#i want them both to fangirl over bea n just try to one up each other to show how much bea loves them
Ava: OMG, Beatrice is so hot.
Ava: Sorry, it just hits me sometimes, y’know?
Lilith: Beatrice is the first woman I ever saw naked, actually, so I know what you mean.
Ava: I hate you so goddamn much sometimes.
OH MY GOD?????????
no but lilith n ava having a sort of competition to see just. how much they like beatrice. beatrice is the only one oblivious to this but it takes 2 weeks of this for the others to beg them to stop
"beatrice n i have spread rumors together, YEARS AGO, yknow, we've known each other longer, just fyi" "oh yeah??? well she came out to ME. n held my face tenderly after i overcame a huge obstacle in my life." ok 1) we all know bea is gay. we've all told her so she doesnt have to. ure not special. and 2) have u ever seen her go apeshit?" "what??" "yh thats right. i got severely wounded in a mission n let me tell you, she was a killing machine :))). thats how much she cares abt me btw" "yh well shes always protecting me, n looking at me with those beautiful big brown eyes-" "ooh yh those, good lor-" "yh i knowww-"
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