#i want a boyfriend so desperately baaaddd
tyrannoshirt-moved 7 years
anyways if any of u guys remember me posting about that cute boy in my spanish class he IS gay i got it confirmed from his friend and 馃憖 馃憖 馃憖 馃憖
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dualfox 6 years
What's been happening? How's life?
A lot! Or at least it feels like a lot. I finally got more hours at work. Still need to get a full time job though. I have been attending driving school for 6 weeks and passed. And now I have one more drive and still need lots of practice before I can even take the tests for getting my liscense. I STILL make wide turns Driving with a parent is stressful...and she just got a new car. So this should be interesting... 馃槄 Also dealing with responsibilities at home and bleh...Oh and today me and my brother are going to celebrate a late Mother's Day. Since my mom and I were busy with work that day.I was really amused (cracking up) at how many people reacted to the comment I left on the last post. So I'll go into some detail about that. 1. Because it's highly amusing imo 2. He's not like anyone I've ever met (I'll give an example why) 馃槅 3. It's part of the happenings currentlySo he has made this pic of himself (reminds me of a fuckboy pic) as his profile pic. And this was last year. He took a selfie in the bathroom mirror kinda showing off. But being more shy and looking down with a small smile. Also he was dating his gf at that time. All the pics from that point on felt off (didn't know about his relationship till a year later. It's just those pictures of him and her (I don't assume) or just him or anything felt really off and so I unfollowed him. So that I wouldn't see anything anymore in my newsfeed about him. Since I don't actively go looking through profiles. Since that's just creepy. Plus he gets tagged a lot by his mother and then that gf). Despite running into him a lot since ya know...fate or something or what have you. I really had NO idea about the relationship. I just KNEW something wasn't right. Felt wrong. And I could tell by his odd behavior. Yeah...we don't really talk to each other btw. Too awkward for him and I kinda gave up. Yeah...about that found out he was forced into that relationship by possibly his mother. Which explains EVERYTHING. He has the relationship hidden. You'd have to search for it to find it. No pics of her are as featured. Only him and his family. Kinda tells you WHO is important in his life. Doesn't it?? And his mother left a comment on a picture of them. Where he's posing with her for a selfie. And guys! He looked like such a stranger even felt like one from that one pic (which she made her profile pic). And no his profile pic is still JUST him. Her comment was pretty disturbing. It basically sounds like she's surprised that his gf can "handle" him. Almost as if she's afraid of her own son...wtf What even... Before I even knew about them dating. He suddenly became sooo desperate to get my attention. Would honk at me. Slow down when he saw me. Would get his buddies to spy on me at my work. And he would show up and just stare into my eyes as he walked past. Anytime he's in the store he wears a cap! And only at my work. Like he thinks it's a disguise! And I'll see him outside the store without it. He'd honk, wave anytime he saw me even act like he'll run me over when he see me....and then quickly turn and speed off. Who even does that?? I mind my own business. And without talking to anyone. I find out things about him lately. I overheard a conversation on the bus just a day ago even! Some dude was talking with some other guy. About a relationship saying that the guy or the girl told the other that they need to "take a break" and he think it eludes to them breaking up. Well I thought it rude of me to just listen in. So I was about to listen to my music again. When I hear them mention about a girl that works in a certain department (it's a department exclusive to our store and I'm the only girl *cough*) And that the guy keeps staring at her and he doesn't understand why. Something about a "face expression" and "not being fooled." Well just the day before. Guess who did that? Yuppers. Then he mentions the gf by name. Look. I didn't know who she was. And then one day some girl came by my work a few times shooting me dirty looks each time with some random guy (not her bf)...ok...I stood my ground and kept an eye on her. Bad vibes...And guess who she was...his gf. I was floored! Don't know why she was so mad. He's the one showing up at my work. Not the other way around. And here she was acting like a couple with someone who's not her boyfriend....and each time a different dude....helloooo??? What the heck. My life isn't normal. Ok so the dude on the bus has basically made it known that he's a friend of his. And goes on a rant about this girl. He says "I can't believe this is the same girl that told me that she's soooo baaaddd because she pops pills." Oh my god...how is that "baaaddd." (What I've seen and heard about her...she seems very stuck up. And her bf seems to avoid her like the plague. Because I never see them together. Even in those pics. There's distance between them and just...nooo. She looks like she's showing off a prize. I don't know how to explain it. And where's the smile on his face??? Odd. Besides, he's always with his friends or by himself when I see him. Which is pretty frequent since...well life I guess). So the dude on the bus cusses about her calling her a "bitch" multiple times (they got scolded by the busdriver for their "bad language." It's a public bus). They were roasting her about her being short and something about height difference between two people. I don't know what she did...but people seem to really despise her for some reason...I looked at the dude talking before I got off at my stop. And...I recognized him. I've seen this guy walking with him in my store. The day he walked by and proceeded to stare intensely into my eyes as he walked past. Then went over to an aisle and talked with him. Before walking out doing the same thing with the staring. And I even had an associate ask me about the weird guy who walked by twice ans was staring smh Which by the way. Doesn't creep me out at all. We just understand each other somehow. As illogical as that is. It's just this knowing. Anyways, I'vee talked smack about his friends. Because they are very rebellious people. But...honestly. From what I've seen they really care about him. Also he now looks miserable when I see him with his family (specifically his mom). But absolutely free and just having a blast when he's with his friends... I mean here was this friend of his sharing his frustration with some random stranger on the bus. Because he was worried about his friend. Ok I know this is a long post. So I'll wrap this up. I saw him later that day yesterday. After I'd seen him sitting outside the store. And he looked like he was trying to hide. And then he was back hours later further away and when he turned and looked at me. I started cracking up and said "AGAAAIIINNN?"Well later in the evening. I end up going to the store near us with my family. I see a group of guys that work there talking to each other. Sorta watching me. But eh. And I notice there's someone that I can't really see. So I take a peek. And guess who? He looks absolutely overjoyed! The biggest smile on his face. And he's looking at me...??? While my brother and me are talking and my brother is being a goofball and I keep trying to get him to shush or stop. Weird day. I didn't know he still worked there.Yeah...that got pretty long. I don't know why I felt like I should share that.But there it is. I guess he's supposed to be in my life. I just want him to be happy. That's all I can ever wish for him. Ok. I'll add one more thing. He needs to stand up for himself and make his own choices. It's his life. And if someone disagrees. Then that doesn't matter. And same goes for all of you. Make your own decisions. Don't feel pressured or obligated to do or be someone that goes against who you are or what's in your heart. Thank you anon for your question! I hope my answer wasn't too boring or anything. Have a lovely day! 馃挏
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