#i wanna finish lana in 2022
evermoredeluxe · 1 year
listening to chemtrails over the country club
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saint-magdalena · 2 years
thing #19 Sunday, November 19, 2022 8:57 pm
my mouse arrived today yay !
idk if i mentioned this in the last thingy but a couple of days ago, i ordered a cute pink wireless mouse that i can use with my ipad. even though my keyboard thingy for it already has a trackpad, since i’m using the mechanical keyboard for it now, i’ve been having to reach over to like click stuff and i’m too lazy to do that so yeah. plus, i’ve been doing this thing where every month, i buy a part of a soon-to-be-assembled pc. so last month was a keyboard, now it’s a mouse. next month i’ll probably do either a pc case or a monitor? monitor probably, since i can hook up my ipad to it and use it as kind of a 2nd monitor situation. ooh, i could probably use the monitor as the main monitor, and like use the ipad as like a drawing tablet! yes. that. i’m gonna do that.
though, ugh it’s so hard finding a good affordable monitor because, coming from an ipad pro, i kinda want a monitor thats at least as good as the ipad in terms of like color accuracy and like how dark the blacks and greys are? a lot of the ones i’ve seen a re like super grey compared to my ipad. if i can save up enough though, maybe i’ll be able to afford one of the nicer ones.
also, i bough my first couple fo vapes today. okay, yes, i’m aware that this is a very very bad idea. however, i want to have a like a tangible source of dopamine. and nicotine is kinda like dopamine on tap. also what i’ve been doing for that dopamine boost has basically just been jacking off, and it just isn’t that practical, because a.) masturbating takes way too long for me and b.) i don’t wanna rely on my vibrator too much for my orgasms because i feel like that would just kill my sex drive when it comes to like actual real life people. that being said, i know this sounds bad, but like vaping feels like weirdly cringe? like, it’s way less romantic compared to like actual cigarettes? i feel like i sound like that andrew tate mf when i say that but it just feels so dumb sucking from a little plastic thingy to take a hit. but i hate cigarettes cause they taste icky adn gross, but they look so much cooler than vapes ugh. i’m kinda at the point where i’m looking up videos of lana del rey vaping just to make it more appealing for me, but guess what? it’s all just videos of her smoking actual cigarettes. best i could get out of that search was her “gracias, it’s nicotine” moment on ig live. still, it’ll have to do for now.
i still have about 15 and a half asessments to do before the terms ends. i might be able to finish the math ones tomorrow? idk i have another two that are almost finished but those are the essay one and idk which ones are more tedious.
anyways, i hope you enjoyed my trash takes today. i don’t feel like writing anymore so bye for now mwah.
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