#i wanna share my nonsense with u alllll
khaotunq · 11 months
trick or treat!
HI LIZ!!! AkkAyan college for u~
This fic lies abandoned in my folder because there were too many things I couldn't decide on (like where Ayan ended up going for uni. Mostly where Ayan ended up going for uni.) but here is a snippet!
Ayan had sent his flight tracking number before boarding and had sent him a sleepy selfie before take off, but it had been radio silence ever since, probably because he was sleeping to try and escape the worst of the jet lag.
  The flight landing had been delayed and Akk had resorted to braiding the leaves of a plant in the lounge just to keep himself busy, so he was caught off guard when the doors slid open. He shoved up from his seat and was almost immediately bowled back into it by a warm, familiar weight. Ayan was home. He was used to these airport reunions by that point, so Akk wasn't shy about wrapping his arms around him in front of Ayan's entire flight, most of whom didn't appear to have sprinted past the gate the way Ayan must have.
  He probably felt like hours of travel, but he smelled like home. Akk pressed his face into his shoulder and squeezed, hard. Something he hadn't noticed before that moment settled somewhere behind his sternum.
  "Hi," Ayan said, content to be squished. His bag had been abandoned on the floor several feet back, but he made no move to retrieve it, apparently trying to fit himself into Akk's lap. "You smell good. I missed how you smell."
  "You're ridiculous. No suitcase?"
  He shook his head. "Got everything I need right here."
  He said it with both hands curled into the material of Akk's t-shirt. He wasn't talking about his bag. Akk smiled. "Ready to go home?"
  Ayan's expression, when Akk lifted his head, said he was thinking something cheesy so Akk kissed him gently to cut him off. He tasted faintly of toothpaste and Akk had to pull away to snicker.
  "You'd have complained if I tasted like the fact I've been dead to the world for several hours."
  "I wouldn't have. Not today." And it was true: he was so elated to just have Ayan back in his arms after months that he wouldn't have cared if Ayan had been doing wasabi shots immediately prior to arrival.
  Ayan didn't respond, but he looked pleased. He let Akk tumble him off his lap and brightened even more when Akk went to retrieve his bag and offered his hand to Ayan rather than making him carry it.
  "Tell me my mum's out of town for a week."
  Akk snorted. "She's making you lunch as we speak. We'll stay with her tonight but tomorrow I'm going back to mine, and you're welcome to join me."
  He was yanked to a halt because Ayan stopped dead and pulled him around. "I love you so much." He looked deadly serious, and if this conversation was anything other than Ayan not so subtly telling him they weren't leaving the bedroom for a week, Akk would have melted.
  Instead, he smiled and leaned down for a kiss, squeezing his hand. "I love you too. Now come on. The car's going to be unbearable."
  It was Ayan's car – he'd insisted on Akk taking over its paperwork because it would just sit and rot in a driveway otherwise, and Akk had a funny feeling Ayan would find some excuse to not officially take it back. He was going back to university after the summer and it would just be a hassle to keep changing it around, Akk thought he'd say.
  They exited the airport and were hit with a wall of heat that had Ayan whining in protest the way he did every time he forgot he was from Thailand.
  "Did you not park in the shade?"
  "Your flight was late – it was in the shade when I got here three hours ago."
  "We were only delayed by maybe 45 minutes."
  Akk just smiled at him.
  Ayan lit up. "You missed me! You got here early? I thought you were at work this morning? Did you call in sick just to wait for me at an airport? Look at you – you did!"
  "Don't be ridiculous," Akk said, letting Ayan hip check him to absolutely no effect whatsoever as they crossed to the section where Akk had parked. "I had holiday hours to use."
  He waited a moment, smiling. "I've taken the rest of the week off."
  Ayan dragged him around again and all but jumped on him. They were in the middle of the car park with the sun beating down, but Ayan's mouth was on his properly for the first time in months and there wasn't a force on earth that could have kept Akk from dropping the bag and wrapping both arms around Ayan to kiss him back properly, almost lifting him completely.
  Ayan settled back onto his feet and grinned at him, a little more flushed than the travel and sun could account for.
  "Can we stop at your place first?" He asked, a little breathless and toying with the hem of Akk's shirt. "Maybe you forgot something."
  Akk laughed and shook his head, beeping the car open and heading around to the driver's side, letting Ayan shove his own bag into the back.
  They stopped at Akk's.
  They were late to lunch.
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