#i wanna yolo oko
catsconstellation · 2 years
On damage to the brain, abnormal daily functioning, and honoring all levels of abilities
feel free to add on, please. here’s my start, it’s messy a bit, excuse it if you can:
We need to continue schooling Throughout our entire lifes and without nonsense like judgments, proving things, etc like with traditional schooling ok. there needs to be more of a push for treating adults that aren’t paying attention to the world around them or CAN’T like a student who isn’t paying attention in the classroom and just needs support instead of eventually becoming the dunce in the corner.
i think people have got to do some type of nation wide community event highlighting everything to occur in a year... kinda like a mfing. youtube rewind recap but cool and good cause its not that. we gotta do like, fucking massive ass art festivals inperson, ones where we share something with people and learn from places not everyone gets the chance to understand like you or i do or have the capacity to. idk some sort of important event versus ones we have now. Holidays are cute and all but we have got to get one that works for what they’re worth LOL... im being serious.
So It absolutely has to happen wtf even some nonchalant testing on knowledge on current events through out the year/ at the end of every year like a final couldnt hurt... like, I think we all know how much fun testing our knowledge can be, shouldnt we just do that with everyone, for everyone? we really need to exercise our understanding in some way and  i think if we like, encourage self motivated testing on how we’re doing year to year we can totally have some healthy practices to keep us safe learnt from everyone from most corners of our community that can be good for everyone in our larger scale!
Learning and keeping up it is a skill set i remember practicing a lot as a kid but lack in a meaningful way now as an adult, likely due to my brain damage. This is coming from someone with an intellectual disability i’ve carried my whole life, im 21 now. personally mine comes from physical/abuse trauma damage so I’m speaking from that perspective! If your experience is different, here’s your chance learn from mine and try and use it validate yours a bit more too <3
Some people just have genuine disconnect, my guess it comes from when they are negatively reinforced about the way the are when expected for a different quota. I guess it’s a lot more flat out now that I typed it down, Anyways, I’m just tired of understanding so many people who are objectively wrong in a lot of derailing ways when it comes to how we as a society all come together alike as I am in differing ways, becoming all too damaging and get no support. makes me feel alienated in a world i know isnt build for me as much as i’d need it to be. BUT I’d love to see it be. please.
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