#i wanna draw his eyebrows!!! OTL it would add so much to making his expressions! its always sad to erase them 😔
devilart2199-aibi · 2 years
Does your Ethos walking slouched have anything to do with "outside influences"? While I agree that he does have that vibe I always wonder how much artist let themselves be influenced by Kakashi and/or fanon interpretations that shape the collective depiction of the character (for example the maple leaf instead of the uzushiogakure swirl)
I guess my question is how much is your Etho Kakashi? Lol
Ohh! This is a great question! Hmm 🤔
For the walking though! I really should have said 'a relaxed posture' rather than 'slouched' since he isn't really slouched in the animation. Just hands in the pockets sometimes, comfortably walking.
Etho has a comfortable feel about him, both the vibe he gives off and being comfortable with himself. Not a loud, eyes on me, personality. He likes to observe, listen and add on to a conversation. Where say, Bdubs, would lead a conversation, want to be complimented and have eyes on him. He would walk with an air of confidence, trying to be larger than he is and have a pep in his step. Or Tango, who has traits of both, but leaning more towards Bdubs, has a handful of sass and is happy to show you a thing or two, but when walking, might walk with a hand in his pocket like Etho or even arms crossed with a slight sway of his head to his step.
Of course, if they were taking care of tasks they would probably walk differently, more focused and wanting to get things done efficiently. This fits more as how they'd walk with each other / around others.
As for how i see my Etho!
Personality wise I wanna say he's 100% Etho. And visually... well he does have a Kakashi skin so it's a bit hard to go too outside the box. I want him to be recognizable. Keep the shape and where colors go, just change the clothes to try and form an 'Etho' within the Kakashi skin.
My one thing that's clearly unfaithful to the Kakashi skin is the fur lined hoodie my Etho design wears. I believe I saw that was a thing in community arts and added it. It's cool and gives a nice shape to the design, but I can't imagine Etho irl actually wearing one that big, maybe a fur insulated vest or coat, but nothing that huge hahaha.
My art has definitely changed over time, but here is the changing of my Etho design as well. He certainly had a more Kakashi flavor to him at first. (The glasses were for a request, but I included it for the shape of the hair)
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At one point I even tried to change him further from the Kakashi fit by removing the vest and switching it to a bomber jacket with the colors in the same spots.
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Design wise it's kind of a big catch 22. By moving Etho away from the Kakashi look you are also moving him away from his actual design and thus his look he chose. You can't exactly make assumptions on the pixels and form your own design because an actual design exists since the skin is based on something. It's interesting.
All in all, I like to think my Etho is him and not Kakashi, though it is a bit unavoidable because of the skin. Thank you for the fun question!! 😊
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