#i want this to give the same vibe of that jimmy neutron meme
hxvemxnd · 1 year
[ catch ]
PROMPTS FOR nonverbal communication
[ catch ] sender catches receiver’s eye across a room and winks at them
They are bored. What is this gathering for? Why have they been sent here with the Punisher? They look like a child, they're completely out of place with human adults comingling and socializing. Nobody has even approached them. So, they go to see what sort of food has been served here.
Nothing good. But at least they can enjoy playing with the ice cubes in the strange drink they serve here.
They start to shuffle away when they catch sight of the Punisher and give him a smile and a little wave. Was he done yet? The wink is a strange reaction, and they have to glance around a moment to see if he was winking at some woman nearby. Nobody that made sense... So, they tilt their head and point at themselves. A quiet question.
Did... That mean the mission was finished?
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