#i want more cheesy guys with high eq!!!!
dramavixen · 2 years
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love triangle? never heard of her
bonus overly functional family (?) photo:
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denimini · 6 years
your views on jimin being extremely flirty and touchy with almost every other guy including jungkook? i dont think its only jk hes that with everyone
Hi, Anon! I’m sorry this ask took awhile as I’ve been taking a break lately but I’m here so let’s get to the answer
I’ll start by making this clear: My views on Jimin’s touchiness and overall personality is not that he is “extremely flirty” at all. In fact, I think people often mistake his amazing social skills, his very high EQ and friendliness as flirting. 
Yes, sometimes I think his behaviour is intended to fluster and provoke a reaction but a lot of times he’s simply being himself, laughing, smiling or hugging a member and people immediately claim that “he’s flirting” when that’s not exactly the case. He’s simply adorable and a lot of times people react to it (a good example Chanyeol getting flustered during an interview) but that is not Jimin trying to flirt; it’s him being his charming self that people tend to like and fall for (who could blame them, look at me and I’ve never even met him in person)
Flirting as I would describe it is deliberately taking actions to elicit some sort of attraction to your own self in another person, to draw them or to induce sexual arousal and this is not what I would describe his everyday behaviour as. Him hugging, throwing himself over someone when laughing, complimenting or putting his hand on a member’s shoulder is not flirting; it’s Jimin being Jimin and showing his affection to the members who he loves dearly. Of course, there are instances where I would consider his behaviour as more than standard “Jiminess” but my point is these cases are a lot less than people make them out to be (in my humble opinion). 
Skinship in BTS (and in kpop in general) is not something that telling for the relationship between two members as they are all close and have lived together for years so physical contact (hugs, sitting on laps, cuddling) is nothing that unusual to them. They are all very comfortable with each other’s bodies, they all have seen each other naked probablya thousand times. It’s not that big of a deal as we shippers often make it and  the connection between two people is not solely determined by how much they touch. It’s more about the nature of the interactions and the whole picture. 
Taking all of this into consideration, Jimin still touches Jungkook a lot, like a lot. Just this recent comeback every time they go at recordings we have new reports about them engaging in skinship and a lot of those times it was Jimin who initiated them. But it’s not even the quantity of the moments between them that’s interesting, it’s about their essence. Jimin may hug the members a lot but I’ve never seen him putting his fingers in their butt like he did more than once (or twice, or three times, or four actually) with Jungkook at the end of DNA. He doesn’t stroke their necks and hair with so much fondness as he did to JK in BV2 Behind the scenes either. He doesn’t manhandle them into giving him piggyback rides nor does he pretend to kiss their necks at fansigns. So there’s still some difference to me. There’s Jimin with the other members, being touchy and affectionate, “flirty” if you insist to use this word (even though I beg to differ) 
and there’s Jimin with Jungkook: downright filthy and 18+ half of the time and the other half looking and touching him as if he would marry him on the spot. 
That being said, when it comes to Jikook I find Jungkook’s behaviour very interesting, even more than Jimin’s. Most of the times the members let JM do whatever he wants and welcome his affection but it’s Jungkook who would try to push Jimin into flirting with him by choosing cheesy pick up lines and grabbing every opportunity to fluster him. He would flirt back every chance he gets nowadays (sometimes furiously dare I say) and he shows no signs of shame in doing so, using his “special Jimin voice” as I would call it: lower, huskier, Busan Satoori coming out to play, looking straight into Jimin’s eyes, putting his hand on him, calling him “Jimin-ssi” because (and I quote) “It fulfills him” , especially using their dialect because then “it gives stronger feeling” (boi, what do you need it to be any stronger for, ain’t it enough for you). He doesn’t really do that with anyone else.
Jimin on the other hand gets so shy and adorable, he giggles, he glances down, he gets embarrassed. All things that are not usual for him and that one would expect of him given his reputation as “”“very flirty””” (double quotation marks for emphasis here). It’s a sight to behold actually: the king of teasing and seduction being teased and flustered, acting like his crush talked to him for the first time. All that because of his dongsaeng, someone younger than him with 2 years. And more often than not Jungkook doesn’t even have to do anything special, he simply gazes at him and uses The Voice ™. Can you imagine having so much power? Low and behold our superhero. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? nope, it’s Jungkook giving less than 0 f*cks and using his superpowers without breaks (sometimes on national TV, may I add).
The chemistry JM and JK have.. it’s just not something you can fake (or apparently hide). Even when they’re not touching, when they’re simply talking (often across the room) it still feels different, it feels like we’re intruding on something that we shouldn’t witness, a private moment. This is what separates them from anyone else in my opinion. 
What that chemistry means, I have no idea. They might be dating, they might be just fooling around, maybe they’re just suuuuper close friends who know each other in and out and like to tease one another. But in any case the connection is there and it’s stronger than ever this comeback.
You don’t even have to look at them to feel it; close your eyes and just listen to them talking with each other and then with the other members (for example in the comeback vlive) and you’ll know what I’m talking about. 
Peace and Love 
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smoothshift · 5 years
I set out to buy a Lexus and came home with a Mercedes: A Cautionary Tale for Dealerships via /r/cars
I set out to buy a Lexus and came home with a Mercedes: A Cautionary Tale for Dealerships
Just a warning: this is probably going to be kind of long, so just scroll to the bottom for closing thoughts. Here are some tl;dr pictures - absolutely gorgeous.
The Background: So about a year ago, the lease on my wife's (L) Mini Countryman was about to end, and we were looking for an upgrade. The Mini was fun enough, but it was time for something nicer. L had her heart set on a Panamera, but was also interested in the LC500. Really, the only requirements we had were: at least four seats, and it had to be interesting. No standard sedans, absolutely no SUVs, no hatchbacks or wagons. It wasn't a super long list.
First stop: Porsche. We had a fantastic experience, an awesome salesperson, and had specced out, ordered, and put a deposit down on a 2018 Panamera. Unfortunately, I had a repo on my record (long story, walked away from a car that wasn't worth finishing payments on), and even though it was about to fall off, Porsche will not give a lease to anyone with a repo on their credit report, no exceptions. Then we went to Lexus and had a... mixed experience.
Then life happened and we didn't really need a second car, so it kind of went on the back burner. Fast forward to now...
First stop, Lexus: We had the day free since the kiddo was out with friends, so we decided that this weekend was when we get a new car! First stop, a Lexus dealership that claimed to have an LC with the option we wanted: the toasted caramel interior, which is shockingly rare even though it's by far the best one.
The experience started off frustrating - why the fuck is it so difficult for dealerships to have clearly-marked drives and obvious parking areas and entrances? We pulled up and were greeted by a sales guy in a polo shirt. I only mention that as a contrast for later. The dealership itself was an inoffensive beige. So inoffensive it was offensive. Like, super grim. Low ceiling, poor lighting, cramped cubicles, weird smell, meh carpet. Again, this is in contrast to later.
They don't take us super seriously. First, he said he didn't think they had any in - there was a bright red one sitting in the showroom like 10 feet from his desk. The he says he's not sure if they have the one on the website in stock (side note: how the fuck does the website not update based on the dealership's inventory system? This is like 20 year old tech at this point. Why are car dealerships so pathetically outdated?) Finally he lead us out to the garage and showed us the car. We declined the test drive, since we've already driven the car twice, talked a little about the LC F (660HP, but $170,000 MSRP - these things are going to sit on lots until they're sold for 50% off like the NSX was.)
We get to his desk and start talking numbers. It's important to remember that Lexus set a goal of 400 - 500 units per month, and has fallen pathetically short since. The car has sold an average of 150 units per month over the last several months, and has been in a state of permanent discount. Since May of last year, there has not been a single month that they haven't been running a lease special of $4k down / $1199 per month. Our target price was $1,000 per month thanks to some other discounts. They comes back with a counter-offer: $1,700 / month, $5,000 down. The special they have going now is only on 2018 models, and the one we want is a 2019. They start with the "These are super in demand, we can't keep them on the lot." A month and a half this thing has been sitting. Flying off the lots my ass. They wouldn't budge, so we walked out. I get tough negotiating, but I have no patience with people bullshitting about how awesome they are. You sell Toyotas. And not ones that are in high demand. And you do so from a beige hell of tiny, cramped, poorly lit cubicles.
Next, Mercedes: We needed a car, so on a whim we went to MB down the street. I figured, may as well look at a CLS, since it has been reviewed positively and was in the same class as a Panamera, and was cool and funky looking. The Mercedes dealership is immaculate - amazing cars in the showroom, gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows and giant skylights, everything is spotless, there's a coffee station (Lexus had a paid cafe. I'm making a 5-figure purchase from you, and you want me to pay for your shitty coffee?), it smells nice. The sales guy is wearing a well-tailored suit and nice shoes. I'm a whore for menswear, so I notice. It's not a polo shirt and khakis. We're dressed super casual and the sales guy didn't see us pull up in the Jag, but immediately takes us seriously and starts showing us CLSes - we still want a light interior, and it's rare, so it takes a while to find it.
The sales guy is way more personable and at ease than the Lexus guy. We find a gorgeous 2019 CLS 450 in designo Diamnod White Metallic with tan and Titian red leather and an Elm inlay. Mercedes needs to cut that shit out - your cars are nice enough, you don't need to go with ridiculous names. Test drive is great, the sales guy matches our numbers pretty closely and works with us to get it where we want, people stop by in rotation and none of them can stop talking about how much they genuinely love MB. Our sales guy talks about how the day he went to AMG performance school was the happiest day of his life. Four hours later, we leave in a new CLS 450. The entire experience felt incredibly personal, pleasant, and professional - which is rare in Miami, and rarer at car dealerships. We're paying significantly less for a car that's at least as nice as the LC, and the whole experience was actually pleasant.
So Lexus, thanks, but no thanks. Never again. If I come in to buy the most expensive car on your lot and you don't try any harder than you would for a basic trying to pick up a CPO RX, that's not a good look.
The Car / TL;DR: Here it is - absolutely gorgeous.
What initially drew us to the LC was the funky futuristic shape, and the absolutely immaculate interior. The craftsmanship and details in the LC are awesome. The CLS is at least as good. Every single detail is perfect. The reading/map lights come on slowly and then provide amazing illumination. The funky LED in-car lighting seems like it should be cheesy, but it actually super cool. All the buttons are solid and made of real metal. The wood inlay is incredibly nice, and the leather is probably the best in this class (again, menswear whore married to a bag whore - we know our leather.) The infotainment isn't a touch screen, but still works very well. The car is eerily quiet - the EQ drive is weird, but in a cool way. And I'm getting 23 MPG city. The car isn't fast, per se, but surprisingly it's faster than the base Panamera, and as fast as the LC (at least in a straight line.) Overall, it's just such a nice place to be - it's comfortable, and totally different than the F-Type which constantly tries to rip your face off. The CLS just wants to chill out. And the air vent perfume system is absolutely ludicrous, but also oddly pleasant.
Just thought I'd rant for a minute, because I really wanted an LC, and the Lexus dealership totally soured me on the experience. And really, $170,000 for an LC F? Come on, guys. A 600 hp Toyota just isn't worth that much. Have you learned nothing from the LC and LFA?
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