#i use filters like tumblr savior and extensions and shit to block stuff I KNOW is bad for me
solisnumen · 6 years
psa: four levels of security.
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Hello, dears! Renata is here once again to speak out for the sake of people who write dark themes just like I do and for people who just can’t find a better way to live their lives than to harass people who write topics that they don’t see as normal. If you do NOT like something or feel uncomfortable with something, there are 4 levels of how you can block it and not see it. 
1. Tumblr Savior --- blacklist your tags. I think everyone uses it these days. It can be funky and not always block stuff, but don’t worry! There are more ways than one to secure your mentality. 
2. XKit has an extension called “Blacklist” where you can add same tags to Tumblr savior, but now you have double lock on those tags. And you know, there is a third lock that also exists!
3. Tumblr has also ‘Filtered Tags’ option which works on BOTH mobile and your computer as it’s connected to your account. Put those tags into it and they won’t appear, darlings. Easy as that. ( Go to Settings -> Filtering -> Add filtered tags; it’s right under the Safe Mode )
4. Finally, block those people. Do not interact with them. Do not try to read their blog if it makes you feel uncomfrtable. No one asks you to read that, no one asks you police things, no one asks you to be the fake internet “justice” that just doesn’t help. 
I use the same techniques to not see some people, some tags, some themes that make me uncomfortable. Do you see me sending hate or trash-talking about those people? No. It’s stupid, it’s ridiculous, I have no right to police others for writing what they do. If I feel uncomfortable, I do block and blacklist. If there is a serious problem when the author romanticizes things that are not supposed to be romanticized, then yes, that is a problem. However, do not put all people who write dark themes into one group. Thank you. 
I can give you many examples where such themes happen, but somehow no one really judges anyone or shames or throws rotten tomatoes at them? For example, Stephen King. The dude’s got helluva tons of novels that are highly disturbing to the point of crawling under your skin. Do you accuse Stephen King of those things that he writes? Do you think he condones any of that? No. 
Now, remember: you are a Tumblr roleplayer, you are not studying psychology, and there is a little number of people who actually do (I know only 1 person myself), and I will study psychology myself in the future so I also cannot say I know it, I have my common sense to thank for now. You, as a Tumblr roleplayer, have no right to accuse others and shame them. I, personally, repeat continually how unhealthy, dark, and manipulative Tamamo is. However, because some people are dumb shits, I’m forced to delete messages that inquire me why I’m making Tamamo into this dark version instead of the ‘uwu waifu uwu” shit. To answer you all: I know how bad she is, and I state it in my rules, my headcanons, my originally written story, and in my OOC posts occasionally. 
Anyways, you don’t like something? Look up and use all those wonderful devices to block stuff that makes you uncomfortable. Stop being dicks. 
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joannalannister · 7 years
It took me til two episodes ago but I finally couldn't watch the show anymore, and now the explosion of activity on Sunday nights is just baffling and fascinating to watch in a schadenfreudian way. I think I need the filtering system you've got. Does your dash just look like page after page of blocked stuff?
I use the blacklist option from @new-xkit-extension, where I have over a thousand things blacklisted, but I also have about 20 things whitelisted, like “ASOIAF” and “A Song of Ice and Fire” and “tywin x joanna” (priorities) and “A Storm of Swords” etc, along with my urls. I also have the urls of a few of my friends whitelisted, because my blacklist kept hiding phrases like “the office of Hand from 262 onwards...” picking up the show names from other fandoms that I don’t want to see ugh. I can’t whitelist “Tywin” or “Lannister” because I hate too many things.
I simultaneously use a second blacklist from tumblr savior, because I really hate a lot of things. My second blacklist is “stronger” because it has fewer things on it but only my urls are whitelisted on the second one, to keep that shit away from me. 
If you want this setup, I urge you to make tumblr savior the “stronger” blacklist for the shit you really don’t want to see, because there’s no delay with tumblr savior. xkit’s blacklist takes a second to kick in. @sansalayned made a nice post the other day about what she blacklists to avoid the show, which might be helpful to you. 
I also use xkit’s postblock extension. Seeing certain posts once is bad enough, and I have no desire to see them multiple times as they’re reblogged. I currently have ... 52,357 posts blocked, and counting. I have this because I go trawling through all the public tags without a blacklist (I know, just shoot me) to find things for @asoiafedit and @asoiafuniversity and @pre-gameofthrones.
What your dash looks like with this setup depends on what settings you use. I have it set to “do not show blocked posts at all (not recommended)” because I am much happier not knowing that my friends are putting things I hate near me. So on Sundays it sometimes just looks like nothing’s there. Like, there will be the usual “So-and-so reblogged your post” and “XXX replied to your post” but otherwise it’s just a wall of grey when I refresh tumblr. (My dashboard color is set to grey, not tumblr blue, with xkit.) 
I also have tumblr’s infinite scroll option enabled so once I start scrolling down, I start to see a few things. However, sometimes my dashboard gets “stuck” with tumblr savior enabled while using infinite scroll, and it acts like I can’t scroll down anymore, because the number of posts in a row that are blocked is too high. What I do in this instance is take the last available post, go to the blog, and click the little eyeball “view on dash” extension, and that gets my dash “unstuck” and I can keep scrolling. Hope that helps!
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