#i want to breathe the same air as jeff skinner >:(
puckmeupfam · 3 years
Sap | Jeff Skinner
Word Count: 2287
Note: My autumnal aesthetic piece that I started in July. Title is based on the fact that this is entirely fluff without plot, and because it takes place in the Northeast with references to maple syrup, cider donuts, and leaf-peeping. 
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Zipping your newly packed suitcase and pulling it off the bed, you heard the front door open signaling that Jeff arrived home from practice. It was a rare time when he had the weekend off. No games, no practices after the one he just finished, just free time which he chose to devote to spending with you. The two of you loved going on short trips whenever possible to escape the monotony of work and grocery shopping and Buffalo. Honestly, you could spend the weekend in Lackawanna and be happy as long as you were with Jeff. This particular weekend was special because it was now solidly fall. The temperatures were dropping. The leaves were changing. Swimsuits were being swapped out for sweaters. And golf was being replaced by hockey.
You had spent most of the summer in Markham. Coming from a smaller family, you were always enamored by Jeff’s. At this point, you honestly considered them to be your family, too. You loved talking to Jillian about her time in law school or asking Ben about his hockey career in Germany. It was also hilarious to watch the five siblings tease Jeff about his competitiveness or on-ice gaffs, but he was always a good sport about it and just laughed with bright red cheeks. You knew how much it meant to Jeff when he got to spend time with his family and experience that warmth and joy. The both of you were incredibly lucky that Buffalo isn’t too far away, but with his schedule, the uninterrupted summer was extra special.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you missed Jeff coming up the stairs and into your shared bedroom. His arms wrapped around your waist and his face found its way into the crook of your neck. The action brought an unconscious smile to your face as you leaned back into him.
“Whatcha thinking about?” he asked you, voice muffled against your skin as he lightly swayed. You shrugged in response, “We should probably get Andrea a birthday gift while we’re gone, something nice you know? Show we were thinking about her.” Jeff hummed in response. He rocked the two of you a bit before speaking, “Are you ready to leave?” You took a deep breath, inhaling his cologne. Turning your body to look him in the eye you smiled softly, “Almost,” you whispered, “we should probably get going before they decide they need you to individually kiss each fan.” This elicited a booming laugh from Jeff that you felt throughout your body, “The only person I’m kissing is you.”
After another minute of contentment, you shuffled him away from you to grab some chargers and last-minute necessities. He chuckled as he started pulling your suitcase down to the car, he knew how much you were looking forward to this trip. You had spent the last week researching and talking about all the spots you wanted to visit while you were away. Grabbing your purse and hoisting it over your shoulder you did a last-minute sweep of the house to make sure that everything was unplugged and you weren’t leaving candles lit or stovetops on. After your anxieties were quelled you went outside and joined Jeff in the car. He had already put your B&B into the GPS and he flashed you a large grin which you eagerly matched as he pulled out of the driveway.
This trip the two of you were going to Western Massachusetts. It was about a five and a half hour drive, probably longer since you knew you would be stopping for lunch and every state park that came your way. You synched your phone and started playing music, knowing that you had a playlist with the perfect ambiance. Jeff always teased you for making playlists for every mood, weather pattern, task, or aesthetic that came in your head. But when the soft chords came through the speakers and his fingers started a gentle tap against the steering wheel to the beat, you knew that it was appreciated.
In Buffalo, the weather was just cool enough that the seat warmers got turned on but not yet so cold that you were shivering. You were cruising down the highway, close to crossing city lines. When you glanced over at Jeff he had a small smile, like he wasn’t even thinking about it. Just watching the road with an underlying well of happiness. You took a minute to look at him, to take him in. His smile turned out to be infectious and you knew your face was probably spread with a dopey grin.
“You’re staring,” Jeff said, breaking the silence.
“You didn’t even look over. How would you know?” you complained.
“I could feel your stare,” he responded, looking over at you with a grin that took over his whole face. His statement made you burst out laughing. While the whole thing was funny and, you were sure that he really did get that weird feeling you get when someone’s looking at you, it made you think about how you were always so aware of each other. The two of you could be in a crowd of people at some Sabres bruncheon and someway somehow you could always glance up and see him already looking at you. Or when you would go to some team party, you always had a tendency to reach for each other’s hands at the same time.
“You would stare at you too,” was your response after you had realized that you went a few beats too long just staring into space.
It was Jeff’s turn to laugh, “what does that even mean?”
“It means,” you started, drawing out the word, “that you’re cute and potentially the embodiment of sunshine and everyone would stare at you if they could and I will simply not defend myself further.”
Jeff rolled his eyes at your dramatic tone and faux-seriousness. He swung his arm out over to you, holding it in the air until you grabbed his hand in both of yours. You pulled his hand into your lap and leaned further back into the passenger seat. Turning your head to the side to watch the city escape, your eyes unfocused and your brain turned to elevator music as your temple rested against the window. After a few minutes of contented silence, Jeff’s hand made its way to your thigh and squeezed, drawing your attention.
“Look at the leaves, babe,” he told you. The passing trees were dotted with warm-colored leaves of crimson, tangerine, marigold, and honey. It was absolutely gorgeous and seemed like a sign that your trip was only going to get better. You stared in awe for about a mile before you looked back at Jeff. His eyes flickered from the road to your face and the look he gave you, full of love and peace, made you feel so warm.
“They’re so pretty,” you said softly. You moved your hand to twine your fingers together and you watched his dimples come out in full force as he forced his eyes to stay on the road. After a few moments of contentment, you spoke again, “do you want me to tell you about the plant pigments that make these colors possible?”
Jeff chuckled, but you knew that your joke didn’t ruin the moment or anything else that you might think if you were talking to someone else. Because Jeff knew you, he loved you. He loved your bad jokes, your stories that you’ve already told him multiple times but just like telling again and again, the way you go into lectures to explain things that he had never thought twice about, your urge to talk during movies to comment on the scene or the actor’s personal life. He loved the best parts of you and he loved the worst parts of you. And this moment? Where you feel the light beaming out of your heart. It isn’t the moment. It’s just a moment in a string of hundreds of thousands of moments that you’ll experience with your favorite person.
After about two hours in the car, you were close to Syracuse and decided to stop for lunch. The two of you decided on a cute, local diner. Jeff parked the car and as you stepped out, you stretched your legs to rid yourself of the wobbly feeling from being in a car too long. The sidewalks were made of a red brick and there was a quiet hustle with people walking their dogs and couples going in and out of shops. The two of you walked side-by-side, but right when you were about to reach the door Jeff stepped ahead to hold it open for you. Stepping through you smiled at him and he followed you in. There seemed to be a typical lunch rush, but the restaurant wasn’t crowded. A waitress pointed you towards a booth and you slumped into it as Jeff sat across from you.
You both ordered coffees before cracking the menu open to see what they had. The pages were lined with different sandwiches, egg dishes, pancakes, and all the typical diner food that you loved. You settled on your order fairly quickly but Jeff scanned the pages until the coffees were brought out and the waitress was asking for your order. Handing her your menu, you explained what you wanted before both of you turned your attention towards your boyfriend.
“Could I have the brownie french toast?”
At that you raised your eyebrows at him incredulously. As the waitress walked away, scribbling your orders down as she went, Jeff looked back at you and laughed at your expression. “Cheat weekend,” was his explanation. He shrugged with an expression on his face like he was being forced to order what was likely the sugariest option on the menu. You threw your hands up to say you weren’t judging. Jeff quickly launched into a story about something Jack did at practice and that filled your wait until the food was brought to your table. Your boyfriend’s eyes widened comically when his food came out. It looked like there had been a blizzard of powdered sugar. It was topped with a whopping pile of whipped cream and a generous amount of rainbow sprinkles, just in case the brownie batter wasn't sweet enough.
Neither of you wasted any time in diving into your food and when you glanced up at Jeff after a few minutes you giggled when you saw that some of that whipped cream had ended up on his nose. You stealthily pulled out your phone to snap a picture of him. Once he heard the click of your camera he looked up at you which reignited your laughter.
“What?” he asked, chuckling lightly with you even without knowing the reason.
Without explaining yourself, you just reached out and swiped the sweet substance off his face before licking it off your finger. His response was just a sharp laugh with rolled eyes, head thrown back a bit at your antics. He knew full well that you were going to tease him for a long time for his choice of ridiculously confectionary lunch. You returned to your food with a shake of your head, but when you turned to take a sip of your coffee you noticed that Jeff had absolutely demolished his plate of french toast and was now trying to collect the remnant of whipped cream with his fork.
“It’s not going to be my fault when you crash from all that sugar,” you told him. He watched you dig your teeth into your lip to try and conceal the smile that was threatening to break through.
“Honestly, (Y/N), I’ve never felt better in my life. The sprinkles fuel me. I think I’ll make this my pre-game meal,” Jeff said with an air of seriousness. Sadly for him, but luckily for you, he had a genetic inability to suppress his smiles. You leaned back in the booth until your head hit the pleather upholstery and kicked your feet up to rest in his lap underneath the table.
“Don’t overwhelm yourself, I’m taking you to the Sugar Shack tomorrow and we’re getting the cider donuts.”
Jeff pulled a shocked and aghast face in response, “How dare you insinuate that I would ever be anything other than thrilled at the very prospect of cider donuts? You know, just because you said that I’m going to get two orders and we’ll see what you say when I eat those and yours too.”
You rolled your eyes so dramatically that you knew, if your mom were there, she would be telling you that they’d get stuck like that. Under the table, you kicked your legs up to rest in Jeff’s lap as he waved his arm to flag down the waitress for the bill. You sat quietly, just watching as he went through the monotony of thanking the waitress and putting his card in the sleeve of the bill. When he looked back at you, he smiled knowing that he caught you staring for the second time that day.
“You ready?” He asked you. A simple question, given that you were on a roadtrip with a predetermined destination. But with the opportunity to just appreciate him and your relationship, without the stress of your schedules or outside influences, it just felt meaningful. There was no one you would rather be with, during the happiest moments of your life or the worst. You felt a little misty with the joy of having him by your side.
“With you? Always.”
Pulling yourself out of the booth, you extended your hand for him to grasp and continued onwards.
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Hurt || Jeff Skinner
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So Jeff scared the crap out of me today and well it led to this. It’s kind of a companion piece to What Ifs but it’s not directly apart of that series because it doesn’t fit in the timeline.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1961
You always did your best to watch Jeff’s games even though you couldn’t be there due to the long distance aspect of your relationship. Today though they were playing the caps, a team you couldn’t stand and you were honestly so far behind on your school work that you needed to focus and try and get some things done.
It was all going pretty well for awhile, you did keep checking the score and the Sabres were winning. Then in the second period you were checking one of your group chats and someone mentioned that Jeff had been hurt and that it seemed bad. Immediately you stopped the reading you were attempting to get through and logged onto twitter knowing that it would be the fastest source of any updates.
Watching the play absolutely broke your heart. The way he was crawling on the ice and the amount of pain he seemed to be in as Jack and a trainer assisted in getting him up and off the ice. He wasn’t putting any weight on his left ankle and before you even knew what you were doing, you were digging in your closet for clothes and going into your bathroom for the necessities before throwing a few of your books and your laptop in another bag.
Within ten minutes you were out your door, tears pooling in your eyes as you set your GPS to Jeff’s apartment and just started driving. He was hurt and it looked serious and right now you cursed yourself for not being in Buffalo.
Though a part of you wanted to listen to the radio broadcast in hopes that they would give an update, if it was bad you weren’t sure that you could handle hearing it while driving. Instead you just listened to some old podcasts trying to distract yourself for as much of the five hour drive as you could.
Stopping once to get gas, you checked your phone and saw that the Sabres had won. At the very least that was good, though you couldn’t get the sight of your boyfriend hurt on the ice out of your head. By the time you arrived in Buffalo around 7:30, you couldn’t stop shaking as you feared the worst.
Pulling into the parking lot of Jeff’s apartment you finally got the nerve to text him needing to know whether he was home or possibly at the hospital. His response that he was just hanging out at home took a little stress off of you as you gathered your things and headed inside. If he was home that meant that the chance he needed surgery was lower, and that maybe it was just a clean break.
As you knocked softly on his door you vainly wiped away the fresh tears from your eyes. The door opened far more quickly than you expected it to, and you wondered if he had one of the guys over to help him.
Instead it was the gorgeous, sweet man you were head over heels for and his eyes went wide when he saw you, yours doing the same as you looked down to see no cast or anything on his leg.
The first thought that crossed your mind was that you had fallen asleep behind the wheel or had been involved in an accident and this was merely a dream. There was no way that he wasn’t hurt, you’d seen the play yourself, you’d seen how much pain he’d been in.
When he reached out to touch you though there was no way to deny how real it felt and stepping forward you collapsed into his chest, sobs racking your body as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Babe...hey...hey I’m okay.” He whispered into your ear, his hands rubbing gently over your back. After a moment, one of his hands shifted to draw your head back from his chest and he dropped his mouth down to kiss you, trying to calm the panicked feeling he could feel radiating off of you.
Breaking the kiss only when you couldn’t breathe, Jeff quickly used the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears away before reaching for your bags to pull them and you inside. Once your things were set safely on the ground, he pulled you against him again, his lips dropping to the top of your head.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He mused, affection and awe lacing his words.
“You...you were hurt…” You murmured, confusion filling you at how he was standing in front of you completely fine. “I was reading and someone messaged me that you’d be injured and so I watched the play and it was so bad and…” Coughing as you nearly choked on your own saliva from the emotions inside you Jeff quickly pulled you over to his couch and then down onto his lap.
“I promise you I’m fine.” He said, fingers grazing over your skin as he cupped your face in his hands again. “I’m okay. Calm down sweetheart.” He urged. “I’m sorry for scaring you.”
Leaning forward you kissed him again, having missed his touch since it had been over two months since you’d seen him in person. He was here, right here, and he was smiling against your kiss, something that he wouldn’t be able to do if he was hurt.
“You really drove five hours for me?” He questioned once you were simply settled in his lap, your head tucked into the gap between his shoulder and neck.
“I didn’t even think twice.” You mumbled. “I just reacted and the only thing I could do was be here, no matter what.”
“You’re crazy, beautiful.” He declared. “Have you eaten anything?” He added and when you shook your head he sighed. “Alright, let’s find a take out menu to get some food in your stomach before you make yourself sick.”
Leaving you on the couch, Jeff walked to his kitchen, his gait a little strained but nothing major, considering what had happened earlier. When he returned it was with take out menus, a bottle of wine and two glasses. After pouring you a glass which you took gratefully, he slid back onto the couch, lifting your legs out of the way for a moment before dropping them back over his own.
Reaching for his hand as he rattled off food options, you brushed your fingertips over his palm and finally felt yourself relaxing a little. Jeff was your everything, no doubt about it, and you’d known for months that you loved him but sitting here it hit you that you were completely in love with him.
Once Jeff had placed the food order for delivery, you found yourself shifting to straddle him, your hands fiddling with the hair at the base of his scalp. His hands rested against your lower back and he looked at you with a mild level of confusion.
“I love you.” You whispered. “I am head over heels in love with you. I have never been so scared in my entire life and I am so glad you’re okay. I…I don’t know what I would have done.” Pulling your lower lip between your teeth you bit gently, shivering as one of Jeff’s hands slid up under your shirt.
Seconds later, Jeff’s mouth was on your own again, pulling your lip from between your teeth to kiss you again. Whining softly, you tugged his head closer and let everything go hazy for a moment at the feeling of him.
“I am completely, totally in love with you too y/n.” He assured you when he pulled back. Everything went quiet for a few minutes after that until Jeff’s hands shifted to move you to his side again.
“Now...I know you were actually planning on watching this Stadium Series game so how about we do that together?” He suggested, reaching for his remote to flip channels back to NBC where the game was airing. The fact that you had a million and one things to do was completely forgotten as Jeff kissed your head and rubbed a hand over your side while you focused on taking a few deep breaths and switching your mind to the game in front of you.
Neither of you moved until the food arrived, Jeff once again slipping away from you for just a moment before coming back and handing you a container.
“Thank you.” You said softly, a chuckle escaping him as he once again processed the fact that you were really here, had driven five hours just to check on him because of your fear of him being hurt.
“You’re welcome. This is much better than watching the game with the guys any day.” He teased.
After awhile, food containers were set aside and the two of you just snuggled together, Jeff pulling a blanket down over you. With the roller coaster of emotions you’d been through today you were already exhausted but you were determined to stay awake knowing that since he was truly okay the time you had to spend with him was limited. Just as you were thinking about having to drive home Jeff’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“So...is there anyway I can convince you to stay until Monday morning?” He proposed. “Coach is giving me tomorrow off and I really really just want to spend some more time with you.” Sighing you shrugged, thinking about it. You really didn’t want to even think about driving the five hours back tomorrow but you would be missing two classes Monday if you stayed and you really shouldn’t at this point in the semester.
“Can I get back to you on that in the morning?” You requested certain that you were likely going to end up saying screw it and staying the extra day, but needing to debate with yourself awhile longer.
“Of course.” He whispered. “And don’t feel pressured. I’ll take every minute with you that I can. That fact that you’re here right now already blows my mind.”
Crawling into his bed with him later that night your phone buzzed on the nightstand and when you looked at it you couldn’t help but laugh and glare softly at the man beside you. He’d posted a picture of the two of you cuddling, you looked like you were practically asleep and you definitely had been. It was a really cute picture, the caption was what had caused the glare.
Definitely may need to leave a game hurt more often if it brings the love of my life to my doorstep. Just kidding, sweetheart. I’m a lucky lucky man today though, both for my health, and to have a woman who will drive five hours just to be by my side.
“Don’t joke about getting hurt babe. Please.” You pouted, the expression turning to a squeal as Jeff pulled you under him, his hands tickling your sides.
“Fine. But I am the luckiest man.” He echoed aloud as he dropped down to kiss you.
“You better believe it,” You teased breaking the kiss to tug his shirt over his head. Your intentions weren’t sexual, not tonight, but you just wanted to be as close to him as you possibly could.
Snuggled into his chest, it didn’t take long for you to start to drift off again. And maybe you were dreaming but you could have sworn you heard Jeff whisper that he couldn’t wait to make you his wife so that he could fall asleep and wake up next to you every morning. So that you never had to worry about him being hurt and feeling helpless again. So that he could be there for you like you were there for him today.
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dirtierhockey-blog · 6 years
jeff skinner; untitled
( @morganfrederickrielly​, butchered i tell you )
"I'll be just a minute," you assure Jeff, flashing him a smile before leaving him waiting in your front hall. As the designated single friends, you two almost always carpool to gatherings- you were just heading out for drinks but as always you were running just a few minutes late.
When you do re-emerge from your bedroom, Jeff's leaning against a wall, one hand shoved in the pocket of his slacks and the other scrolling through his phone. He looks dashing as always, a fact you won't dwell on until later.
"Ready," you chime as you bounce right up to him and lay a hand over his shoulder, smoothing the white shirt down over it even though there wasn't a wrinkle there prior.
"After you," Jeff grins brightly and leads you out.
You meet a group of ten or fifteen mutual friends and friends-of-friends at the bar, all clustered around a few tables at the back with two spots saved for you and Jeff. A few rounds later, a couple of the girls excuse themselves to the washroom, tugging you along. You pat Jeff's shoulder and tell him you'll be back before you're gone.
A lipstick touch up turns into lingering just outside the back door to wait for one of the girls to finish a cigarette, laughing along with the conversation topic of exploring some uh... silly fantasies.
"I'm just saying, it'd be nice to have some control," one shrugs. You're not sure how the conversation got here in the first place but you're not complaining, just not really participating...
Still, you have to smirk to yourself. It definitely is nice to have some control... and far too few women get any in bed.
"What's that face for?" There's a shove to your shoulder and a round of laughs, you feel your mouth spread further into a shit-eating grin.
"It figures, Jeff's definitely a bottom," this surprises you, but you do have to laugh at it. You and Jeff get your fair share of teasing for being so close, but you definitely haven't ever done anything to warrant it... in reality, anyway.
"Hey- it has nothing to do with Jeff, even though I can't say I'd turn down the chance to have a little uh, control over him..." you trail off with a laugh, but you're definitely not just joking.
"You already have him whipped!"
"There's a difference between having someone whipped and getting to whip them... or slap them, spit on them, use them like a toy..." you wave a hand in the air, earning jeers from every direction and you figure that's enough of that. Mostly because you didn't need to have the visuals of many similar dream scenarios stuck in your head for the rest of the night.
You flip them the bird, tell them it's too cold to stay out there and slip back in through the propped open door.
"Oh, there you are!" You look up to see Jeff just a few feet inside the door, lingering around the washrooms, holding your purse by his side. Something like satisfaction unfurls in your chest at the sight.
"Jeff," you smile, "Were you just bringing me my purse?"
"Hm? Yeah, that's-" Jeff stammers, avoiding eye contact, holding your bag out to you, "I didn't know if you needed it..."
"Thank you," he's still not looking at you, so it gives you enough time to take in the blush steadily taking over his pale skin, the fidgeting hands. Another burst of laughter from the alley breaks your concentration and you realize that if he'd been there for any longer than a few seconds he would've heard you…
You didn't need the purse, you'd been able to fit your phone and lipstick in your pockets but you feel a familiar fondness at the gesture- very close to, maybe even the same fondness that often has you considering utilizing Jeff's obedience and loyalty in more explicit ways.
The poor guy's obviously a second of agonizing silence away from shaking apart right in front of you.
"Let's get back to the table," you suggest breezily, like it wasn't clear he just heard you talking about wanting to use him like a toy. He doesn't respond to your words but he leans into your touch when you wrap an arm around his waist and pull him back towards the crowd with you.
You only end up staying another forty minutes or so. Jeff stayed just as well, flustered the entire time. He kept quiet, drawing no attention to himself, but you couldn't help but keep a hand on him at all times- on his knee, an arm slung around the back of his chair, crossing an ankle over his... he lets you, even leans incrementally into you.
You tell yourself it's just wishful thinking, and you're sure the tension will break as soon as you get out of the stuffy bar-
It doesn't, though. It's definitely not only you feeling the charge when Jeff opens the passenger door of his vehicle for you, passive eyes soaking up every movement you make getting in. If he's ever looked at you with that kind of reverence you've never noticed it before.
"Will you come in for a bit?" You don't know what possesses you to ask halfway through the drive but the meek nod that comes less than a beat later soothes any nerves you had about going through with it.
Jeff does follow you into your apartment, silent and a step behind you the whole way.
He breaths out your name the second the door falls closed behind you two. It sends an undeniable zip of arousal up your spine, and you can imagine his ruddy cheeks and bright mouth without looking back.
You drop your keys and clutch on the small table just inside your door and turn on your heel. In a few quick steps you're pressed up against his solid frame, his back against the door.
"Do you want this?"
"Yes, so much," his voice is barely there but the second he says yes you flick the lock on the front door and surge up to bite at his bottom lip, licking past it for only a second.
"Jeff, I wanna wreck you," you confess, breath fanning over his face. The flutter of his lashes and the flick of his tongue over where your teeth had just been does nothing to tamper down the violent urge.
"Wreck me-" you sink your teeth around the curve of his chin, waiting for the hitch of his breath and then, "Please."
"Get on your knees," you push off his chest, walking backwards from him, "show me how much you want it."
Jeff's falling forwards onto the hardwood floor in the blink of an eye, head tipped up to you needily. You swallow down a moan at the view, and it surprises you that your voice is still even when you tell him to get his shirt off. He obeys, so quick to do so he pops a few buttons, and drops it in the middle of your hallway.
You have to force yourself to turn your back and keep going down the hall to stop from drooling over the now exposed skin just waiting to be marked up. Freshly manicured nails twitch impatiently at your sides- when you get to your bed you dig them into your bedspread to alleviate the tension and gather yourself. You can hear him approach and force the stiffness out of your posture when he turns into the bedroom.
He looks stunned, pausing in the doorway. You finally kick your shoes off, fingers slowly unbuttoning your skin tight jeans as he watches on. You curl an index finger towards yourself to get him to move and soon he's at your feet, wide eyes unable to pick between the sliver of skin bared by your undone jeans and your face watching him.
"Put your hands behind your back for me, baby," his adam's apple bobs and his posture straightens to quickly follow the order, one hand curling around the opposite wrist at the small of his back. You push your jeans down your hips, letting them rest mid-thigh, and do the same with the black g-string beneath- Jeff licks his lips and for a second you think he's gonna pitch forward.
He doesn't, but he is staring so longingly, like he hasn't been so close to pussy in his entire life. There's no hiding the smirk on your face, and just to see what his face will do you slip a finger into the mess you've already made  and pull it back soaking wet. Jeff's bottom lip trembles and his shoulders twitch with the effort of keeping his hands still. You can't take it anymore.
You turn around and bend over the end of the bed, arching your back delicately and spreading your ass for him with both hands, giving him open access to both holes. "Get to work," then he is pitching forward, his needy sound cut off in your cunt.
His tongue lavishes your clit and hole equally, exploring and collecting every drop of your juices he can. You let him have at it until you're grinding back into his face, close enough to just grind off on his chin but-
You reach one hand down further to find his mess of brown hair and get a handful with a surely painful grip. His tongue stops dead in its track, just teasing at your entrance, and he makes a strangled noise, questioning, desperate to get more- whichever, it has your hole clenching for something, anything.
Jeff follows the pull of your hand in his hair without hesitation- he even keeps his tongue out like a good boy while you guide him to your asshole. You throw your hair over your shoulder and crane your head back to look, tilting your hips to just barely roll your ass back onto his mouth. His eyes meet yours over the curve of your ass; the blush on his cheeks is deeper than you've ever seen, and you wish you could see the bulge straining at the front of his pants, or how tightly his hand is holding his wrist behind his back.
Slowly, without breaking eye contact, Jeff flicks the tip of his tongue over your asshole, meeting the greedy push of your hips. Then he repeats it with more pressure and the hint of a groan against the sensitive skin there. You can't contain the gasp his tongue wrings out of you and soon, as his tongue presses more and more hungrily against that tight ring of muscle, you're slipping a hand under you to rub your clit to relieve the ache. Jeff gets so sloppy that soon you're not sure if the mess between your legs and all over your ass is more your slick or his spit.
"That's so good- eat my ass so good," you manage to praise through the moans you let fill your bedroom, an edge of a growl in your voice as you buck back harder and harder.
You cum with two fingers working clockwise over your clit and Jeff's tongue just starting to push into your asshole with each eager lick. Typically you wouldn't cum so hard without something inside your pussy but you're so sloppy you can feel your cum gush out of you and having Jeff's face in your ass feels so dirty, so right it's like a new kind of climax, the satisfaction filling the deepest roots of desire.
He doesn't stop trying to fuck your ass with his tongue even as you tremble apart and shout wordlessly into the blanket, unsure how you're not pulling hair out with the death grip on his head.
Like the best fucking boy he doesn't stop until your hand in his hair is pushing his head away, thighs quivering and clenching together with the force of the over-stimulation. You can hear his heavy breathing, can feel his hot panting against your skin and you're pushing yourself up as soon as your arms work again.
You turn around and perch yourself on the edge of the bed, spreading your legs around his shoulders and smoothing his unruly hair down with both hands carding through it.
"Get your cock out, sweetheart," you coo, licking your lips slowly as you watch him comply.
Even in the shadows between the bed and his body you can see the shine in the slit of his cock. It's so hot thinking of how painfully turned on he must've been licking your ass out that you're almost tempted to get his mouth back on your pussy to get off again. You're fairly certain you have time, so you keep your focus on the dick he's still being so good as not to stroke.
Holding his head in one hand, you lift the other to your mouth, spitting into it and reaching down, all the way to spread the mess over his cock. He whimpers deliciously right in your ear, head sagging down to watch your fingertips slicking up every ridge and vein you can get to.
You turn your head to press your mouth into the side of his face, feeling his shudder as you pull your hand back with the tease of a nail ghosting over his tip, "stroke your pretty cock for me, Jeff, baby, I want you to make yourself cum."
As desperate as expected, his hand flies to his cock, fingers wrapping tightly around the full shaft. He's lightning quick and you sit up again to take in the whole sight, Jeff listing towards your stomach with his eyes squeezed shut, so far gone and just far enough from what he needs that you can see tears forced out at the corners of his eyes.
There shouldn't be such an unbearable warmth filling your chest from that but it's just showing you how badly he's needed you to take care of him.
Jeff comes apart with the most beautiful cry, face pressing into the give of your stomach. His cum streaks all the way up his chest and his whole body shakes with the come down. You let him rest his weight into you, carding your hands through his sweaty hair gently now. Eventually his panting calms down, but neither of you move. You curl your body over him, pressing your lips to the top of his head with a chaste kiss.
"We should've talked about that more..." you admit into the silence when it finally feels okay to.
"Next time," is all he says, muffled into your tummy. You laugh and not just because the vibrations tickle.
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nhl-imagines-posts · 7 years
Jeff Skinner - Future With You Part 2
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Team: Carolina Hurricanes
Requested: Yes (Just a few ;) girrrrl imma need a part 2 of future with you. you can’t leave me hanging and Part 2 to the Skinner Imagine please and Ummmm is there going to be a part 2 to future with you because I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE and could you do a part 2 of the jeff skinner one and Please tell me there’s a part 2 of the Jeff Skinner imagine!!!
Edited: Yes
Word count: 1, 352
Summary: you meet again and he finds out you’re pregnant, he finally wants to move relationship forward
Part 1
I don’t regret leaving Jeff.
I know that I want a future for myself more than anything, and he wasn’t able to give me that at that point in our lives.
And by that point in our lives I mean five months ago.
But five months ago, our whole lives changed when I threw my already packed bags into the car, waved goodbye to that little girl for the last time, and drove off.
My friend let me sleep on her couch until I found an apartment of my own.
I remember the second I stepped into my new apartment I immediately ran for the toilet.
I thought it was from moving around all day, or the air in my new apartment had some weird chemicals in it.
And then it continued every day the whole week, no matter where I was so I counted the chemical air out.
And then I tried doing nothing all day and it continued.
When my boobs started to hurt, I reached my breaking point.
I tried a pregnancy test and it turned out positive.
Looks like I am getting that future after all- just without Jeff.
“Are you sure you want mayonnaise?” I mumble to my small bump.
I started talking to my unborn baby the day I found out I was pregnant and I’ve done it every day since.
“But mama doesn’t even like mayonnaise, remember last time when she was sitting in front of the toilet all day?” I rub my stomach, staring at the familiar blue label in front of me.
Whenever Jeff wanted a sub, I would load it with mayo.
He loves mayo.
I turn to look at the voice and Jeff’s widened eyes widen even more when he sees my hand resting on my swollen stomach.
“You’re supposed to be in Calgary,” I say softly.
It’s not that I’m avoiding Jeff- or stalking him, even, it’s just that I was a Hurricanes fan before we started dating.
I’m not going to let him ruin my team for me.
“You look nice,” he comments, eyes glimmering as they run from my head to my toes.
“Thank you.”
We stand in silence, just staring at each other.
It’s not awkward but my heart is pounding.
I can’t help but think of my doctor’s words- stress isn’t good for the baby.
“So I should probably-“”Are you pregnant?” He blurts out.
“Um, yes, I am,” I shift uncomfortably but my feet continue to cry out in pain.
I’ve been standing for too long.
“Oh, um, congratulations.” His words are happy but his face is full of desperation. “I know you’ve wanted this for a long time.”
I don’t say anything, I just watch him carefully.
“I just wish it could’ve been with me,” he mumbles under his breath, obviously not meaning for me to hear.
“You know what? Screw you, Jeff.” His head snaps up at my harmful words. “That’s the problem with you. I give you years and years to do one simple thing to propel our relationship forward towards this,” I wave towards my swollen stomach, “I even offer to do it myself but you came at me with that sexist bullshit that it’s the mans job to do it, and I just said okay because I knew if I proposed you would say no because of your huge ass ego.”
Everyone in the aisle is watching us now and I notice his cheeks are starting to flame up in embarrassment.
Mine are doing the same thing, but out of anger.
“Maybe it’s a good thing you’re not here to raise this baby with me, because you would just push it to the side with an excuse that your job prevents you from doing this, your job prevents you from doing that, it’s bullshit, Jeff! Your career will last ‘til forty at the latest and then what’ll happen? Your son or daughter will be fifteen by then and have no relationship with you because you put your job first,” I spit out. “Now excuse me, I’m going to grab my goddamn mayonnaise so I can leave and sit the hell down.”
I push my cart past him but he grabs my bicep, stopping me. “Did you say my son or daughter?”
I laugh bitterly. “Yes, this one is your kid.”
“I’m having a child?”
I soften as I look at the overwhelmed expression on his face.
“Yeah, I’m four months along,” I answer.
“Can I be there for you two? Please, I’ll put you first, I swear,” he begs.
I sigh, rubbing my eyes tiredly.
“I want to be there for our child, Y/N. And you.”
I look up at him, already deciding my answer, but when I see how much worry and concern is in those familiar brown eyes, it confirms I made the right decision.
Jeff is doing extremely well being there for me and the baby.
He didn’t rush me to move back in with him like I thought he would, instead coming over to my apartment to assemble all of the furniture for the nursery.
He held me while I cried at how beautiful it looks.
He went to every ultrasound that he could- which was all of them except two because he was on road trips, and apologized multiple times both times he couldn’t be there.
Noah told me he constantly talks about me and the baby.
How much he admires me for being able to hold somebody inside my body and handle it by myself for the first trimester, arguably the hardest trimester.
And how excited he is for the baby- whenever the guys give him name suggestions, he writes them down and tells me, even if they’re something that’s obviously a joke like Hurricane.
One thing that really made Jeff upset, though, was when he found out that on my due date he would be on a Canadian road trip.
He suggested that he just call in sick, but I told him to go, that we would still be here when he got home.
That’s how I ended up in the situation I’m in now.
I’m sitting in a hospital bed, two centimeters away from being fully dilated and ready to push.
“Are we waiting for the dad?” A nurse asks me as they start to prepare the necessary supplies.
“No, it’s just us,” I squeeze my best friend’s hand nervously.
She gives me an excited smile, camera in hand.
Jeff wanted her to record it all to watch it later, although I don’t know why he would want to watch the baby come out of my vagina that I haven’t shaved in months covered in blood and other fluids.
But whatever makes him happy.
A commotion outside the room makes us all look and Jeff storms in, suit disheveled and his face sweaty.
“What are you doing here?” I ask softly as he rushes up to me.
He grabs my hand, pushing my hair back out of my face. “I would never miss this for the world.”
My best friend starts to lower the camera but Jeff protests. “I want to show this to the guys later.”
“I don’t think the guys want to see this, Jeffy,” I breathe out through the shortly spaced contractions.
“Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you need anything? Is the baby coming now?”
“Fully dilated, ready to push!” The doctor shouts.
“We got so lucky,” I stare down at the sleeping newborn in my arms.
“We did,” Jeff agrees, “He looks so much like you.”
We’re in a blissful silence, just watching our sleeping baby.
“You know,” Jeff breaks the silence, making my head turn to look at him. He looks nervous.
“When I was little, I stole my mom’s wedding ring and proposed to a girl on the playground. Do you think our son will do the same?”
He lifts his hands and opens the velvet black box, revealing a shimmering oval ring.
“Oh my God, Jeff,” I gasp.
“Will you marry me and make my future complete?”
“Of course.”
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andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 32 - ARI - Chirp City Dubs
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Apparently after that gruesome Flyers loss on Saturday there was a Players-Only closed door meeting. It was at the players behest so it was a natural occurrence not prompted by anyone on the coaching staff. We can only speculate what might have been said; Jack Eichel probably said some stuff similar to his postgame comments from that awful Saturday showing. They haven’t earned anything in this league yet. The win streak is over. Time to play hockey and play it well; not shit selfish efforts. I’ve probably said it to death but the five game losing streak that followed the ten game winning one did not denote awfully different games. Philadelphia in the third and LA for the first forty were bad bad games. It’s one thing to not be streaky; it’s another to be just outright bad. Jack is intimately acquainted with what that’s like and the message with these guys has to be to find your stride. This team needs to catch the Sabs real bad to not make the playoffs at this point but more than that they need to make sure this league knows they’re back. That ten game winning streak was the rain check and now it’s time for the Christmas Card. Carter Hutton was back in net and Buffalo ended their home stand on a high note in this matchup with the Houston Coyo— I mean the ARIZONA Coyotes.
Casey Mittelstadt answered the secondary scoring bell. Perhaps he’s heard the talk of the need for a true 2nd line center and took it personally. Conor Sheary got the puck off a Coyote as they tried to transition out and threaded it to Mittelstadt through traffic and roofed it over Darcy Kuemper at 48 seconds in. The broadcast hadn’t even finished lines yet. It was hardly five minutes later Jack Eichel’s line came streaming down the ice. This time Jeff Skinner was riding down center ice where a pass from his Captain met his stick with no one in front of him but the goalie. Skinner sunk it like you know he does for his 22nd goal in 32 games. Jeff Skinner is unreal. We all must sound like a broken record but he is legitimately in the running for a scoring title this season. Sure, it’s his contract year God forbid I go into that again but he’s also on Jack Eichel’s wing. Jack Eichel is also on pace for 100 points at the moment, not to mention he’s on pace for 74 even strength points which make him one of only four players since the lockout to achieve such a feet (Thanks for that stat Jourdon LaBarber). Jack is leading by example and his left hand man Jeff is making him look good too. The fun thing about this game is that it wasn’t hard. Yea, Christian Fischer snuck a puck past Carter Hutton shortly after the Skinner goal but the Sabres dominated possession and chances more and more as the game went on.
Arizona and Buffalo used to be spoken of in the same breath frequently. This game was the McEichel Basement Bowl four years ago and you can ask Dylan Strome how that turned out for the Yotes. There was a time that arena cheered for Yotes goals in a game that was decisive in a very different way. Today the story has changed for one of these teams but in spite of playing so rarely and overturning most of their rosters there was a chippy chirpy feel in the air. You didn’t need to read lips to be able to tell these two teams were talking shit. Even as Buffalo dominated offensive zone time in the second period Arizona got their fair share of chances testing the armor of a Sabres squad we all have become acquainted with the holes of. They stayed on their game and a second period that could’ve gone like so many others have this season – that is, down the toilet – ended with nothing: no goals, no powerplays. I’ll take that improvement. Going into the 3rd frame all you hope for is that rarefied mineral we all crave: the regulation win; no theatrics, no making us clutch our pearls, no oxygen masks, just give us that oh so good regulation dub.
That third period is really when Chirp City teed off harder than a WiFi connection in the White House bathroom after Fox and Friends’ first hour. Rasmus Ristolainen wanted to kill Nick Cousins, Zach Bogosian wanted to fucking murder Richard Panik. Bogo nearly did knock Panik’s block off at one point in the third when he shoved him down into the Sabres net. Zach got up red in the face and said words I am sure were not family friendly and had Panik not given him the old bear hug Bogo would’ve fought him. No fights happened although there were a lot of hits. The only stat that matters though was still too close for comfort at 2-1 Sabres until 6:28 into third when Evan Rodrigues got rewarded for his stellar play this season for only the second time this season. E-Rod got the puck off a neutral zone turnover and skated in fast, slamming it in five hole in one of those goals reminiscent of his Boston University teammate Jack Eichel. That Larsson-Girgensons-Rodrigues line is good even when they don’t score to say the least. Evan was still skating down the bench getting his fist bumps when Bogosian very nearly got into a fight but lone behold it didn’t happen. A couple of counteracting penalties came late in this one after Arizona had already pulled their goalie and as the dying second ticked away Bogo sent it down ice and missed getting an empty netter by maybe 1.2 seconds. This one ended 3-1 Buffalo and gave us one of those oh so delicious regulation dubs.
Give me more W’s in regulation. Good teams do that and if you’re going to convince me third place in the Atlantic division is where this team belongs. Buffalo outplayed Arizona in every meaningful category in this game and in spite of how promising the Yotes may have looked through their early going; this result has to be an expectation of this Sabres team. The next four games feature three teams this club has not beat this season: one that embarrassed them in OT, one that shut them out opening night and another that just won a Stanley Cup. This time last month we were talking about hard games ahead and Buffalo rattled off ten straight wins. I don’t expect that again but I don’t want to see the Sabs at any point over that stretch. This team has talked the talk and even walked the walk in spurts. Let’s see them do it consistently if not streak…ily? Streakily? That doesn’t sound like a word but it is now. That’s my truthiness: Streakily. Trademark. Rename the blog.
Anyway, if you read through last game’s New Look Sabres you would have seen my PS that a Midseason post will be out soon. I want some meaningful reflection on what this blog has been so far in there. That is me saying leave a comment. If you read this far, leave a comment; anything, tell me I’m a bad fucking writer, I’ll take it. If you’re reading consistently let me know you exist somehow, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Drop a like and or heart on this as well and share it with your friends. Tell them it’s their Christmas present and when their inevitably saddened by the thought of that and you tell them it’s a joke and give them your real gift, then slip a little whisper that the Sabres are good and worth their time now. I watched this game in a Bar and it was fun. The last time the Sabres were fun to watch in Bars I wasn’t old enough to drink in the U.S. or Canada! Buffalo Sabres Hockey is back, baby!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Is there any team that could be moved to the Central Division that could be more screwed than the Coyotes are with it? It’s a pipe dream but I almost want Auston Matthews offer sheeted to Arizona for Arizona’s sake more than I want it to happen just to fuck the Leafs.  
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