#i wanna do my own design of him and other princes eventually but i'm too busy
gothbus · 3 years
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it’s a crime that this bitch has like 2 entire sentences of lore
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
Top 10 OCs of yours? :3 (I apologize in advance for making you for making you play favorites with your own characters hehe)
I'm glad you realise what you're doing 'cause holy shit dude, you're really making me pick favourites from my babies????
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay, I think it would go like this:
1 - Tobei Arakawa, I had made ocs before him but he was my first fully fleshed out oc so he's very special to me. When thinking of his design, I wanted to make him different from the actual Persona protagonists so I made him tiny, a little bit effeminate and quite weak and sickly. I know some people are gonna say "What about Minato?" But no, Minato is average sized, he only looks tiny compared to the other protagonists, Tobei is tiny. Also it's fun suggesting the stuff I have planned for him and people wanting to strangle me for it.
2 - Sora Saionji, if there's a specific type of character I love, it's the mischievous little shit so of course I had to make my own. The twist with Sora is that they're also the eldest of their group so they have to juggle mischief with being y'know... The responsible one.
3 - Hoshi Yashiro, I dunno I just think he's neat. I've got some ideas for him that I haven't really been able to share yet but I think people would like them. Plus, I wanted to create my own take on a Detective Prince type of character. And I just kinda like the design of the small eyebrows, it's cute.
4 - Takuya Nakanishi, honestly I really can't say much about him without spoiling his story but goddamn do I have lots of idea and not enough skill to actually write them. All I can really say is: You've seen a similar situation in Persona, but his version is a little more complicated.
5 - Nozomi Shiraishi, my main thought when creating her was "What if Rise was forced into fame?" Because Nozomi never really planned on becoming an idol, her mother just took advantage of her love for music and theatre to make some money. But I wanted to balance her cynicism from growing up in the entertainment industry with genuine kindness that she was taught to have by her dad.
6 - Shoyo Inugami, he's been through a lot and it's affected him deeply but he's using that to become his best self and hopes to help others in the future. He's just a sweet guy and I like him very much.
7 - Kenji Mawatari, he's basically like a foil to Sora. Sora is giant, Kenji is tiny. Sora is the eldest, Kenji is one of the youngest. Sora's best talent is technology, Kenji is technology inept. Sora has no fashion sense, Kenji keeps up to date on all fashion trends. These two basically form a comedy duo which usually results in Kenji plotting Sora's demise. But Kenji's still good by himself and I have ideas for his dynamics with the others too.
8 - Shohei Fukuyama, the reason why he's the lowest of the protag characters is because he's the newest and I'm still figuring stuff out for him. I guess out of all them, he's the one I relate to the most because yeah, I need to grow a backbone and figure out what the hell I wanna do with my life. And ngl, it's really fun watching people trying to figure out what's happening to him. :3c
9 - Aki Umemoto, he's a skater boy, what else do you want? In all seriousness, his personality was made to be a mix of Yosuke and Ryuji so he's basically like Mega Best Friend which works well considering Tobei's situation. I just really enjoy best friend characters in everything.
10 - Ryosei Kurihara, the thing of I thought of when making him was "What if there was a best friend character who was just blantantly in love with the protagonist?" (I can already hear the comments about Yosuke so yes, I know) but he's really like one of the only people at their school who doesn't make a big deal about Nozomi being an idol. His stance is "Is she performing right now? No? Then she's just a teenage girl." And combined with his parents constantly comparing him to all of his brother's achievements, Ryosei and Nozomi's friendship, and eventual romance, is kind of like a chance to breathe and relax for both of them because they're away from everyone else's expectations and just chill out and have fun.
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yourhero404 · 6 years
I'm loving this fantasy bakugou story! Do you think you could do the same concept, but with todoroki? Thank you!
and just in case someone hasn’t read the Fantasy!Bakugo ones that were mentioned, there’s ONE, TWO and THREE! ^^
Slowly, his eyelids rolled back, exposing his eyes to the ray of light laying upon his face. He blinked- once, twice, three times- focusing on the figures leaning above him, he was thankful one of them blocked the light so he could see. His instincts told him something was wrong, and that he shouldn’t lay there motionless as these forms could be potentially dangerous- he had to think and be cautious, moving incorrectly could potentially cause harm. He could lay there and pretend to be dead- no, that was ridiculous. He could fight back- yes! If he were to just simply twist his hips in this fashion, his legs could-
“Uh… Todoroki? Are you alright?” a voice he recognized spoke and jogged him from his thoughts. 
Once his eyes readjusted and the figures became clear, he saw the familiar green hair of his adventurer friend he had met along his travels.
“Ah, the squire- I was afraid you were someone else.” He didn’t notice the confused look on his face as he sat up, eyes rolling over the other two faces, “The mage and tavern girl as well. I thought the two of you had left for supplies.” 
“Todoroki, what are you talking about?” Ochaco had asked, concern laced in her voice.
“Do you suppose he’s delirious due to a heat stroke? That costume can’t be very insulated,” Tsuyu insinuated. 
Costume? What was she talking about? He looked down- no, he was wearing the clothes he had previously been wearing. He started to hyper focus on the gold-plated buttons on his shirt, eyebrows drawing together as he gathered his thoughts. Calmly, he stood up and unsheathed his sword, letting the handle roll in his hand a bit before swinging it so the tip sat mere inches away from Izuku’s throat.
“Who are you.” He demanded an answer rather than asking, his voice going cold.
“W-wait! What are you talking about? We’re your friends!” Izuku swallowed hard, “It’s me, Midoriya!”
“Where did he get an actual sword?” Tsuyu wondered aloud, causing Shoto to turn his blade onto her instead.
“Where I acquired my weapon is none of your business, imposter. Now answer my question and we can attempt to make peace,” If his gaze hadn’t come off icy before, it definitely did now as his eyes narrowed. 
Shoto took a few steps back, hoping to gain distance between them in the event that he needs to escape rather than take the fight head on. Assessing the situation, they didn’t seem to be hostile- in fact, their expressions seemed laced with concern rather than hints of any ill intentions; But who were they? It was fairly obvious they weren’t who he first thought of- Black magic, maybe?  Some sort of duplicate spell? He thought back to the books within the castles study- nothing he remembered reading spoke of this level of witchcraft… did this land have a stronger magic source than his did? He let his eyes wander to his surroundings again- just what was this land anyway?
“…roki?” the apparently Izuku snapped him from his thoughts once again, “Todoroki? Are you alright?” he asked again. 
Shoto sighed and sheathed his sword once again, pinching the bridge of his nose a moment before muttering to himself about getting in such a situation. In an attempt to seem unthreatening, he held out his palms in front of him and moved them slowly.
“I’m not looking for trouble,” he started, “Now if you allow me to look for my steed, I have something I’m trying to find.”
“Steed?” Ochaco whispered, “Is Todoroki in some sort of improv group?”
Izuku studied him a moment, noticing just how nicely made his clothes were. Shoto felt the gaze run over his clothing, but he paid no mind and allowed himself to scan his surroundings for any sign of his horse. He found no prints and frowned- he heard rustling in the leaves behind him, but he couldn’t risk his life by turning his back to this trio. In moments like this, he had to think- what would they do? His adventurer friend, the heroes of the land- his knight. Think, Shoto, think- keep calm. He closed his eyes a moment, hoping the answer would wash over him by doing so. He should run- it was the safest option in an unknown land against what could potentially be deadly warlocks. But could he do it? Would he be able to run fast enough to avoid-
“Were you calling for me?”
His eyes shot open at the realization that his voice rang out- but he had not opened his own mouth. 
With his hand on the handle of his blade he turned quickly, ready to draw his weapon, but found his feet encased in a patch of ice. Following the trail of ice, his eyes locked with an identical pair- both seemed to widen at the scene as confused screams echoed behind him. 
Everything about him seemed the same- well, aside from the drab clothing and (newly? Possibly? There was no other way to word it to himself) found ice powers. Had he gotten blessed by the Goddess of Ice in this world? Their movements were alike in nature- soft and easy going, never making a move unless needed. 
It finally dawned on him- this was him. Maybe not… him, but him of this world. His doppelganger, as one might call it. He glanced at the trio to his side now- they must be the mirrored images of his friends as well. He sighed, chipping away at the ice with the tip of his sword to free himself; He made a soft gesture before putting his sword back where it belonged.
“It seems as though I’m no longer in my own world.” 
“Own world, what do you mean?” this worlds Shoto had asked. When he looked back at him, it seemed as though his mirrored image had started to grasp the situation- he had to admit, this version of him was much quicker on the uptake than he was. 
“I thought perhaps I found myself in an unknown land outside of my kingdom- but it’s obvious now that I’ve found myself in some sort of… what did the headmaster call it… ‘Alternate Universe’,” turning to Izuku and company, he gestured, “And by your faces, my assumption that you were a group Dark Mages was incorrect.”
“Dark Mages?!” both Izuku and Ochaco had called out in disbelief. Tsuyu seemed to nod at the information and offer her forgiveness without him even needing to ask.
“So if you’re from some ‘Alternate Universe’…” the other Shoto started.
“You’re just going to disregard that?!” Izuku interjected.
“…How did you get here? It’s hard to believe that there really is such a thing,” he finished, “So if you’re an alternate version of me, how is your life there?”
Shoto could tell his double seemed on edge with his last question- apparently his life in this world wasn’t as glamourous as it appeared either. He didn’t know whether to feel relieved he wasn’t the only one having to deal with a troublesome life or to feel bad that misery will find him everywhere. Running a hand through his hair before turning to address the groups as a whole, he straightened out his back to appear more like his proper self.
“So are there alternate versions of us too?” Tsuyu asked, finger tapping on her chin. 
Shoto extended his arm to point at each corresponding person.
“Tavern girl. Mage. Adventurer, as well as the squire to the hero All Might himself.” Shoto watched the boy tense up and diffuse the action by waving his hands.
“As for us,” he turned to his double, “I’m Prince Shoto of the Todoroki family. With all disregard to previous kingdom rules, my father has designated me the heir to the throne.” Looking to the ground, his voice grew quiet, “Despite my wishes, of course.”
He sighed and looked to the sky, then to the far off brush between the trees before speaking again.
“As for how I got here… I don’t know. There was this large wave of… energy, and I found myself slowly blacking out.” His eyes closed as he recalled the scene.
He had been walking along side his horse through the woods, seeing no need to ride him at the given moment. The sunlight peeked through the leaves- his mind was full of thoughts. Where should he head next? Did he have enough supplies? How was he going to feel if he accomplished his mission? His horse started to get rowdy, thrashing its head all around in an attempt to get out of its reigns. Before Shoto could even ask what was wrong, it stood on its back legs, neighing in fear as it started to run on the opposite direction; Shoto called after it when he felt the odd burst of energy hit his back. He turned towards it, taking one, two, three steps as the corners of his eyes started to fade to black; Eventually, his head started to feel light as he noticed the ground get closer- before he knew what hit him, quite literally, he was knocked out cold.
“I can see why you weren’t as panicked when you woke up then…” Izuku started after his story, “Since you were already in a forest, it probably didn’t register that it wasn’t the same.”
“Yes, exactly. It’s also why I didn’t question the three of you- until Asui called my attire a ‘costume’, then I noticed your own clothing was different. Like I said, I was searching for something, but now, I’m here.” Shoto answered, opening his eyes to look at them. “Where is… here, exactly?”
“This is UA, a hero academy!” Ochaco lit up, clapping her hands together, “We’re students here, training to be the next pro heroes!”
“A hero academy?” he looked perplexed, “Do your heroes not pick one student and appoint them as their squire?”
“No, a handful of us are in a class together and get taught by many different heroes,” Tsuyu answered, “So back home it’s more of a one on one type of schooling?”
“I suppose so,” he nodded in understanding. He turned from them again, looking amongst the trees- he could hear something off in the distance, but couldn’t quite place what it was.
“You said you were looking for something. What was it?” the hero-in-training Shoto interjected into the conversation- the prince answered without looking back at him.
“A person.”
The sounds Shoto heard a minute ago came closer- it sounded like two people arguing but only one set of running footsteps. He thought it was odd- maybe one of their friends?
“A person? Like who?” Izuku asked carefully, hoping not to step on any of the prince’s boundaries. 
“My knight.”
Closer. Those voices are becoming clearer with each passing second- should he hide? Would the doppelgangers of this world be as accepting as the mirror images of his friends have been? Should he prepare for a fight, in case it’s a foe rather than a friend? His hand brushed the handle of his sword as he let his ears drown out any sound but the approaching one.
Suddenly, the brush in front of him practically exploded as a heavy body ran through it. After shielding his eyes from the oncoming leaves, he caught a glimpse of them as the couple continued rushing by with no intentions of stopping any time soon. He whipped around, pointing to the barbarians back as an angry (S/o)’s hands beat on his chest.
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