#i use these terms as the group i love her really but MEOW ohhhh the angst
h-doodles · 6 months
ok hot take for a second but building up on the FCD fic by @lapisdemon22 (hope thats ok) except it's Cass FINALLY bringing her gf along to meet her mother and finding MC there actually and being struck. what was SHE doing here, in this FAMILY dinner—
and like. finding out about the club etc etc while the GF notes, hey MC we could pass as twins! and MC just smiling with her eyes closed so she doesnt glare a hole into Cass. The GF absentmindedly joking Cass seems to have broken a lot of hearts, like damn, I can't beljeve i'm so lucky to be yours Cassiebear. MC pointedly ignoring this and focusing on Bela. and Cass being dazed when she sees Bela and MC, irritated by the vibes she's getting and looking at her GF and realizing oh.
and looking back at MC who's now giggling over something Bela said, and who just brought up her hands to kiss them and SPOTTING the ring and—
Dani spotting it in the same time and going "HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS!!!!!"
and basically Cass is just. struggling. because oh, this isn't what she wanted. this wasn't how she imagined things to go.
and her realizing after all these years,
it was still MC, after all.
MC, handing Cass a pot of cooked rice: Hi, ako nga pala yung sinayang mo
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