guess what it is.
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Next to the Fusuma door we've a two-door wardrobe with 3 drawers.
Against the wall on the right there's a wall mounted flat tv screen, an exagonal clock and, below the TV a shelve with many books, boxes and... a dvd player?
Hard to say.
In front of the tv, a carpet and, above it, a long table on top of which there's the TV remote and a couch.
Of the wall in front of the Fusuma door as said before a glass window with curtains.
On the wall to the right there's probably a furniture that's not shown.
The anime didn't really portray things in a way that's close to the manga. In fact, for example, in the first scene the TV isn't anymore wall mounted
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As the manga didn't fully show the background of the scene the anime decided to add a curtain on the right of the TV (when it was meant to be on the left), paint couch and shelve grey, don't have tatami but wood on the floor, places a furniture and a plant behind Rei (we can't quite see what).
The second scene is portrayed much more faithfully and we even catch a glimpse of the furniture on the wall to the left. They however changes what's on the shelves and even the colour of the furniture compared to the previous time that showed the room.
If back then everything was grey, now the couch is a grey/violet and the shelve is brown.
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For some weird decision they didn't place the next scene in the tv room but gave Enji another room in which he had a not wall mounted flat tv screen, a furniture to rest the TV which is not a shelve and... training equipment instead than the table and the cough while the door is a Shōji one instead than a fusuma one.
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You can see a better image of the room here.
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Why the anime felt the need to make up an extra room is beyond me.
Instead the anime decided to place in this room the scene in which Touya and Fuyumi met baby Natsuo.
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We can notice the tatami flooring, the same Fusuma doors and the couch.
As for the last scene... there's some sort of furniture near the Fusuma door but the room is so weirdly dark it's hard to see it. As for Fuyumi and Natsuo the shelve against which they're hiding is clearly not the one below the TV. Even Enji's voice came to them somehow muffled, which seems to remark how they aren't in the same room...
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So well, it's again a scene different from the original and, while I agree that it works better if Fuyumi and Natsuo aren't in the same room as Shouto because IN THAT SAME EPISODE it was said Shouto wouldn't be allowed near to the children so it wouldn't make any sense for them to be in the same room... and the fact Shouto didn't get to interact with his siblings is confirmed by how Natsuo complained he wasn't allowed to interact with him and by "School Briefs" also remarking this... I'm not sure why the anime had to do the room so dark and make unclear it was that room the one in which Enji hits Rei.
But whatever, that's all we have for the TV room.
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February 3rd, 2020 Scenario: Vacation (Adontis)
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I am using @ducky-writez prompt list as I said, and I did the one for February 3rd with Adontis and an ungendered MC! I may go back and do #1 and #2 today too.
You could really use a vacation. Even if it's just one day away from the hell your life has been for the last two years and running. Some get away where the only stress you have is nothing. And, lucky for you, Adontis agrees. 
"Yes, I think given everything that has happened… you need one. Hell, I think we both do." When you look over to him, there's a little secretive smile on his lips as he cleans up his alchemy station, and you can tell by his body language he is more than aware you are looking at him.
"You saying you want to go on a vacation with me?" you ask, an excited flutter starting in your stomach and chest. You look forward to any alone time you get with him, honestly; the team has been growing on you as a whole, but… you're not exactly in love with all of them. Adontis, though…
He laughs, a low, seductive sound that sends electricity skittering over your skin. "Yes. I was considering talking to you about one soon anyhow, so I'm glad you brought it up." He clasps his ingredient case close, then turns to look at you, leaning against the case with his elbow and against the desk with his hip. "Have you considered where you want to go?"
"Well… no," you answer honestly. "Just… away from so much noise. So many people. No offense to the team, but-"
"They can be a bit much, and without us taking Telalyse anymore, it's even louder," he finishes, a knowing grin on his lips, showing his double set of fangs. "Believe me, I know." He hums thoughtfully, one hand rubbing the other's wrist as he stares at his desk. After a few beats, he speaks. "Well, if you want near-total privacy, I own a home in the middle of a beautiful, magical forest, accompanied by the caregivers, their home, a garden, and a few farm animals." His hands dance as he talks, and voice takes on a dreamy falsetto tone. You raise a brow, liking the image he paints.
"Why do you own a house in the middle of the forest?"
"Oh, well, you see, the colony of Undine in the nearby river had a problem from Super hunters, so I got rid of their problem. They had me a home created in their forest as a thank you." He shrugs. You give a thoughtful frown. 
"I mean… fair enough." You tap a finger on your chair for a second to help find your words. "When can we go?"
"Whenever you are ready, of course, darling."
"How about, like, now?" His chuckle is answer enough.
You take in a deep breath of the forest's fresh air. It looked like a fairytale, Adontis's home. A mid-sized mansion made of white, living trees with a roof slated with paneling the same bluish purple of the surrounding flora. The door has intricately made detailing of swirls and spherical imagery, and the vertical center shows a river with beings dancing inside. 
The caregivers turned out to be dryads, humanoids that look like humans crossed with plants (one seemed to be crossed with a fern, while the other was wild pink roses). Both women were incredibly friendly, with one teasing Adontis relentlessly over finally bringing someone here for them to meet. He actually even blushed, something you have still rarely seen him do. It was pretty cute to see, and even cuter when he tried to hide his face in your hair. 
And, maybe it made your heart squee a little when he pressed a kiss into it. 
You shiver happily at the memory of it, now examining the odd coloration and movement of the forest's plants as Adontis gets everything set up in his room. Some of the ferns wrap around your legs and squeeze for a second, softly, then release, seeming to wave. It almost feels like… they are welcoming you. Little animals are also beginning to peek out at you, some looking like odd versions of "normal" animals like squirrels and rabbits and deer, while others… you can't even describe. A particularly chubby, round… bird-thing bumbles out beside you, its four small, corgi-like legs seeming to struggle to carry it. It cheeps at you, and for some unknown reason, you feel the need to pet it, so you do, earning more cheeps. You begin to feel like this is the only thing you need to do, ever, as if nothing else is ever as important as this, and you can't find a reason to disagree. 
Or, at least not until your hand is wrenched away. Your immediate thought is to fight, but after a few seconds, Adontis's voice breaks through the cloud in your mind and you stop. "${Name}! ${Name}! Calm down, it's me! Stop fighting me!" 
"Adontis? Wh… what's happening?" you slur stupidly, confused. 
"It's a oricanle, they're bird-like creatures that can entice you to pet them until you die," he informs. The bird hisses at him and attempts to peck at where his hands hold you. He hisses back, his face shifting and morphing into its… less-pleasant form. The bird squeaks in fright and tumbles off. 
"My hero," you say dramatically, still feeling weird. He lets out a chuckle, but you can hear his nerves and concern in it.
"Always. Now, let's get you inside where you can rest." He easily picks you up bridal style and carries you to his home. 
"First day of vacation and some bird thing tries to steal my soul, don't that beat all," you mumble, nuzzling into his warm shoulder. His chest rumbles with another laugh.
"Oh, come on darling, even on vacation you have to have a little fun." 
"Oh, yeah, sure, it's all fun if it's not your soul tryin' to be gobbled." 
"Ah, well," he shrugs, "I get to play hero so what's not to like about such a situation?" He lets out a loud "ow!" when you punch his chest. 
"Your caregivers will have to save you when I'm not too dizzy to stand," you grumble threateningly, but are cut off when he dips you over the threshold and presses his lips passionately against yours, making you lose your entire line of thought. When he pulls away after a few seconds, he gives you a bright smile. 
"I'll trust you to save me from whatever you have planned," he replies cheekily, before pulling you out of his dip and setting you down on the couch, tucking a very soft pillow under your head. You can't answer as your brain still tries to process what he just did.
Some goddamn vacation, alright. 
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