#i used to watch a ton of shows w my mama it rocked
sunst3rr · 2 years
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sillayyy ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
I'd like love headcanons about the new champions. Specifically like how they would interact with their Divine Beasts, how they would socialize with the Champions' spirits, and how they interact with Zelda. I love your blog by the way, it's so creative and I love your stories!
Thanks a bunch! Sorry this took a bit, I had a ton of ideas for the Divine Beasts…
Anyway, let’s get into some
New Gen Champion Headcanons!
So Hyrule is saved and now we just got a bunch of giant mechanical beasts laying around
What to do, what to do…
No one can seem to really control the Divine Beasts as it requires a telekinetic connection, and the beasts have to recognize someone’s soul and spirit as worthy…yada-yada
Even Link was cheating a bit, as he only controlled the terminals of the Beasts with his Sheikah Slate. He didn’t have the power to actually tame them, he could only just tilt them around a bit. Hylia knows Link doesn’t need four giant machines capable of causing mass destruction anyway
Zelda, as usual, takes the initiative to find a solution. Who better to tame these Divine Beasts than the ones who helped defeat them!
Enter, the New Champions 
Sidon was excited when Ruta responded to him. I mean, such a creature had judged his sister Mipha worthy of commanding it. So the fact that he could also control Vah Ruta resonated with him, as it meant that maybe he could live up to his sister…
Of course, some of the older Zora, including his father, were wary, considering the Divine Beasts were so closely linked with Mipha’s death
But Sidon is determined, he wants to be useful and help Link (aw) and all of Hyrule. He’ll convince everyone that it’s his duty as a noble to help everyone with the Divine Beast.
“Besides, my sister will be watching over me!”
Sidon and Ruta very helpful whenever there’s droughts or a bad harvest. People don’t even need to report anything. Sidon and Ruta just instinctively know if people need rain.
And Ruta does have a mind of her own. She (yeah we’re using she for all the beasts, like boats, ya know?) is sort of playful and just randomly splashes water on Sidon every now and then. 
I also like to think the trunk doubles as a speaker, and Sidon just blasts music whenever he feels like it
It seem Yunobo was the only one bewildered that Rudania responded to him’
“W-what?! Why me? All I did was tag along with Link and headbut it a few times…”
It would take some convincing from the elders that he was up for the job
“Nonsense kid. You did what none of us could do. You’re the one who tackled that old lizard head on! Plus, you’re graced with Daruk’s protection. You helped save Goron City, You got this, brother!”
So Yunobo became a Champion, able to tame Divine Beast Vah Rudania. He’s a bit flustered with this new found fame, but he gets through it. After all, the whole ordeal with Link has made him a bit braver
I like to think Rudania’s personality is serious, an all work no play kind of guy. Purely because it clashes with the personality of both Daruk and Yunobo so much. (Hc that’s why Daruk was struggling with his Divine Beast originally)
Rudania moves on their own, without Yunobo’s input sometimes, so they can move out of the way of falling rocks and stuff. The lizard acts like a big old grump
Anyway, the Goron mining business is BOOMING, literally. Those turrets and drones that Rudania has? Super helpful when scanning dangerous areas by Death Mountain, and for identifying valuable ore. 
Also Rudania’s fireproof-ness is great on checking on how active the volcano is, a super helpful asset under a slightly anxious Goron youth. Fun!
Teba takes up the job, no questions asked. No one’s that surprise that the best warrior is the successor for the Divine Beast, but he cares a lot about living up to Revali’s legacy. He gets Medoh to respond immediately, and he’s probably the most skilled out of the four new champions with his beast. 
However, it takes time for him to warm up, to Medoh. The thing almost killed his best friend, and shot a laser at him after all. Teba does what’s necessary to maintain Medoh, and nothing more. 
Vah Medoh basically is a mama bird. It uses its Sheikah tech to keep the inside toasty for whenever Teba comes, she glows warmly in the night, even the propellers are used to blow fast gusts of wind to help Rito get places fast. 
Eventually, Teba gets along with Medoh when he practices archery with Tulin on Medoh’s back. The updrafts of the grates there are even better and faster than the natural ones at the flight range. 
Vah Medoh’s cannons/turrets are helpful when dealing with the numerous monsters near the Hebra Range. Talus? Gone. Ice Lizalfo camp? Obliterated. Hinox? Dead. This part is probably something Teba enjoys too, he’s a warrior first and foremost anyway, so dealing with monsters so easily boosts his ego, just a bit.
Everyone was ecstatic for Riju. Everyone, especially Bularia, is so proud. Look at all those achievements under her belt! Youngest Chief, has a sand seal prophet, defeated Vah Naboris, oversaw the reclamation of the Thunderhelm and the Yiga Clan Hideout (although that last one was mostly Link, but no one knows that because, he’s a guy, scandalous)
Riju works well enough with her Divine Beast, the Thunder Helm pairs well, and she feels like she’s growing into it anyway. 
Naboris is a show off. Stomping for no reason, hanging out in thunderstorms and sandstorms just to look cool? Yes. And Riju plays along with this because what kids doesn’t wanna look cool with a giant mecha beast? With Naboris, Chief Riju is starting to outgrow her fears of being seen as a bad leader, cause a Divine Beast is a pretty good testament to how hard you work for your people. (Aw, her mom would be proud)
Let’s talk about those Electric Generators. This Divine Beast can harness energy from the earth? And has natural electrical systems? So, so, helpful not just for the desert, but for everyone in general. Naboris’ electrical power is used to power other machines and technology, allowing for heating, water systems, lights, the whole sha-bang. And the fact that there’s a lightning rod to attract the lightning, which not only keeps people safe, but harnesses the natural elements of the land? *chef’s kiss* 
You bet your ass Zelda hangs out with Naboris a lot too, reverse engineering portable electricity could help all of Hyrule get back on their feet. I’m talking Industrial Revolution baby, (but without the exploitation of the working class and poverty, ya know, only the good stuff)
But besides that, Riju uses Naboris to navigate the desert. You don’t need to worry about sandstorms and such when you’ve basically got a walking house. It’s lights also serve as good waypoints for travelers, or beacons for those that are lost. 
Now as for the original Champions…. Well the ending of botw was pretty clear that they had passed on. They sorta disappear…cause they found peace…and all that. I know the point of fanfic is to ignore canon and create your own endings and ideas, but if I got into how I think the Champions would be revived this would be a much longer post, lol.
So we’ll just leave it at, everyone happy. Hyrule is prospering, Zelda and Link are leading a new generation of Champions and helping the people of the land. Everyone gets together and has a sleepover and Link’s house every now and again. And Teba adopts everyone because he is basically the only adult. Yay!
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viperssvenom · 8 years
Liam 💀- went for a swim and held hands MGKKKKKKK ❤️❤️ Jared 😒😒😞 and Danny Leon 😊😎😍
July 27, 2015 Dream guy Birthday June 16 Hella tall+muscular Ex triniti Lived near Manila Rich
Look on tumblr for hector dream :)
10/10(11)/15 Dream that I met Mike at a park, and he said you are definitely as real as you seem to be, I can just tell by the look in your eyes. And then we just laid down on the grass for a few minutes and all he would do was look into my eyes. Also he was beautiful af.
August 29, 2016 nightmare - News had announced there was a child rapist on the loose and a police car was in front of our house who had just done a 180 donut (car race kind) and news reporter said to be careful. After that we heard doorbell ring. Are was going to check on it but I told her to just go upstairs and hide. for some reason we got to Cedric’s backyard and I grabbed his bat. Mama and papa were on the bed and I was in their room and we heard door being unlocked. Gave bat to mama and slid under the bed. Mama beat the dude up and he went to jail. For some odd reason again we were back in the same situation but this time I beat up the rapist with Cedric’s bat, brought him outside to a ton of police cars outside waiting. I had the dude in a hold and asked a police officer which car he would go in. Officer said that car- old janky green Toyota that was filled with stuff. Owner was a skinny dude who had many dogs (k-9s) he was not dressed as an officer. We walked closer to the car and then he cuffed the man with cuffs that were chained to his car. I talked to the officer and he got distracted and almost drove off without dude in the car yet. He said sorry it’s been hot here since that thing came back to town. I said what thing. He pointed at something in the distance and it was what looked like a demogorgon (stranger things reference) mixed with the creature from miss peregrines home for peculiar children and it started coming towards us so I jumped into the back on the car was dude hopped into the front . Officer started to drive away and said “get comfortable were going to a place that only knows bumps” we started driving and it started to look like a thing highway (like the one on the way up to bagiou) and I saw a highway sign and asked what if we took the high way. Police office said he could either keep chasing us or return back. Tried to turn but was blocked by rocks. Kept driving and ended up in some place that looked like the first resort we went to in the Philippines (dingalan). I saw someone swimming in the pool and to give us time I had to distract the demogorgon so I threw something from the car near the pool and it went to it. While turning around to get to the freeway we saw the kids father returning to see a demogorgon was after his son and he stood still in shock. Then all of a sudden the demogorgon turned back around to us and I had jumped back into the car and we started driving away (I woke up after this at 8:25 am)
Sept 7, 2016 Ate, Caroline, Nikko Mariano, Chris smith, Elmar, some dude who looked liked Reece, a few other people, and I were over someone’s house (can’t remember exactly who) but there was a drunk aunt in the back yard (there were two mud puddles (?)), brick ovens that allowed you to cook outside and then deliver then inside. Same setting as a previous dream - inside the lighting is dim. Ate was flirting with dude, when we were all in one sec of the house dancing, at first I knew routine to song but then I didn’t know a part so I got out and Nikko was sitting at a table on his laptop blasting music on his phone (also he got swol and was pretty cute ngl). I was like do you remember me. He was like “nah.. But I do remember two girls from that apartment I lived in before .. Angeleen and .. Angeleen. Oops I mean aileen” so I asked if he knew who I was and he was like “of course, Angeleen. How could I forget” and then I looked over and Aileen was on top of dude and they were making out, I said whatever. Then Nikko said something nice about me and I hugged him and then Elmar showed up out of nowhere I said hi to him and hugged him, did the same with Chris smith. Nikko started blasting music but told me he was gonna get another desk for something .. I said okay and just watched other people dancing … Dude was teaching ate how to dance (pop and lock and robot) and then Nikko picked up heavy table with stuff inside and a textbook fell on his hand and he turned around and yelled “ah shit” (woke up)
A few days before October 14, 2016 Meghan, Sam, and I were at someone’s house. We were in the kitchen telling jokes and stuff and for some reason Meghan pulls out a pill bottle and leaves it in the counter (I think it was antidepressants or something for her cold). But then she rushed out immediately and gathered all of stuff but left behind the pill bottle.
Oct 14, 2016 We were at the same house, this time it was Sam, MGK, Rook, Slim, and I at the house. MGK was feeling sick so he thought maybe he could take some medicine, saw Meghan’s pill bottle and decided to take one thinking the bottle was his. I remembered that Meghan left it behind and checked the name on the label of the bottle, sure enough it was Meghan’s. For whatever reason, the medicine he took could kill him so we were all worried of what could happen to him. Jump cuts to when we’re in a van/ tour bus and I’m sitting next to MGK and rook is sitting behind us, I think we were on the way to the hospital. They’re exchanging jokes / stories. MGK says something about me and then I apologize and say something like “yeah sorry I’m just worried about you that’s why I’ve been hugging you every five minutes” he says it’s okay. I hug him one last time even tighter and he pulls me closer to him and hugs me back 😭😫 end of dream
Feb 19, 2017 Drove to CVS w/ ate, Ray, and some random black kid … But are and I stayed outside on two different benches right next to each other with a table in between us while Ray and that kid when inside of cvs. Then ate and I talked about the things that were on the table. And then a car pulled up and Ray came out of the cvs and it flashed to the next where where an Asian lady came out of the car and was selling flowers so Ray bought some and put two in the car, gave one to me, and then I’m not sure if he gave one to Matt to give to Aileen ??? Or if he gave it to Aileen himself. The jump cut to Ray and I sitting on the benches and talking about life. And then are walks out of the cvs with a 6/7 foot tall thing of chocolate milk! And Ray and I just watched as she attempted to drink from it without spilling anything. And at some point in the dream Ray, ate, and I sat on the benches together and we laughed and talking about life together. And then ate mentioned something about liking when guys butts jiggle when they laugh. *insert nick young meme here* I was so confused. But then I woke up lmao
😜😜😜 Feb 19, 2017 Nap lmao We were at a party at my house and people from school came. But there was this really beautiful white boy who came and some good music was playing so people wee dancing (actually it was just the two of us in the living room, everyone else was in the kitchen). But we had masks on for whatever reason and he og came to the party with some girl but as the music played on we started flirting and I ended up sitting on his lap 😉
Feb 22, 2017 Nap time - woke up at 5:30, fell asleep with iPod plugged into speakers and blackbear the actress and I was playing and when I woke up mgk see my tears was playing
MGK or another bae 😜, blackbear, and some other girl were in my room. But for some reason we were in the city. And anyways it’s was the Fourth of July or something so people were doing fireworks. And so that girl was like I wanna look at the fireworks and sleep, so she took my long body pillow and put it against the window and laid her head down. And then bae/ mgk went and laid down so I laid down next to them in their arms while watching the fireworks. Then we got up for some reason and went downstairs and got burritos from the kitchen. Then we decided to go outside and sit on the front steps. And I asked to “lay” in bae’s arms and they let me. And then we watched the fireworks still. And then blackbear came outside and started singing and it was beautiful. End dream
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