#i tried to type up somethin but it was mostly just Garble so i figured id just wait until i was Relatively rested
NO YEAH Ichi being The Baby of the family was definitely a contributing factor in Arakawa mellowing out. It's one thing with Jo and the others being grown men when they joined, but Ichi's not only younger than even Arakawa was, but is of course also the exact same age as his son. I do think it's worth considering.
Especially with RGGO because RGGJo couldn't have been older than 18 or 19 when he joined, and that's if he and Ichi joined almost back-to-back. Y7Arakawa's got pretty solid reasons to turn Ichi away consistently for as long as he did, but I've always wondered what made RGGOArakawa do that when Jo is hardly any older.
Pure Speculation Here, but he's honest about not wanting Jo to kill people anymore (not that he listens because like Mine he has I Know Best disease) and being bothered by it, so perhaps if there is anything there, it could be partly about regretting who he's shaped Jo into being and not wanting to repeat those mistakes with Ichi. And with those themes of powerlessness being reinforced with regard to Y7Jo's violent tendencies, it is potentially interesting to examine when it comes to looking at Y7 in relation to RGGO <- hasn't connected shit
Speaking of, I was thinking that might be why Y7Arakawa doesn't have The Drip. Because the point of the decision to have RGGOArakawa and RGGJo both predominantly wear a neutral shade with an accent color and then have their palettes be complete opposites was, I think, to set them up directly as foils. Whereas of course with Y7Arakawa and Y7Jo, once you peel back a layer or two, they have that inverted coordination Thing going on and are perfectly harmonized. But this is why you using Jo's pink and purple is galaxy-brained lol we COULD'VE still had it
ALSO I probably should've explained it to begin with but 223 = 2 in katakana is pronounced tsu and the kanji for 3 can be read as mi :')
16 v 18 can be big for some people versus other people- like how 18 is technically an adult in most cases, so i can see that being a reason as to why RGGOarakawa would be more lenient towards jo versus ichi 😷
naw i think that a fair connection to make it dont seem like a hard one to believe anyway ♪(´▽`) i mean i dont imagine jo was AS brutal as he is nowadays versus when he first joined the family, and i want to believe arakawa mightve eventually noticed that shift at some point. again with ichi being so young (and being just about masatos age too) it's sort of like. How Do I Give This Kid A Decent Future With The Cards He Has yk what i mean
yeah that makes sense. in y7, we've already talked bout how jo is less of The antagonist and is more of a cog in the machine, so to speak: he more so contributes to the real antagonist as opposed to starting or doing anything by himself for his own personal motivations (tho ig his motivations are linked with masato but we get what i mean), so it makes sense for his and arakawa's wardrobes to contrast less (esp if they're supposed to be on the same team with relatively the same goal. in an awkward way).
i wont act like im super smart when it comes to drawing things- i REFUSE to lie and say i draw arakawa with the rggo drip for any reason aside from Its Fire As Hell BUT im glad we can still make the outfit still carry some meaning despite that LMAO (❁´◡`❁) at the very least i can say i genuinely did give him jo's purple and pink intentionally to connect them and for once not cause im lazy and didnt want to get new shades for himvjlajvl
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