#i want rung to be unhinged as well. could you imagine finding out your therapist is fucking unhinged? wild
saltysaltdog · 3 years
For those of you confused, Megatron(tfp) isn't chaotic, he's a madlad. He understands societal convention just fine and chooses to subvert it. This does occasionally cause chaos but isn't actually truely chaotic energy. He will absolutely commit to the bit when challenged.
(Note this is not about dnd chaotic, that's different.)
The type of guy who would write his report on plagiarism about how his proffessor failed to give credit to coworkers/assistants and took their ideas.
Also the type of guy who would lie about not peeling oranges before eating them, all because someone made fun of him peeling one with his teeth, get sick from doing so, not see that person for three years, remember the interaction when he saw the person, and do the exact same thing.
Shattered glass Megatron would be too powerful for us. Would say, "math is like, soooooo hard for me." With 2 PhDs in it in the background. "I've only memorized the first nine digits of pi, isn't that awful?"
If an idiot pushes push bc they don't think meg knows it, will absolutely double down and go, "oh you know, 1, 2, 3, 4..."
No, location does not matter, would do this as a keynote speaker at space NASA.
Optimus is not chaotic. He's feral. Man doesn't know what the hell applause is. Claps once at the end because everyone else was clapping (Canon rescue bots). He may be partially domesticated but doesn't fully understand basic societal rules.
The type of guy who you'd give an orange to and he'd just say thank you and put it on his shelf because he doesn't know what to do with it. Once you told him it was a fruit he'd be like oh, and bite into it like an apple.
If not immediately corrected just thinks that's the way to eat them. Will politely inform you "Yes. I am enjoying it," because he understands that is polite. Will one day comment about "oranges are really bitter for a fruit. Are they like tomatoes?" And absolutely horrify someone who tries to give him an extra sweet orange. There's a 50/50 chance he instead finds this out by trying to substitute oranges with tomatoes when making pizza sauce and scarring people for life.
Optimus would be asked to go fishing and having only seen bears fishing on tv would try to do that. He would also somehow manage to catch one. Someone: "How did you do that, I haven't even gotten out the poles yet." OP about to give this person a stroke: "poles?"
The occasional brush with being feral is Op's best trait. If you disagree you are wrong.
Now both of these are on the chaotic spectrum, however, what both lack is majorly the "whim" factor. They may have had it once but lack it now. You will not see Optimus go completely unhinged and run after cars on all fours. Megatron will not spontaneously decide to fuck with someone and wear so much glitter he looks like a disco ball only when say, Steve, has the night shift.
This form of chaotic is best displayed by someone walking towards the elevator and noticing the open air balcony right beside it and jumping off that to get down. Your mileage may vary on who is the best example (Rodimus or Smokescreen perhaps?) but whoever it is will still be on one side of the unintentional vs intentional and madlad vs feral chaotic energy.
Optimus is unintentional feral, Megatron is intentional madlad.
Starscream (if you're wondering) is an unintentional madlad. He is the type of person who will sit beside someone start telling them all about his buck wild day, turn to them in the middle of it, "wait, who are you?" Then decide he doesn't care. "Oh, nevermind. So as I was..."
I'm not sure who I would label as intentionally feral, but it would have to be someone who decides the best response to someone saying something they didn't like is to bark at them. Soundwave might I suppose, but he would bounce too close to madlad behaviour. Tentatively I suppose Shockwave would think laying down and staring at the ceiling because he heard surprising news is a reasonable thing to do. But he also explains exactly every horrifying thing he plans on doing to someone because he thinks it will scare them less, which makes him run too close to unintentional feral behaviour.
Now the final sphere is unhinged behaviour.
This is the type of person who when told they have big eyebrows will film themselves shaving them off. The type of person who when you post something they don't like will come to your house and use your pc to delete it. Someone who pays in coins but tips in bills; not a large tip or anything. Just standard. They only have cups in their house, no bowls or plates, they like cups better.
I mean... sure but why? How are these things related?
The most chaos thing to be aligned with but to be truly chaotic is to bounce between all of them.
Anyway I haven't read/watched anything with Vortex in it but that's him. Goodnight everybody!
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