#i want him to hold me tight goddddddddd
darby-rowe · 6 months
so very glad we (you and kit) have started talking about billy with a piss kink cause god i need that man.
i want him to make me hold it and then push me up against the wall of a saloon outside in a darky alleyway and hike up my dress and make me piss on his cock while he jerks off and he has to keep me quiet and it’s so risky because anyone could walk by I MEAN WHAATTTTT WHO SAID THATTT
18+ | nsfw | mdni
cw piss, fem!reader
“c’mon, honey, give it to me,” billy gasps as you watch him fist his rock-hard cock positioned perfectly under your pussy. you’re whining at the ache of your bladder, having held in your piss for hours. and now you’re stuck in a quite compromising position outside of the saloon.
“honey — ah — c’mon,” billy grunts, and you watch with eyebrows drawn tight as his body shakes with the motion of his hand pumping his dick up and down. “fuck, hurry. ‘bout to cum,”
you feel a large wave of relief wash over your body as warm liquid finally came gushing out onto billy’s hand and cock. the sound and sight of him cumming hard has your pussy throbbing and pulsating, using your forefingers to spread your lips to make sure your aim is accurate.
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lihikainanea · 5 years
The other ask was...what would happen if Tiger was in an accident and she had to go to the hospital and Bill was out of town and she didn't want him know and worry about her so she didnt tell him and he finds out later from a mutual friend.
Oh my goddddddddd babes, my soff heart.
Alright look, follow me here, alright? A little while ago, I wrote a small blurb on how tiger once totalled her car. What if this happened at the same time? But like, did he find out from a mutual friend, or did he come home and find her all banged up? God I don’t know let’s see where this goes.
Maybe Bill was indeed away somewhere. So tiger’s car gets smashed and all things considered, she’s mostly okay. Maybe a broken wrist, or at least a really badly bruised one. She’s got a black eye and a split lip from the air bag, the seatbelt left a huge, angry bruise across her chest and hell maybe it even cracked a rib. She’s shaken up and she’s actually hurt, but tiger has a lot of people in her life who love her--her parents, her friends circle. And even in her shook up state when all she wants is Bill, she can’t bear to throw this on him--because she knows how much it would destroy him, how worried he would be for her, how he would drop absolutely everything and come running to her side. Tiger is not alone, and maybe if she was this would be a different story, but she has...other people. And those people are not Bill, but in a time of crisis, they’re still people she loves and trusts and she’d rather lean on them than cause an absolute panic with Bill.
She’s brought to the hospital to be patched up, but when she sees the suture kit come out she breaks down, heaves, panics to the point where the doctors probably have to hold her down a bit, lest she fuck up her recently reset wrist or hurt her ribs even worse. In her delirium she yells for Bill, sobs for him, and the doctors probably decide that it’s better for everyone--including her--if they go ahead and sedate her a bit. Once she’s out they stitch up her lip, and thankfully her wrist doesn’t need a full cast so they wrap it instead and she’s wheeled out to where her parents are waiting. She spends a few days with them, just because she’s definitely going to need some help at least until the pain subsides.
And she doesn’t say a word to Bill. Despite how scared she is, the nightmares she’s getting, the flashbacks, the pain she’s in--every time he calls her, she fakes a happy voice, and doesn’t mention a goddamn thing.
He’s back a few weeks later and thankfully by then at least the black eyes have faded, the stitches in her lip have dissolved. Her torso is still a mess of cuts and bruises from the seatbelt--deep, angry contusions that still cause her breath to hitch every time she moves too quickly. Her wrist still has a thick padded bandage, but she’s wearing a big wool sweater that can mask it a bit. She’s still not sure how--or if--she’s going to tell him, but she definitely needs a plan because she knows the first thing he’s going to do is reach for her, back her up into the bedroom, pull her clothes off. She needs to find some excuse to just hold him off for awhile, until she heals and the marks are gone.
She didn’t anticipate it to work, really, but it was worth a shot.
And when he came in that night, unlocking her door and putting his suitcase down, he beamed when he saw her.
“Hey kid,” he greeted, “I wasn’t sure if you were home. I didn’t see your car.”
“It’s in the shop,” she says without missing a beat, “Needed an oil change and a tune up.”
He kicks off his shoes, opening his arms to her. She smiles wide, tucking in to them.
“Hi,” she greets, and he captures her lips in a deep kiss.
“Hi,” he murmurs when he breaks the kiss, “I missed you.”
And then he presses his chest to hers, pulling her in to a tight hug. Tiger clenches her eyes shut, gritting her teeth when he squeezes her, her ribs screaming in pain. He mistakes her gasp for one full of good emotions--that she missed him, and it feels good to be back in his arms--and to her complete horror he squeezes her even tighter. She has tears in her eyes when he finally pulls away, but thankfully--he misinterprets that too. Because at this point--how could he possibly know?
“You big sap,” he jokes as he swipes her cheeks with his thumbs, “Getting all emotional already.”
She smiles and fakes a bit of a laugh despite the stabbing pain it causes in her ribs.
“Come on, I made you food,” she tries as she turns to walk down the hall--anything to keep his mind away from the bedroom, and trying to take her clothes off.
It doesn’t work. In fact, it backfires. Spectacularly.
“Great,” he says cheerily, “But I’m going to devour you, first.”
And then he grabs onto her wrist--but it’s her bad wrist. And the shriek that tiger let out was the worst sound he had ever heard and he retracted his hand immediately as she clutched her wrist and choked back a sob. But the sudden movement, the deep inhale as she tried to breathe through the pain, also just sent a searing flash through her chest and ribs and she doubled over, clutching at them too. Bill is staring at her, panicked, but he tries to stay calm.
“Tiger,” he says calmly, “What happened?”
She breathes, a sharp inhale through her nose, and tries to stand up straight.
“Nothing,” she said, “Just my carpal tunnel acting up again.”
And she turns away because she can’t control the pain contorting her features anymore, but Bill isn’t buying it for one second. And he quickly moves, gets in front of her, and stops her in her tracks.
Before she can react he grabs her elbow, pulls up the sleeve of her shirt, and reveals the thick, intricate wrap on her wrist. Bill’s blood runs cold. Because like, here’s the thing, right? If tiger just hurt her wrist, she would have told him that in one of their conversations. The kid’s clumsy, she’s always getting little injuries here and there and it’s no big deal. But the fact that she got hurt, and that she didn’t tell him, means that she’s hiding something. It means that she’s much, much more hurt than what he’s just seeing here.
“Tiger,” he closes his eyes for a brief second to try and get his emotions under control, “What. Happened.”
She bites her lip, tries to avoid his gaze, but he grabs onto her chin softly. Her eyes well with tears.
“I got into a car accident,” she mumbles lowly. Bill doesn’t blink, his eyes are just glaring holes through hers, and he doesn’t let her pull her chin away.
“I’m okay,” she continues nervously, “I just got a little banged up.”
“Where else are you banged up, tiger?” he asks, and his voice is dangerously low. He’s not mad, he’s just absolutely terrified.
She sniffles, hesitates for a second, but then she grabs the hem of her shirt. She slowly lifts it over her head, wincing a little when she lifts her arms, and then tosses it to the side. She looks up at him, and waits for his reaction. His eyes are scanning her, widening in disbelief at the sheer amount and depth of the bruises littering her ribs and her chest, and he sucks in a breath.
“Tiger,” he whispers and his voice cracks, “Are you okay?”
She nods.
“It’s better now,” she says. Bill looks like he’s losing it, his eyes well with tears but he blinks them back, bending to get a better look at her ribs. He reaches a hand out, looking up at her for permission. She nods.
“Is anything broken?” he asks, and he softly glides his fingertips over her bruised skin.
“Two ribs,” she mumbles, “And a bruised sternum. All from the seatbelt.”
He bites his lip, but then in a flash he’s upright again, and he’s grabbing her face and kissing the hell out of her. She squeaks in surprise but then kind of melts into it, and I’ll bet the poor bean even cries. She didn’t like hiding this from him. She didn’t like lying. But she also didn’t like that he wasn’t here, that he couldn’t help her, take care of her. She hates that all of this happened. But now she’s just...she’s glad he’s here. Because that accident terrified her, it made her so scared, and even though she’s been surrounded by people taking care of her, all she wanted was him. And now he’s here, and he knows, and he can help. And she finally fucking feels safe again, for the first time a long time. The tears are wetting her cheeks and he’s swiping them away, kissing her harder until she can’t breathe. And when he finally breaks apart and rests his forehead on hers, his chest is heaving and his eyes are still closed.
“Tiger, why didn’t you tell me?” he asks. And it’s not accusatory in the least. He wants to be angry, wants to be so mad at her for keeping this a secret because if he had known then he could have helped. He wants to be furious, but he’s just....terrified. He’s so scared for her, and it’s so strong that it’s the only emotion he’s capable of feeling.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” she sniffles, “I knew that if I told you, you would've dropped everything and come home. And I didn’t want you to do that.”
He’s silent, still just breathing her in, trying to absorb everything she’s telling him.
“Are you mad at me?” she mumbles. He opens his eyes, kisses her deeply again.
“I’m a lot of things right now,” he tells her honestly, his voice cracking, as he cups her cheeks again, “I’m angry that you hid this from me, yes. But more than that...I’m thankful that you’re only a little banged up, and that it wasn’t worse. I’m worried, because I know that you’re in pain. I’m scared, because I can’t even imagine how scared you must have been. And I’m glad that I’m home, so that we can figure this out together.”
She nods softly, closing her eyes and resting her forehead against his chest.
“Tiger are you.....are you okay?” he asks again, and she nods.
“It was a lot Bill,” she says quietly, “And I’m glad you’re home.”
God, my soff heart, I’ll bet the sex is so goddamn sweet and gentle. Because let’s face it, tiger is banged up to high hell but there’s no way they’re not going to do it, because both of them need that closeness. Tiger needs to feel good again, needs to be reassured that he’s home now, and that everything will be okay. And for his part, Bill needs that closeness with her too, needs to make sure that she’s okay and just needs to feel her. His mind gets away on him-and you can’t blame the guy--he wasn’t there for the accident so he can only imagine how fucking bad it was, and how scared she was, how hurt she really was. He needs that closeness with her because it reassures him that she’s okay for the most part, she just needs some time to heal.
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