#i wanna tell more people about the MFN
dat-silvers-girl · 1 year
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Siyana Devonshire - HPHL OC - Hufflepuff
"For the love of every god I worship, dear... Please eat something." - Siyana, to literally everyone especially Sebastian because sweetie stop reading Slytherin's book for five minutes and GO EAT LUNCH
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Full Name: Siyana Vaishnavi Devonshire
Nicknames: Chandini, Little Fairy
Age: 16
Birthdate: 9th October 1874
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Gender: Female
Nationality/Ethnicity: British/Indian
Blood Status: Muggle-born
House: Hufflepuff
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silvr-skreen · 9 months
I wanna hear about the reboot's season 1 finale, I'm actually quite interested
*big smile of insanity* ok!!! So this one is a 2-parter! Sorry for misspellings I am on my phone it’s 5am and I just woke up and I don’t have my glasses on.
It talks about bigotry and is really kind of dark at points. Like the first half starts kind of funny but slowly loses the jokes, and part 2 only contains 2 jokes at all.
So some stuff that builds up before this includes “Ray has been getting less work” and “on of the human kid characters has a mechanic dad.”
The implication is that he’s been poaching Ray’s customers. Why is a not-so-nice person in the neighborhood? Well the reboot posits that the puppets are moving back in, and realized people aren’t so friendly so they’re trying to bring friendliness back!
So over the course of the first season it’s all pretty lighthearted and silly, with a few consistent moments where you can see the father being short with Ray. You can also slowly see as he manages to cause most of the puppets and other human actors to follow suit.
Now apparently Ray overcharges, talks funny, doesn’t know what he’s talking ABOUT. At first it wasn’t that bad, he still got work, but by the end of the season it’s obvious he hasn’t got any.
So he wasn’t able to keep the deed to his shop.
The human kid character who shall henceforth be known as Marcy has been getting apprenticeships from him (basically he’s been training and teaching her since he’s got nothing else to do and he enjoys it) and she’s distraught. That’s her friend and he’s leaving? It’s not fair!
She goes home to dinner with her dad and he mentions some land investment he made, and it comes out. He took Ray’s customers, made everyone more judgmental and harsh to him, and lo and behold, it’s out of bigotry.
The specific form of bigotry for this one is the kind shown against th Irish, as Ray is Scottish/Irish. The “he talks funny” is derogatory towards his accent and Ray knows it. He knew the whole time.
So she realizes what her dad did and why and she’s horrified and she tries to call it out but he yells at her for not seeing the bigger picture and she’s so distressed she runs out of their house and she ends up crying on the steps outside one of the neighborhood buildings. (The one with the mailbox you know the one.)
Part one ends.
Part twos got a darker tone and a bit more edge to it in an impactful way, so one of the main things in part two is we���re only ever shown the left side of Marcy’s face until way later on.
Another big thing that I didn’t mention is, her dad is a good speaker, he can convince you of a lot, so he’d previously (like in an episode earlier in the season) gotten the puppets to write down negative thoughts so “nobody needs to hear them.”
The message of that one had been about how it’s not good to bottle up your feelings.
However lo and behold he’d taken those papers and gone and dumped them in Ray’s workshop for him to find. Of course, after he removed any information that would help Ray realize it’s not about him.
So Pearl comes over and spots Marcy crying at the start of part 2, asks what’s wrong and Marcy tells her that her friend is getting kicked out because he doesn’t have enough money to keep working and everyone here hates him.
Pearl is sad, and Marcy even offers her one of those sheets of paper to prove it because “look at what they’re saying about him!” Turns out the one she gives Pearl is the one Pearl wrote, and Pearl is confused.
“How did he get this? I was told it was going in a safe, because nobody needs to see it.”
“Well there were like… ten of these!”
At which point Pearl realizes something is afoot, and asks for more info like “well who is it?”
Big reveal, Ray’s Fix is kind of over now. He’s gotta go, he can’t stay because he’s got no house or job or anything - well legally he could but he doesn’t want to.
So Pearl squawks out a distress signal and all the puppets come running to see what’s up, confused.
Marcy gives a much more concise explanation with a lot of tears and crying, the group takes off, hoping maybe he’s at the shop and they can talk to him, but he’s not.
It’s her dad, some contractors, and the mayor. They’re discussing the remodel or possibly taking it all down and starting over. That’s when they try to confront him and the dad feigns ignorance, there was no bigotry, Ray just wasn’t as talented.
A train whistle sounds and they realize there’s a train station nearby and so yet again the group rushes over and Ray is there.
And while in the old show apologies and forgiveness were easily earned/shown this one doesn’t have that. Sure they make up but there the undertone of some upset hurt feelings even after. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
So Ricky tries to extend the branch first, only for Ray to get very angry with him because he wasn’t immune to the “being tricked into believing bigoted talking points and acting on them” thing.
At one point Ricky tries to minimize it by saying that maybe Ray does talk a *little* funny. And ray is. He doesn’t like it.
“Funny to you! Because to you its an accent, you can put it on and take it off whenever it suits your tastes. This is my life! I can’t change who I am and I don’t want to! I just… I want people to like him.” <- almost 100% direct quote
Marcy tugs on his sleeve and he looks down at her, still mad (not at her specifically), but then horrified into silence.
We see her entire face for the first time and the right side of her face has a split lip and bloody nose. The implication being her father hit her.
There’s silence for multiple long minutes as they stare at each other. I can imagine the framing in the back of my mind. It’s the right side of her face and the left side of his, just the two of them front and center, only the soft ambient wind sounds.
She apologizes for not stopping him and Ray crouches down and gently brushes her hair away and tells her he forgives her. “Marcy. You’re nine, you’re not supposed to save the world yet. It’s okay.”
Obviously signaling how while children are the future they need to have their childhood to become the people they can be, and how children aren’t as capable of holding responsibility for something like this as an adult may be due to reasons like family, not being old enough to understand, etc.
The puppets do all apologize again, with real apologies that don’t minimize the situation or imply Ray is overreacting, and he forgives them but says he’s “gonna keep an eye out.” For any bad behavior.
The train goes by and Ray doesn’t get on it, but Ricky mentions a rule he learned never got changed when they left the neighborhood the first time, “If 2/3 of residents believes a building to have been of exemplary service the deed can be reassigned to the owner at the time of service, regardless of current condition, location, or status of life.”
Basically the short is. If they can get 2/3 people to agree Ray’s Fix was a good place, they can get it back. So they’ve got to get a petition. I mean the mayor is already on site. They can do it!
Which they do. It takes a while since they also have to inform a few people “yeah it was bigotry that chased him out the other guy is not so nice.”
Marcy gets the most because who’s going to say no to a nine year old who’s hurt?
Ultimately they present the petition to the mayor and he’s about to grant the deed back and return the shop to Ray, but the dad throws a fit about how “you’re giving this place back to someone like him?!”
Then the phones ring… and keep ringing a lot.
Ultimately as it turns out some of his work was shitty and rushed. He was undercharging people to make it seem like Ray was overcharging them, then when he got rid of Ray he could raise prices all he wanted and there’d be no other repairman to go to.
However his work ethic included “they’re not paying industry standard so I’ll just cut a few corners who’ll know?”
As it turns out? Everyone. As now there’s a couple of issues with lights flickering or turning off, showers spraying like hoses etc.
Guys arrested for a couple of safety violations due to the low quality of work. Ray gets his shop back but it’s been kinda trashed and so he’s gotta put it back the way it was but it’s HIS AGAIN!
It’s. A lot.
Season 2 ep 1 begins with him putting stuff back in its place.
Also funny enough I’ve been typing this for an hour on my phone and I’m so tired man. Ray.
Can you tell he’s my favorite? I hope I’m his favorite.
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 3 years
the fact that i’m scrolling down my tumblr feed and see a post about the anniversary for the release of it chapter two and it’s all sweet and meaningful and i just wanna cry bc i’m legit watching it in that moment, not even realizing the date today. something was just telling me to rewatch them both & i’m not gonna lie y’all, it’s been a while since I’ve watched both movies and I just cried so mfn hard watching eddie die, almost like it was the first time watching it all over again. so seeing that post at the same time just sent me like i really just bawled my eyes out and i’m so sad bc holy shit its been a long time since these movies came out and changed my life, like i made so many connections to people in this fandom and I’ve loved these fictional characters like I’ve known them personally in real life. Its sad to see how quiet and dead the fandom is now like a lot of people have genuinely moved on I feel like and I did the same for a bit of time. I was MIA for a bit and it makes me upset bc i still love this fandom and these movies so much, i miss the way it used to be. I’m sorry for the rant but my goodness am i in my feels or what??? LOL okay i’m gonna shush now thank you for reading my pointless ramble and um i’m gonna go cry some more over this entire situation, i love you guys🥺
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everbuilt-blog · 3 years
I’ve been through the same situation too many times. I’ve learned from each situation and that’s what I can takeaway. I’m thinking of every past relationship that I wouldve kept if it had been up to me and how the person would just stop caring or trying at some point. Whether it had to be me finding out that person cheated, them just slowly fading away, or wanting to use me for what I have, or most recently just the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical unavailability. I told you everything I went through and you always promised you wouldn’t put me through that. You lied even if unintentionally.
I’ve realized in the past that when I wasn’t compatible with someone or I couldn’t give them what they needed to let them go. Never have I ever been in a relationship where a friend of three years. The person you are supposed to trust the most just casually tells you that they will do things for you, or be there for you in the ways you need and never come through. It just took me back. Like yeah you’ve done so much for me and vice versa, but the difference is that I was able to accommodate everything that you asked me to change or be considerate about. Then to top it off when I ask you why? Why why? or what’s going on You never know. Fuck that I deserve better. You handle stuff like the typical guy. Bottle all that shit in not ready to do anything about it and just tear somebody else down in the process of trying to help you.
I give an explanation for everything. I hold people to my same standard. In a relationship you have to be able to do that.
That I bottle my feelings up shit...I dont care. No matter how hard it was for me I would talk to you. I would ask where your head was at. If you told me you felt I was wrong I’d look online for research or opinions to educate myself just to be better. I always asked what I could do better for you for us. If you put half the time you did in making excuses to actually “doing” things wouldn’t have went where they did. That’s the difference. If it was just some asshole girl I was just dating I could’ve dropped her easy. But when your “friend” of three years just kept making excuses it when it actually hurts. Changes a man. All you cared about was how you thought you looked. You didn’t care about me. I try to work stuff out and you would never pull your side of the relationship. I text you trying to talk and you wanna reply two days later or just let me have to resolve it all together by myself like some kind of simp.
You have the nerve to say you were wiped out. Nigga I didn’t “try” to show you how amazing you were I did everything in my power to prove it to you. I remember when you were scared just to have your socks off around people. Watching you walk with your head down. Watching how shy you were with people. Watching how little self care you did( I still couldn’t help with that), Watching the way you dressed. I literally helped build you up to the point where I let my own damn self go. I did get tired after a point. Becuase you didn’t want to help yourself anymore. You stopped trying to take steps to get better. You were happier watching losers on tumble say it’s okay to basically be nothing and to be happy with that. I was fed up and said that you would be on your own. I sucked that shit right up and started doing everything that you needed to do on your own with you becuase that’s what relationships are about. More importantly I cared about you more than trying to make you take responsibility for yourself. Like what. And you had the nerve to not be able to be there in the few ways I needed you to. So no you don’t get to miss me. Not anymore.
When I say you don’t have to do something that’s the nice way of saying you don’t owe me shit. It was too much for you to give me what I gave you just from watching your actions. I expect what I give in a relationship. No less.
I’d ask you why you left me hanging the way you did but I don’t even care anymore. You had 3 years to open up and answer my questions so we could work through things together. As lonely as things might feel I hope to God that you don’t put another person through this again.
There’s a time when we have to realize that hey I’m not supposed to be in a relationship I need to work on myself. I did that at one point. I took a few steps back but I’m gonna do better for myself. But like you have an issue with issues even being addressed and then youd never do anything abt it. I can’t tell you how many times I put up w the dirty ass room (when you told me how you felt about mine and not wanting to come over I fixed that shit ASAP), bad breath becuase you won’t floss or brush your damn teeth like what, random body odors because you won’t shower, slight mustache and unibrow you ended up growing that I never told you about because I couldn’t even get you to floss, I’m watching you go a few days to a week without a shower. Wearing the same mfn shorts to where they smell like ass and got the nerve to curl your lip when I tell you in the nicest way possible. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard. Not for me but you. This applies mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I forgive you.
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