#i tried to dip my toe into a fandom and there were hardly any fics
oikasugayama · 9 months
tea in tags, deleting soon 💀💀💀💀
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spartanguard · 3 years
lakeside lovin’
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Summary: Emma and Killian. On a dock. By a lake. Loving each other. *swoon* 
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SWEETEST RED VELVET CUPCAKE IN THE WORLD, @xpumpkindumplingx​!!!!!!!!!! One of these years, we’ll actually be able to celebrate in person, but until then, let me just say it’s been such a joy to become your friend through this fandom and our adventures in Chicago and Mackinac have been among my favorites <3 HAVE THE MOST LOVELY BIRTHDAY, A!!!
this fic was partly inspired by said Mackinac adventure, but mostly by A’s appreciation of guys in gray sweatpants ;) it’s modern AU, established relationship, but not any particular universe; just some romance on the water. Hope you enjoy it!!
rated M | 1.3k words | AO3
Emma sat on the edge of the dock, dipping her toes into the icy water. It had been a bit of a hike, driving out to Mary Margaret’s family cabin on Lake Huron all the way from Boston, but it had turned out to be so worth it: a week with just their friends, in a gorgeous cottage by a huge lake with deep, crystal blue water.
She took another sip from her can of hard cider and leaned back. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to the drive back tomorrow, even if it meant they got to stop at that great grilled cheese place in Cleveland, but this had been a perfect vacation—just what she needed to rest and recharge before returning to her not-exactly-relaxing life.
For now, though, she was going to enjoy her drink and watch the changing colors of the sky as the sun set behind her. The sounds of laughter and crackling fire were filtering down from closer to the house, and she’d head up there in a bit, but she was enjoying her solitude for the moment.
“Might I join you, love?”
Well, she had been. But this interruption was welcome.
He didn’t wait for an answer as he came to stand next to her, nudging her hand with his long toes. She turned to look, and what caught her eyes first was a familiar, faded, favorite pair of gray sweatpants; as she scanned higher, she noticed that was all he wore, and his chest hair was still sticking to his lightly tanned skin as he air-dried from a shower. At the top, she was greeted by Killian’s signature crooked grin, dimples cutting into his freshly trimmed scruff, and a wild mop of dark hair that threatened to hang into his eyes, the blue of which rivaled the lake.
“Always,” she finally replied.
He first set his beer down next to her, then used his hand to help himself take a seat on her left; he hadn’t put his prosthesis back on his left wrist after his shower, evidently, which was good—he was usually self conscious about his scars, but seeing him so relaxed about it was nice. 
He didn’t say anything once he sat, just enjoyed the tranquility of the water with her, punctuated by sips from his drink. Eventually, she put her head on his shoulder, savoring the feel of his warm skin under her cheek. When he finished his beer, he wrapped an arm around her to pull her closer as the sun continued its descent, and stars began to become visible overhead. She knew the sky would be bright orange when they left in the morning, especially as the sun rose out of the lake, but for now, it was still that navy-indigo color of twilight.
She pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
And then his fingers brushed their way up her side, against the skin under the edge of her tshirt.
So her kisses moved north, along his neck and against his sharp jaw.
Before she knew it, she was straddling his cotton-clad lap, sharing languid kisses as her hands gripped his strong shoulders, anchoring her in place. She couldn’t help but press her hips against him; he just had that effect on her. And, thanks to his well-worn selection in pants, she knew the feeling was mutual—could feel the growing hardness in those sweats through her own thin leggings.
She pulled away just enough to shimmy those down her legs, biting back a gasp at the cooling night air on her skin (particularly where she was wet and wanting). And she was ready for him to do the same—she could see the outline of his arousal quite easily through the gray fabric—but he wrapped his blunted left arm around her waist and his fingers reached for her core. 
She was hardly going to complain about this delay—especially once his talented digits brushed against her entrance, then again inside. She arched into it as she found his lips again, and each pass of his fingers through her sex found her getting more and more keyed up, sweat breaking out on her skin in spite of the chill in the air.
He had her nearing the edge, almost to the point of pure bliss, but then eased back before she could cross that threshold. She was almost disappointed, but then he was shifting under her, carefully moving his own pants away to let his cock (finally) spring free.
Wordlessly, in a well-rehearsed motion, she sank down onto his erection; there was something extra thrilling about knowing their friends weren’t all that far away—the din of conversation just reached their ears—and yet, they were down here having a private moment. 
He started to talk but she silenced him with her mouth, not wanting to break the quiet spell that had fallen on them. Instead, she began to move, drawing a low moan from him that vibrated all through her, spurring her on.
Thank god the dock was stable, otherwise she might fear for its structural integrity as she continued; she was worried enough about splinters in sensitive areas, given the way Killian was somehow meeting her press for press. It didn’t take long to get where she’d been earlier and past it, each stroke of his generous length against her inner walls bringer her nearer and nearer to her undoing.
Killian’s breathing grew more erratic under her, his movements more stuttered; he was close, too—but not as close as her. She tried to slow down so they could come together, but he wasn’t having it. “Let go,” he whispered in a raspy voice—and she did.
Now it was his turn to quiet her with a kiss, lest she shout out in rapture as she finally climaxed, letting the ebbing waves of pleasure finally crash over her. He continued to move under until he, too, reached his peak, pulsing inside her.
Neither made an effort to separate as they came down; if anything, they moved closer, he wrapping his arms around her tighter and her nestling her head into his neck, taking a deep whiff of him—the clean scent of his body wash paired with his spicy natural musk (it was her favorite smell, and the fresh lake air was a close second). 
“I love you,” she sighed, once her breath came back to her.
“I love you too, darling,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “And how would you feel about round two?”
“Mm, yes please,” she said.
Still holding her close, he propped himself on his left arm to roll them over onto her back—
—but misjudged, or forgot which way he was rolling, because suddenly they were both splashing into the cold water of the lake. It was unexpected and disorienting and definitely put a damper on what they were about to continue to do.
“Love, are you alright?” Killian asked, panicked, when Emma finally broke the surface; at least the water was fairly shallow, but still deep (and cold) enough to drown any other plans. 
“Y-yeah,” she answered, pushing her hair out of her face as she waded back to him as quick as she could (which wasn’t fast enough). “Th-that d-dn’t work out-t,” she stammered. 
“Fraid not; I’m sorry,” he said, hugging her close to try to warm her. “Let’s get up to the fire,” he directed.
There was a ladder, thankfully, so getting out of the water wasn’t an issue. There would surely be questions from their friends when they got back to the house—or maybe not; it wasn’t hard to guess what they were up to. And the dusty path that lay ahead was bound to be agony on their bare feet.
But once they had changed into dry clothes and were cuddled close under a blanket, under the stars, she didn’t care. How could she, when she had the most perfect man, in the most perfect spot—and he was wearing another perfect pair of sweats?
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kuvvydraws · 4 years
I'm not sure if you've answered this question already, but I'm honestly very curious- why do you write fanfiction? I certainly enjoy it as much as you and have written a few things of my own, but I know it can be quite a personal topic for many writers. If it's too personal for you, don't feel any pressure to answer, but it's always interesting to see the writer's perspective outside of the story they've written :). I hope you understand what I'm trying to say-
I actually enjoy the words and the rush your brain gets when they join without effort to create a reality.
Now, let me break that down XD
I've always had a book in my hands as far as my memory goes. My dad used to read to me when I was very little and from the second I could do it on my own, that was the best thing ever (yes, that means when I was punished for doing some shit, my books were taken away and I had to sneak them into my schoolbag and read in class like a heathen).
Not only I enjoyed books but I always found myself wanting to partake in the stories, and my brain was always running with the words and the scenes. (I discovered during my teenage years that brains have different ways to process thoughts and mine did it in words, so writing just sort of came naturally to me at that point in my life).
I discovered ffnet when I was 12, I think, but I had tried my hand at original works (that is, about five or six starts of different novels that never saw the light) and some "fanfiction" (about Nightmare Before Christmas because I had a big ass crush on Jack and I unassumingly created my first xReader ever) without knowing what the hell I was doing.
I just knew I wanted to write stuff and I did as much.
The thing is, I introduced one of my friends, who also loved to read and write, to ffnet, and we started writing together. The first thing we wrote was a Sesshomaru x OC fic, the second one was a Sasori x OC fic, and we dipped out toes into some Kuroshitsuji x OC...... all of them handwritten stories we promised we would type in a computer eventually (we didn't, they were horrible [I still have the notebooks we used for each of them and they are cringey as fuck]).
But we wrote for ourselves and we were happy like that.
So we were rampant and wild and having the best time. Back then I still wrote in Spanish (because I hardly knew any English and I didn't care for it), and I remember mixing Spain's Spanish with the ones from South America because obviously the percentage of writers in ffnet who used a different "dialect" Spanish was huge if you compare a single, tiny country with a whole continent.
At the same time I wrote with my friend, I wrote for myself. Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Bleach, Hetalia.... And I met so many people, nice people, who loved my works (they were random fics, all of them x OC because I didn't know x Reader ones were a thing -they weren't at that time, and x Reader are harder to write in Spanish because all the words and pronouns are gendered one way or another-) and I got so much enjoyment from sharing them.
The thing about books I love the most is the fact that you can convey so many emotions with a few symbols, and you can create worlds out of ink and you can change views and inspire others. So, if none of my dumbass teenage novels were to roam the word, I still could share, in a free, open and fast way, my words with others.
Again, I was going to write them with or without posting them because I found -and still find- great pleasure when a scene creates itself in your brain and all you have to do to make it real is to write it down. (Sometimes my brain still does this and even when I'm daydreaming, my imagination is "written, described and dialogued" as if someone was reading a novel out loud. It makes writing so much easier).
And then I got hate.
I somehow had managed to miss all of the fandom drama that's so toxic in the internet because I didn't bother to interact with anyone in the fandoms beyond the reviews they left in my fics, and ffnet has a -sort of- specific search engine to help you find whatever you want, so I could never willingly find the "problematic stuff" because I was literally not trying to find it.
The hate comment I got was anonymous and very specific about everything that was wrong in a particular fic I had just updated -from plot and characterization to grammar and continuity-, and later on I discovered it came from a couple of authors who shared an account and who I admired greatly for their works. Turns out they were out for blood and hating on every fic that had updated that week and that had any members of their OTP shipped with some other character. (It was a Hetalia fanfic, I was writing SpUK and they were pro FrUk, if anyone is interested).
I was contacted by some other authors asking about this because they had gone through the very same thing -same specific hate, same hate comment- and I remember not giving a fuck.
I was 16 when I got the hate, writing for fun and trying to find a way to go through my shitty highschool days without falling into the black out of depression that haunted me. I remember not wanting to write anything anymore, leaving a fic I was very invested in writing to gather dust and rot in the forgotten folders of my computer because every time I tried to get on with it and progress, it felt wrong.
That thing I said about words just happening? It stopped. My brain was silent as a grave and trying to get my words out became painful. I remember struggling to even write regular project for my school.
I kept reading, of course -it was my only comfort and I really, really didn't want to give up on it-, but I abandoned the fandoms I enjoyed so much before. My new focus became the sci-fi, and I remember being hooked on Predator. Imagine my joy when I discovered there were thousands of works from that fandom! I was extasic.
Problem? They were written in English.
I didn't know shit about English besides being a language I was supposed to handle in school, memorize the unreasonably spelt words that were pronounced illogically regarding the fucking spelling and the stupid ass irregular verbs.
But I learnt English because I wanted a hot piece of alien ass XD
Back to the topic of fanfics, I still roamed ffnet, keeping 15 tabs open and reading until 5 am... But now there was a world of possiblities in front of me because of course everyone on this goddamn Earth writes in English.
So, for the next years I did that, and my words didn't come. It was fine, tho, because I had so many new things to read.
It wasn't until fall of 2018 that I dabbed into the idea of maybe considering to perhaps give writing a try again????? I was neck deep into Undertale -still am, I'm a shameless skeleton fucker and there's no cure for that shit- and its many AU's and somehow I had managed to avoid fandom wars again, so my brain started toying with words... The same way it worked with novels: I got myself into the fics other people wrote (this is so much easier to do with x Reader fics, and I'm so happy about that and the massive boom they had just when Undertale came out, you can't even understand it).
So I kept doing my shit and daydreaming about skeletons and ribs and ecto-stuff for a very long time. It was kinda reassuring and nice to see other writers projecting on their x Readers so much because that's what I had done before.
And then Good Omens happened.
As I've said before, I actually discovered Gomens back in 2012 and it is, to the date, the worst translation to Spanish I've seen in my entire life to this date. And, despite it, I fell in love with it.
Now, barely in 2019, my dad gets Amazon Prime and the first thing he fucking sees is the font of Gomens on the screen. I had fangirled hard about Gomens in book version, so much and so annoyingly that I wouldn't leave my dad alone until he gave it a chance. It's the only book my father hasn't finished because the translation is that bad. He hates it.
The particular font they use for the show is the same from the book's title. My dad of course recognized it immediately and knew I would want in on the news.
I confess I watched Gomens the show at least seven times before giving it a break because I liked it so much and the novel was so fucking good and it's honest to God the best adaptation I've ever seen to the screen. It's so good I'm fucking sure I was crying actual tears after watching it for the first time because my dreams and all the feelings that book had given me over the years and the many re-reads were "true" and so well done and it reached deep into my heart.
And then, for the first time in six years, my words came back.
Another thing Good Omens has given me, I have to say.
I don't know if I can stress this enough, but just imagine spending six years of radio silence, sending longing stares to the void and hoping to see something yours returning back, something you've lost and you're not sure you're getting back, something you think you don't need or want but that would be nice to have again. If only. You can live without that something, and no one but you cares about it, and it's not that big of a deal and-
Then you see a spark in the dark.
My words came back.
They weren't in Spanish, and it was hard to manage them at first, only being able to listen to them in short bursts over long periods of time.
But they were my words and they were back.
Writing is still hard, and I have a lot of work to do to improve my skills, to get them not only back but to refine them because I'm not writing in my native language and all I know is what I've learnt from other authors and their knowledge. I project a lot on my projects -I don't intend to stop because it's such a relief, the biggest scape from reality I get by doing so; it helps me deal with my problems, it gives me a break and a way to take a breath when I can't keep going...
Fanfics are where I can say what I want to say to the world in the most honest way, and that allows me to be me, and to express myself and indulge in the fantasies I dream about without having to force myself to think of them over and over and over. I can just sit back and enjoy content I know I like without being judged for it.
I can fucking make that content, too.
Writing feels like home, even if sometimes I still struggle, if I can't find my words or the expression is not quite like that in English, or if I can't find the words or if I'm suffering a block... because there's nothing scarier and more free than a blank page ready to be written.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Forest spirit love; AU!Brian May x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so I was skeptical about posting this but after searching the rabbit hole of the Queen fandom I came across some AU fics so I thought I might dip my toes into this. Also I want to point out that this was heavily inspired by the youtube channel ForTheDreamers ASMR (which I recommend you all to look up his stuff is FREAKIN AMAZING!!!) So I hope everyone likes this fic and gives this AU a chance and I may try another one soon once I catch up on requests.
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*??? POV*
It was like any other day of venturing through the forest.  Spring had once again come and the flowers were all in bloom, the grass was greener than ever before, more animals were out and about greeting one another, it was paradise here in the woods.
But while traveling along my usual path, I came across something I hadn’t seen in forever.  A human.  A female human napping underneath the oak tree.  My natural curious nature always got the best of me as I walked up towards the human and when I finally got a good look at her, I was in awe.
She was beautiful. Her (h/c) shined underneath the patches of sun that managed to shine down on her.
“Hey, hello? Hello?” I sniffed her trying to get a sense of who she was or if she was a threat. I also took notice that her scene was alluring and sweet, almost hypnotic.  That’s when I noticed that she was starting to wake up.
*My POV*
It was a long hike through the woods on this nice spring afternoon.  The temperature was just right and the countryside of England was so beautiful that I was so happy that I finally moved out of America and into this luscious state.  I guess I must’ve been exhausted because next thing I knew I had sat down underneath a tree for a break and some shade from the sun and I must’ve ended up falling asleep.
I then heard a male voice calling out to me and when I awoke I saw him. Extremely curly brown hair, the deepest blue eyes I’ve ever seen that sorta had an additional spark to them.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s okay I won’t hurt you; I promise. I’m just a little curious by nature. I saw you napping here under this tree and I couldn’t help but wander over. I assure you I’m completely harmless.”
“It’s okay. I just—didn’t expect to meet someone else out here.”
“Yeah no one hardly comes into the forest, other than me.” He said. “I—I hope you don’t think of me rude but seeing you this close, you’re—awfully cute aren’t you?” He softly chuckled which made me blush lightly.  As I looked down shyly that’s when I began to notice the tail that seemed attached to him.
It was long, fluffy and brown much like his hair, when I looked back up at him I soon took notice that from his curly hair, brown cat-like ears also stood out.  I heard him softly chuckle again and he said.
“So you noticed?”
“Sorry I—I didn’t mean to stare it’s just……”
“No, no I get it. These do set me apart from your kind don’t they?” he said.
“So they’re—real?”
“Oh yes I can assure you they’re real. This is not a costume at all.” He spoke with a gentle smile.
“So if you don’t mind me asking—what are you?”
“What am I? Why don’t you take a guess, hmm? My instincts are rather sharp and they have me believing that you have a few ideas as to what I am. And in my particular case, you have twice the chance being correct.” He grinned softly waiting for my response.
Since I was a folklore enthusiast I observed the ears and tail and came down to two options.
“Okay—I’m gonna have to go with either a kitsune or a neko.”
“So you think I’m either a kitsune or a neko huh?” He said as he had this judgement look in his eyes, almost like he was offended by what I said.  I nodded sheepishly hoping that I was correct and like the snap of your fingers, his face warmed up in the gentle smile of his as he continued in a lighter tone, “Bingo! Actually I’m both. I’m half kitsune and half neko.”
“Wow, is—that even possible?”
“Of course it is, why wouldn’t it be? I’m standing—well I’m leaning right in front of you.” Now that he’s said what he was I could definitely see the traits.
He had the cheeky and trickster aurora of a kitsune but he also had this gentleness and calmness that came with the nekos.
“I mean I was born this way; these eyes, tail and ears aren’t just for show.” I softly smiled at him.
“Could I—if it’s not crossing any boundaries, maybe touch them?” I shyly gestured toward his ears. They perked up as his face became surprised as he said.
“R-really? You want to touch them?”
“Again if I’m crossing boundaries here we can forget what I just said I was just—”
“No, no it’s—it’s fine. Well,” he sighed deeply and confessed, “To be honest, you’re the first person to ever want to touch them. Most humans just turn and run at the mere sight of me because they were scared of me. I’m honestly surprised that you have managed to stay this long and actually began talking to me. So for you to actually listen to me, talk to me and now wanting to touch my ears it—it makes me happy and relieved knowing that I’m not such a monster.”
Aww this poor guy. All he wanted was someone to talk to, and all people ever did from him was run. Typical human behavior for us to run at the sight of something that’s not natural.  I mean if he wasn’t this friendly or nice I would run because that’s how I define a monster.
Not by how someone looks, but how they act.  And this guy clearly wasn’t a monster.  All he wanted was a friend.
“But again I don’t mind, by all means.” He lowered himself slightly and I slowly reached out and began stroking his brown ears.  They felt soft almost like a dog’s ears.  As I scratched and rubbed around his ears, the man softly moaned and chuckled as he leaned into my hand.  At one point claiming that one spot tickled him.  As soon as I stopped he opened his eyes he spoke again, “That felt nice.”
“I’m glad, I’ve been told I’ve got the best scratching nails. Your ears are quite soft too, kinda like a dogs.”
“Yeah I guess they would be like a dog’s. Except softer. Mainly because I don’t spend all my time rolling around in mud or chasing squirrels.” I raised my brow at him skeptically not believing him.
“Uh-huh.” I said skeptically.
“Well…..not a whole lot.” I softly laughed and shook my head at him. “Oh how rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Brian May. And I’m part kitsune and part neko, what’s your name?”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n), all human.” I introduced myself.
“It think it fits you, I like it. Nice to meet you.” He held out his hand and I took it and we shook hands.  Wow at least we have a common greeting curtesy.  After shaking hands Brian then spoke up again, “So—what brought you this deep into the forest? Surely a nap under this tree wasn’t what brought you here?”
“Oh well I just wanted to get the chance to get back to nature. To touch it, feel it and just get wrapped up in its embrace. Sounds hippie I know.”
“No, no that’s great. Amazing actually. I just knew you were different, my instincts told me so, which is why I had to meet you.”
“And I’m glad you did.” I admitted shyly.
“Say (y/n)?”
“Where you come from, are—all human girls just as—cute and nice as you are? Or are you just a special case?” at that point my face was burning up bright red. “Are—are you alright? You didn’t happen to eat the green berries did you?” Oh god he was too cute acting like this.
“No, no I’m fine Brian.”
“Okay if you say so.” I cleared my throat softly and answered his question.
“Truthfully I’m…..average. Maybe even below average.” I muttered the last part quietly to myself but I should’ve known that his ears would pick it up as he said.
“Below average?” He scoffed for a second before continuing, “Whoever told you that must either be blind or filled with jealousy. Because I don’t see how anyone could be cuter than you.” I felt him stroke a strand of hair out of my face which made my blush intensify.
“So what—what are you doing out here Brian?” I tried to change the subject back to him now.
“Well—this is my home. Actually our home. This forest is home to many creatures, like me. All the animals and I share this forest together. Living in harmony with one another and living off the land.”
“Wow so everything in this forest—”
“Belongs to me? Pretty much. Although I have my own private little home not too far from here. But like I said I share the land with the animals that have been here before me.” He answered with a soft smile, showing off his canine teeth.
“Well I hope I’m not trespassing.”
“Oh no not at all. As I said many humans are welcome to come into the forest. They just choose not to whether because of the folk legend of these woods being filled with dangerous creatures or—me. But it’s nice for a change to see someone make the journey. So long as humans respect nature and look after it, then we have no reason to confront or attack humans. Most of the time we’d just hide away and keep our distance. Not me of course, whenever I see a human I just—have to talk to them. Ask them questions of where they’ve been, what they’re doing here, all that stuff.”
“You are a curious fellow, aren’t you?”
“It’s a habit. But I’ve always been fascinated by wanting to have a glimpse into a world so different from my own.”
For the rest of the afternoon, I allowed Brian to join me and we sat close together, and I mean really close like his side touching mine close.  Most times I wouldn’t let a guy I just met sit this close to me, but with Brian I just felt this comforting aurora about him, like I could trust him.
We talked about our families and other small things like I told him my reason for coming to England was to escape the pressures that America was going through right now, I told him about my family and what I was studying astronomy in school.
His ears immediately perked up at the mention of the fact I knew about the stars since he always loved stargazing every night.  He’d also love to hear the astronomers and astrophysicist that would come out here to study the stars and listen to their talks about the cosmos.
Pretty soon, Brian and I formed a tight friendship in just a few hours of chatting the afternoon away until the sun began to set and I had to head back home before it got dark.
A few days later after finally settling down some roots in my home, I returned back to the forest as it was another nice spring day.  I soon came to the exact same tree I once napped on to see Brian lying there under the shade sleeping away.  I smiled and quietly walked up towards him.
“Brian? Brian~” I softly sung out his name.  He kept sleeping until an idea came to mind.  I sat down beside him and began scratching his ears and they softly twitched as his tail patted softly on the ground and I could hear him moan out some laughs as a smile spread across his face.  His eyes soon opened and he said.
“Oh (y/n) it’s you.”
“Afternoon sleepyhead.” I said. “Hope you didn’t mind me waking you up like that.”
“No, not at all. Now I can finally say that for the first time I’ve been woken up by ear scratches.” He said as he stretched out his arms, his long claw-like fingers curling inward toward his palm as he stretched himself out like a cat. “You know just the right spot.”
“Yeah, and kinda ironic considering that it was me waking you up this time around.” Brian softly chuckled and said.
“Yes, that is ironic.”
“And under the exact same tree as well.”
“Really I—I suppose it is.” He admitted shyly.
“Were—were you waiting up for me?”
“What? No well no, no I—” he sighed deeply and said, “I can’t keep anything from you. Honestly I was hoping to see you again. And you’re still as adorable as I remember.” I blushed at his shy admission and I said.
“Aww well the same could be said for you.”
“Aww thank you.”
“May I join you?”
“Oh yes please by all means, join me.” I sat down close beside him and the two of us just observed the quiet and peacefulness of the birds chirping and the crickets singing. I could hear Brian take a soft but deep inhale through his nose before exhaling the same way.  “You smell so nice, just as I remember.” I shyly smiled.
I remember the first day while we were talking, Brian couldn’t help but compliment my scent.  He apologized profusely because he didn’t want to sound creepy but I told him it was fine and that I took it as a compliment.
“You know it’s just the perfume.” I told him.
“No. My keen nose can tell the difference between your scent and the fragrance you humans use. And I was referring to your scent. Though that other scent smells nice too.” He chuckled softly.
“So Mr. Keen nose, what does my natural scent smell like?” I challenged him.  He grinned and sniffed my neck as he said as he occasionally sniffed me.
“Well if I had to take a wild guess I would say….Pergamon, pink amber…magnolia and….peach? No….Nectarine.”
“Wow that is a sharp nose you have there, Brian.”
“Thank you, my nose is quite sharp.”
“Okay now I want you to tell me how you would describe it without cheating.” I said emphasizing my last word with a gently poke to the tip of his nose.  He chuckled and said.
“Me a cheater? Aww, you wound me. Well if I had to say what you smelled like without knowing all the right scents, I’d say—” he leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “You smell amazing.” I blushed feeling his hot breath against my ear which made him softly laugh.
“Since you know what I smell like, I wonder what your scent is?”
“Well only you can tell me that.” He said.  I scooted closer to him and softly sniffed around his shoulder trying to guess what he smelled like.
*Brian’s POV*
As (y/n) was sniffing me, I couldn’t help but get lost in hers.  I sniffed around her shoulder and neck once more and just fell under the spell of her beautiful scent.  It was like being covered with a warm blanket and tickled my nose every time.
“Light and refreshing like the forest air.” I heard her say. I lightly chuckled and said.
“That would make sense.” Suddenly I jolted as I felt her hand gently touch my tail.
“You okay?” She asked.
“It’s fine you just startled me touching my tail.”
“Sorry I just—it just looked so soft and I barely touched it, I didn’t think you’d react that way. I shouldn’t have done it I’m sorry.” Ohh seeing her look so sad broke my heart so I assured her.
“I—I don’t mind it’s just I wasn’t expecting it.”
“You sure?” she asked.
“Yeah, go on.” My tail lifted up into her lap and she gently observed it.
“It’s so long.” She said as she stroked the brown fur of my tail.
“Yeah it’s quite long, like a cat’s only fluffier.”
“And soft.” She added.
“Yeah well…..I do take quite good care of it, kitsune trait I suppose.” She continued to stroke my tail and I couldn’t help but close my eyes at how good it felt to have someone else stroke my tail.  
(Y/n) always had such a gentle touch and it was nice to fell her stroke or pet me, it felt like I had died and gone to paradise.
“It feel so nice when you stroke it like that.” I told her.  She looked at me and smiled softly and continued stroking it.  Then an idea soon popped into my mind.
I’ve seen some human males do this to their female partners whenever they would come here and my tail was just the perfect weapon to use.  
First I allowed her to keep stroking my tail without causing any alarm on my part.  Once she was done, I slowly wrapped my arms around her stomach and pulled her close to me, almost like I was hugging her.
Poor sweet (y/n), she had no idea what was about to come her way.
“What about if I—tickle you with it!” I then began my tickle attack by first wiggling my tail at the right side of her neck.  She scrunched herself inward trying to protect herself but I would move my tail towards her bare calves and tickle them, getting under her knees.  
She let out some squeaks as she giggled and laughed trying to get away but I kept a firm grip on her. I just couldn’t help but softly chuckle at just how adorable she was right now.
I then decided to be a little more cheeky and lift her shirt up exposing her stomach just so my tail could brush against it since I’ve seen the most humans seem to be ticklish on their stomach areas.  And I was correct as her laughter seemed to grow louder as she tried to set herself free trying to escape from my tail still tickling her stomach.
“Aww you’re so adorable.” I told her.
“Brian stohahahap! Pleheheheasse stohahahp ihihit!” I let up and allowed her to catch her breath but I still kept a gentle hold around her stomach.  Her head rested against my shoulder as she panted out, “You’re….cruel…..bastard.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself.” I said.
*My POV*
I shook my head at him and said.
“You were planning that out, weren’t you?”
“I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” He said with a cheeky grin which made me shake my head at him as he chuckled softly.  “So, what brought you back out here? Was there—something else you need from the forest?”
“Actually I—already found it.” I admitted shyly.
“You—you have? Well tell me what it is and I’ll go get it for you.” I looked into Brian’s eyes and felt my heart racing rapidly.  I didn’t want to verbally admit that it was him that I had found so I just said.
“Well the thing is I—I can’t actually take it home with me?” He tilted his head in that same adorable fashion before he said.
“You know if it’s too heavy, I can help you carry it.”
“No, no it’s fine, it wouldn’t work anyways. Besides I’d—rather keep coming back here, instead of taking it.” He softly laughed and said.
“If I didn’t know any better (y/n), I’d say you were after a whole tree.” I softly giggled and said.
“Yeah I suppose I must be.”
“But you know I—I wouldn’t mind if you kept coming to visit.” He admitted shyly.  I looked up at him and as his ears bent backwards shyly he admitted, “I—I hope I’m not asking too much or being selfish; but…..w-would….would you come to visit me again? I understand if you don’t have the time or don’t wa—”
“Of course Brian, I’ll always come visit whenever I can.” I interrupted him.
“Oh you will?” I nodded and his ears perked up as he happily said. “That’s fantastic. Thank you. I’ve really enjoyed my time with you.”
“Me too.” We continued to cuddle underneath the shady willow tree and I sighed deeply and said. “God England is just so beautiful in the springtime. Much better than it is back in America, specifically my state. It’s either still snowing or extremely hot during its spring weather.”
“Really? That must be unbearable.”
“You have no idea, it’s like there’s only summer and winter. But no autumn or spring. Hot or cold weather that’s all goodbye and good freakin luck.” I complained as I heard Brian softly chuckle.
“Well I’m glad that you came to live here.” I turned to him and said with a soft smile and a light blush.
“I’m glad I did too.” We looked out beyond the fields of flowers and Brian said.
“You definitely picked the right tree to nap under, this willow tree gives out the perfect amount of shade.”
“Yeah, but it’s not exactly the most comfortable spot to sleep on.” I then let out a yawn as I tried to make myself comfortable.
“You do look exhausted. Did you not get enough sleep last night (y/n)?” Brian asked as his face was full of nothing with concern.
“Not really. The neighbor’s dog kept barking all night long. For what reason I have no idea but it was this loud, aggressive and ferocious barking. I wanted to complain but I was scared they’d let their dog attack me.”
“Aww you poor thing~.” He said as he stroked my hair. “You know if you want, you could rest your head on my lap—” I didn’t even give him a chance to finish as I immediately set myself down and placed my head on his lap and looked up at him. “Well you didn’t need much convincing.” He teased.
“Shut up.” I grumbled as he chuckled softly and stroked through my hair.  I moaned softly and adjusted myself comfortably in his lap as his soothing strokes made me feel sleepy.
“Does it feel nice when I stroke your hair?” I hummed as I lightly nodded. “You’re so cute, and your hair is so soft.” He praised.  I blushed once again before letting out a soft yawn.
“Sorry Brian I—I just…..”
“It’s okay. You can fall asleep if you’d like (y/n). I’ll look after you. I may not look it but, I’m stronger than I seem.” I softly smiled up at him and whispered.
“That’s good to know. So that way in case any bears come and attack me, I’ve got you to protect me.”
“Exactly. Although there’s not that much danger here in this forest. At least not a danger to you. But it is still good to have someone with you, just to look after you and all.” Brian continued to ramble which made me softly giggle up at him and I pet his tail to get him to shut up.  
He looked down at me and after the intel shock, he just smiled warmly down at me.
“I was rambling again wasn’t I?”
“Just a bit.” I yawned once again.
“Sorry. Shut your eyes and get some sleep, I’ll look after you.” I then shut my eyes and with Brian’s claws gently stroking through my hair, I soon fell fast asleep right there in his lap.
*Brian’s POV*
As I watched (y/n) slowly fall fast asleep from my stroking and the coolness of the weather and the shade of the tree, I couldn’t help but admire her beauty.  
She’s just as beautiful as the first day I met her when she was sleeping that day.
“Sweet dreams darling.” I whispered.  I then slowly leaned down and just instinctively kissed her forehead and watched her as she slept while I kept stroking through her hair to help ensure that she stayed asleep.
*My POV*
Within the next few weeks whenever I could, I visited Brian in the forest.  Somedays we’d just sit under the tree, other times we went down to the spring where he had taken me when we first met each other, and some visits would be at nightfall under the stars where he would tell me all that he knew about them.
Like today.  I had been so busy with work that by the time I had gotten to the forest, it was already pitch black.  So using my flashlight I walked through the forest to try and find Brian.
“Oh you’re a cute little girl aren’t yah? And what’s your name?” I heard Brian’s voice say softly. I kept hearing him talking to something because I wasn’t hearing a response back.  I walked further ahead until I found him talking to a beautiful young red fox.  “Seems you enjoy a nice head rub too, huh?” I guess my flashlight must’ve gotten their attention cause next thing I knew Brian turned around and the second he saw me, he smile widely and said, “Oh (y/n) you’re back.”
“Yeah. Sorry it’s so late though. There was a major accident on the road and traffic was just god awful. Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
“None at all, I was just saying hello to my little friend Hannah here. She seemed lost so I thought I would give her some company.”
“Aww that’s so sweet of you to do that.” He looked down bashfully and I continued, “Guess the fox ears and tail helped her trust you even more.”
“Yeah, animals don’t seem to be afraid of me. I guess because of these they see me as one of them.”
“Would it—be alright if I came around?” I asked hesitantly.
“Of course, just—walk slowly and carefully.” I nodded in understandment and carefully walked around as Brian assured the young fox cub. “It’s okay girl, you can trust her. She’s very sweet and kind.”
I knelt down beside Brian and shined my light on her and awed at how cute she was.  I had never seen a fox this close before, the only time I ever got to see one was on TV but now seeing one up close was just—wow.
“She’s so cute.” I awed.
“Yeah. Looks to be about 8 months old. So she must’ve just recently left her mother.”
“Recently? How long do foxes stay with their mother?”
“After 7 months they just leave the den.”
“Aww, that’s so sad.”
“Nature works differently than how humans work. They’re pretty much adults at either a few months or just a couple of years depending on the species.”
“Really?” He nodded.
“Can I—can I pet her?”
“Sure, just let her sniff your hand first, slowly reach out toward her so that she won’t see you as a threat.” I nodded and slowly extended my hand out and kept it still as Brian also instructed me to do.  Hannah slowly walked up towards my hand and softly sniffed it.  After a couple of sniffs, she nudged her head into my palm.
I giggled softly and Brian spoke up.
“Looks like she trusts you. A true gesture of a kind soul.” I blushed at his poetic phrasing before finally petting her.  I scratched behind her ears and she really seemed to like that as she got closer to me and demanded more.  “She seems to really like that; you do have the best touch for a good ear scratch.”
“You would know that Brian. Did you tell her about my superior scratching in advance?”
“It may have slipped out in conversation.” I smiled and kept petting her.
“Wow her fur is so soft.”
“Yeah and vibrant too. Most fox cubs I see barely know how to keep themselves clean, she must’ve had a good mum to teach her proper hygiene. You should also feel her tail too, it feels so—ahh!” Brian let out a cry as I stroked his tail instead of Hannah’s.  And at his cry, it caused her to jump away and run off deep into the woods.
I laughed softly as Brian calmed down from his brief shock and said to me.
“I meant her tail not mine. Aww I scared her off.”
“Sorry Brian. But in all honesty, I’d rather pet your tail than any other foxes.”
“R-really?” I nodded and he stammered softly, “Erm well I—I would…..like that.” He sighed deeply and continued, “It—truly makes me happy to hear you say that, cause I honestly thought you’d be scared of me right about now.”
“Of course not Brian, how could I think that? And if—I’m being honest I…..I think you’re cute.” I admitted as I went back to stroking his tail.
“R-really?” I nodded shyly.  Brian smiled that adorable boyish smile of his as he admitted shyly, “When—when you say that and pet my tail…..my heart races. If you were to—scratch my ears as well I’d probably…..” he stopped as I went ahead and immediately began to scratch behind his ears.
He let out a low, pleasurable moan as he leaned up against my hand as he said as he lay his head down in my lap.
“That just feels so nice.”
“I’m glad.” I answered softly.  I kept stroking and scratching around his ears leaving Brian to cuddle further into my lap as he said.
“How do you know just the perfect spot? I could stay like this forever.”
“Me too.” I answered him.  We stayed silent for a moment before he said.
“I would feel bad though,” I looked down at him confused as he further explained, “It’s not fair that I get all the pets.” He then got off of my lap and said, “Here, put your head in my lap, oh! Wow again you didn’t need much convincing huh?” I grinned up at him as I adjusted my head into his lap and just stared up at him.  “Here, let me rub your ears.”
He then began to rub my ears.  He was mindful of his long claw-like nails as they rubbed my ears then he kept his right hand rubbing my right ear while his left soon began to stroke and pet through my hair.  I shut my eyes at the soothing feeling I sighed in pure content.
“How’s that feel love? Oh sorry is—is it alright for me to call you that?”
“I don’t mind.” I said as I looked up at him.
“Okay, good.”
“And to answer your question, it feels wonderful. Thank you Brian.”
“Anytime. I mean I know it doesn’t compare to a kitsune or neko but I’m glad you like the feeling of it love.” He then reached over toward my flashlight and shut it off so that way the only light reflecting over the land were the moon and stars.
“It’s a gorgeous night.” I softly whispered as I looked up to the night sky.
“Yeah, beautiful.” I heard Brian whisper.  I turned to Brian to see him looking down at me.  With the light of the full moon, his eyes and face just seemed to glow with this god-like complexion.  My heart raced erratically and I felt my blush deepen, oh I pray to god he can’t see the blush on my face.
*Brian’s POV*
Even when she spoke the beauty that the night sky had to offer, I was actually referring to another beauty that was before me, and she was lying in my lap.  The moon reflected her bright (e/c) eyes and her hair shined like the stars in the sky.
I noticed the redness come across her face as I spoke up and kept stroking her hair.  I softly smiled down at her and lightly bopped her nose which made her giggle and I chuckled softly down at her.
“Tell me a story Brian.” She said.
“What would you like?”
“Anything. I….just want to hear your voice.” She admitted shyly. Aww she was so cute like this.  I thought about the right story when it finally came to me.
I then told her the story of a neko man named Harold who lives here in England and had an interest in designer and he loved to travel to discover architecture designs.  Then one day when he was in Scotland, he came across a Kitsune named Ruth and together the two of them slowly forged a friendship with each other, until one day after a few months of seeing each other, their friendship became something more.
As their love began to grow, they both married and settled down into this very forest and then soon within a few years, they had a son who was half kitsune and half neko. As she listened to the story, her face turned to realization as she said.
“You.” I smiled and nodded and said.
“Yep, that’s me. That’s how my parents met.”
“Aww that was a beautiful story.”
“You think so? Yeah I always thought so too. They used to tell it to me when I was a child to go to sleep.”
*My POV*
At hearing the story of Brian’s parents and how they met, it just sounded so romantic and beautiful. And in a way it kinda resembled how Brian and I met each other.
“They sound like wonderful people; think I could meet them sometime?”
“Really? Well I’d be happy for you to meet them. They’re away for now but they’ll be back soon.”
“Oh they still travel?”
“Whenever they can, not as much as they used to but yeah. What about you do you travel much?”
“Huh I wish. I could only save up enough money to just travel here. And that alone took me years to save up.”
“I see. The concept of money can make it hard to travel.”
“Tell me about it. What about you Bri?”
“No the pope, of course you. Would you ever like to see the world?”
“Well—I would really like to, but…I feel so at home in this forest. And even with the story of my parents’ meeting, it does make me fearful feeling alone if I were to travel.”
“Ohh Brian.” I said solemnly as I placed my hand on top of his.  He looked up at me and he placed his other hand on top of mine as he said.
“Except when I’m with you. I feel even more at home with you than alone here in the forest. I value your company so much (y/n).” I smiled shyly and said.
“Well you know, if you’d like I would be more than happy to travel with you, should you choose to go.”
“R-really? I can’t ask that of you….”
“Brian, you’re not asking, I’m wanting.”
“You—you’d really go with me?” I nodded and he said with a soft smile, “Oh great. Yes, yes I’d be happy if you’d join me. I value your company so much. However; you’ve got so much going in your life right now. I can wait, we don’t have to go right now, there’s no rush. Just let me know and we can go.”
“You’ve got a deal Brian May. Heck maybe on one of our travels I can take you to America, let you see my homeland.”
“That would be fantastic. I’d love to see America. I can’t wait.”
We remained sitting close together looking up at the stars, Brian’s head resting on my lap while I stroked through his curly hair.
“(Y/n).” I looked down at him and hummed softly acknowledging that I heard him.  He fidgeted for a brief moment before saying, “Are—are you sure there isn’t anything I can find for you? I know you always come out here for something and by the time I see you, you seem to find it but I really wanna help you find it this time.”
Oh god I feared this moment would come.  I’ve debated whether to tell him the truth or not fearing how he would react, but I guess he’s got me in a box now.
“I…..I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out.” He tilted his head up at me and sat up and said.
“I’m sorry figured what out?”
“Brian……” I looked at him and tried to speak up but only a heavy sigh came out.  My face was burning red as my hands fiddled with each other as my eyes looked down at my hands finding them more interesting, I felt Brian place his hand on top of mine while his other gently tilted my chin up.
“It’s okay (y/n). You know you can tell me anything, I won’t judge you.” My heart raced and I swore it was going to burst out of my chest and I finally managed to say.
“There’s a different reason. Why I keep coming out here?”
“Oh? What is it?” I looked straight into his eyes and finally confessed.
“It’s you Bri.”
His eyes widened and his face turned to shock.
“M-Me? You…..you were coming out here—just for me?” I nodded bashfully. “S-so all those times of you getting herbs and flowers they…..they weren’t…..”
“Only the first time though Brian. The rest was to see you.” I admitted.  “I—I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“What no. No it’s—it’s fine. I just…..oh wow my…..my heart’s beating so fast, I…..I…..” Brian and I stared directly into each other’s eyes.  He seemed conflicted like he wanted to do something but there was something stopping him, that was until he leaned forward and I felt him give me a soft peck.
On the lips.
After the gentle peck, he suddenly became nervous as his ears dropped backward as he began to stammer.
“Oh god. I-I-I-I-I-I’m so sorry (y/n). I-I-I didn’t mean to did…..did I—” I stopped him by cupping his face and I leaned up and kissed him.  A more meaningful and loving kiss.  A kiss that poured out every emotion that I was feeling at this very moment.
When the dire need of air became a burden, we separated from each other softly panting, our breaths mixing together with one another as Brian bashfully chuckled and stammered out.
“I—I don’t know what to say. I’m just….so happy. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy before.”
“Me neither.” I admitted.
“I-I-I-I didn’t think you’d felt the same way about me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, be—because I’m….not human and I’m….used to scaring people.” He confessed insecurely. I cupped the side of his face and said.
“Brian, you are anything but terrifying. You’re sweet, funny, kind, loyal and the kindest soul I have ever met. You could have two heads and four arms and I’d still feel the same way as I do right now.”
“You—really think I’m cute?” I nodded. His smile grew wide as he said.
“I…..I knew there was a reason why I’ve always found you beautiful. Not just because of your looks but—you’re personality. I had a feeling from the moment I first met you sleeping out here in these woods. You—just had this natural spirit about you, like you loved nature and it loved you back. Is—is it alright if I—I kiss y…..” I interrupted him by kissing him once more.
He softly moaned and I felt his arms wrap around my waist and one of his hands quickly come up and cup the side of my face deepening the kiss.
“You never….have to…..ask…..again.” I stated between kisses.  After our second small make out session we touched foreheads with each other as Brian whispered out.
“I think—no. I’m certain that…..I love you.”  At those three words my heart exploded.  I smiled widely and I felt tears form in my eyes as I confessed.
“I love you too, Brian.” His ears perked up and he asked.
“Yes.”  He suddenly embraced me and even with his lean figure, I could definitely feel the strength in his arms.  I buried my face into his neck and heard him whisper in the shell of my ear as he buried his face into my neck.
“You’re so warm. And I never wanna let go of you.”
“Me neither.”
*Brian’s POV*
God I can’t believe this.  The woman I’ve admired and loved since the moment I first met her was finally mine. She was finally in my arms.  It felt like the world had stopped and all that mattered was her and I, together holding each other.
“This is so perfect. I’m so thankful to have you.” I separated from her and cupped her cheek and leaned down and captured her lips with mine once more.  I felt her hand wrap around behind my neck bringing me closer to her while I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close to me.
My heart pounded in my chest, almost like it was about to burst out as her warm, soft lips kissed mine.  After what felt like an eternity kissing, we had to separate our breaths mixing with each other’s once more.  I stroked her cheek with my thumb and not once averted my gaze from her.
“What shall we do now?”
“Can I—pet your tail some more?” she asked.  I softly chuckled and said as I offered it to her.
“Of course my love.” I set her between my legs which allowed her back to lay against my chest while I had my arms wrapped around her as she stroked my tail.  I purred softly as I nuzzled into her hair smelling her unique scent as well as lying kisses all over her head.  “What else shall we do?”
“How about the stream? It’s been awhile since we’ve been there.”  Indeed it has.  I introduced her to the stream on the day we met for a nice relaxing swim since that day was pretty warm for a spring day.  Since it’s been cool lately there wasn’t really a need for a swim but now, swimming under the moonlight, it sounded like paradise.
“Of course my darling, it’s been awhile since we’ve been to our secret little getaway.” She giggled softly as I stood up and came up in front of her, presenting her my hand.
She took it and I helped her stand up and soon the two of us walked toward the stream side by side.
*My POV*
We were now officially at the stream; Brian was currently swimming in the stream while I merely just sat along the edge with my legs dipped along the cool water.  
With the moonlight reflecting off of the water, it made Brian appear more mythical and handsomer than usual, especially with his hair now madded down from the usual poofy curls.  He swam up towards me and said as he leaned his head on top of my lap.
“What’s got you so deep in thought love?”
“Just observing the handsome merman whose come to see me.” He chuckled softly and said.
“I think you’re confusing me with a friend of mine.” At that statement, my jaw dropped as I gapped out.
“Wait, you—you mean…..”
“Yes, sirens and mermaids are real too. Although if you ask me in regard to my friend, he’s a smug little bastard.” I giggled softly as he leaned up and kissed me.  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and felt his hands at my waist.  Suddenly I was pulled into the water and the coldness of the water made me shriek as Brian chuckled out, “But he did teach me a few handy tricks.”
I gasped at him in mock shock and splashed him in the face before swimming towards the other side of the stream.  Of course it was all in vain as he grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me in towards him and soon we floated there in the water chest to chest, the two of us laughing softly.
We stared deeply into each other’s eyes, Brian’s kitsune/neko blue eyes just glowed from the light of the moon and his features were defined from the light.  I slowly leaned in and pecked him lightly on the cheek before shyly turning away.
But Brian immediately used his thumb and index finger to tilt my chin back up so that I was forced to face him again.  His thumb gently stroked my lower lips as he whispered.
“You missed love.” He then leaned downward and our lips collided with each other’s once more in a passionate and loving dance.  I combed my fingers through his wet, curly hair while his hand cupped the back of my neck, gently stroking it.  After a few minutes we broke away from each other panting softly.
“I love you Brian May.”
“I love you too, and I am so happy to call you mine at last.” I leaned my head over his heart. The rest of the night it was just us two swaying and floating in the water or lying on the patch of grass cuddled up together to keep warm as Brian pointed out and told me more stories that he knew of the cosmos, all the while sharing and exchanging sweet and loving kisses.
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dragonydreams · 6 years
Fic: Service with a Smile - Captain Canary
Title: Service with a Smile Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Rating: Teen Pairings/Characters: Sara Lance/Leonard Snart Summary: Cable technician Leonard makes a house call. Timeline: AU Word Count: 2,088 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Berlanti Productions, DC Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television. Betas: Thank you to angelskuuipo and shanachie for looking this over for me. Author's Note: Happy Birthday @agentmarymargaretskitz!
Or AO3
 Leonard Snart - cable technician by day, master thief by night - parked the company van outside of a two family house. He grabbed his company phone from the passenger seat and logged in his arrival time after double checking that he was at the right address.
He grabbed his gear, exited, and locked the van. He looked up and down the street, taking in all of the multi-family homes that lined the tree-lined street. He might need to go for a walk after clocking off of this job, case the neighborhood a bit, he mused to himself before ringing the doorbell.
He heard feet pounding down stairs before a beautiful blonde woman in her mid-twenties yanked the door open.
"Sara Lance?" he enquired, glancing down at the work order on his phone.
"That's me," she confirmed, beaming up at him. "You're on time."
"I always try to be," Leonard said, smirking. "My name is Leonard. Want to show me the problem?"
"Yeah, follow me."
Leonard really did try to keep his eyes on the stairs instead of the perfect ass that was at eye level as he followed Sara up the stairs.
The apartment was sparsely decorated, as if she hadn't lived there long. A safe house, perhaps? It certainly looked like many of the safe houses Leonard had used over the years.
Leonard paused as they reached the living room, his eyes immediately drawn to the coffee table in front of the couch. More precisely, the dozen or so daggers lying on a cloth, along with a whetstone and a sword.
Sara soon realized that Leonard had not followed her into the room and caught where his gaze was fixed.
"Like I said, I didn't think you'd be on time," she said, by way of explanation. As if every young woman maintained a collection of blades.
Any thoughts that Leonard may have had of poking around for something to steal later faded away.
Slipping his smirk back on, Leonard drawled, "I'm sure your being alone with a complete stranger has nothing to do with it."
Sara shrugged one shoulder, dipped her head, and smiled up at him. "A girl can never be too careful."
Damn, under different circumstances - ones where an array of weapons weren't in arm's reach - Leonard would have considered flirting with Sara. Depending on how the work went, he may decide to live dangerously.
As if sensing his thoughts, Sara gestured to the muted television.
Leonard set his bag on the floor and knelt in front of the cable box. "The note said that the box can't find the internet?" Leonard asked.
"Yeah. The Wi-Fi works fine on my phone and tablet, but for some reason, the box can't find the signal. I've tried all of the steps the box says to try to connect and nothing. I've tried unplugging the router and plugging it back in, but that didn't make a difference. The cable is still working - I can watch stuff, but the guide is blank and it's not recording my shows."
"I'll take a look. Where is the router?"
Sara pointed behind the television and settled on the couch. She picked up the whetstone and began sharpening her daggers.
Leonard pulled the television stand away from the wall, grateful that technology had evolved enough for a 45" TV to no longer weigh a hundred pounds. He examined the router and agreed that it seemed to be working fine. Then he checked the company's splitter and discovered that one of the three lights wasn't on.
Turning back to Sara, who he realized had one eye on him and one on her hands, Leonard said, "One of these lights isn't on. I need to check the connection outside."
Sara nodded her acknowledgement. "I didn't lock the door when we came up. It won't lock behind you, so you can come right back in when you're done."
"Thanks," Leonard murmured and grabbed his bag to check the box outside.
Sara hated calling technicians. She'd much prefer to solve the problem herself than spend money to get it fixed. When she'd announced that she was moving to Central City, her father had made sure that she knew how to do basic home and car maintenance so that she wouldn't get fleeced by shady repairmen. Something she was grateful for, now.
Cleaning her daggers in front of any repairman she did have to call was a trick she'd learned at the dojo she worked at. One of the other senseis had mentioned having done the exact same thing (although for him as a joke) the last time he needed a plumber to come in. Sara took that idea to heart.
She wasn't worried that she couldn't fight off a physical attack - her years of martial arts studies negated that fear - but there were other ways strangers could be dangerous.
She'd seen that look in Leonard's eyes when he'd first set foot in the apartment. Eyes that immediately started scanning for valuables. 'Thief!' her senses had screamed. At least until he'd seen her impressive collection of daggers.
Heavy footsteps on the stairs pulled Sara out of her thoughts and she had to remind herself to relax her hold on the dagger in her hand - she knew who was coming up the stairs and he wasn't a threat. At least not yet.
"What's the verdict?" she asked as Leonard stepped into the room.
"The filter on the box outside wasn't working so I replaced it," he said. "You should be all set now." He crouched behind the TV again to examine the devices. "All green."
Sara took a moment to admire the way his tight black jeans showcased his ass in that position. She had to admit that if she had to call a technician, at least they sent someone attractive.
Setting aside the blade and whetstone, Sara stood and approached him. "Well, I guess it's good to know that I didn't call you out here for nothing. That it wasn't something I could have fixed myself."
Leonard looked up at her and Sara's breath caught. He had the most amazing eyes she'd ever seen. She cursed herself because there was no way he didn't see the desire that must now be written all over her face. His smirk confirmed it.
"No," he drawled, rising to his full height so that he now looked down at her, "this was definitely something you needed a professional to handle."
Sara unconsciously licked her bottom lip and she could feel Leonard's eyes track the movement. He was standing so close to her that she could feel the heat coming off of his body.
"I like a man who knows how to get a job done," Sara practically purred. She wasn't entirely sure what it was that she was doing. She felt like she was acting out a porno, but if that meant getting this gorgeous man into her bed, she didn't really mind living the stereotype.
Leonard took a step closer, so there was hardly any space between them. "I've never had a dissatisfied client."
Sara actually groaned at that line. "Seriously?" she asked, giggling.
"Too far?" Leonard smirked.
"Just a bit," Sara acknowledged. "Enough talking."
She lifted onto her toes; one hand reached up to grab the back of his neck, pulling him down to meet her in a hard kiss. After that first hard clash, their lips softened, if not their desperation. Leonard wrapped one arm around Sara's waist, pulling her flush against his body, his other hand sliding into her hair to help adjust the angle of their kiss.
They both moaned as their mouths finally came into perfect alignment as fire sparked between them.
Sara was all set to finish throwing caution to the wind when the downstairs down slammed open, the sound of it reverberating off the wall pulling Sara and Leonard apart.
"Sara, your door's unlocked," a woman's voice called up the stairs. "Why is your door unlocked?"
Sara groaned in frustration, resting her forehead against Leonard's chest for a moment to catch her breath.
Taking several steps back, Sara turned to meet her friend at the top of the stairs. "It's fine, Sin. I told you someone from the cable company was coming over this morning, remember? The door was unlocked so he could go out and get back in."
When Sara went to meet the interloper, Leonard crouched in front of the TV again, presumably to push it back into place, but mainly to give him time to recover his senses - and libido - in some semblance of privacy.
This was extremely out of character for him. He prided himself on his professionalism and reserve. What was it about this young woman that made all of his sensibilities fly out the window? Half turning to look at her talking to her short, spikey-haired friend, Leonard knew that he would do many more foolish things for another taste of Sara's lips.
Reaching into an outside pocket of his bag, Leonard pulled out one of his business cards and a pen and hastily wrote his personal cell number on the back before returning the pen to his bag.
Standing, Leonard slipped the card into a front pocket of his jeans and picked up the remote. He quickly searched for the On Demand section on the cable box, nodding in satisfaction when it connected. Something it wouldn't have done if the issue wasn't just the filter.
Interrupting the two women, Leonard asked, "Are there any other boxes you want me to check before I go?"
He saw Sara glance at the TV and realize that he was finishing running through the connection tests, this time making all the proper connections she wouldn't have gotten when she tried.
"Yeah, there's one in my bedroom," she said. Very pointedly, she added, "Sin, you can stay in here."
Leonard smirked and followed Sara down a hallway and into a sparsely decorated bedroom.
As Leonard took the remote from Sara, their fingers brushing and sending a shiver down his spine, Leonard did a quick check that he could get On Demand on this TV, too.
"Sorry that we got interrupted," Sara said. "Sin has the worst timing."
"Can't disagree with you there," Leonard drawled. "Although it's probably just as well, since I'm still on the clock."
"You never fool around on the job?" Sara asked, a teasing smile gracing her lips as her fingertips danced up his arm.
"Never," Leonard solemnly admitted, causing Sara's breath to catch.
Leonard tossed the remote on the bed and wishing he could throw Sara on there as well, settled for pressing his lips to hers once again.
After only a few moments, Leonard pulled away. "Your friend's still out there, and I'm not much for an audience. Even if I wasn't on the clock."
"I know; you're right. I just can't seem to help myself around you," Sara admitted.
Leonard pulled his business card from his pocket and handed it to Sara. "My cell number is on the back. Call me and we can pick this back up when there won't be any distractions."
"I like the sound of that," Sara agreed, pressing her body against his and leaning up for one more kiss before pulling away.
Leonard followed her back to the living room, where Sin was flipping through channels.
"The guide isn't working," she complained.
"It'll take an hour or two for the signal to fully come back," Leonard said, picking up his bag. "If it doesn't, Sara, you have my card. Don't hesitate to give me a call."
"Don't worry, I won't," Sara said.
Leonard turned and headed for the stairs, Sara following him. On the porch, he said, "I meant it, call me anytime."
"Oh, I will," Sara said, raking her eyes over his body. "I have a feeling you'll be hearing from me very soon."
"Have a good day, Sara," Leonard said.
"I already am," Sara said, smirking.
Leonard walked down the stairs, feeling Sara's eyes on him all the way to his van. He had just started the car when he heard his personal cell ping with a text.
Pulling out the phone, he glanced at the screen, then back up at the house to see Sara standing in the open doorway, her phone in her hand.
Come back when your shift ends. I'll make sure that Sin's gone and we lock the door. Keep the uniform on.
Leonard smirked as he texted back.
I'll see you at seven.
The End
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100% Cat Person
Fandom: Mob Psycho 100
Summary: Intro fic for mine and @ghoststrawberries au where Mob gets a cat and names her Milk!! 
Rating: Gen. Audiences 
Read On AO3: x
It was after school on a warm Autumn day, Mob was just leaving after his meetings with the Body Improvement Club and Telepathy Club. Tome had her arm hooked in Mob’s, jabbering on and on about one of her many extra-terrestrial theories while the Body Improvement Club’s members flanked behind Mob, each one clapping him on the back for going an entire lap around the track without passing out. Mob knew that in a few minutes he’d have to break from his friends and head into the city for work, but for the moment he was just enjoying the time he had with his group of friends.
“...which is why I always wear closed-toe shoes. You never know when an abduction may happen! Of course this causes a problem when, say, your parents want to go on a vacation to the beach and then you-” Tome cut off in the middle of her speech when a slight movement in the bushes near the edge of the schoolyard caught her eye. “Hey, did you guys see that?”
“Eh?” Ryohei squinted in the direction Tome was staring in. “I think it’s just a squirrel.”
“Or a trick of the wind,” Jun suggested.
“Save your small thinking for final exams!” Tome held up a hand to silence everyone else. “Did you ever think it could be the very thing that would prove the existence of an alien presence on our very planet? I’m going to investigate.”
Tome’s arm left Mob’s as she crept towards the bushes, arms out and finger tips waggling in anticipation to grab a hold of whatever creature may leap out at her. The other members of the Body Improvement Club huddled around Mob, peering curiously as Tome began to dig through the brittle branches and slick, rubbery leaves to uncover whatever lay in hiding.
“Whoa! You’re never gonna believe this!” Tome called out, her entire torso now enveloped by tightly bound branches that snapped against her eyes and tangled in her hair.
“What is it!?” Hideki called out.
“Did you actually find an alien??” Musashi asked.
“Unfortunately not,” Tome sighed, pulling herself out of the bushes and standing up, her back to the others. “But I did find this!!”
With a dramatic spin, Tome revealed the little bundle gathered in her arms. Two green eyes peered out from over the edge of Tome’s arm, a pair of pointed ears twitching towards the hushed noises of delight coming from the Body Improvement Club.
“It’s a cat,” Mob said quietly, eyes glued to the ball of fluff curled in Tome’s arms. His hand gripped uneasily around the strap of his schoolbag, sweat slicking his palms as he thought back to the last cat he’d seen in the schoolyard. Shaking the thought from his mind, Mob licked his lips and brought himself back into the conversation.
“I said isn’t she cute, Mob?” Tome asked. Mob had been so lost in thought he hadn’t noticed his friend moving closer to him with the cat. The other members of the Body Improvement were all gushing over the cat, patting her gently and murmuring expressions of how cute she was while the cat purred contentedly in Tome’s arms.
“Uh,” Mob blushed at the sudden shift in attention to him as the others noticed he wasn’t responding. “Y-Yeah, she’s really cute.”
“Set her down so she can move, Tome,” Musashi said, kneeling down to the pavement in anticipation.
Bending down, Tome set the cat on the ground and let her move about the loose circle the Body Improvement Club had formed around her. While everyone sat down to play with the cat, Mob remained standing. Shuffling his sneakers anxiously at the edge of the circle, he tried not to dwell on the memories of months spent alone and remind himself it wasn’t real.
“She’s pretty young,” Tome spoke up as she picked up a nearby twig and let the cat paw at it playfully. “I’d say about a year old.” Then, Tome looked up and saw Mob was still standing. “Mob, why don’t you pet the cat? You kind of look like you want to.”
“O-Oh?” Mob felt sweat begin to bead on his forehead. He did very much want to pet the cat, but was holding himself back from forming any attachment whatsoever. Keeping his gaze on Tome, Mob gave a small shrug and a nervous smile. “I guess I’m just not much of a cat person-”
Mob cut off when he noticed the feeling of something brushing up against his legs. Looking down, Mob saw the cat had traveled across the circle to him and was weaving herself between his ankles. He stared in silence as the cat’s smudgy nose peeked into view and then her green eyes were staring up into his.
She was a mix of white fur and very light gray tabby patches on her back and around her ears and the one smudge on her nose. As she looked up at Mob, she raised one of her paws with a striped patch on it and put it on the toe of his shoe. Giving Mob a long slow blink, the cat let out the softest of meows. When Mob remained silent, the cat gave out a louder, more insistent meow and rubbed up against Mob’s legs again to make sure he was paying attention.
“I think she wants you to pet her, Kageyama,” Hiroshi laughed, leaning back on his hands.
“Oh,” Mob tilted his head as the cat continued to stare up at him. The cat gave another impatient meow, making Mob laugh. Everyone else froze at the sound, they’d hardly ever heard more than an amused huff of breath come from their friend. “Okay,” Mob said, kneeling down to the cat’s level. “You win.”
Putting a shaking hand out, Mob reached for the animal’s small head. The cat was too eager to wait on Mob’s slow movements and met him halfway, pressing her head gently into his palm and running the edge of her shoulders under his warm fingers. Mob continued the motion, stroking the cat’s back as carefully as he could, right to the tip of her tail. By the time he was finished with that initial pet, the cat was rubbing against his knees and emitting a loud purr as she waited for the next stroke. Mob obliged, growing a little less apprehensive with each run of the cat’s silky fur against his palms.
The others slowly rose, each watching in silence as Mob played with the little cat. He seemed more relaxed than usual, wrapped up in eyeing the cat’s next move with a carefree smile on his face instead of being wrapped up in his own thoughts. It was only when he realized everyone was standing around, staring at him, that his smile wavered. Looking up, a strange sheen of anxiety took over his countenance; reaching down to pick up the cat, Mob slowly began to stand up, fighting the urge to turn and run as far as he could.
“What is it?” he finally asked, feeling his heartbeat hammer against his ribcage.
“Nothing just,” Tome smiled. “That cat really likes you, Mob.”
“Oh,” Mob felt his breathing steady just a little bit.
“You should adopt her, Kageyama!!” Jun cheered, his club members joining in with cheers of their own.
“Ah, no. I couldn’t,” Mob said, looking down at the cat now curled against his chest. “Ritsu’s allergic to cats. Besides, I have to get going to work soon anyways.”
“Aw, that’s too bad,” Tome drooped a little bit. “I’d take her, but my Mom freaks out when I touch the furniture. I don’t think she’d take a cat in the house very well.”
The Body Improvement Club mumbled similar responses, each one looking guilty as they refused the cat a home.
“Oh, well, I guess then maybe she should stay here for now,” Mob said, setting the cat down on the ground again and then straightening back up. Unable to bear another look at the cat, Mob straightened his schoolbag and looked at his phone. The screen was lit up with missed called from Reigen, a beacon of tardiness in the carefree haze Mob had momentarily found respite in. “I have to get going.”
The group of friends all said their goodbyes, going in their separate directions. Mob was the last one left near the schoolyard, his footsteps dredging slower than usual. As he neared the edge of the sidewalk, he spared a glance back in the cat’s direction. She was rolling around on the sun soaked pavement, her ears perking as she spied Mob looking at her. Rolling to her feet, she gave a loud meow and waited for Mob to make the next move.
Taking a deep breath, Mob turned around and kneeled down. Sticking his hand out, he motioned for the cat to come closer. Almost instantly, the cat came trotting over and was soon bumping her head against Mob’s hand for pats again. Mob smiled, a light bubble of laughter rising up in his chest as he stroked the little cat. Reaching out, Mob picked the cat up and stood to leave. As he walked towards the Spirits N’ Such office, Mob wondered if his Master could help him figure out a way to keep this cat.
Reigen sat hunched over his desktop, fingers flying wildly over the keyboard as he responded to emails from potential clients at the speed of light. The sound of the office door opening and closing broke his concentration for a split second, but when he caught a glimpse of Mob’s familiar round head, he went back to typing. Without looking up from his computer screen, Reigen waved a scolding hand over the edge of the screen at his pupil.
“Oi, Mob! I gave you that cell phone for it to be answered, yeah? If you’re going to make a habit of being late and ignoring my calls, I’m gonna have to dock your pay and th…” Reigen trailed off, his typing hand slowing to a halt as his eyes raised up from his computer to take a second look at Mob as he walked in the small office. “Mob?”
“Yes, Shishou?” Mob asked, face innocent as a lamb as he turned to lock eyes with Reigen.
Reigen dipped a suspicious eyebrow, folding his hands under his chin with a dramatic turn of his wrists. “What is that distinctly cat-shaped lump under your shirt?”
Mob looked down at the writing bump under his gakuran, trying to maintain his composure as a striped paw stuck out the top and tapped against his chin. Keeping a level gaze with Reigen, Mob blinked once before replying. “...A cat.”
Taking in a sharp breath, Reigen leaned back in his swivel chair; folding his hands over his chest and pursing his lips. Raising one hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, Reigen pushed that same hand up through his hair and ran it through to rest at the back of his neck to keep his head from popping off in exasperation. “What is she doing here ?”
“I found her in the schoolyard,” Mob explained, taking the cat out of his uniform and bringing her out into the open. “She needs a home.”
“Right, of course,” Reigen folded his hands and pointed them at Mob. “So, you’re taking her home with you at the end of the day and that’s where she’ll stay, correct?”
“Well…” Mob tilted his head to the side. “I can’t really take her to MY house because Ritsu’s allergic…So…”
“Yeah?” Reigen prompted.
“I was thinking she could just stay here?” Mob said. The cat in his arms gave a single meow, as if nodding her assent to the proposition.
“Ah!! Wh- Mob, I-” Reigen shot up in his seat, rising to his feet. With a dramatic brush of his suit, Reigen took a deep breath and framed his hands a few inches away from the sides of his head, jerking them at the wrists to gesture at Mob and his cat. “Mob, this is a business. The only room for nonhumans in here that we have is for evil spirits! And even then we exorcise those!! So, there is absolutely no room for something that is neither human nor a paying customer.”
“We kept Dimple,” Mob muttered.
“More like can’t get rid of Dimple,” Reigen crossed his arms. Then, with a sudden jolt, his arms flailed back out around him like windmills until they came to rest on his hips. “That is beside the point! You can’t always get what you want, Mob. Now, the best place for your - ah - for the cat is the Animal Shelter. After work, you should take her there and say goodbye.”
Mob’s face revealed little in how he felt after hearing his Master’s words, he simply muttered a soft “Okay,” before turning to go sit down.
Reigen went back to his desk, eyes flitting back to Mob as they both sat down to wait for their clients to show up. As he watched Mob pet the little cat on his lap, Reigen began to try and rationalize keeping the cat in the office. As soon as he caught his own thoughts, Reigen gave his head a sharp jerk. There was absolutely no way he would cave. He would not let that cat weasel its way into his place of business. Absolutely no chance.
The afternoon dragged on in typical fashion. One or two actual cases came through, people with evil spirits attached to them that Mob easily exorcised with a swish of his finger. The rest of the clients were the kind that Reigen could handle on his own; or rather, the rest were customers with no actual evil spirit attached to them to speak of. All the while as Reigen worked, he kept an eye trained on Mob; that afternoon, his pupil was spending his downtime playing with the stray cat he’d brought in instead of reading manga or sighing about Tsubomi as he gazed out the window. And, although he almost kicked himself for admitting it, Reigen had never seen Mob look more engaged with anything as he did with that cat.
As Mob gathered himself up to leave in the evening, Reigen kept looking up from his desk at his pupil. Mob was holding the cat carefully close to his chest, walking slower than normal and stopping at every opportunity even if it were something as miniscule as picking up a discarded paperclip. Clicking the computer mouse to such an excess it began to appear he had a personal vendetta against technological rodents, Reigen pushed away from his desk with a heavy groan.
“Hey, Mob, listen…” Reigen rubbed at his temples with one long hand. Mob spun towards Reigen, a faint glimmer of hope spreading across his face as he waited to hear what his Master had to say. “Look, I guess...as long as you’re the one taking care of her, mind you...I guess your cat can stay here.”
“Really?” Mob asked, holding his cat up so the tops of her ears bumped against his chin.
“Yes, really,” Reigen nodded, motioning towards himself. “Now, hand her on over and head straight home before your parents send the cops after you.”
“Okay,” Mob nodded, holding the cat out to Reigen. Reigen reached out for the cat, but found Mob wouldn’t let go even as the cat was safely in Reigen’s hands. Before he could open his mouth, Reigen caught the anxious look on Mob’s face as he looked at the cat in anyone’s hands but his. “You’ll...You’ll look after her, won’t you, Shishou? At night, I mean.”
“Will I w-” Reigen took a deep breath, wiping all trace of exasperation off his face and matching Mob’s earnest gaze with one of his own. “Yeah, Mob, I’ll look after her. Don’t worry about it! I am the Greatest Psychic of the Twenty-First Century after all!! I think I can handle a little cat!”
Mob seemed satisfied with that answer, giving Reigen a small nod. Patting the cat one last time, Mob headed out the door and began to make his way home.
Once Mob was gone, Reigen looked down to the cat in his arms and she blinked slowly back at him.
“Guess you’re coming home with me then, huh?” Reigen asked, and the cat meowed in response. “Yep. That’s what I thought. Well, let’s get going then. I’m beat, how about you?”
Another meow in response.
“Yeah, yeah, must’ve been a real tough day for you,” Reigen rolled his eyes as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door. “Can’t imagine the tortures you went through getting to play with Mob all afternoon.”
The cat gave another meow.
“Yes, of course I’m being sarcastic,” Reigen said, locking the office door and heading downstairs and out onto the city streets to head home.
“You are pushing me over the edge, cat,” Reigen gave the cat yet another warning glare across the office the next afternoon. The cat stood poised on the windowsill, one paw hovering above the rim of Reigen’s potted plant. “Touch that plant again and I’ll-”
Reigen was cut off by the opening and closing of the office door; turning with his finger still pointed in warning towards the cat, Reigen saw Mob step into the room and give a small wave.
“Oh, hey, Mob,” Reigen waved back. “I was just talking to the cat.”
“Was she good for you?” Mob asked, crossing to the window and picking up his cat.
“Hm?” Reigen lifted his eyebrows, thinking of his once-too-many knocked over window plant and then shaking it off as a petty concern for the moment. “Ah, yeah! She was fine. I stopped by the pet store on the way home and got her all of that cat stuff she needs, you know. All of which came out of your pay, by the way. Because this is your cat. I’m not paying for her.”
Reigen had, in fact, paid for everything himself.  
“Okay, Shishou,” Mob nodded, suppressing a small smile as he saw through the lie.
“So, uh, anyways,” Reigen gave a cough. “You think of any names for your cat?”
“Uh, yeah,” Mob nodded, smiling as the cat booped its smudgy nose against Mob’s. “I thought of one.”
“Well then! Let’s hear it!” Reigen held his hands up as if to throw a spotlight on Mob. “Or should I keep calling her ‘cat’ forever?”
“I want to name her Milk!” Mob said, looking proud at having come up with the name on his own.
“Milk?” Reigen clarified.
“Uh-huh,” Mob nodded.
“Why Milk?”
“Cats like milk and I like milk, and I like cats,” Mob said, scratching Milk behind her ear. “So, Milk is a perfect name for her.”
“Heh,” Reigen laughed, shaking his head as he dug his hands into his pockets. “Milk it is, then.”
“Milk,” Mob murmured the name, smiling at his cat as she batted at his silky bangs.
Reigen turned back towards his desk, smiling as he sat back down.
“You know, Mob,” Reigen said as he turned back to his computer. “Milk knocked over my plant. More than once.”
“Did you try playing with her?” Mob asked. “She probably just wanted your attention.”
“Oi, don’t defend her!” Reigen pointed a finger at Milk. “She’s a vicious plant mercenary!!”
Mob looked at Milk, then back at Reigen. “Well, I’m glad you two are becoming friends so fast,” Mob smiled, turning to go sit down.
Reigen turned back to his computer, typing away at more responses to clients. Every now and then, the sound of scurrying paws would dart across the floor, almost always followed by Mob’s soft laughter. Pressing a hand to his mouth to hide his own grin, Reigen silently thanked whatever had brought Milk to Mob. Working with an esper as strong as Mob, Reigen had seen some incredible power exhibited through his student; but nothing quite so powerful as the joyful laugh of a boy playing with his cat.
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